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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - el_alamein - 2024-06-28 04:27:02 Chatlog
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[2024-06-28 04:28:00] Non-Paid Wh0re: Urban siege?
[2024-06-28 04:28:23] _Roadie : I thought seige was up for Next....
[2024-06-28 04:28:30] Non-Paid Wh0re: Me too
[2024-06-28 04:28:36] -[HELL0]-Crash: LOL wow u exploded
[2024-06-28 04:28:41] Non-Paid Wh0re: Bang, pls go to siege
[2024-06-28 04:28:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lets do urban next
[2024-06-28 04:29:09] Non-Paid Wh0re: Crash
[2024-06-28 04:29:25] Non-Paid Wh0re: Say hello
[2024-06-28 04:29:48] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-28 04:29:50] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-06-28 04:30:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-06-28 04:30:11] -[HELL0]-Crash: ash say hi to me, i beg
[2024-06-28 04:30:29] Non-Paid Wh0re: Hi Crash
[2024-06-28 04:30:35] -[HELL0]-Crash: hi ash
[2024-06-28 04:31:45] _Roadie : sry
[2024-06-28 04:31:52] Non-Paid Wh0re: This is very huge
[2024-06-28 04:31:53] Non-Paid Wh0re: the map
[2024-06-28 04:32:27] Maconha: JESTE MAP CAMP
[2024-06-28 04:33:01] Non-Paid Wh0re: I am not getting fun
[2024-06-28 04:33:04] Non-Paid Wh0re: Let's change map
[2024-06-28 04:33:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: thats next anyway
[2024-06-28 04:33:29] Non-Paid Wh0re: !nextmap
[2024-06-28 04:33:40] Non-Paid Wh0re: oh it was Nas anyway
[2024-06-28 04:33:44] Maconha: 7777
[2024-06-28 04:35:32] _Roadie : now bring me some butter cookie Vos
[2024-06-28 04:35:46] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-28 04:35:49] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-06-28 04:36:54] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-06-28 04:36:54] -[HELL0]-Crash: sigh
[2024-06-28 04:36:58] Non-Paid Wh0re: Max, I improved upto 59%
[2024-06-28 04:37:07] Non-Paid Wh0re: Next day it will be 60%
[2024-06-28 04:37:41] slick_z: ANYBODY know why my video is bluish
[2024-06-28 04:37:51] _Roadie : yes
[2024-06-28 04:37:53] Non-Paid Wh0re: maybe your PC issue
[2024-06-28 04:38:29] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: screen issue maybe?
[2024-06-28 04:38:38] -[HELL0]-Crash: hi j3
[2024-06-28 04:38:43] J3Flyer: hi
[2024-06-28 04:38:51] slick_z: well it only does it on hello server
[2024-06-28 04:38:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey je
[2024-06-28 04:39:05] _Roadie : Slick? Video Cable... then Video Card - reseat it.
[2024-06-28 04:39:08] J3Flyer: what is happening?
[2024-06-28 04:39:09] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: strange
[2024-06-28 04:39:21] _Roadie : HEY J3!!!! long time
[2024-06-28 04:39:25] J3Flyer: hi Roadie
[2024-06-28 04:39:33] J3Flyer: what is happening to monitor
[2024-06-28 04:40:03] Kilgore: ns
[2024-06-28 04:40:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: n1 jes
[2024-06-28 04:40:09] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: thanks for lying down
[2024-06-28 04:40:10] slick_z: it started doing it when i downloaded new maps
[2024-06-28 04:40:14] Non-Paid Wh0re: Sorry, I was AFK
[2024-06-28 04:40:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: doing what
[2024-06-28 04:40:25] J3Flyer: what does it do?
[2024-06-28 04:41:00] Non-Paid Wh0re: Hello Blitz
[2024-06-28 04:41:07] Non-Paid Wh0re: Why did you leave?
[2024-06-28 04:41:11] B L I T Z K R I E G: hope y'all are playin' nice in the VC boys
[2024-06-28 04:41:11] Non-Paid Wh0re: did you got caught?
[2024-06-28 04:41:31] slick_z: the terrain is blue
[2024-06-28 04:41:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: WAIT
[2024-06-28 04:41:39] -[HELL0]-Crash: check to see if someone else wants to get in
[2024-06-28 04:41:44] J3Flyer: never seen that
[2024-06-28 04:41:49] J3Flyer: usually cable issue
[2024-06-28 04:42:05] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: but only this server?
