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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - guadalcanal - 2024-09-12 02:58:01 Chatlog
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[2024-09-12 02:58:50] BlinkofanEye: aight i gotta get some sleep my wifes having a baby soon
[2024-09-12 02:58:56] Goosey: no shooting birds in heli's
[2024-09-12 02:58:58] 1SK: congrats
[2024-09-12 02:59:06] Goosey: yeh she is not you..
[2024-09-12 02:59:15] BlinkofanEye: well id be up with her
[2024-09-12 02:59:19] Mr. Fox: hey yall
[2024-09-12 02:59:24] BlinkofanEye: im grumpy without sleep
[2024-09-12 02:59:33] Goosey: and with;)
[2024-09-12 02:59:43] -[HELL0]-Crash: time to get yer chopper on
[2024-09-12 02:59:45] BlinkofanEye: cya
[2024-09-12 02:59:51] Goosey: bya
[2024-09-12 03:00:11] -[HELL0]-Crash: FYI this is CONQUEST map lol
[2024-09-12 03:00:19] Graizer: so no base?
[2024-09-12 03:00:22] Graizer: auto death
[2024-09-12 03:00:33] -[HELL0]-Crash: yep
[2024-09-12 03:00:34] _Brain Damage_: VOTA
[2024-09-12 03:01:32] _Brain Damage_: *hey KPAV russian podcast
[2024-09-12 03:01:56] LT. Dangle: lame
[2024-09-12 03:02:11] Goosey: confiscate heli from 1sk
[2024-09-12 03:02:23] PresidentKamala: lol BRB stay here dudes
[2024-09-12 03:02:24] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hi gents
[2024-09-12 03:02:30] Mr. Fox: hey mofo
[2024-09-12 03:02:31] 1SK: its the only thing im half assed decent at dc nowadays lol
[2024-09-12 03:02:40] Goosey: lol:)
[2024-09-12 03:02:57] PresidentKamala: did i do great in the debate or what?!
[2024-09-12 03:03:04] PresidentKamala: Oyeah
[2024-09-12 03:03:28] Hellraz0r: SOZ LOL
[2024-09-12 03:03:38] Mr. Fox: lol np
[2024-09-12 03:03:48] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey mooby
[2024-09-12 03:03:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey mofo
[2024-09-12 03:03:56] PresidentKamala: hiya!
[2024-09-12 03:04:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-12 03:05:48] Goosey: plucker!
[2024-09-12 03:07:49] Mr. Fox: LOL LAME
[2024-09-12 03:08:10] wildcard: youre impossible to hit
[2024-09-12 03:08:19] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:08:23] PresidentKamala: Kamala Power!
[2024-09-12 03:08:45] Graizer: lets order some dinner kamala
[2024-09-12 03:08:45] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:08:49] PresidentKamala: Kamala Power!
[2024-09-12 03:08:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: please activate map vote
[2024-09-12 03:08:51] Graizer: can u put it on the white house bill
[2024-09-12 03:09:09] PresidentKamala: Sea Bass for everyone!
[2024-09-12 03:10:05] -[HELL0]-Crash: u plick
[2024-09-12 03:10:35] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ur mom avivates map vote
[2024-09-12 03:10:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: i cant fight in these dam things i suck at it
[2024-09-12 03:10:49] PresidentKamala: After I shook his hand, i dipped my hand in a...
[2024-09-12 03:10:53] PresidentKamala: Barbers Comb Sanitizer
[2024-09-12 03:11:01] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-12 03:11:05] Hellraz0r: bugger
[2024-09-12 03:11:25] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:11:33] Goosey: lo
[2024-09-12 03:11:34] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:11:35] Goosey: l
[2024-09-12 03:11:36] LT. Dangle: go suck on bidens small dick
[2024-09-12 03:11:37] CPAV: frt
[2024-09-12 03:11:43] CPAV: ewww
[2024-09-12 03:11:46] PresidentKamala: Biden who?
[2024-09-12 03:11:52] CPAV: only his neices do that!
[2024-09-12 03:11:54] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: bidens out
[2024-09-12 03:12:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: crash can we please do another map
[2024-09-12 03:12:22] Goosey: ground assault!
