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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2024-08-19 02:34:02 Chatlog
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[2024-08-19 02:35:19] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-08-19 02:35:26] Goosey: i no laugh!
[2024-08-19 02:35:31] Sgt. Schultz: we do
[2024-08-19 02:35:32] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-08-19 02:35:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO LEFT?
[2024-08-19 02:36:01] Goosey: brett
[2024-08-19 02:36:04] Sgt. Schultz: brett
[2024-08-19 02:36:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: AAAWWWW
[2024-08-19 02:36:12] Mr. Fox: no boom = (
[2024-08-19 02:36:34] Goosey: boom frew!
[2024-08-19 02:36:40] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY RAZOR
[2024-08-19 02:36:41] Sgt. Schultz: score!
[2024-08-19 02:36:46] Hellraz0r: yo jester
[2024-08-19 02:37:00] Goosey: crap offense is here
[2024-08-19 02:37:05] Hellraz0r: haha
[2024-08-19 02:37:39] Mr. Fox: in water
[2024-08-19 02:41:55] Goosey: hey davey
[2024-08-19 02:42:00] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey dave
[2024-08-19 02:42:07] Farmer Dave: Hey
[2024-08-19 02:42:45] _Brain Damage_: hi old boys
[2024-08-19 02:42:49] _Brain Damage_: wild boys
[2024-08-19 02:42:52] Sgt. Schultz: hi
[2024-08-19 02:42:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey brain
[2024-08-19 02:42:58] _Brain Damage_: hey ayy
[2024-08-19 02:43:01] _Brain Damage_: HEY YA
[2024-08-19 02:43:21] _Brain Damage_: points dude
[2024-08-19 02:43:23] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-08-19 02:43:28] _Brain Damage_: LOL dave
[2024-08-19 02:43:37] Farmer Dave: sorry
[2024-08-19 02:44:01] _Brain Damage_: np problem dude just a a bad obessession, old habit ROFL
[2024-08-19 02:44:09] _Brain Damage_: goose y wanna beer?
[2024-08-19 02:44:15] _Brain Damage_: who wants a beer?
[2024-08-19 02:44:18] Goosey: little early for me
[2024-08-19 02:44:22] _Brain Damage_: I offer
[2024-08-19 02:44:25] _Brain Damage_: k
[2024-08-19 02:44:30] _Brain Damage_: BRB
[2024-08-19 02:44:47] Goosey: dat went bOOm
[2024-08-19 02:45:49] Goosey: hey moobinator
[2024-08-19 02:45:57] _Brain Damage_: hey MOOBS
[2024-08-19 02:46:19] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-08-19 02:46:44] _Brain Damage_: I'm havng my last beers sniff booh dudes :(
[2024-08-19 02:46:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2024-08-19 02:46:53] _Brain Damage_: infinite sadness
[2024-08-19 02:47:10] _Brain Damage_: u join too late change TIMEZONE now
[2024-08-19 02:47:15] Goosey: you need to store more..
[2024-08-19 02:47:19] _Brain Damage_: come closer to AFRIKA timezone
[2024-08-19 02:47:24] _Brain Damage_: for business
[2024-08-19 02:47:33] _Brain Damage_: it's better
[2024-08-19 02:47:50] _Brain Damage_: I will change that
[2024-08-19 02:48:06] _Brain Damage_: US time zone must be -1
[2024-08-19 02:48:16] Goosey: wd
[2024-08-19 02:48:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj
[2024-08-19 02:48:20] _Brain Damage_: for me to join DC
[2024-08-19 02:48:26] _Brain Damage_: pls
[2024-08-19 02:48:35] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey moob
[2024-08-19 02:49:08] Hellraz0r: lol
[2024-08-19 02:49:10] _Brain Damage_: OYEEAH
[2024-08-19 02:49:45] _Brain Damage_: dude
[2024-08-19 02:50:22] Goosey: pick him up
[2024-08-19 02:50:25] _Brain Damage_: moob is KAMALA ROFl?
[2024-08-19 02:50:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey turkey long time no see
[2024-08-19 02:50:46] Goosey: my cousin
[2024-08-19 02:50:49] _Brain Damage_: KAMALA Boobs toes
[2024-08-19 02:51:02] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-08-19 02:51:11] _Brain Damage_: ROFL U !!!!
