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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2024-08-07 03:13:02 Chatlog
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[2024-08-07 03:14:09] BlinkofanEye: ms
[2024-08-07 03:14:12] BlinkofanEye: HUMP ME
[2024-08-07 03:14:13] BlinkofanEye: lFRON 2
[2024-08-07 03:14:16] BlinkofanEye: FRONT
[2024-08-07 03:14:17] PresidentKamala: OIYAH
[2024-08-07 03:14:19] Lord Humphrey: i am good
[2024-08-07 03:14:24] PresidentKamala: Humped that PHREY!
[2024-08-07 03:14:30] BlinkofanEye: PWNT
[2024-08-07 03:14:48] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: gurly landmines
[2024-08-07 03:15:06] Lord Humphrey: smoke weed
[2024-08-07 03:15:14] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2024-08-07 03:15:20] BlinkofanEye: PWNAGE
[2024-08-07 03:15:34] BlinkofanEye: welcome to my house crashy
[2024-08-07 03:15:36] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-08-07 03:15:44] PresidentKamala: and M:INE
[2024-08-07 03:15:53] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: k
[2024-08-07 03:15:57] Lord Humphrey: nope, ass eaters and pee drinkrs only
[2024-08-07 03:16:00] _Roadie : Don't Go! he'll make you help with the Drywall!!!!!!
[2024-08-07 03:16:15] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: amyone got some updog?
[2024-08-07 03:16:17] BlinkofanEye: no il make you fack up my plumbing like i did today
[2024-08-07 03:16:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: BELLY
[2024-08-07 03:16:24] PresidentKamala: what's updog?
[2024-08-07 03:16:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: YOU SOB
[2024-08-07 03:16:31] _Roadie : I did that last week....
[2024-08-07 03:16:33] BlinkofanEye: roadie i made curly qs out of copper pipe lol
[2024-08-07 03:16:42] BlinkofanEye: gj jest
[2024-08-07 03:16:55] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: not much, whats up wityh u dog?
[2024-08-07 03:17:02] -[HELL0]-Crash: great shot by me
[2024-08-07 03:17:08] _Roadie : Oh have I got a copper pipe pic to show you then....
[2024-08-07 03:17:12] BlinkofanEye: when is hello clan getting good players
[2024-08-07 03:17:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: when u meet me
[2024-08-07 03:17:25] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: im here
[2024-08-07 03:17:56] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:18:10] Goosey: oh LOrd!
[2024-08-07 03:18:39] PresidentKamala: now all we need is a FLAG
[2024-08-07 03:18:51] BlinkofanEye: lol hump
[2024-08-07 03:18:55] Lord Humphrey: YOU TOY ME
[2024-08-07 03:18:58] Goosey: he was urs blink
[2024-08-07 03:19:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: blink got Hump'd
[2024-08-07 03:19:06] BlinkofanEye: GJ HUMP
[2024-08-07 03:19:23] PresidentKamala: OYEAh
[2024-08-07 03:19:30] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: jester is such a slut
[2024-08-07 03:19:31] BlinkofanEye: BLINKED
[2024-08-07 03:19:32] -[HELL0]-Crash: must be hump day
[2024-08-07 03:19:34] BlinkofanEye: he is
[2024-08-07 03:19:52] BlinkofanEye: jesters my cheeto slut
[2024-08-07 03:19:57] -[HELL0]-Crash: soz tk
[2024-08-07 03:19:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOAL
[2024-08-07 03:20:08] _Roadie : I think I'd better get to reloacting....
[2024-08-07 03:20:10] BlinkofanEye: BLINKHUMP
[2024-08-07 03:20:11] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hes having my baby
[2024-08-07 03:20:29] BlinkofanEye: mofo let me kill you
[2024-08-07 03:20:37] BlinkofanEye: BOOO
[2024-08-07 03:20:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh hey goose
[2024-08-07 03:20:44] BlinkofanEye: hacks
[2024-08-07 03:20:47] Goosey: hey
[2024-08-07 03:21:00] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: oyeah
[2024-08-07 03:21:09] PresidentKamala: ooo you fuK*ng B*TCH
[2024-08-07 03:21:16] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lucky shot
[2024-08-07 03:21:17] BlinkofanEye: adminhacks
[2024-08-07 03:21:21] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: h yeah
[2024-08-07 03:21:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh yeah
[2024-08-07 03:21:32] BlinkofanEye: PWNEd
[2024-08-07 03:21:35] _Roadie : talent, skillz, eagle eye
[2024-08-07 03:21:52] BlinkofanEye: PWNEDEDED
[2024-08-07 03:21:53] PresidentKamala: F*ING SLUT
[2024-08-07 03:22:00] BlinkofanEye: LOL
[2024-08-07 03:22:07] BlinkofanEye: this is my house man
[2024-08-07 03:22:10] BlinkofanEye: av some respec
[2024-08-07 03:22:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-08-07 03:22:32] -[HELL0]-Crash: a house man?
