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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - act_of_valor - 2024-06-15 23:37:02 Chatlog
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[2024-06-15 23:38:05] BlinkofanEye: act of planting trees
[2024-06-15 23:38:07] BlinkofanEye: XD
[2024-06-15 23:38:21] tohsdaehmoob: this map needs more billboards of 120 days of sodom
[2024-06-15 23:38:29] BlinkofanEye: lol wut
[2024-06-15 23:38:41] tohsdaehmoob: what in the Vietnam is THIS?!?
[2024-06-15 23:38:42] BlinkofanEye: had my whooa
[2024-06-15 23:38:50] BlinkofanEye: tree lag
[2024-06-15 23:38:52] tohsdaehmoob: i'm gonna shoot a monkey
[2024-06-15 23:38:56] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-06-15 23:39:05] _Brain Damage_: monkey BBQ fest
[2024-06-15 23:39:06] LukeGroundRunner: is this bf vietnam?
[2024-06-15 23:39:23] BlinkofanEye: i got it
[2024-06-15 23:39:25] BlinkofanEye: just wait
[2024-06-15 23:39:27] LukeGroundRunner: where the nayypalm at
[2024-06-15 23:39:50] BlinkofanEye: go
[2024-06-15 23:39:54] BlinkofanEye: im good
[2024-06-15 23:40:07] BlinkofanEye: boat
[2024-06-15 23:40:26] LukeGroundRunner: someone give me target for altery
[2024-06-15 23:40:28] BlinkofanEye: bmp in water
[2024-06-15 23:40:49] BlinkofanEye: this map makes me feel filthy and sweaty
[2024-06-15 23:40:58] LukeGroundRunner: someone whip out their binoculars plz
[2024-06-15 23:41:00] LukeGroundRunner: f
[2024-06-15 23:41:01] Sgt. Schultz: that's what she said
[2024-06-15 23:41:01] _Brain Damage_: mute your ass
[2024-06-15 23:41:11] -[HELLO]-JESTER: i be back after this map
[2024-06-15 23:41:13] BlinkofanEye: no yours
[2024-06-15 23:41:25] tohsdaehmoob: this is basically Apocalypse Now
[2024-06-15 23:41:41] BlinkofanEye: FACKING
[2024-06-15 23:41:47] BlinkofanEye: i just swam the engrish channel
[2024-06-15 23:41:57] BlinkofanEye: bah
[2024-06-15 23:41:58] BlinkofanEye: gay map
[2024-06-15 23:42:03] BlinkofanEye: bd cant fly
[2024-06-15 23:42:08] Sgt. Schultz: all that just to be rocketed in the face
[2024-06-15 23:42:15] BlinkofanEye: yup
[2024-06-15 23:42:41] BlinkofanEye: doh
[2024-06-15 23:42:43] BlinkofanEye: almoist
[2024-06-15 23:43:15] LukeGroundRunner: aw cum on red team
[2024-06-15 23:43:23] _Brain Damage_: SHADAPP
[2024-06-15 23:43:33] BlinkofanEye: how many fackin afks
[2024-06-15 23:43:58] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-06-15 23:44:08] BlinkofanEye: im gonna bail for this map too
[2024-06-15 23:44:20] LukeGroundRunner: no u mustnt
[2024-06-15 23:44:21] BlinkofanEye: lol helo stuck
[2024-06-15 23:44:26] BlinkofanEye: i gotta do shit
[2024-06-15 23:44:38] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: oops
[2024-06-15 23:46:17] _Brain Damage_: lol jungle map that's very playable that's good
[2024-06-15 23:48:15] Fer_xr (Spain): wow
[2024-06-15 23:48:27] _Brain Damage_: salam spain
[2024-06-15 23:48:32] Fer_xr (Spain): shalom
[2024-06-15 23:48:33] _Brain Damage_: islamic spain bro
[2024-06-15 23:48:56] _Brain Damage_: we found 80% moroccan in your genome dude
[2024-06-15 23:48:57] Fer_xr (Spain): never islamic
[2024-06-15 23:49:26] _Brain Damage_: your genetic is islamic I'm sorry your grandfther was muslim
[2024-06-15 23:49:30] _Brain Damage_: abdullah
[2024-06-15 23:49:52] LukeGroundRunner: brain who r u talking to?
