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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_first_light - 2024-09-07 03:45:01 Chatlog
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[2024-09-07 03:45:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: can we do bocage please
[2024-09-07 03:46:05] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: vote
[2024-09-07 03:46:06] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey razor
[2024-09-07 03:46:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: no map voteactive
[2024-09-07 03:46:21] Hellraz0r: gday
[2024-09-07 03:46:33] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BANG CAN WE
[2024-09-07 03:46:36] _Brain Damage_: hey razr
[2024-09-07 03:46:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BRAIN
[2024-09-07 03:46:51] Hellraz0r: gday
[2024-09-07 03:46:53] _Brain Damage_: hey J
[2024-09-07 03:46:56] -[HELL0]-Crash: hi hell
[2024-09-07 03:46:58] Goosey: allow map vote?
[2024-09-07 03:47:07] Hellraz0r: hey bro
[2024-09-07 03:47:10] _Brain Damage_: LV ctv?
[2024-09-07 03:47:16] _Brain Damage_: sup
[2024-09-07 03:47:18] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: yeah LV
[2024-09-07 03:47:21] _Brain Damage_: d
[2024-09-07 03:47:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: who wants LV ctf
[2024-09-07 03:47:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NO BOCAGE
[2024-09-07 03:47:35] Hellraz0r: lv?
[2024-09-07 03:47:42] _Roadie : no pls no LV
[2024-09-07 03:47:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: thats 4 for Lv (lost village ctf)
[2024-09-07 03:47:49] Hellraz0r: oh
[2024-09-07 03:47:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: 1 for bocage
[2024-09-07 03:47:57] -[HELL0]-Crash: and no for LV
[2024-09-07 03:47:58] Goosey: 1
[2024-09-07 03:47:59] Goosey: 2
[2024-09-07 03:48:00] Hellraz0r: does the ctf firstlight not work?
[2024-09-07 03:48:13] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEEL NO
[2024-09-07 03:48:15] _Brain Damage_: are u being a tyrant crash?
[2024-09-07 03:48:21] Sgt. Schultz: so you can just steal planes out of enemy uncap?
[2024-09-07 03:48:26] _Brain Damage_: why no vote? and why not village?
[2024-09-07 03:48:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: this is apparently ctf
[2024-09-07 03:48:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: but its not
[2024-09-07 03:48:37] _Brain Damage_: many players wanna play LV CTF
[2024-09-07 03:48:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: are yo registered to vote BD
[2024-09-07 03:48:44] _Roadie : all
[2024-09-07 03:48:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NO WE DONT BRAIN
[2024-09-07 03:49:02] _Brain Damage_: not u J
[2024-09-07 03:49:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT ABOUT EL AL
[2024-09-07 03:49:07] PresidentKamala: i'm a registered sex offender, does that count?
[2024-09-07 03:49:12] _Roadie : this is gonna be good
[2024-09-07 03:49:15] _Brain Damage_: no El A we did it b4 sorry
[2024-09-07 03:49:18] Hellraz0r: gazala?
[2024-09-07 03:49:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WELL I AM SOME PEOPLE BRAIN
[2024-09-07 03:49:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NO WE DONR AL NAS
[2024-09-07 03:49:40] _Brain Damage_: I'm no one and I'm proud of it !
[2024-09-07 03:49:43] wildcard: 7
[2024-09-07 03:49:52] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: 7
[2024-09-07 03:49:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: VOTE 77777777777
[2024-09-07 03:50:02] Goosey: 3 more pluckers!
