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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2024-06-24 03:57:02 Chatlog
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[2024-06-24 03:57:51] BlinkofanEye: right when i was about to go to bed,,,wa
[2024-06-24 03:58:05] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-06-24 03:58:12] BlinkofanEye: GJ
[2024-06-24 03:58:52] Killer_KahnDavey: drat
[2024-06-24 03:58:53] BlinkofanEye: how many facking
[2024-06-24 03:58:56] Killer_KahnDavey: didn't expect red #2
[2024-06-24 03:59:08] CPAV: nice goosey
[2024-06-24 03:59:13] Goosey: gw all
[2024-06-24 03:59:15] Killer_KahnDavey: gj homo sapiens
[2024-06-24 03:59:17] _Roadie : he had help
[2024-06-24 03:59:18] BlinkofanEye: fug
[2024-06-24 03:59:22] Goosey: rgr that
[2024-06-24 03:59:51] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 03:59:55] BlinkofanEye: ornered
[2024-06-24 03:59:58] Goosey: lolol
[2024-06-24 04:00:36] BlinkofanEye: boom
[2024-06-24 04:00:37] Goosey: ha
[2024-06-24 04:00:40] BlinkofanEye: nade #10
[2024-06-24 04:00:52] Killer_KahnDavey: sry
[2024-06-24 04:00:55] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: ptk ptk ptk lol
[2024-06-24 04:01:07] Killer_KahnDavey: YOU WEREN"T THERE WHEN I TOSSED IT
[2024-06-24 04:01:07] Killer_KahnDavey: lol
[2024-06-24 04:01:11] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2024-06-24 04:01:12] BlinkofanEye: fakcinggg
[2024-06-24 04:01:21] _Roadie : perfect timing
[2024-06-24 04:01:45] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:01:49] BlinkofanEye: see my flying leap?
[2024-06-24 04:01:55] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: everyone join us on discord
[2024-06-24 04:02:10] Goosey: haha
[2024-06-24 04:02:25] BlinkofanEye: gah
[2024-06-24 04:02:27] Graizer: I SUCK YOUR DIK
[2024-06-24 04:02:32] CPAV: hahahha
[2024-06-24 04:02:33] _Roadie : ilt by his own Humvee
[2024-06-24 04:02:33] Graizer: WEEEEEEEEEEINER
[2024-06-24 04:02:40] BlinkofanEye: never
[2024-06-24 04:02:41] Graizer: rofl
[2024-06-24 04:02:45] CPAV: hahAHA
[2024-06-24 04:02:50] Graizer: no homo
[2024-06-24 04:03:08] _Roadie : juvinile
[2024-06-24 04:03:10] BlinkofanEye: fack
[2024-06-24 04:03:13] CPAV: AHAH
[2024-06-24 04:03:14] BlinkofanEye: bullets clipping lol
[2024-06-24 04:03:27] BlinkofanEye: like that roadie?
[2024-06-24 04:03:49] _Roadie : demo derby
[2024-06-24 04:03:50] BlinkofanEye: pw
[2024-06-24 04:03:52] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-06-24 04:03:53] Goosey: weeeee
[2024-06-24 04:04:00] Graizer: i want to faq yourash
[2024-06-24 04:04:11] Killer_KahnDavey: his rash?
[2024-06-24 04:04:20] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: grazier who is he saying belongs to the KKK?
[2024-06-24 04:04:21] Goosey: n1
[2024-06-24 04:04:36] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-06-24 04:04:47] BlinkofanEye: MEEP FOR YOUR LIFE
[2024-06-24 04:04:52] BlinkofanEye: lol nt
[2024-06-24 04:05:07] Graizer: OH GOD
[2024-06-24 04:05:09] Graizer: sry roadie
[2024-06-24 04:05:12] _Roadie : np
[2024-06-24 04:05:14] BlinkofanEye: lolk
[2024-06-24 04:05:21] CPAV: WOWEE
[2024-06-24 04:05:32] Graizer: why no vc cpav
[2024-06-24 04:05:51] Killer_KahnDavey: an't even lag my way into a truck
[2024-06-24 04:05:52] BlinkofanEye: OOH
[2024-06-24 04:05:57] Goosey: nasty nade
[2024-06-24 04:06:02] CPAV: SRY
[2024-06-24 04:06:06] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-06-24 04:06:14] Killer_KahnDavey: don't touch my nads...
[2024-06-24 04:06:16] Killer_KahnDavey: i mean my nades
[2024-06-24 04:07:13] Goosey: mhhh camel..