[2024-06-15 23:49:54] Fer_xr (Spain): nothing farther from the truth
[2024-06-15 23:50:03] _Brain Damage_: kI'm gonna move to your city soon and share wifi
[2024-06-15 23:50:17] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yo
[2024-06-15 23:50:20] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: back
[2024-06-15 23:50:24] Fer_xr (Spain): hi
[2024-06-15 23:50:27] -HELLO-AdmiralTitus: Hi
[2024-06-15 23:50:27] _Brain Damage_: to spain he's a moroccan
[2024-06-15 23:50:29] Fer_xr (Spain): nice work Bango
[2024-06-15 23:50:29] LukeGroundRunner: the general consensus on this map is mixed
[2024-06-15 23:50:33] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: thanks man
[2024-06-15 23:50:40] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: this map is massive lol
[2024-06-15 23:50:41] _Brain Damage_: it's good map
[2024-06-15 23:50:43] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: oh yeah
[2024-06-15 23:50:44] tohsdaehmoob: GOodddammit
[2024-06-15 23:50:45] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: this was one of my first ones ever made
[2024-06-15 23:50:47] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: 5 years ago
[2024-06-15 23:50:48] Fer_xr (Spain): unveliebable
[2024-06-15 23:50:50] _Brain Damage_: just needs more players like many big maps
[2024-06-15 23:50:56] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah
[2024-06-15 23:50:56] tohsdaehmoob: BangBang you are a GOD
[2024-06-15 23:51:04] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lol
[2024-06-15 23:51:09] _Brain Damage_: you're a guru
[2024-06-15 23:51:17] _Brain Damage_: WE wanna a BANGO SECT NOW
[2024-06-15 23:51:23] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: hey tits
[2024-06-15 23:51:23] _Brain Damage_: hare hare BANGO
[2024-06-15 23:51:23] Sgt. Schultz: could make a smaller version of this map for fewer people
[2024-06-15 23:51:29] LukeGroundRunner: donnie dont kill us all
[2024-06-15 23:51:46] tohsdaehmoob: sorry bros
[2024-06-15 23:51:47] LukeGroundRunner: wjat did i jus say?
[2024-06-15 23:51:50] Fer_xr (Spain): twaet
[2024-06-15 23:51:59] _Brain Damage_: u guys remember krishna?
[2024-06-15 23:52:03] tohsdaehmoob: i'm a newbie on this map
[2024-06-15 23:52:05] _Brain Damage_: I called her krishna
[2024-06-15 23:52:09] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lol
[2024-06-15 23:52:13] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: christina?
[2024-06-15 23:52:14] _Brain Damage_: christina player
[2024-06-15 23:52:18] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah haha
[2024-06-15 23:52:26] tohsdaehmoob: Oops, all death
[2024-06-15 23:52:28] _Brain Damage_: some claim she was a boy/man...
[2024-06-15 23:52:40] _Brain Damage_: as some claimed ashf = JG
[2024-06-15 23:52:55] _Brain Damage_: except I've seen Ashfq in video chat
[2024-06-15 23:52:57] tohsdaehmoob: i've reteated to the jungle
[2024-06-15 23:53:04] tohsdaehmoob: to look for Marlon Brando
[2024-06-15 23:53:08] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmfao
[2024-06-15 23:53:09] _Brain Damage_: he's a young very polite man
[2024-06-15 23:53:21] _Brain Damage_: with indian accent
[2024-06-15 23:53:34] _Brain Damage_: so ASHF is not JG
[2024-06-15 23:53:53] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: wouldn't JG be fighting atm?
[2024-06-15 23:54:07] Fer_xr (Spain): damn, sry
[2024-06-15 23:54:10] _Brain Damage_: no cause she joined ISF and got injured
[2024-06-15 23:54:16] _Brain Damage_: sadly
[2024-06-15 23:54:22] Sgt. Schultz: luke inf may be near
[2024-06-15 23:54:26] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: better than getting killed
[2024-06-15 23:54:31] _Brain Damage_: young girl :(
[2024-06-15 23:54:34] _Brain Damage_: yeah
[2024-06-15 23:54:39] LukeGroundRunner: tjhx
[2024-06-15 23:55:41] tohsdaehmoob: ain't NO one
[2024-06-15 23:55:43] Fer_xr (Spain): now i need a better laptop for this
[2024-06-15 23:55:55] tohsdaehmoob: taking my fire pit
[2024-06-15 23:55:55] LukeGroundRunner: this is eating resorces....too many leaves
[2024-06-15 23:55:56] _Brain Damage_: I really wonder how many Ukrainnian friends have actuallu died
[2024-06-15 23:56:09] tohsdaehmoob: wtf kunt
[2024-06-15 23:56:28] tohsdaehmoob: suck on that, biatch
[2024-06-15 23:56:34] _Brain Damage_: lol music in boombox is awesome...