[2024-08-07 03:22:37] -[HELL0]-Crash: like a house wife, but a dude?
[2024-08-07 03:22:50] PresidentKamala: sounds hot
[2024-08-07 03:23:12] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:23:17] BlinkofanEye: im just here to touch fags
[2024-08-07 03:23:18] BlinkofanEye: flags*
[2024-08-07 03:23:30] Goosey: lol fags
[2024-08-07 03:23:34] -[HELL0]-Crash: in australia that means a cigarette
[2024-08-07 03:23:38] PresidentKamala: i'm here to tongue-punch fartboxes
[2024-08-07 03:23:44] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY GOOSEY
[2024-08-07 03:23:57] Goosey: yo jester
[2024-08-07 03:24:08] BlinkofanEye: MAMMIII
[2024-08-07 03:24:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY RAVEN
[2024-08-07 03:24:16] _Roadie : tap dance biotch
[2024-08-07 03:24:19] Snoot Boot: hi
[2024-08-07 03:24:44] BlinkofanEye: facking road where r u
[2024-08-07 03:25:01] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-08-07 03:25:04] _Roadie : everywere. There is that one odd spawn point over there
[2024-08-07 03:25:13] BlinkofanEye: RAODIEIEIEIE
[2024-08-07 03:25:31] BlinkofanEye: tcuhed by an anal
[2024-08-07 03:25:32] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-08-07 03:25:32] _Roadie : any last wishes Moob?
[2024-08-07 03:25:45] PresidentKamala: i wish you can find me
[2024-08-07 03:25:57] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:26:07] BlinkofanEye: by the power of meep i command you
[2024-08-07 03:26:08] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ded
[2024-08-07 03:26:23] BlinkofanEye: humped and dumped
[2024-08-07 03:26:41] _Roadie : hang on a sec HR, K?
[2024-08-07 03:26:47] Hellraz0r: ok
[2024-08-07 03:26:48] Hellraz0r: lol soz
[2024-08-07 03:26:58] -[HELL0]-Crash: wtf
[2024-08-07 03:27:11] BlinkofanEye: god amnit
[2024-08-07 03:27:11] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2024-08-07 03:27:11] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:27:14] BlinkofanEye: that was sloppy
[2024-08-07 03:27:17] Hellraz0r: bugger
[2024-08-07 03:27:21] BlinkofanEye: bugga
[2024-08-07 03:27:34] BlinkofanEye: wolf in hummermid road
[2024-08-07 03:28:00] BlinkofanEye: mid map
[2024-08-07 03:28:01] BlinkofanEye: guys
[2024-08-07 03:28:02] BlinkofanEye: by dirt
[2024-08-07 03:28:20] _Roadie : that one came out the bottome of your foot
[2024-08-07 03:28:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-08-07 03:28:47] Goosey: lol flying mofo!
