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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - tehran_streets - 2024-07-21 03:27:01 Chatlog
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[2024-07-21 03:27:57] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: never seen this map before
[2024-07-21 03:28:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: its good
[2024-07-21 03:28:13] tohsdaehmoob: he announced infrastructure every month for 4 years
[2024-07-21 03:28:13] _Roadie : where ya been Son?
[2024-07-21 03:28:16] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lets play
[2024-07-21 03:28:19] tohsdaehmoob: and never did anything about it
[2024-07-21 03:28:23] _Roadie : huh?
[2024-07-21 03:28:27] _Roadie : how did I///
[2024-07-21 03:29:28] tohsdaehmoob: he tried to send Covid supplies only to Red states
[2024-07-21 03:29:57] tohsdaehmoob: sorry Roadie
[2024-07-21 03:30:01] _Roadie : NP
[2024-07-21 03:30:25] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: we mishandled that covid thing so bad
[2024-07-21 03:30:35] -[HELLO]-JESTER: where is everyone tonite
[2024-07-21 03:30:39] tohsdaehmoob: we?
[2024-07-21 03:30:42] tohsdaehmoob: Trump
[2024-07-21 03:30:48] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: trump ralley
[2024-07-21 03:31:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ouch
[2024-07-21 03:31:16] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2024-07-21 03:31:28] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-07-21 03:31:30] -[HELL0]-Crash: u prick
[2024-07-21 03:31:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: i mean .. ns
[2024-07-21 03:31:34] _Roadie : and I didn't even get you
[2024-07-21 03:31:37] tohsdaehmoob: i try
[2024-07-21 03:31:50] _Roadie : wtf
[2024-07-21 03:32:12] _Roadie : no bars no fair
[2024-07-21 03:32:31] tohsdaehmoob: oOOOOoo
[2024-07-21 03:32:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh YEAH!
[2024-07-21 03:33:00] _Roadie : so grandson is here. Honey notices a Wasp nest in the conch she
[2024-07-21 03:33:17] _Roadie : shells, /I blast all the conch shells....
[2024-07-21 03:33:51] _Roadie : in the front yard...
[2024-07-21 03:34:00] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: they will want to ban ar 15 now
[2024-07-21 03:35:21] _Roadie : DENIED
[2024-07-21 03:36:24] tohsdaehmoob: BEEEEEEEEETTH
[2024-07-21 03:36:36] _Roadie : and so, I bought a tub full of Hot Wheels at an auction. in pac
[2024-07-21 03:36:49] _Roadie : still in package. Got them out for the Grandson....
[2024-07-21 03:37:00] _Roadie : who's #1 GrandDad?
[2024-07-21 03:37:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: how much
[2024-07-21 03:37:05] tohsdaehmoob: you are
[2024-07-21 03:37:10] _Roadie : $45
[2024-07-21 03:37:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: what roadie?
[2024-07-21 03:37:29] _Roadie : one lot went for $1200.
[2024-07-21 03:37:31] tohsdaehmoob: if you had some Stomper 4x4s and Rough Riders, you'd be cooler
[2024-07-21 03:37:42] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i gotta g
[2024-07-21 03:37:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: work in the am night guys
[2024-07-21 03:37:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: what roadie?
[2024-07-21 03:38:05] _Roadie : Hot Wheels Cars....
[2024-07-21 03:38:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: nite
[2024-07-21 03:38:19] _Roadie : nite 64
[2024-07-21 03:38:24] tohsdaehmoob: get them a used Verti-Bird
[2024-07-21 03:38:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: oh
[2024-07-21 03:38:46] tohsdaehmoob: that was the greatest toy ever
[2024-07-21 03:38:58] _Roadie : matchbox cars also
[2024-07-21 03:39:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: the pink vw surf wagon is most expensive
[2024-07-21 03:39:06] tohsdaehmoob: Verti-Bird.
[2024-07-21 03:39:20] tohsdaehmoob: if you know, you know
[2024-07-21 03:39:20] _Roadie : yeah, there's what - one prototype
[2024-07-21 03:39:48] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh yeah foxie
[2024-07-21 03:39:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: no there were several made
[2024-07-21 03:40:05] _Roadie : My dad traveled to CA all the time in the '60s
[2024-07-21 03:40:24] _Roadie : brought back Matchbox Cars we didn't get in the states.
[2024-07-21 03:40:27] tohsdaehmoob: you guys want a pink matchbox but gays are the problem?
[2024-07-21 03:40:49] -[HELL0]-Crash: no he said pink hot pants
[2024-07-21 03:40:51] _Roadie : oh come on Moob.......
[2024-07-21 03:40:53] -[HELL0]-Crash: not pink hot wheels
[2024-07-21 03:41:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: jks
[2024-07-21 03:41:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey brett
[2024-07-21 03:41:15] tohsdaehmoob: u guys have stompers?
[2024-07-21 03:41:18] Brettanomyces: ello
[2024-07-21 03:41:25] Brettanomyces: calm nite?
[2024-07-21 03:41:25] tohsdaehmoob: battery 4x4 trucks?
[2024-07-21 03:41:31] _Roadie : #72 Matchbox. Late '60s early '70s series....
[2024-07-21 03:41:38] -[HELL0]-Crash: commodore just left
[2024-07-21 03:41:39] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[2024-07-21 03:41:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: the real one
[2024-07-21 03:42:08] _Roadie : shhhh, don't anyone tell Fox that his PING SUX
[2024-07-21 03:42:17] tohsdaehmoob: Matchbox > Hot Wheels
[2024-07-21 03:42:19] _Roadie : hehe
[2024-07-21 03:42:27] _Roadie : wondering why the stop
[2024-07-21 03:42:53] tohsdaehmoob: i'm going to admit something hella gheyyyy to u guys..
