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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_twin_rivers - 2024-06-22 01:29:02 Chatlog
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[2024-06-22 01:29:57] Killer_KahnDavey: whew i'm on fox's team
[2024-06-22 01:30:17] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2024-06-22 01:31:16] _Brain Damage_: did u like the music Heaven and Hell by J Blake R. I. P
[2024-06-22 01:31:34] _Brain Damage_: I think it's perfect
[2024-06-22 01:31:44] Killer_KahnDavey: sounds kinda dic
[2024-06-22 01:31:47] Killer_KahnDavey: dichotomous
[2024-06-22 01:31:49] _Brain Damage_: epic and poetic, tragic and happy at times
[2024-06-22 01:31:55] _Brain Damage_: ok
[2024-06-22 01:32:09] _Brain Damage_: tht's your opinion man
[2024-06-22 01:32:37] Killer_KahnDavey: i just made up that word
[2024-06-22 01:32:42] Killer_KahnDavey: not sure its a word
[2024-06-22 01:32:50] _Brain Damage_: not happy, just hopeful at times otherwise sad and tragic
[2024-06-22 01:32:55] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-22 01:32:57] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-06-22 01:33:07] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: bomb got me
[2024-06-22 01:33:15] Mr. Fox: lol it did?
[2024-06-22 01:33:18] _Brain Damage_: 100% pure beauty both composition and sounds
[2024-06-22 01:33:18] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: yes
[2024-06-22 01:33:19] Mr. Fox: i thought i missed lol
[2024-06-22 01:33:23] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: had a bar left
[2024-06-22 01:33:26] [BOP] Raven: bs
[2024-06-22 01:33:31] wildcard: ooo srry
[2024-06-22 01:33:35] [BOP] Raven: np
[2024-06-22 01:33:42] wildcard: bs
[2024-06-22 01:33:56] _Brain Damage_: he reminds me of Jean Michel Jarre excpet this is beautiful
[2024-06-22 01:34:06] [BOP] Raven: what? when did u switch lol
[2024-06-22 01:34:23] _Brain Damage_: just joking J-M Jarre was a great artist too
[2024-06-22 01:34:29] Killer_KahnDavey: oh that's crap
[2024-06-22 01:34:29] Mr. Fox: i got autod
[2024-06-22 01:34:56] Killer_KahnDavey: autismed
[2024-06-22 01:35:05] _Brain Damage_: SANCHO
[2024-06-22 01:35:16] Rick Sanchez: sup Braino
[2024-06-22 01:35:18] _Brain Damage_: what kind of CHAIR u GOT? I wanna details
[2024-06-22 01:35:43] _Brain Damage_: brand model gotta finish filling in your NSA file :P
[2024-06-22 01:35:49] Rick Sanchez: I got an EA117 ofice chair
[2024-06-22 01:35:59] _Brain Damage_: I work for NSA part time we all do xDD
[2024-06-22 01:36:15] Killer_KahnDavey: i work for NASA
[2024-06-22 01:36:25] Killer_KahnDavey: cuz I'm a Braincket Scientoast
[2024-06-22 01:36:31] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-22 01:36:37] _Brain Damage_: dude gaming chairs arent ERGONOMIC I reported that NATO they wi
[2024-06-22 01:36:39] Rick Sanchez: I have a gaming chair from costco
[2024-06-22 01:36:40] [BOP] Raven: best chance i had :)
[2024-06-22 01:36:44] _Brain Damage_: they willl nuke and EVENGE soon
[2024-06-22 01:36:45] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-22 01:36:47] _Brain Damage_: AGVENGE
[2024-06-22 01:36:53] Killer_KahnDavey: i have a chair from the dumpster
[2024-06-22 01:37:02] Killer_KahnDavey: i had to recoat the fabric with FlexSeal
[2024-06-22 01:37:18] _Brain Damage_: gaming chairs arents for old people
[2024-06-22 01:37:27] Killer_KahnDavey: but it has rollie wheels and two arms
[2024-06-22 01:37:39] Killer_KahnDavey: denied, Foxxors
[2024-06-22 01:37:42] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-22 01:37:48] Mr. Fox: didnt expect to see you there
[2024-06-22 01:37:48] _Brain Damage_: yeah that's also problematic if youare old
[2024-06-22 01:37:59] _Brain Damage_: u dont want yur column to always spin
[2024-06-22 01:38:02] _Brain Damage_: you're not 20
[2024-06-22 01:38:05] _Brain Damage_: bs
[2024-06-22 01:38:22] Killer_KahnDavey: gawrsh
[2024-06-22 01:38:24] _Brain Damage_: there should be a dedicated chairs for over 50 players
[2024-06-22 01:38:26] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOL
[2024-06-22 01:38:27] Killer_KahnDavey: carpetbombed by fox
[2024-06-22 01:38:33] _Brain Damage_: over 50 years
[2024-06-22 01:38:35] Capt_Jack: gj
[2024-06-22 01:38:43] Killer_KahnDavey: a chair for over 50 players woud be a lot of players at once
[2024-06-22 01:38:45] _Brain Damage_: my health status is like 78
[2024-06-22 01:38:55] Killer_KahnDavey: is that close to 9,000?