[2024-09-12 03:12:26] -[HELL0]-Crash: no
[2024-09-12 03:12:36] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:12:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ass
[2024-09-12 03:12:45] -[HELL0]-Crash: 15 mins
[2024-09-12 03:12:46] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:12:52] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sty
[2024-09-12 03:13:02] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sry
[2024-09-12 03:13:15] Goosey: 2 ibf village
[2024-09-12 03:13:21] CPAV: sry bud
[2024-09-12 03:13:28] LT. Dangle: npp
[2024-09-12 03:13:35] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: jester learn to fly
[2024-09-12 03:13:59] -[HELLO]-JESTER: i can fly fine just cant hit with missiles
[2024-09-12 03:14:03] Hellraz0r: wow ns
[2024-09-12 03:14:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: jester
[2024-09-12 03:14:11] 1SK: ty
[2024-09-12 03:14:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yes
[2024-09-12 03:14:16] -[HELL0]-Crash: duck forward, fire, then go back
[2024-09-12 03:14:27] Goosey: ha
[2024-09-12 03:14:38] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: you have joy stick?
[2024-09-12 03:14:48] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:14:58] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-09-12 03:15:21] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:15:23] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:15:23] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sonofa
[2024-09-12 03:15:33] LT. Dangle: you talk so jmuch shit for being a hoe
[2024-09-12 03:15:48] PresidentKamala: mah bad
[2024-09-12 03:15:50] Mr. Fox: fukin moob
[2024-09-12 03:16:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY FOX
[2024-09-12 03:16:09] Mr. Fox: HEY JEST
[2024-09-12 03:16:10] PresidentKamala: gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette
[2024-09-12 03:16:19] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-09-12 03:16:30] Mr. Fox: lol i came after nas
[2024-09-12 03:16:40] Goosey: rofl
[2024-09-12 03:16:41] -[HELL0]-Crash: hes been here 20 mins lol
[2024-09-12 03:16:42] Hellraz0r: sry goosey
[2024-09-12 03:16:46] Goosey: all good
[2024-09-12 03:16:48] Goosey: ns;)
[2024-09-12 03:16:52] Hellraz0r: lol
[2024-09-12 03:17:49] Goosey: i keep running into helis
[2024-09-12 03:18:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: u prick
[2024-09-12 03:18:13] -[HELLO]-JESTER: TAKE THAT PHUCKER
[2024-09-12 03:18:18] LT. Dangle: sorry lol
[2024-09-12 03:18:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-09-12 03:18:20] -[HELL0]-Crash: :P
[2024-09-12 03:19:01] PresidentKamala: mofo got too close
[2024-09-12 03:19:11] PresidentKamala: nice job, dildo
[2024-09-12 03:19:24] PresidentKamala: nice job, dildo
[2024-09-12 03:19:45] Goosey: no flakking the poultry
[2024-09-12 03:19:58] -[HELL0]-Crash: ok
[2024-09-12 03:20:02] Goosey: :I
[2024-09-12 03:20:03] -[HELL0]-Crash: er .. from now on
[2024-09-12 03:20:06] -[HELL0]-Crash: :D
[2024-09-12 03:20:15] -[HELL0]-Crash: i was shooting a ghost
[2024-09-12 03:20:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: thought it was a poultrygeist
[2024-09-12 03:20:29] AnarchoCapitalist: sorry
[2024-09-12 03:20:35] PresidentKamala: come on Fox, go suck a dick
[2024-09-12 03:20:48] 1SK: i miss helo wars
[2024-09-12 03:20:48] -[HELL0]-Crash: aw
[2024-09-12 03:21:04] Goosey: 'its fun... especially if you can fly one;)
[2024-09-12 03:21:27] PresidentKamala: Fox tks ppl better than he is
[2024-09-12 03:23:08] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-12 03:23:08] CPAV: lol u 2were behind me whole time
[2024-09-12 03:23:12] CPAV: what a shiit shot u r ROFL
[2024-09-12 03:23:17] Goosey: H:D
[2024-09-12 03:25:56] 1SK: fk
[2024-09-12 03:25:57] -[HELL0]-Crash: ow
[2024-09-12 03:26:01] 1SK: sorry man
[2024-09-12 03:26:01] Goosey: g1:)
[2024-09-12 03:26:24] Goosey: can we saay neither?
[2024-09-12 03:26:29] 1SK: yeah agreed
[2024-09-12 03:26:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: I WATCHED NONE OF IT
[2024-09-12 03:26:44] Goosey: surely there is someone better with 350M
[2024-09-12 03:27:10] Goosey: i say CPAV for el presidente
[2024-09-12 03:27:59] PresidentKamala: oyeah he crossed the rubicon
[2024-09-12 03:28:04] Mr. Fox: !nextmap
[2024-09-12 03:28:23] 1SK: gg
[2024-09-12 03:28:30] -[HELL0]-Crash: !nextmap
[2024-09-12 03:28:34] Goosey: gg

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