[2024-08-07 03:28:50] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:28:51] BlinkofanEye: he mad
[2024-08-07 03:28:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: 2fer
[2024-08-07 03:28:54] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: spaked
[2024-08-07 03:29:05] BlinkofanEye: ull never dethrone mecrash
[2024-08-07 03:29:11] BlinkofanEye: i am kween
[2024-08-07 03:29:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: uhuh
[2024-08-07 03:29:27] _Roadie : hey Qween - get me a beer
[2024-08-07 03:30:25] PresidentKamala: Phagg
[2024-08-07 03:30:30] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i got blue moon in ftige
[2024-08-07 03:31:04] PresidentKamala: SO GHEEEEERY
[2024-08-07 03:31:09] _Roadie : pls pass one over
[2024-08-07 03:31:11] _Roadie : TY
[2024-08-07 03:31:17] _Roadie : check is in the mail
[2024-08-07 03:32:48] Hellraz0r: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:33:09] _Roadie : tee hee
[2024-08-07 03:33:20] Hellraz0r: SOZ
[2024-08-07 03:33:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh u #$%$%#%
[2024-08-07 03:33:34] PresidentKamala: beep beep
[2024-08-07 03:33:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: where were u
[2024-08-07 03:33:52] BlinkofanEye: ok that didnt count
[2024-08-07 03:33:54] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: languafe crash
[2024-08-07 03:33:58] PresidentKamala: haunting your dreams
[2024-08-07 03:34:16] BlinkofanEye: helping sick kiddo
[2024-08-07 03:34:20] BlinkofanEye: 102 temp
[2024-08-07 03:34:22] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: laanguag crash
[2024-08-07 03:34:25] BlinkofanEye: fam has covid except for me
[2024-08-07 03:34:32] -[HELL0]-Crash: OOOOH YEAHHHHHH
[2024-08-07 03:34:41] PresidentKamala: see, no i got to cut you
[2024-08-07 03:34:43] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2024-08-07 03:35:01] BlinkofanEye: nice aim road
[2024-08-07 03:35:03] BlinkofanEye: D
[2024-08-07 03:35:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: GO GO GO
[2024-08-07 03:35:13] _Roadie : you should be DEAD
[2024-08-07 03:35:21] BlinkofanEye: n1 night
[2024-08-07 03:35:27] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: want another one?
[2024-08-07 03:35:29] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2024-08-07 03:35:57] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-08-07 03:36:00] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: fir prick camper
[2024-08-07 03:36:08] BlinkofanEye: sih
[2024-08-07 03:36:09] Goosey: oops:)
[2024-08-07 03:36:10] BlinkofanEye: sigh
[2024-08-07 03:36:14] _Roadie : TY Goose!!!!
[2024-08-07 03:36:22] BlinkofanEye: u guy this is serious
[2024-08-07 03:36:24] Goosey: i just saw a big fat ass
[2024-08-07 03:36:25] Goosey: soz
[2024-08-07 03:36:26] BlinkofanEye: we need to get back my tiara
[2024-08-07 03:36:43] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: teasing jester
[2024-08-07 03:36:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-08-07 03:36:52] PresidentKamala: PISS! Piss in the ASS!
[2024-08-07 03:36:54] BlinkofanEye: ez
[2024-08-07 03:37:24] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: yes
[2024-08-07 03:37:33] BlinkofanEye: ok end map now
[2024-08-07 03:37:34] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-08-07 03:37:34] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: n1 blink
[2024-08-07 03:37:36] BlinkofanEye: ty
[2024-08-07 03:38:44] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-08-07 03:38:46] Goosey: bingo!
[2024-08-07 03:38:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: evil evil duck
[2024-08-07 03:38:56] BlinkofanEye: quack
[2024-08-07 03:39:05] BlinkofanEye: gj team
[2024-08-07 03:39:25] BlinkofanEye: boooooo
[2024-08-07 03:39:26] BlinkofanEye: HACKs
[2024-08-07 03:39:28] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:39:32] -[HELL0]-Crash: WAIT AMBUSH
[2024-08-07 03:39:51] BlinkofanEye: lol hell
[2024-08-07 03:39:58] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-08-07 03:40:02] Hellraz0r: almost a home run fully certified
[2024-08-07 03:40:09] BlinkofanEye: respect hell
[2024-08-07 03:40:20] BlinkofanEye: certified leet
[2024-08-07 03:40:30] _Roadie : respect? just dye... tie dye
[2024-08-07 03:40:40] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: can someone get jerster a job at 7-11
[2024-08-07 03:40:45] BlinkofanEye: lo why
[2024-08-07 03:40:59] BlinkofanEye: so he can get free snakcs?
[2024-08-07 03:41:04] BlinkofanEye: OHH HELL YOU FACKED IT LOL
[2024-08-07 03:41:07] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hes camper freak
[2024-08-07 03:41:10] Hellraz0r: LMAO
[2024-08-07 03:41:24] BlinkofanEye: HELL = MVP WORST ERRORS
[2024-08-07 03:41:34] BlinkofanEye: GJ MOOB
[2024-08-07 03:41:35] BlinkofanEye: PTK
[2024-08-07 03:41:36] Hellraz0r: lmao
[2024-08-07 03:41:37] PresidentKamala: ah crap
[2024-08-07 03:41:50] BlinkofanEye: meditate on your sins
[2024-08-07 03:42:05] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-08-07 03:42:07] BlinkofanEye: haha
[2024-08-07 03:42:16] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-08-07 03:42:25] Hellraz0r: like a deer in the headlights mate
[2024-08-07 03:42:31] BlinkofanEye: aup
[2024-08-07 03:42:48] _Roadie : hiya Goose
[2024-08-07 03:42:50] Goosey: :D
[2024-08-07 03:43:05] BlinkofanEye: bah
[2024-08-07 03:43:09] BlinkofanEye: aadmmin hacks
[2024-08-07 03:43:11] BlinkofanEye: im telling ice
[2024-08-07 03:43:17] Goosey: hell on Offense today!
