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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2024-09-17 01:46:02 Chatlog
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[2024-09-17 02:09:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey wolfy where is everyone
[2024-09-17 02:10:11] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Rude
[2024-09-17 02:10:24] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Didn't want to play with me?
[2024-09-17 02:10:25] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lol
[2024-09-17 02:10:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY MOMMODORE
[2024-09-17 02:10:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY SHULTZ
[2024-09-17 02:10:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hello hope all is well
[2024-09-17 02:14:18] Hellraz0r: hey all
[2024-09-17 02:14:20] Hellraz0r: hey jester
[2024-09-17 02:14:22] Sgt. Schultz: hi
[2024-09-17 02:15:12] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: damn lol
[2024-09-17 02:15:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY RAZOR
[2024-09-17 02:15:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BANG
[2024-09-17 02:16:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY CRASH
[2024-09-17 02:16:38] Sgt. Schultz: oops
[2024-09-17 02:16:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: GJ
[2024-09-17 02:18:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: CRASH IS THAT BANG AS HELLO
[2024-09-17 02:18:32] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2024-09-17 02:18:52] -[HELL0]-Crash: sht soz
[2024-09-17 02:18:58] -[HELL0]-Crash: long shot lol
[2024-09-17 02:20:45] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: ns\
[2024-09-17 02:23:25] -[HELL0]-Crash: hehe
[2024-09-17 02:24:56] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: get the flag!
[2024-09-17 02:28:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: ol
[2024-09-17 02:28:53] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-17 02:29:18] Muay Thai: dk why bots funny about lame kill
[2024-09-17 02:29:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: seeing ur body fly thru the air
[2024-09-17 02:29:49] -[HELL0]-Crash: like a rag doll on fire, was hilarious
[2024-09-17 02:30:10] BlinkofanEye: sup
[2024-09-17 02:30:13] -[HELL0]-Crash: sort of like bad 80s action flick funny
[2024-09-17 02:30:14] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sup
[2024-09-17 02:30:16] BlinkofanEye: cheeto fack
[2024-09-17 02:30:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BLINKO
[2024-09-17 02:30:34] BlinkofanEye: ayo chest
[2024-09-17 02:30:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY WOLFY
[2024-09-17 02:31:42] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: getsome
[2024-09-17 02:31:56] BlinkofanEye: n1 wolf
[2024-09-17 02:32:01] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2024-09-17 02:32:34] BlinkofanEye: im on crash
[2024-09-17 02:32:57] BlinkofanEye: ns hell
[2024-09-17 02:33:01] Hellraz0r: chur
[2024-09-17 02:33:01] BlinkofanEye: right in the noggin
[2024-09-17 02:33:47] BlinkofanEye: christ
[2024-09-17 02:33:54] BlinkofanEye: too many good players on tinight
[2024-09-17 02:34:06] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-09-17 02:34:34] BlinkofanEye: SONOA
[2024-09-17 02:34:39] BlinkofanEye: you all ate your fackin wheaties
[2024-09-17 02:34:49] -[HELL0]-Crash: what are that
[2024-09-17 02:34:51] BlinkofanEye: excrept for jester
[2024-09-17 02:34:57] BlinkofanEye: he ate cheetos as usual
[2024-09-17 02:35:05] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-09-17 02:35:07] BlinkofanEye: eat your wheaties is american phrase for being ready
[2024-09-17 02:35:15] BlinkofanEye: wheaties are a sports sponsored breakfast bran flake
[2024-09-17 02:35:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ON MY BELLY
[2024-09-17 02:35:59] BlinkofanEye: fak
[2024-09-17 02:36:28] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: f
[2024-09-17 02:36:31] BlinkofanEye: spite wolf
[2024-09-17 02:36:40] BlinkofanEye: jester you 24 year old hand model
[2024-09-17 02:37:38] BlinkofanEye: sonofa
[2024-09-17 02:38:21] BlinkofanEye: little bit to the right hell
[2024-09-17 02:38:23] BlinkofanEye: u can do it
[2024-09-17 02:38:25] BlinkofanEye: i belive in yous
[2024-09-17 02:38:35] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sry
[2024-09-17 02:38:37] Muay Thai: xD
[2024-09-17 02:38:38] -[HELL0]-Crash: NS
[2024-09-17 02:38:46] BlinkofanEye: FACK SAKE
[2024-09-17 02:39:06] BlinkofanEye: LOL SGT
[2024-09-17 02:39:19] B L I T Z K R I E G: nice one
[2024-09-17 02:39:31] BlinkofanEye: thx for the ride
[2024-09-17 02:39:43] BlinkofanEye: bah
[2024-09-17 02:39:44] BlinkofanEye: ll
[2024-09-17 02:39:44] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2024-09-17 02:40:10] Hellraz0r: market garden next with people?