[2024-08-19 02:51:33] _Brain Damage_: u guys are crazy about elections... lol
[2024-08-19 02:51:43] _Brain Damage_: very funny from outside US lolol
[2024-08-19 02:51:48] zanshin: shes krazy
[2024-08-19 02:52:02] JagdTurkey: sometimes
[2024-08-19 02:52:06] _Brain Damage_: whilst u only have 2 fkin parties and u call this democracy
[2024-08-19 02:52:25] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-19 02:52:26] JagdTurkey: ow
[2024-08-19 02:52:31] JagdTurkey: that hurt
[2024-08-19 02:52:36] _Brain Damage_: lol 2 party democracy ROFL
[2024-08-19 02:53:11] zanshin: beter than 1
[2024-08-19 02:53:34] JagdTurkey: bish
[2024-08-19 02:53:41] _Brain Damage_: THANKS A LOT DUDE let's share the points
[2024-08-19 02:53:43] _Brain Damage_: and trillions
[2024-08-19 02:53:44] Goosey: at least razor knows its ctf..
[2024-08-19 02:54:00] Hellraz0r: lol
[2024-08-19 02:54:04] _Brain Damage_: the guy who brang me humvee with full options
[2024-08-19 02:54:04] Farmer Dave: !nextmap
[2024-08-19 02:54:12] JagdTurkey: oo
[2024-08-19 02:54:16] JagdTurkey: get me in a jet
[2024-08-19 02:54:18] JagdTurkey: bish
[2024-08-19 02:55:00] -[HELLO]-JESTER: turkey you think you can out fly NR FOX
[2024-08-19 02:55:08] _Brain Damage_: dudes even in morocco we got like 20 or +25 parties dunno
[2024-08-19 02:55:09] Farmer Dave: no way
[2024-08-19 02:55:09] _Brain Damage_: LOL
[2024-08-19 02:55:55] Hellraz0r: just me, jester and malakoph
[2024-08-19 02:56:11] Hellraz0r: everyone else afk
[2024-08-19 02:56:15] _Brain Damage_: gonna report USA to human rights watch
[2024-08-19 02:56:27] JagdTurkey: ow
[2024-08-19 02:56:59] _Brain Damage_: for fakin democracy with only 2 PARTIES ROFLMAO
[2024-08-19 02:57:12] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-19 02:57:13] JagdTurkey: oof
[2024-08-19 02:57:14] JagdTurkey: oof
[2024-08-19 02:57:15] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-08-19 02:57:17] _Brain Damage_: oyeeah
[2024-08-19 02:57:20] PresidentKamala: IED
[2024-08-19 02:57:36] PresidentKamala: IED
[2024-08-19 02:57:41] Goosey: incoming moob
[2024-08-19 02:57:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-08-19 02:57:52] PresidentKamala: oh, on FOOT
[2024-08-19 02:57:57] Mr. Fox: lol n1 goos
[2024-08-19 02:58:00] Goosey: lol ta
[2024-08-19 02:58:01] JagdTurkey: kurwa
[2024-08-19 02:58:10] JagdTurkey: 1 out of 2
[2024-08-19 02:59:35] _Brain Damage_: Kamala Norris Moobs
[2024-08-19 02:59:47] JagdTurkey: hmm
[2024-08-19 03:00:07] _Brain Damage_: I'm sorry but he sucitate that or such stuff
[2024-08-19 03:00:20] _Brain Damage_: not my fault I'm not KGB or FSO
[2024-08-19 03:00:33] JagdTurkey: ban
[2024-08-19 03:00:37] _Brain Damage_: I dont interfere with US election, you're just laghable
[2024-08-19 03:00:45] _Brain Damage_: ban? me?