[2024-06-22 01:39:16] _Brain Damage_: lol SU kkd you're being too funny, that's not allowed
[2024-06-22 01:39:32] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Oh i agree
[2024-06-22 01:39:40] Killer_KahnDavey: lol yeah. Nice loops Charlie btw
[2024-06-22 01:39:43] _Brain Damage_: dudes I will play next INF map not this, I'm on STRIKE#
[2024-06-22 01:39:45] _Brain Damage_: check my insta
[2024-06-22 01:39:47] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Theres alot of people here that live ife steaming
[2024-06-22 01:39:55] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: over nothing
[2024-06-22 01:40:18] TuskenPsychoSquad: they are watching their flag.. helicopter gunner
[2024-06-22 01:40:26] Killer_KahnDavey: ty
[2024-06-22 01:40:30] _Brain Damage_: sancho, I feel humiliated yesterday I playd BBO and he beat me
[2024-06-22 01:40:30] _Brain Damage_: at chess
[2024-06-22 01:40:34] Killer_KahnDavey: blackhawk in normal spot?
[2024-06-22 01:40:39] _Brain Damage_: he destroyed my pride
[2024-06-22 01:40:57] _Brain Damage_: dont destroy me too sancho at chess
[2024-06-22 01:41:07] _Brain Damage_: pls keep my ego alive
[2024-06-22 01:41:07] TuskenPsychoSquad: or you ars hole
[2024-06-22 01:41:20] _Brain Damage_: ewxcuse me sir?
[2024-06-22 01:42:02] TuskenPsychoSquad: your ARS, hole.
[2024-06-22 01:42:38] Killer_KahnDavey: so laggy
[2024-06-22 01:42:49] _Brain Damage_: sancho u play chess?
[2024-06-22 01:43:04] _Brain Damage_: bretto u play chess?
[2024-06-22 01:43:06] TuskenPsychoSquad: their AA tank on hill watching their flag!!!
[2024-06-22 01:43:11] _Brain Damage_: I wanna destroy u at chess
[2024-06-22 01:43:20] Brettanomyces: nein
[2024-06-22 01:43:23] _Brain Damage_: I dont play chess, I play checkmate !
[2024-06-22 01:43:44] _Brain Damage_: sancho if we play chess I dont wanna massacre u dude
[2024-06-22 01:44:02] TuskenPsychoSquad: LOL
[2024-06-22 01:44:04] Killer_KahnDavey: lol i just committed AA-on-AA violence
[2024-06-22 01:44:08] Killer_KahnDavey: sorry Bretto
[2024-06-22 01:44:14] Teapot: nice
[2024-06-22 01:44:22] _Brain Damage_: it's BRetta ! with an A
[2024-06-22 01:44:26] Brettanomyces: why?
[2024-06-22 01:44:32] Killer_KahnDavey: true
[2024-06-22 01:44:35] _Brain Damage_: like BRETTA Garrbo or such
[2024-06-22 01:44:40] Killer_KahnDavey: somebody else said bretto
[2024-06-22 01:44:50] Killer_KahnDavey: Greta.... Garbo?
[2024-06-22 01:44:52] Brettanomyces: eitehr is ok
[2024-06-22 01:44:56] _Brain Damage_: I said Bretto cause I love him that's all
[2024-06-22 01:45:16] _Brain Damage_: he likes to beer talk with me somtimeq
[2024-06-22 01:45:20] Killer_KahnDavey: i guess i'll call him eitehr
[2024-06-22 01:45:28] Killer_KahnDavey: hesaid that's OK
[2024-06-22 01:45:29] TuskenPsychoSquad: beers usually leads to sex
[2024-06-22 01:45:36] _Brain Damage_: BRETTO GARBO ! end of the story problem solved
[2024-06-22 01:45:53] Killer_KahnDavey: who IS this mystery man Jeremy Blake?
[2024-06-22 01:45:58] Killer_KahnDavey: lotta new players on here tonight
[2024-06-22 01:45:58] _Brain Damage_: CHANGE your ninckname now to BRETTOGARBO !!!
[2024-06-22 01:46:00] _Brain Damage_: NOWWW !!!
[2024-06-22 01:46:01] Mr. Fox: BD
[2024-06-22 01:46:01] Brettanomyces: BD
[2024-06-22 01:46:03] Killer_KahnDavey: or maybe i've just been busy
[2024-06-22 01:46:16] Killer_KahnDavey: oh that makes sense
[2024-06-22 01:46:29] TuskenPsychoSquad: lol
[2024-06-22 01:46:30] _Brain Damage_: I challegne u all to chess cgames GONNA checkmate u all
[2024-06-22 01:46:33] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: nice
[2024-06-22 01:46:33] [BOP] Raven: np? lol
[2024-06-22 01:46:52] _Brain Damage_: I got abnormal checkmate rate in my wins no lies
[2024-06-22 01:46:53] Killer_KahnDavey: i've played chess a few times
[2024-06-22 01:47:07] _Brain Damage_: when I say abnormal it's like 4x usual rate
[2024-06-22 01:47:30] _Brain Damage_: almost 1/2 my wins are checkmates XDDD no lies u can see it
[2024-06-22 01:47:36] _Brain Damage_: it's free source on lichess
[2024-06-22 01:47:52] _Brain Damage_: my nickname there is CheckMateBrain !