[2024-06-24 04:07:19] BlinkofanEye: niiiie
[2024-06-24 04:07:30] BlinkofanEye: bah
[2024-06-24 04:07:37] BlinkofanEye: gj
[2024-06-24 04:07:39] CPAV: HHAAA
[2024-06-24 04:07:41] Graizer: shit
[2024-06-24 04:07:49] Killer_KahnDavey: go bro
[2024-06-24 04:07:52] Killer_KahnDavey: play your dobro
[2024-06-24 04:08:03] Goosey: wd
[2024-06-24 04:08:08] CPAV: shiit
[2024-06-24 04:08:11] BlinkofanEye: shiz
[2024-06-24 04:08:15] BlinkofanEye: tiple spawn lol
[2024-06-24 04:08:17] BlinkofanEye: triple
[2024-06-24 04:08:31] CPAV: og triple
[2024-06-24 04:09:08] BlinkofanEye: blink stylie
[2024-06-24 04:09:30] BlinkofanEye: lol delayed
[2024-06-24 04:10:21] Killer_KahnDavey: geez
[2024-06-24 04:10:31] BlinkofanEye: ackup plan
[2024-06-24 04:10:31] Goosey: confiscate tnat humvee!
[2024-06-24 04:10:57] BlinkofanEye: riv
[2024-06-24 04:11:01] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-06-24 04:11:10] _Roadie : no vehicles for KKD
[2024-06-24 04:11:17] Killer_KahnDavey: yes vehicles for me
[2024-06-24 04:11:43] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-06-24 04:11:46] BlinkofanEye: guy on their archway
[2024-06-24 04:12:21] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:13:26] BlinkofanEye: aw that smarts
[2024-06-24 04:13:28] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:13:42] Killer_KahnDavey: gnight Brain
[2024-06-24 04:13:59] Killer_KahnDavey: i wish we could have had more philosophical conversation
[2024-06-24 04:14:03] BlinkofanEye: lo
[2024-06-24 04:14:03] Killer_KahnDavey: like gentlemen lol
[2024-06-24 04:14:07] Goosey: close
[2024-06-24 04:14:20] _Brain Damage_: yeah not there
[2024-06-24 04:14:29] BRAIN IS A 9/11 MUSLIM: I AM BRAIN DAMAGE
[2024-06-24 04:14:30] _Brain Damage_: else wehre for sure
[2024-06-24 04:14:37] Killer_KahnDavey: for sure
[2024-06-24 04:14:52] BlinkofanEye: lgj
[2024-06-24 04:15:07] Killer_KahnDavey: have a good one
[2024-06-24 04:15:17] Killer_KahnDavey: hope you get more beers soon
[2024-06-24 04:15:24] _Brain Damage_: we are lll brain damage associtaion
[2024-06-24 04:15:31] _Brain Damage_: no sir
[2024-06-24 04:15:33] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:15:49] _Brain Damage_: I dont want more beers right now, it's dangerous
[2024-06-24 04:15:59] Killer_KahnDavey: ah, i see.
[2024-06-24 04:16:02] _Brain Damage_: people dont understand
[2024-06-24 04:16:22] BlinkofanEye: FACK
[2024-06-24 04:16:30] Killer_KahnDavey: i cn't hit anything
[2024-06-24 04:16:30] BlinkofanEye: i need banana clip lol
[2024-06-24 04:16:33] Killer_KahnDavey: i am still laggy
[2024-06-24 04:16:36] _Brain Damage_: I gotta rule and reform the worl now or u done sorry
[2024-06-24 04:16:58] _Brain Damage_: y need dick you ass spam
[2024-06-24 04:16:58] BlinkofanEye: sry
[2024-06-24 04:16:59] Goosey: rofl
[2024-06-24 04:17:03] _Roadie : see that blink??? I capped the flag
[2024-06-24 04:17:05] Killer_KahnDavey: sok
[2024-06-24 04:17:19] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: ill take some cpav cock
[2024-06-24 04:17:23] BlinkofanEye: thx
[2024-06-24 04:17:51] CPAV: ahahah
[2024-06-24 04:17:55] BlinkofanEye: fack
[2024-06-24 04:17:55] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-06-24 04:18:13] BlinkofanEye: damn you mac
[2024-06-24 04:18:22] Killer_KahnDavey: ugh i'mma leave
[2024-06-24 04:18:25] Killer_KahnDavey: too much lag
[2024-06-24 04:18:27] Goosey: lol
[2024-06-24 04:18:45] Killer_KahnDavey: maybe better if i'm off VC
[2024-06-24 04:19:01] Goosey: might be
[2024-06-24 04:19:26] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-06-24 04:19:34] BlinkofanEye: this map is so chef's kiss