[2024-06-28 04:42:13] J3Flyer: do you use HDMI?
[2024-06-28 04:42:15] slick_z: yes
[2024-06-28 04:42:31] slick_z: yes
[2024-06-28 04:42:37] J3Flyer: are you changing port types?
[2024-06-28 04:42:41] -[HELLO]-JESTER: crash you didnt have to shoot me down
[2024-06-28 04:42:59] slick_z: only when i play hello server
[2024-06-28 04:43:11] $ecret$quirell: ing stupid
[2024-06-28 04:43:13] J3Flyer: does it happen on other DC servers?
[2024-06-28 04:43:24] $ecret$quirell: CTF is fucking stpid
[2024-06-28 04:43:25] B L I T Z K R I E G: kill that dhr Vos in the hind above enemy main
[2024-06-28 04:43:29] -[HELL0]-Crash: FLAG
[2024-06-28 04:43:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: TWO TANKS
[2024-06-28 04:43:34] Non-Paid Wh0re: I am going to Crash planes
[2024-06-28 04:43:48] Non-Paid Wh0re: I am fed up of getting killed over and over again
[2024-06-28 04:43:56] slick_z: i played on moongamers today no problem
[2024-06-28 04:44:06] _Roadie : then give up DCF?
[2024-06-28 04:44:08] Mr. Fox: tank runway
[2024-06-28 04:44:10] $ecret$quirell: waste of a good game
[2024-06-28 04:44:26] J3Flyer: moongamers doesn't do DC
[2024-06-28 04:44:27] _Roadie : BF Vanilla and no problem Slick?
[2024-06-28 04:44:38] slick_z: just started when i downloaded new hello maps
[2024-06-28 04:44:40] _Roadie : three
[2024-06-28 04:44:41] $ecret$quirell: fuck this, gonna go play the bots
[2024-06-28 04:44:48] J3Flyer: I have graphics issues on DC then used Moongamers DC install ki
[2024-06-28 04:44:49] J3Flyer: went away
[2024-06-28 04:44:51] Non-Paid Wh0re: No dont go!
[2024-06-28 04:45:33] J3Flyer: probably some old graphics API with DC that doesn't work
[2024-06-28 04:45:40] J3Flyer: use the moongamers DC install kit
[2024-06-28 04:45:44] _Roadie : after the Map Pack install slick?
[2024-06-28 04:45:46] J3Flyer: bet it will fix it
[2024-06-28 04:45:52] _Roadie : core is BF1942 though J3
[2024-06-28 04:46:05] _Roadie : have you rebooted SLICK?
[2024-06-28 04:46:06] Non-Paid Wh0re: I failed to Crash
[2024-06-28 04:46:11] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: brbr
[2024-06-28 04:46:13] J3Flyer: yes, but DC uses different graphics calls I think
[2024-06-28 04:46:36] J3Flyer: i had issues with black screen only with DC
[2024-06-28 04:46:36] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: very interesting
[2024-06-28 04:46:47] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: hehe
[2024-06-28 04:46:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: :d
[2024-06-28 04:46:51] Non-Paid Wh0re: Blitz
[2024-06-28 04:46:55] Non-Paid Wh0re: Blitz
[2024-06-28 04:47:01] J3Flyer: DC used some different grpahics mode
[2024-06-28 04:47:03] Non-Paid Wh0re: Let's take planes
[2024-06-28 04:47:06] Non-Paid Wh0re: Ahh
[2024-06-28 04:47:08] Non-Paid Wh0re: Ahhh....
[2024-06-28 04:47:11] Non-Paid Wh0re: Do it !!
[2024-06-28 04:47:13] _Roadie : Graphics is handled by the core .exe & .dll files in BF1942
[2024-06-28 04:47:14] slick_z: ok
[2024-06-28 04:47:15] Mr. Fox: sa3 up
[2024-06-28 04:47:15] Non-Paid Wh0re: Ahhhh.....
[2024-06-28 04:47:20] Non-Paid Wh0re: It's so good!!!
[2024-06-28 04:47:23] Non-Paid Wh0re: Ah.....
[2024-06-28 04:47:30] Non-Paid Wh0re: Aaahhh...!!!