[2024-06-22 01:47:58] Killer_KahnDavey: aren't... all wins checkmates?
[2024-06-22 01:48:02] _Brain Damage_: I dont play CHESS !
[2024-06-22 01:48:07] _Brain Damage_: I play CHECKMATE !
[2024-06-22 01:48:09] Mr. Fox: lol davey, i was thinking the same
[2024-06-22 01:48:16] _Brain Damage_: bomm yep that's me !
[2024-06-22 01:48:31] Mr. Fox: hoe else do you win?
[2024-06-22 01:48:33] Killer_KahnDavey: cool flight DHS
[2024-06-22 01:48:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hello ladies
[2024-06-22 01:48:45] Mr. Fox: howdy maam
[2024-06-22 01:48:47] _Brain Damage_: I 've checkmated few masters too !
[2024-06-22 01:48:56] Killer_KahnDavey: hi there senorita
[2024-06-22 01:49:16] _Brain Damage_: there because there they can display their titles if they prove
[2024-06-22 01:49:16] _Brain Damage_: t
[2024-06-22 01:49:17] _Brain Damage_: it
[2024-06-22 01:49:32] TuskenPsychoSquad: DON'T TOUCH MY TORTILLA PEPPERIA
[2024-06-22 01:49:44] _Brain Damage_: so u can see GM's tilted players online such *Magnusn yes he pl
[2024-06-22 01:49:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey wolfy
[2024-06-22 01:49:50] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: hey
[2024-06-22 01:49:51] _Brain Damage_: plays there live
[2024-06-22 01:49:54] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: nice try
[2024-06-22 01:50:12] _Brain Damage_: as many other 1st class GM's
[2024-06-22 01:50:18] TuskenPsychoSquad: THEY HAVE SNIPER OVER LOOKING OUR FLAG
[2024-06-22 01:50:39] _Brain Damage_: so I checkmated few masters in m life, that's official
[2024-06-22 01:51:08] _Brain Damage_: remember I never had pro training, always been amateur chess pl
[2024-06-22 01:51:20] _Brain Damage_: players nothing else
[2024-06-22 01:52:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: did we get sniper?
[2024-06-22 01:52:24] Capt_Jack: lol
[2024-06-22 01:52:26] TuskenPsychoSquad: DON'T TOUCH MY TORTILLA PEPPERIA
[2024-06-22 01:52:31] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sniper gone
[2024-06-22 01:52:45] _Brain Damage_: sancho u know Jeremy Blake stoty?
[2024-06-22 01:52:53] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: you aint gonna catch me...Ive mastered this hahahahah
[2024-06-22 01:52:57] TuskenPsychoSquad: DO NOT TOUCH MY TORTILLA PEPPERIA
[2024-06-22 01:53:11] _Brain Damage_: I love spanish TORTILLA
[2024-06-22 01:53:22] _Brain Damage_: with potaoes eggs n onions
[2024-06-22 01:53:40] _Brain Damage_: delicous stuff for drinkers, not mention
[2024-06-22 01:53:57] _Brain Damage_: eggs abilities to detox u after hangovers
[2024-06-22 01:54:00] Killer_KahnDavey: gf jerky lol
[2024-06-22 01:54:15] Killer_KahnDavey: i feel like you wre taunting me
[2024-06-22 01:54:22] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BAVZAI
[2024-06-22 01:54:26] Peeper: lol
[2024-06-22 01:54:59] Mr. Fox: lol whered you come from?
[2024-06-22 01:55:17] [BOP] Raven: the shadows
[2024-06-22 01:55:28] Killer_KahnDavey: (
[2024-06-22 01:55:33] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2024-06-22 01:57:28] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-22 01:57:35] [BOP] Raven: nice
[2024-06-22 01:57:38] Mr. Fox: ns
[2024-06-22 01:57:41] [BOP] Raven: u2
[2024-06-22 01:58:09] TuskenPsychoSquad: hahahahahahahaha
[2024-06-22 01:58:25] TuskenPsychoSquad: omg that was some funny fkn shit
[2024-06-22 01:58:46] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: :D
[2024-06-22 01:59:13] Mr. Fox: lol dam
[2024-06-22 01:59:22] Mr. Fox: gg
[2024-06-22 01:59:24] [BOP] Raven: ill take it lol
[2024-06-22 01:59:25] Capt_Jack: gg
[2024-06-22 01:59:28] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-22 01:59:30] [BOP] Raven: gg

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