[2024-09-07 03:50:03] _Brain Damage_: NO
[2024-09-07 03:50:05] dhs: press 7
[2024-09-07 03:50:12] _Brain Damage_: vote 8 if u love Ukraine
[2024-09-07 03:50:14] Kilgore: vote something else
[2024-09-07 03:50:21] -[HELL0]-Crash: vote 9 if u love cookies
[2024-09-07 03:50:23] _Brain Damage_: vote 7 if you"re a prostitute
[2024-09-07 03:50:29] PresidentKamala: i voted 8 for Ukraine
[2024-09-07 03:50:35] _Brain Damage_: 8
[2024-09-07 03:50:35] Goosey: ns
[2024-09-07 03:51:45] dhs: press 7 to kick kamala lol
[2024-09-07 03:52:09] _Brain Damage_: dont kick kamal
[2024-09-07 03:52:18] _Brain Damage_: kamala she's a us citizen
[2024-09-07 03:52:34] dhs: world's citizen!!
[2024-09-07 03:52:39] -[HELL0]-Crash: shes the Kaween of america
[2024-09-07 03:52:41] PresidentKamala: ah shizzzz
[2024-09-07 03:52:45] _Brain Damage_: u guys go crazy when elections are close
[2024-09-07 03:53:03] PresidentKamala: well this is not a good score
[2024-09-07 03:53:07] _Brain Damage_: 7 if love KAMALA
[2024-09-07 03:53:10] _Brain Damage_: ROFL
[2024-09-07 03:53:11] dhs: !nextmap
[2024-09-07 03:53:14] PresidentKamala: 7
[2024-09-07 03:54:07] _Brain Damage_: 7 if love me
[2024-09-07 03:54:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: yeah bunkers we havnt played that in a while
[2024-09-07 03:54:13] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-09-07 03:54:14] _Brain Damage_: or I quit forever
[2024-09-07 03:54:15] -[HELL0]-Crash: good call whoever did it
[2024-09-07 03:54:16] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ny pick
[2024-09-07 03:54:22] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: me
[2024-09-07 03:54:27] _Brain Damage_: show me love or hat"
[2024-09-07 03:54:28] _Brain Damage_: hate
[2024-09-07 03:54:35] -[HELL0]-Crash: i choose hat
[2024-09-07 03:54:40] Kilgore: yella yella yella!
[2024-09-07 03:54:47] _Brain Damage_: crash u seen my vids?
[2024-09-07 03:55:06] _Brain Damage_: I'm sure u have tried camel pee since then
[2024-09-07 03:55:10] PresidentKamala: NOOO u gooose
[2024-09-07 03:55:12] Kilgore: con air?
[2024-09-07 03:55:13] Goosey: :D
[2024-09-07 03:55:20] _Brain Damage_: camel pee is BRICS friendly
[2024-09-07 03:55:29] dhs: is this ctf?
[2024-09-07 03:55:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh no, not the pee talk again
[2024-09-07 03:55:42] _Brain Damage_: saudi remedy, heal anything halal + erectins
[2024-09-07 03:55:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: yeah its CTF lo
[2024-09-07 03:55:45] _Brain Damage_: erections
[2024-09-07 03:56:15] Kilgore: think we got a bad guy on plane
[2024-09-07 03:56:16] _Brain Damage_: I was fkin right yesterday saudis have an obsession with
[2024-09-07 03:56:29] _Brain Damage_: CAMEL PEE! they drink and fkin worship it ! BS
[2024-09-07 03:56:39] _Brain Damage_: I wanna move to another fkin planet
[2024-09-07 03:56:45] _Brain Damage_: this is SH*T !
[2024-09-07 03:56:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: go with elon musk
[2024-09-07 03:57:03] _Brain Damage_: if possiblr
[2024-09-07 03:57:03] _Roadie : luv the team backup.....
[2024-09-07 03:57:06] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-09-07 03:57:08] -[HELL0]-Crash: so it turns out this is CTF after all
[2024-09-07 03:57:10] wildcard: this is so boring
[2024-09-07 03:57:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THANX
[2024-09-07 03:57:23] _Brain Damage_: and Chinese people cook their fkin eggs
[2024-09-07 03:57:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: YEAH
[2024-09-07 03:57:29] PresidentKamala: moob got yo FLAG
[2024-09-07 03:57:30] _Brain Damage_: in childs virgin pee !