[2024-08-07 03:43:22] _Roadie : admin Skillz...
[2024-08-07 03:43:23] BlinkofanEye: hell is ballin
[2024-08-07 03:43:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: 2fer
[2024-08-07 03:43:30] BlinkofanEye: +1 for more ime
[2024-08-07 03:43:34] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:43:35] Hellraz0r: bugger
[2024-08-07 03:43:37] Hellraz0r: +1
[2024-08-07 03:43:45] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: +
[2024-08-07 03:43:54] PresidentKamala: tuff luck
[2024-08-07 03:44:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: added 5 for TIED GAME
[2024-08-07 03:44:19] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:44:20] BlinkofanEye: bah
[2024-08-07 03:44:22] BlinkofanEye: who mines there
[2024-08-07 03:44:24] BlinkofanEye: ty crashy poo
[2024-08-07 03:44:29] _Roadie : we do
[2024-08-07 03:44:38] PresidentKamala: moob will still slap u down
[2024-08-07 03:44:39] Hellraz0r: LMAO
[2024-08-07 03:44:40] BlinkofanEye: LOL
[2024-08-07 03:44:44] BlinkofanEye: TBOOOONE
[2024-08-07 03:44:55] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-08-07 03:44:56] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:44:57] BlinkofanEye: MORE DADDY
[2024-08-07 03:45:15] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:45:15] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-08-07 03:45:16] PresidentKamala: yes my son
[2024-08-07 03:45:22] BlinkofanEye: your cuck is dead tho
[2024-08-07 03:45:36] _Roadie : sry
[2024-08-07 03:45:39] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-08-07 03:45:40] BlinkofanEye: haha
[2024-08-07 03:45:42] _Roadie : going after Jester
[2024-08-07 03:45:45] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sonofs
[2024-08-07 03:46:02] Hellraz0r: BLOODY FLAG POLE WHO PUT THAT THERE
[2024-08-07 03:46:05] BlinkofanEye: hell suddenly got good
[2024-08-07 03:46:09] BlinkofanEye: my pole
[2024-08-07 03:46:26] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2024-08-07 03:46:27] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:46:35] BlinkofanEye: i wanna be hells bf
[2024-08-07 03:46:42] Hellraz0r: oossh
[2024-08-07 03:46:45] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: one ded goose is good gander
[2024-08-07 03:46:51] Goosey: :P
[2024-08-07 03:46:52] _Roadie : hehe
[2024-08-07 03:47:09] BlinkofanEye: u can be my nas bf hell
[2024-08-07 03:47:13] PresidentKamala: ah you fugging queeah
[2024-08-07 03:47:25] BlinkofanEye: boooship
[2024-08-07 03:48:00] BlinkofanEye: boik
[2024-08-07 03:48:02] BlinkofanEye: boink
[2024-08-07 03:48:21] BlinkofanEye: nce
[2024-08-07 03:48:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: suck it
[2024-08-07 03:48:49] Goosey: flag
[2024-08-07 03:48:51] BlinkofanEye: FACKIN
[2024-08-07 03:48:51] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-08-07 03:48:52] BlinkofanEye: fatty
[2024-08-07 03:48:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY
[2024-08-07 03:49:01] _Roadie : sry
[2024-08-07 03:49:01] BlinkofanEye: SPLAT
[2024-08-07 03:49:03] Goosey: lolol
[2024-08-07 03:49:17] BlinkofanEye: NOOO
[2024-08-07 03:49:18] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-08-07 03:49:27] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-08-07 03:49:38] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: yea roadie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-08-07 03:49:39] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:49:40] BlinkofanEye: u vagina
[2024-08-07 03:49:46] _Roadie : death by quack
[2024-08-07 03:49:48] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol owned
[2024-08-07 03:49:50] _Roadie : x2
[2024-08-07 03:49:53] _Roadie : 2x
[2024-08-07 03:49:56] Goosey: heh
[2024-08-07 03:49:57] BlinkofanEye: nice goose
[2024-08-07 03:50:22] BlinkofanEye: somene stay on D
[2024-08-07 03:50:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: TYPE +1 IF U WANT MORE TIME? (10 mins)
[2024-08-07 03:50:26] BlinkofanEye: im runing with rspwn
[2024-08-07 03:50:27] BlinkofanEye: !