[2024-06-28 04:47:34] Non-Paid Wh0re: Blitz
[2024-06-28 04:47:36] J3Flyer: the moongamers DC install fixed it somehow
[2024-06-28 04:47:36] Non-Paid Wh0re: Continue
[2024-06-28 04:47:42] B L I T Z K R I E G: next time
[2024-06-28 04:47:43] J3Flyer: maybe with later dlls?
[2024-06-28 04:47:45] Non-Paid Wh0re: Ok
[2024-06-28 04:47:54] B L I T Z K R I E G: ashfaqur did u enjoy that
[2024-06-28 04:48:00] Non-Paid Wh0re: Yes a alot
[2024-06-28 04:48:29] _Roadie : the MapPack only has
[2024-06-28 04:48:44] _Roadie : maps (.rfs's) files in it.
[2024-06-28 04:48:49] _Roadie : rfa's
[2024-06-28 04:48:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: LOIL
[2024-06-28 04:48:53] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: ha
[2024-06-28 04:49:04] J3Flyer: i used the complete install of BF1942 and DC
[2024-06-28 04:49:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: it returned real fast jes
[2024-06-28 04:49:06] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: only just got with my sorpse
[2024-06-28 04:49:12] J3Flyer: had everything in it
[2024-06-28 04:49:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: i guess
[2024-06-28 04:49:18] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: try another copy of the install fils
[2024-06-28 04:49:18] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: files
[2024-06-28 04:49:19] B L I T Z K R I E G: fack off.
[2024-06-28 04:49:25] J3Flyer: fixed my issue
[2024-06-28 04:49:44] slick_z: American are red and opposition blue
[2024-06-28 04:49:49] _Roadie : I did this install with VKHD's from Nicole.
[2024-06-28 04:50:38] J3Flyer: not sure who put the install together but kit had everything in
[2024-06-28 04:50:39] J3Flyer: it
[2024-06-28 04:50:49] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: turn the cheats off
[2024-06-28 04:51:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-06-28 04:51:11] _Roadie : it was a COOP effort
[2024-06-28 04:51:14] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2024-06-28 04:51:16] slick_z: ok ill reinstall
[2024-06-28 04:51:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: a bunch of hens did it?
[2024-06-28 04:51:25] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: if ou need help with the files
[2024-06-28 04:51:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-06-28 04:51:30] _Roadie : have you restarted though Slick?
[2024-06-28 04:51:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: you can message me, we have a copy online
[2024-06-28 04:51:36] J3Flyer: i can look for kit I used and put on google drive
[2024-06-28 04:51:40] Non-Paid Wh0re: Blitz
[2024-06-28 04:51:48] Non-Paid Wh0re: Let's take planes
[2024-06-28 04:51:51] slick_z: ok
[2024-06-28 04:51:58] Non-Paid Wh0re: I am waiting for you
[2024-06-28 04:52:05] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-06-28 04:52:07] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol
[2024-06-28 04:52:10] B L I T Z K R I E G: OH FACK OFF.
[2024-06-28 04:52:17] Non-Paid Wh0re: Sorry, Master
[2024-06-28 04:52:23] B L I T Z K R I E G: not you ash
[2024-06-28 04:52:28] Non-Paid Wh0re: Oh
[2024-06-28 04:52:29] Maconha: 77777
[2024-06-28 04:53:20] Non-Paid Wh0re: blitz
[2024-06-28 04:53:25] Non-Paid Wh0re: spawn main
[2024-06-28 04:53:34] Non-Paid Wh0re: Dude, wait
[2024-06-28 04:53:40] Non-Paid Wh0re: We will take off together
[2024-06-28 04:53:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-06-28 04:53:50] slick_z: sry
[2024-06-28 04:53:59] Non-Paid Wh0re: Then, we will crash planes
[2024-06-28 04:54:10] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: im out after this
[2024-06-28 04:54:47] Non-Paid Wh0re: Oh, bye
[2024-06-28 04:54:50] _Roadie : blitz does it!!!!!!
[2024-06-28 04:54:51] Non-Paid Wh0re: See you soon
[2024-06-28 04:54:53] _Roadie : damn
[2024-06-28 04:55:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: we win
[2024-06-28 04:55:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: vote 777777777777777777777777777777
[2024-06-28 04:55:19] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: lol
[2024-06-28 04:55:21] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: night
[2024-06-28 04:55:34] Non-Paid Wh0re: Finally!
[2024-06-28 04:55:35] Mr. Fox: GG
[2024-06-28 04:55:36] Non-Paid Wh0re: Icrashed!

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