[2024-06-15 23:56:42] Posi: argh
[2024-06-15 23:56:50] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: ph sarg
[2024-06-15 23:56:56] _Brain Damage_: kROFL great groovy indian Music
[2024-06-15 23:57:09] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol
[2024-06-15 23:57:12] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-06-15 23:57:14] tohsdaehmoob: suck it
[2024-06-15 23:57:17] _Brain Damage_: come D3 for music party
[2024-06-15 23:57:25] _Brain Damage_: free beers for all teams dont kill
[2024-06-15 23:57:29] _Brain Damage_: come D3 dudes
[2024-06-15 23:57:38] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2024-06-15 23:57:52] Fer_xr (Spain): uncapturable E6
[2024-06-15 23:58:05] _Brain Damage_: so ferix why did u embrace the islamic religion? tell us more p
[2024-06-15 23:58:06] _Brain Damage_: pls
[2024-06-15 23:58:07] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: im here
[2024-06-15 23:58:09] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: that's why
[2024-06-15 23:58:14] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: it's not capping haha
[2024-06-15 23:58:18] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: im at it
[2024-06-15 23:58:28] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: shooot
[2024-06-15 23:58:35] Fer_xr (Spain): no islam
[2024-06-15 23:58:39] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-06-15 23:58:46] _Brain Damage_: stop fakin we know
[2024-06-15 23:58:54] _Brain Damage_: we accept your choices bro
[2024-06-15 23:59:06] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: you guys want these in mpalist?
[2024-06-15 23:59:07] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: maplist?
[2024-06-15 23:59:12] _Brain Damage_: YES
[2024-06-15 23:59:13] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: maybe like 5 of the customs a week
[2024-06-15 23:59:17] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: rotate it
[2024-06-15 23:59:23] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: at bottom of normal list?
[2024-06-15 23:59:26] _Brain Damage_: but all/most players must have them too
[2024-06-15 23:59:37] _Brain Damage_: otherwise it wont work daily
[2024-06-15 23:59:41] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: well almost 54 diff ppl joined today
[2024-06-15 23:59:47] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: with them
[2024-06-15 23:59:48] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: so
[2024-06-15 23:59:50] _Brain Damage_: GREAT
[2024-06-15 23:59:57] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i tink it'd be fine
[2024-06-16 00:00:03] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: plus with 23 new maps
[2024-06-16 00:00:06] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: thats 4 weeks
[2024-06-16 00:00:08] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: of 5
[2024-06-16 00:00:11] _Brain Damage_: u do your estimate dude you got the numbers..
[2024-06-16 00:00:18] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: so you'd see all of them in a month
[2024-06-16 00:00:27] _Brain Damage_: if it works yes it's great idea
[2024-06-16 00:00:38] _Brain Damage_: if many people leave because they dont have maps
[2024-06-16 00:00:41] _Brain Damage_: we then got a problem
[2024-06-16 00:00:45] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah
[2024-06-16 00:00:57] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i think most have it
[2024-06-16 00:00:59] Fer_xr (Spain): we already have one with yu lol
[2024-06-16 00:01:15] _Brain Damage_: at least always leave vote on when no admin
[2024-06-16 00:01:21] _Brain Damage_: could help
[2024-06-16 00:01:24] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: not all of them will know to join forums to download mappack
[2024-06-16 00:01:29] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: vote almos always on
[2024-06-16 00:01:35] _Brain Damage_: cool
[2024-06-16 00:01:40] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: server hs messages to do that
[2024-06-16 00:01:42] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: and discord
[2024-06-16 00:01:53] _Brain Damage_: will u add news aircrafts to old maps? CTFs
[2024-06-16 00:01:59] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: can't
[2024-06-16 00:02:00] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: sadly
[2024-06-16 00:02:05] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: only in the maps itself
[2024-06-16 00:02:08] _Brain Damage_: like EL A and GAz ctf with berk*t alligator etc
[2024-06-16 00:02:11] _Brain Damage_: ah ok
[2024-06-16 00:02:13] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: nope sadly
[2024-06-16 00:02:17] _Brain Damage_: I got it
[2024-06-16 00:02:21] tohsdaehmoob: suck it
[2024-06-16 00:02:27] tohsdaehmoob: suck it
[2024-06-16 00:02:35] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: oh moobies
[2024-06-16 00:02:51] Fer_xr (Spain): brain quit smoking bad hashish
[2024-06-16 00:02:54] _Brain Damage_: dudes come D3 and hear BEST music on EARTH
[2024-06-16 00:02:56] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmao
[2024-06-16 00:03:03] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmfao
[2024-06-16 00:03:04] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: tunak

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