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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_lostvillage - 2022-11-12 16:07:01 Chatlog
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[2022-11-12 16:08:54] Crash: ow
[2022-11-12 16:08:57] Jah: srt
[2022-11-12 16:09:15] Crash: ROFL
[2022-11-12 16:09:19] Mimo BiH : flags
[2022-11-12 16:09:22] Crash: i fired that grail from our main
[2022-11-12 16:09:24] SCCCRT: lmao what happened there
[2022-11-12 16:09:29] Mozzi: WHY
[2022-11-12 16:09:31] SCCCRT: just a bunh of explosions
[2022-11-12 16:10:16] Crash: lol
[2022-11-12 16:11:38] rob: MAfo, u like this map?
[2022-11-12 16:11:44] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: meh
[2022-11-12 16:11:53] rob: fix it
[2022-11-12 16:12:07] TexMexBuddha: ouche
[2022-11-12 16:12:08] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: add sa and apache
[2022-11-12 16:12:18] rob: its a start
[2022-11-12 16:12:23] TexMexBuddha: y
[2022-11-12 16:12:24] rob: better
[2022-11-12 16:12:29] TexMexBuddha: you
[2022-11-12 16:12:32] Mimo BiH : 777
[2022-11-12 16:12:39] TexMexBuddha: youre making a list?
[2022-11-12 16:12:55] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: christmas list?
[2022-11-12 16:13:26] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: no no\
[2022-11-12 16:13:44] rob: bbl
[2022-11-12 16:14:19] Crash: LOL
[2022-11-12 16:14:30] Crash: 3FER
[2022-11-12 16:14:44] Mimo BiH : ode sta pojest ogladnio sam hehe
[2022-11-12 16:15:12] Crash: hi duck
[2022-11-12 16:15:15] Goosey: :D
[2022-11-12 16:15:28] _Brain Damage_: assassin mimo ))
[2022-11-12 16:15:41] Mimo BiH : maroko vs croatia
[2022-11-12 16:16:16] Crash: sonofa?
[2022-11-12 16:16:29] Sand_Radish: aww
[2022-11-12 16:16:44] Crash: i got mofo in there b4?
[2022-11-12 16:16:53] Crash: i knifed him
[2022-11-12 16:17:22] Crash: ftk
[2022-11-12 16:17:35] _Brain Damage_: it's auto ftk here ;) thanks though
[2022-11-12 16:21:16] Fish SRB: majku vam jebem
[2022-11-12 16:21:20] Mozzi: GJ
[2022-11-12 16:21:31] Fish SRB: idiot
[2022-11-12 16:21:33] [WSG] Killerpilot: sry
[2022-11-12 16:22:12] Sand_Radish: aww
[2022-11-12 16:23:44] Crash: u ...
[2022-11-12 16:24:02] _Brain Damage_: I think had some 8 kills in a row )))
[2022-11-12 16:24:13] Crash: ha
[2022-11-12 16:24:24] _Brain Damage_: + 2 flags <3
[2022-11-12 16:24:26] Detox : lol
[2022-11-12 16:25:57] Crash: aw
[2022-11-12 16:26:05] Crash: better kill me again
[2022-11-12 16:26:06] Crash: just to make sure
[2022-11-12 16:26:10] Goosey: :D
[2022-11-12 16:26:19] Crash: im just that awesome
[2022-11-12 16:28:04] Ogurec: sorry
[2022-11-12 16:28:08] Detox : np
[2022-11-12 16:28:24] Crash: gonna need detox after that
[2022-11-12 16:28:31] Crash: aw i was typing something witty
[2022-11-12 16:30:30] SCCCRT: !nexymap
[2022-11-12 16:30:33] SCCCRT: !nextmap
[2022-11-12 16:30:39] Crash: lol
[2022-11-12 16:30:40] Crash: aw
[2022-11-12 16:30:41] Goosey: clse
[2022-11-12 16:30:45] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: nooooooo
[2022-11-12 16:30:49] Crash: i was on te roof, impersonating a duck
[2022-11-12 16:31:38] Fish SRB: MIMI igras li
[2022-11-12 16:31:46] _Brain Damage_: gj team
[2022-11-12 16:31:49] Crash: !nextmap
[2022-11-12 16:32:02] VliegjesGehakt: gg
[2022-11-12 16:32:05] VliegjesGehakt: !nextmap
[2022-11-12 16:32:07] _Brain Damage_: sry taha for tk
[2022-11-12 16:32:14] VliegjesGehakt: !nextmap
[2022-11-12 16:32:18] Goosey: gg

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