[2024-06-24 04:19:43] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-06-24 04:19:44] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:19:47] CPAV: its fun
[2024-06-24 04:19:56] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: \wa
[2024-06-24 04:20:27] Goosey: ns
[2024-06-24 04:20:44] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-06-24 04:20:59] BlinkofanEye: ROFL
[2024-06-24 04:21:03] BlinkofanEye: duck dodge dive
[2024-06-24 04:21:16] BlinkofanEye: AAW
[2024-06-24 04:21:19] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:21:38] BlinkofanEye: gotta move raodie lol
[2024-06-24 04:21:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i wanna get behind cpav and give a little
[2024-06-24 04:21:41] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hack tu
[2024-06-24 04:21:48] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hauk tu
[2024-06-24 04:21:58] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:22:10] BlinkofanEye: u were clipping through market box
[2024-06-24 04:22:28] BlinkofanEye: awww so ssaaaad lol
[2024-06-24 04:22:33] _Roadie : damn
[2024-06-24 04:22:37] BlinkofanEye: teehee
[2024-06-24 04:23:08] BlinkofanEye: meeo
[2024-06-24 04:23:09] BlinkofanEye: p
[2024-06-24 04:23:10] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:23:53] Goosey: oof
[2024-06-24 04:23:53] BlinkofanEye: hehe
[2024-06-24 04:24:09] CPAV: pleae kill him
[2024-06-24 04:24:19] BlinkofanEye: n1
[2024-06-24 04:24:19] _Roadie : this is one of those nights that I DISLIKE Al Nas
[2024-06-24 04:24:25] BlinkofanEye: forgot where my c4s were lol
[2024-06-24 04:24:31] Goosey: ha
[2024-06-24 04:24:38] _Roadie : gee thx
[2024-06-24 04:24:50] BlinkofanEye: fugin
[2024-06-24 04:25:03] BRAIN IS A 9/11 BOMBER: A TRUE TERRORIST
[2024-06-24 04:25:11] BRAIN IS A 9/11 BOMBER: ALL HEIL THE KKK
[2024-06-24 04:25:14] CPAV: lol
[2024-06-24 04:25:18] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: jesus lol
[2024-06-24 04:25:22] _Brain Damage_: rofl
[2024-06-24 04:25:25] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-06-24 04:25:30] BlinkofanEye: rude
[2024-06-24 04:25:35] Goosey: i tink he dead roadie
[2024-06-24 04:25:40] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hes from africa, not known for having terrorist cells lol
[2024-06-24 04:25:42] _Roadie : you sure?
[2024-06-24 04:25:46] Goosey: :D
[2024-06-24 04:25:47] _Brain Damage_: he"s a fan of me it seems bit obsessive
[2024-06-24 04:25:48] BlinkofanEye: thanks for speaking up to crash theother night roadie
[2024-06-24 04:25:56] _Roadie : not bad reflexes since I banning the ahole
[2024-06-24 04:25:58] CPAV: he takes turn picking on someone
[2024-06-24 04:26:07] _Brain Damage_: lol didnt knew I had such big hater lol
[2024-06-24 04:26:11] BlinkofanEye: i keep wantng him to do me but he wont
[2024-06-24 04:26:20] BlinkofanEye: how do i get in the club
[2024-06-24 04:26:24] CPAV: did me for a month...
[2024-06-24 04:26:28] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-06-24 04:26:32] Goosey: club?
[2024-06-24 04:26:35] CPAV: i guess
[2024-06-24 04:26:40] _Brain Damage_: I'm already hating cause u tard blink
[2024-06-24 04:26:41] BlinkofanEye: troll hate club
[2024-06-24 04:26:48] Goosey: ah
[2024-06-24 04:26:50] _Roadie : more time gang?
[2024-06-24 04:26:51] _Brain Damage_: i'm big hater fan
[2024-06-24 04:27:03] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: !nextmap
[2024-06-24 04:27:20] BlinkofanEye: n1 mac
[2024-06-24 04:27:26] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-06-24 04:27:29] BlinkofanEye: oops
[2024-06-24 04:27:29] Goosey: gg
[2024-06-24 04:27:32] BlinkofanEye: gg
[2024-06-24 04:27:33] BlinkofanEye: night
[2024-06-24 04:27:35] CPAV: gg

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