[2024-09-07 03:57:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: I DIDNT KNOW IT EITHER
[2024-09-07 03:57:36] _Brain Damage_: why virgin dunno !
[2024-09-07 03:57:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: BD stop the pee talk
[2024-09-07 03:57:53] _Brain Damage_: fk off I'm not
[2024-09-07 03:57:59] -[HELL0]-Crash: ^
[2024-09-07 03:58:04] _Brain Damage_: this is general stuff
[2024-09-07 03:58:10] _Roadie : I'm sitting down with a snack, so be warned.
[2024-09-07 03:58:15] _Brain Damage_: everyone should know
[2024-09-07 03:58:18] PresidentKamala: pee in my butthole
[2024-09-07 03:58:36] _Brain Damage_: my language is clean
[2024-09-07 03:58:48] _Roadie : no bloody stingers????
[2024-09-07 03:59:06] Sgt. Schultz: ctf: camp the flag
[2024-09-07 03:59:17] Kilgore: yup
[2024-09-07 03:59:26] -[HELLO]-JESTER: roadie what you do with that flag hehehhehehe
[2024-09-07 03:59:44] PresidentKamala: whatcha eatin' Roadie, a pus-filled bowl of Mueslix?
[2024-09-07 04:00:01] _Brain Damage_: u guys are CCP agents? or just wannabes?
[2024-09-07 04:00:08] -[HELL0]-Crash: both
[2024-09-07 04:00:25] -[HELL0]-Crash: oh wow
[2024-09-07 04:00:27] _Brain Damage_: I thought aussies and NZ had balls...
[2024-09-07 04:00:32] -[HELL0]-Crash: soz jester
[2024-09-07 04:00:40] -[HELLO]-JESTER: np
[2024-09-07 04:00:46] -[HELL0]-Crash: no theres no gravity here
[2024-09-07 04:00:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: down under
[2024-09-07 04:00:51] Goosey: only the males
[2024-09-07 04:00:57] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2024-09-07 04:01:00] _Brain Damage_: gravity
[2024-09-07 04:01:01] PresidentKamala: and toilets flush backwards
[2024-09-07 04:01:12] _Brain Damage_: yeah it sucks
[2024-09-07 04:01:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: no, counter clockwise, get it irght
[2024-09-07 04:01:20] Goosey: whats a toilet
[2024-09-07 04:01:24] Goosey: dunny's
[2024-09-07 04:01:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: a dunny
[2024-09-07 04:01:28] Hellraz0r: that reminds me, had a nice dog with a side of eggs BD
[2024-09-07 04:01:29] _Brain Damage_: and beers are drunk upside down...
[2024-09-07 04:01:36] Hellraz0r: was a solid meal
[2024-09-07 04:01:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: mmm hot dog
[2024-09-07 04:01:53] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 777777777777777777777777
[2024-09-07 04:02:04] _Brain Damage_: I just had a baboo rat BBQ, it's worthy
[2024-09-07 04:02:12] _Brain Damage_: and costly mium mium
[2024-09-07 04:02:22] _Brain Damage_: BAMBBO rat mium
[2024-09-07 04:03:03] PresidentKamala: GOOSED
[2024-09-07 04:03:03] _Brain Damage_: btw are u sure my Camel Pee NN was illegal?
[2024-09-07 04:03:06] Goosey: oh u plucka.. n1
[2024-09-07 04:03:24] _Brain Damage_: no server kicked me, no other admin than u
[2024-09-07 04:03:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: who
[2024-09-07 04:03:35] _Brain Damage_: for using that nickname Camel Pee
[2024-09-07 04:03:45] _Brain Damage_: roadie kicked for that yesterday
[2024-09-07 04:03:55] _Brain Damage_: me
[2024-09-07 04:04:00] _Roadie : whine
[2024-09-07 04:04:04] PresidentKamala: man i miss sucking that camel's pooperhole in Al Nas
[2024-09-07 04:04:07] _Brain Damage_: it's not illegal
[2024-09-07 04:04:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: i tink it was the entire hour long tirage b4 that added
[2024-09-07 04:04:09] _Roadie : tell it to the hand
[2024-09-07 04:04:21] _Brain Damage_: was that an abusive kick?