[2024-08-07 03:50:28] BlinkofanEye: !1
[2024-08-07 03:50:29] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: _
[2024-08-07 03:50:37] _Roadie : +1
[2024-08-07 03:50:42] Sausage Bomber: +1
[2024-08-07 03:50:45] BlinkofanEye: FACKKINGG
[2024-08-07 03:50:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BJRT
[2024-08-07 03:50:56] BlinkofanEye: their high roof
[2024-08-07 03:50:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: ok done
[2024-08-07 03:51:00] _Roadie : no that was in the back blink
[2024-08-07 03:51:04] BlinkofanEye: ns wolf
[2024-08-07 03:51:07] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: u 2
[2024-08-07 03:51:14] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: last round also
[2024-08-07 03:51:41] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh yeah
[2024-08-07 03:52:38] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-08-07 03:52:39] Hellraz0r: sorr crash
[2024-08-07 03:52:40] PresidentKamala: sIT
[2024-08-07 03:52:40] Goosey: has
[2024-08-07 03:52:42] Goosey: ha
[2024-08-07 03:52:49] BlinkofanEye: FAKCING
[2024-08-07 03:52:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-08-07 03:52:59] Goosey: lol
[2024-08-07 03:53:01] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:53:03] BlinkofanEye: ptk
[2024-08-07 03:53:12] BlinkofanEye: FACK YOU MOOB
[2024-08-07 03:53:15] BlinkofanEye: double ptk
[2024-08-07 03:53:16] Goosey: moob!
[2024-08-07 03:53:17] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-08-07 03:53:28] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2024-08-07 03:53:43] Hellraz0r: sorry burt
[2024-08-07 03:54:00] PresidentKamala: whatttt i helping!
[2024-08-07 03:54:05] Goosey: lol
[2024-08-07 03:54:46] BlinkofanEye: secure baeplw
[2024-08-07 03:54:48] BlinkofanEye: base
[2024-08-07 03:54:55] BlinkofanEye: FACKING
[2024-08-07 03:54:56] Goosey: burts shoot the blue ones
[2024-08-07 03:54:58] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:55:02] -[HELL0]-Crash: ROFL
[2024-08-07 03:55:16] Hellraz0r: sorry night
[2024-08-07 03:55:19] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: np
[2024-08-07 03:55:22] -[HELL0]-Crash: haha
[2024-08-07 03:55:23] BlinkofanEye: ffs
[2024-08-07 03:55:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: now now, no need for potty mouth
[2024-08-07 03:55:42] -[HELL0]-Crash: u flucka
[2024-08-07 03:56:00] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:56:03] BurtsBees: oh shit, i'm high and i was shooting red guys.
[2024-08-07 03:56:08] BlinkofanEye: SONOFA
[2024-08-07 03:56:10] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ies
[2024-08-07 03:56:15] Goosey: lol burt
[2024-08-07 03:56:20] BurtsBees: didn't kill anyone to be fair
[2024-08-07 03:56:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: ur lear
[2024-08-07 03:56:27] Goosey: u got me
[2024-08-07 03:56:27] BurtsBees: but i tried
[2024-08-07 03:56:28] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:56:29] Goosey: but all good
[2024-08-07 03:56:32] BlinkofanEye: hummer out front
[2024-08-07 03:56:36] PresidentKamala: you STAY in your BASE
[2024-08-07 03:56:42] BurtsBees: ah i did manage to get one lol. sorry
[2024-08-07 03:56:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: n1 hell
[2024-08-07 03:57:07] BlinkofanEye: je ded
[2024-08-07 03:57:10] BlinkofanEye: hes dead
[2024-08-07 03:57:14] BlinkofanEye: push out
[2024-08-07 03:57:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: ow
[2024-08-07 03:57:28] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: jester using starwars cloaking device
[2024-08-07 03:57:35] _Roadie : hehehe\
[2024-08-07 03:57:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-08-07 03:58:01] Goosey: oh u gettin it hell
[2024-08-07 03:58:13] _Roadie : you stay out of this Blink
[2024-08-07 03:58:13] Hellraz0r: he
[2024-08-07 03:58:20] Goosey: :D
[2024-08-07 03:58:29] BurtsBees: i found a camel in a shed that gives hp and ammo