[2024-08-19 03:00:50] JagdTurkey: no
[2024-08-19 03:00:53] JagdTurkey: ban
[2024-08-19 03:00:53] _Brain Damage_: whom
[2024-08-19 03:00:57] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-19 03:01:07] PresidentKamala: that was a good IED a
[2024-08-19 03:01:10] JagdTurkey: not you
[2024-08-19 03:01:11] JagdTurkey: not you
[2024-08-19 03:01:12] JagdTurkey: just
[2024-08-19 03:01:14] JagdTurkey: BAN
[2024-08-19 03:01:17] Goosey: lol
[2024-08-19 03:01:19] Sgt. Schultz: sry
[2024-08-19 03:01:21] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-08-19 03:01:21] Hellraz0r: np
[2024-08-19 03:01:32] _Brain Damage_: ban my mom?
[2024-08-19 03:01:39] JagdTurkey: gg
[2024-08-19 03:01:39] JagdTurkey: gg
[2024-08-19 03:01:55] JagdTurkey: no
[2024-08-19 03:01:59] Goosey: wolfy!
[2024-08-19 03:01:59] JagdTurkey: ban
[2024-08-19 03:02:02] _Brain Damage_: it's a bad game REd team sucked ! I protest !
[2024-08-19 03:02:18] _Brain Damage_: we had no fun just an easy bs win
[2024-08-19 03:02:22] _Brain Damage_: no challenge
[2024-08-19 03:02:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY WOLFY
[2024-08-19 03:02:37] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: hi
[2024-08-19 03:02:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY REBELLION
[2024-08-19 03:02:47] JagdTurkey: this is a red team dominant from my experience
[2024-08-19 03:02:50] Goosey: lolol
[2024-08-19 03:02:56] _Brain Damage_: rofl
[2024-08-19 03:02:59] _Brain Damage_: BISSH
[2024-08-19 03:03:10] JagdTurkey: been playing this sheet for years
[2024-08-19 03:03:12] _Brain Damage_: road killed me I hated that
[2024-08-19 03:03:20] _Brain Damage_: so humiliatiing
[2024-08-19 03:03:41] JagdTurkey: DIARHHEA
[2024-08-19 03:03:55] Goosey: lol z
[2024-08-19 03:03:57] _Brain Damage_: fkin PARCHUTES not working
[2024-08-19 03:03:59] zanshin: ]
[2024-08-19 03:04:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHERE IS CRASH OR ROADIE?
[2024-08-19 03:04:03] Goosey: any of those close?
[2024-08-19 03:04:08] _Brain Damage_: siphillis
[2024-08-19 03:04:10] JagdTurkey: what about
[2024-08-19 03:04:14] JagdTurkey: CHEESEMASTER
[2024-08-19 03:04:16] Hellraz0r: sorry
[2024-08-19 03:04:18] zanshin: yea, but over my head
[2024-08-19 03:04:20] Hellraz0r: LMAO
[2024-08-19 03:04:23] Goosey: oh didnt see that one
[2024-08-19 03:04:26] Hellraz0r: lol
[2024-08-19 03:04:27] Hellraz0r: sorry
[2024-08-19 03:04:32] _Brain Damage_: dudes
[2024-08-19 03:04:35] _Brain Damage_: lemme cap
[2024-08-19 03:04:37] Farmer Dave: Have not see Cheese in a long time
[2024-08-19 03:04:40] JagdTurkey: why does cheese not want to ever come back
[2024-08-19 03:04:52] JagdTurkey: he has no desire
[2024-08-19 03:05:01] _Brain Damage_: last time he told me he changed his game habits..;
[2024-08-19 03:05:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO IS CHEESE?
[2024-08-19 03:05:06] JagdTurkey: what did you guys do to him?
[2024-08-19 03:05:07] JagdTurkey: what did you guys do to him?
[2024-08-19 03:05:14] _Brain Damage_: playing some new bs game and happy...
[2024-08-19 03:05:16] Farmer Dave: gg
[2024-08-19 03:05:19] PresidentKamala: who is cheese?
[2024-08-19 03:05:25] JagdTurkey: oo
[2024-08-19 03:05:28] JagdTurkey: \
[2024-08-19 03:05:28] Goosey: there is no other game..
[2024-08-19 03:05:31] _Brain Damage_: cheesemaster was a very good and freizndly player
[2024-08-19 03:05:34] Lulz: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
[2024-08-19 03:05:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: RIGHT

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