[2024-09-07 04:04:28] _Brain Damage_: twice?
[2024-09-07 04:04:32] -[HELL0]-Crash: when
[2024-09-07 04:04:36] _Roadie : last night
[2024-09-07 04:04:44] PresidentKamala: GOOSED
[2024-09-07 04:04:46] _Brain Damage_: I can discuss it with admins on forums
[2024-09-07 04:04:48] Goosey: :I
[2024-09-07 04:04:59] _Brain Damage_: and see if u were right
[2024-09-07 04:05:18] _Brain Damage_: cause I want my full player's rights just like others
[2024-09-07 04:05:22] _Brain Damage_: if u pls
[2024-09-07 04:05:23] _Roadie : he seems to be laboring under a misconception.
[2024-09-07 04:05:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: of pregnacny
[2024-09-07 04:06:00] -[HELL0]-Crash: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[2024-09-07 04:06:01] _Brain Damage_: I'm just telling u : not sure Camel Pee, is illegal NN.
[2024-09-07 04:06:15] _Brain Damage_: there is no offense
[2024-09-07 04:06:34] Goosey: lol chuk
[2024-09-07 04:06:51] _Brain Damage_: FK YA
[2024-09-07 04:06:55] _Brain Damage_: find players MF
[2024-09-07 04:07:04] _Brain Damage_: retard admin I M OUT
[2024-09-07 04:07:07] _Brain Damage_: prick tard
[2024-09-07 04:07:15] Goosey: have a look at yourself
[2024-09-07 04:07:20] PresidentKamala: Brain seems drunk
[2024-09-07 04:07:29] Kilgore: most likely
[2024-09-07 04:07:33] Goosey: on his last beer... again!
[2024-09-07 04:07:41] Hellraz0r: cant handle his grog by the sounds
[2024-09-07 04:07:43] Kilgore: part drunk and part dioto
[2024-09-07 04:07:45] _Roadie : like a light switch
[2024-09-07 04:07:47] Kilgore: idiot
[2024-09-07 04:08:08] Hellraz0r: lightweight ass
[2024-09-07 04:08:13] -[HELL0]-Crash: OH YEAH
[2024-09-07 04:08:14] Goosey: oops
[2024-09-07 04:08:15] PresidentKamala: FA
[2024-09-07 04:08:19] PresidentKamala: K
[2024-09-07 04:08:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: that reminds me
[2024-09-07 04:08:36] -[HELL0]-Crash: ive got a botte of double oaked woodforde bourbon
[2024-09-07 04:09:36] PresidentKamala: HOGSMOKINGFUCKNOZZLES
[2024-09-07 04:09:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: ^ more polite than usual
[2024-09-07 04:10:13] Goosey: term of endearment moobie?
[2024-09-07 04:10:31] PresidentKamala: i mean it with love
[2024-09-07 04:10:37] Goosey: heh
[2024-09-07 04:10:40] _Roadie : I banned him for a Day
[2024-09-07 04:10:48] -[HELL0]-Crash: good
[2024-09-07 04:10:48] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO?
[2024-09-07 04:10:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: jester
[2024-09-07 04:10:55] Goosey: lol
[2024-09-07 04:11:09] -[HELL0]-Crash: banned from drinking booze for 1 day
[2024-09-07 04:11:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ME? LOL
[2024-09-07 04:11:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol jks
[2024-09-07 04:11:25] -[HELL0]-Crash: OKAY I set BUNKERS ctf

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