[2024-08-07 03:58:49] BlinkofanEye: FACKING
[2024-08-07 03:58:54] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-08-07 03:58:54] -[HELL0]-Crash: YAH we put it there
[2024-08-07 03:58:55] BlinkofanEye: NO HONKING
[2024-08-07 03:58:58] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:59:10] BlinkofanEye: moob so gay
[2024-08-07 03:59:11] Goosey: get flag
[2024-08-07 03:59:13] BlinkofanEye: cant help
[2024-08-07 03:59:13] BlinkofanEye: it
[2024-08-07 03:59:13] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-07 03:59:32] PresidentKamala: OY
[2024-08-07 03:59:37] TexMexBuddha: hey all
[2024-08-07 03:59:37] PresidentKamala: YEAH
[2024-08-07 03:59:47] Hellraz0r: hi
[2024-08-07 03:59:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY TEX LONG TIME NO SEE
[2024-08-07 04:00:01] BlinkofanEye: camelcide
[2024-08-07 04:00:06] BlinkofanEye: sup tex
[2024-08-07 04:00:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: SOZ NW
[2024-08-07 04:00:10] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ok
[2024-08-07 04:00:19] PresidentKamala: PHAGG
[2024-08-07 04:00:29] BlinkofanEye: FACK
[2024-08-07 04:00:30] BlinkofanEye: GO
[2024-08-07 04:00:35] PresidentKamala: PHAGG
[2024-08-07 04:00:45] Goosey: haha
[2024-08-07 04:00:51] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol goosey
[2024-08-07 04:01:07] _Roadie : kneecapped
[2024-08-07 04:01:07] Hellraz0r: !nextmap
[2024-08-07 04:01:12] Goosey: lolz
[2024-08-07 04:01:14] BlinkofanEye: meeeeepd
[2024-08-07 04:01:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LETS DO BOCAGE NEXT
[2024-08-07 04:01:18] PresidentKamala: i got fucked in the ass by a palm tree
[2024-08-07 04:01:29] BlinkofanEye: meep moofuggas
[2024-08-07 04:01:30] PresidentKamala: oh fuck off aids fag
[2024-08-07 04:01:31] Goosey: wd
[2024-08-07 04:01:34] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: )
[2024-08-07 04:01:37] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: gg gents tomorow isnother day . night
[2024-08-07 04:01:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NIGHT
[2024-08-07 04:01:50] BlinkofanEye: nigt mof
[2024-08-07 04:01:52] Goosey: cya
[2024-08-07 04:01:56] _Roadie : Crash did tell him he was near the limit
[2024-08-07 04:02:04] -[HELL0]-Crash: Rage quit over being nailed in the ass by a tree
[2024-08-07 04:02:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: now thats a new one
[2024-08-07 04:02:13] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL 2 ADMINS
[2024-08-07 04:02:17] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-08-07 04:02:20] BlinkofanEye: ghost ridin the whip
[2024-08-07 04:02:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: eeww
[2024-08-07 04:02:36] BlinkofanEye: thx
[2024-08-07 04:02:40] -[HELL0]-Crash: TWIN RIVERS is next
[2024-08-07 04:02:45] BlinkofanEye: kbarf
[2024-08-07 04:02:45] -[HELL0]-Crash: or do YOU GUYS PREFER BOCAGE?
[2024-08-07 04:02:47] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: gg gn
[2024-08-07 04:02:51] BlinkofanEye: idc
[2024-08-07 04:02:52] BlinkofanEye: tehran
[2024-08-07 04:02:53] Goosey: bocage
[2024-08-07 04:02:55] BlinkofanEye: with apaches
[2024-08-07 04:02:59] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-08-07 04:02:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BOCAGE
[2024-08-07 04:03:01] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: blink nas is yours today
[2024-08-07 04:03:02] _Roadie : Unban Him Y/N?
[2024-08-07 04:03:08] BlinkofanEye: it is everyday
[2024-08-07 04:03:09] BlinkofanEye: unban wbho
[2024-08-07 04:03:11] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-08-07 04:03:24] BlinkofanEye: moob?
[2024-08-07 04:03:29] _Roadie : yes
[2024-08-07 04:03:32] BlinkofanEye: fack him
[2024-08-07 04:03:34] Goosey: gg
[2024-08-07 04:03:34] BlinkofanEye: get ird of retards

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