[2024-07-21 03:43:12] tohsdaehmoob: when i was like 15..
[2024-07-21 03:43:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: when i was 17
[2024-07-21 03:43:25] tohsdaehmoob: i enjoyed playing the Hot Wheels video game
[2024-07-21 03:43:32] tohsdaehmoob: it was for like 8 year olds
[2024-07-21 03:43:37] -[HELL0]-Crash: i drank some very good beer
[2024-07-21 03:43:41] tohsdaehmoob: it calmed me
[2024-07-21 03:44:05] tohsdaehmoob: you basically drove your Hot Wheels car into a garage
[2024-07-21 03:44:09] tohsdaehmoob: and then you could paint it
[2024-07-21 03:44:09] _Roadie : when I was in my 20's I had to go to the Arcade....
[2024-07-21 03:44:21] _Roadie : $0.25 a pop
[2024-07-21 03:44:37] tohsdaehmoob: no racing, no competing
[2024-07-21 03:44:42] _Roadie : the Sit Down Star Trek.... woot
[2024-07-21 03:44:42] tohsdaehmoob: just painting the car
[2024-07-21 03:44:56] -[HELL0]-Crash: ive played space invaders lst year in a mall
[2024-07-21 03:44:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: and pacman
[2024-07-21 03:45:05] _Roadie : that tells ya right there Moob what you should be doing...
[2024-07-21 03:45:36] _Roadie : we use to do the sit down Pac Man and drink Rum&Cokes...
[2024-07-21 03:45:48] _Roadie : way too many
[2024-07-21 03:46:39] _Roadie : ummmmmm
[2024-07-21 03:46:55] _Roadie : close
[2024-07-21 03:46:56] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-07-21 03:47:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: when i was 17 i drank some very good beer
[2024-07-21 03:47:23] _Roadie : why for you TK me dhs?
[2024-07-21 03:47:38] tohsdaehmoob: Fuchs on wall
[2024-07-21 03:47:45] tohsdaehmoob: sneaking up back
[2024-07-21 03:47:56] tohsdaehmoob: now he dead
[2024-07-21 03:48:02] -[HELL0]-Crash: hes dead ,byt hell is there now
[2024-07-21 03:48:11] -[HELL0]-Crash: hes dead but hellrazor there now
[2024-07-21 03:49:01] _Roadie : woot
[2024-07-21 03:49:11] _Roadie : Old Goat scores....
[2024-07-21 03:50:11] -[HELL0]-Crash: ur mined
[2024-07-21 03:50:14] -[HELL0]-Crash: dontmove
[2024-07-21 03:50:16] _Roadie : Fox didn't rise to mt bait a few minutes ago.
[2024-07-21 03:50:18] Brettanomyces: rgr
[2024-07-21 03:50:26] _Roadie : does that mean he has me muted now too?
[2024-07-21 03:50:34] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-07-21 03:50:39] _Roadie : hehe
[2024-07-21 03:50:40] Mr. Fox: ? road
[2024-07-21 03:50:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: ty for not moving
[2024-07-21 03:50:53] _Roadie : I was teasing you about your latency.
[2024-07-21 03:50:53] Hellraz0r: herr?
[2024-07-21 03:51:08] tohsdaehmoob: latency homosexuality?
[2024-07-21 03:51:12] Mr. Fox: because i lagged out?
[2024-07-21 03:51:15] -[HELL0]-Crash: expecting tohs to make a joke about latent homosxuality
[2024-07-21 03:51:25] _Roadie : english Moob, english.
[2024-07-21 03:51:29] tohsdaehmoob: ding ding!
[2024-07-21 03:51:36] Brettanomyces: engrish
[2024-07-21 03:51:47] tohsdaehmoob: let's go back to balls
[2024-07-21 03:52:57] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-07-21 03:53:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY RAZOR
[2024-07-21 03:53:59] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-07-21 03:54:04] Hellraz0r: hey jester
[2024-07-21 03:54:10] tohsdaehmoob: NOICE
[2024-07-21 03:54:12] tohsdaehmoob: thanks guys!
[2024-07-21 03:54:32] _Roadie : damn red berets
[2024-07-21 03:54:37] tohsdaehmoob: wow
[2024-07-21 03:54:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: U Guys tkd each other more than u killed me
[2024-07-21 03:55:03] tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2024-07-21 03:55:03] _Roadie : red beret
[2024-07-21 03:55:07] Brettanomyces: ok
[2024-07-21 03:55:23] _Roadie : oh my, I lagged
[2024-07-21 03:55:53] tohsdaehmoob: gaaaaaaaaay
[2024-07-21 03:55:54] Brettanomyces: oyeah
[2024-07-21 03:56:05] Brettanomyces: nice fly thou
[2024-07-21 03:56:18] dhs: SRRY
[2024-07-21 03:56:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BEECH
[2024-07-21 03:56:34] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-07-21 03:56:42] _Roadie : nut
[2024-07-21 03:56:45] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-07-21 03:56:51] _Roadie : Beech-Nut Gum!!!!
[2024-07-21 03:56:52] Mr. Fox: you got lucky, my rpg got the reload glitch
[2024-07-21 03:56:58] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-07-21 03:57:50] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-07-21 03:57:52] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-07-21 03:58:01] -[HELL0]-Crash: what a dual fuchsup
[2024-07-21 03:58:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: nice shot mala
[2024-07-21 03:58:36] _Roadie : !nextmap
[2024-07-21 03:58:52] _Roadie : /me not doing harbor
[2024-07-21 03:58:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: GJ
[2024-07-21 03:59:19] -[HELL0]-Crash: how about dustbowl conq
[2024-07-21 03:59:26] Mr. Fox: no
[2024-07-21 03:59:28] _Roadie : or bridge with 9?

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