[2024-09-17 02:40:16] BlinkofanEye: idk
[2024-09-17 02:40:20] BlinkofanEye: idc
[2024-09-17 02:40:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: IN 2 MAPS
[2024-09-17 02:40:45] BlinkofanEye: ack
[2024-09-17 02:40:46] BlinkofanEye: my bad
[2024-09-17 02:40:52] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: its ok
[2024-09-17 02:40:55] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: bastard
[2024-09-17 02:41:00] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lol
[2024-09-17 02:41:11] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-09-17 02:41:12] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-17 02:41:13] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2024-09-17 02:41:17] BlinkofanEye: I HALPT
[2024-09-17 02:41:20] Muay Thai: idk why u bot funny lmao
[2024-09-17 02:41:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-17 02:41:35] Muay Thai: these bots so stupid and funny at the sametime xd
[2024-09-17 02:41:47] B L I T Z K R I E G: I am a bot
[2024-09-17 02:41:53] BlinkofanEye: im a sexbot
[2024-09-17 02:41:56] -[HELL0]-Crash: im a meat puppet
[2024-09-17 02:41:57] BlinkofanEye: for crash
[2024-09-17 02:42:08] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THERE ARE NO BOTS YOU PHUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-09-17 02:42:09] Muay Thai: not lol bot?
[2024-09-17 02:42:16] BlinkofanEye: lol jester so mad
[2024-09-17 02:42:21] Muay Thai: ok man jester
[2024-09-17 02:42:39] BlinkofanEye: jester is pure old man energy
[2024-09-17 02:42:46] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: I guess I got ptked? smh
[2024-09-17 02:42:54] Brettanomyces: bunnyhopper
[2024-09-17 02:42:56] Muay Thai: no lol crash?
[2024-09-17 02:42:59] B L I T Z K R I E G: lol u blew up ur own escape plan
[2024-09-17 02:43:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: wasnt trying to
[2024-09-17 02:43:13] Muay Thai: idk why he no lol
[2024-09-17 02:43:14] Muay Thai: xd
[2024-09-17 02:43:27] BlinkofanEye: across river is gayyy
[2024-09-17 02:43:29] Muay Thai: no lol?
[2024-09-17 02:43:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: ol
[2024-09-17 02:43:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-17 02:43:50] Muay Thai: ye now lol xd
[2024-09-17 02:44:32] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-09-17 02:44:37] BlinkofanEye: get the gaylord
[2024-09-17 02:44:38] -[HELL0]-Crash: maybe after boc
[2024-09-17 02:44:49] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: thai pretty good?
[2024-09-17 02:45:07] -[HELL0]-Crash: PWNT
[2024-09-17 02:45:11] Muay Thai: xD
[2024-09-17 02:45:14] Muay Thai: 1 hp
[2024-09-17 02:45:16] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: wow
[2024-09-17 02:45:17] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol
[2024-09-17 02:45:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY
[2024-09-17 02:45:19] Muay Thai: funny bots xD
[2024-09-17 02:45:21] -[HELL0]-Crash: excuses
[2024-09-17 02:45:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY TURD
[2024-09-17 02:45:36] Hellraz0r: ns wolf
[2024-09-17 02:45:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BRETT
[2024-09-17 02:45:39] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty
[2024-09-17 02:45:43] Muay Thai: jester gonna tell me again NO BOTS HERE UR FRIKKIN IDIOT
[2024-09-17 02:45:43] Brettanomyces: ello
[2024-09-17 02:45:44] -[HELL0]-Crash: hi bret
[2024-09-17 02:45:45] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Is #5 a bot?
[2024-09-17 02:45:49] BlinkofanEye: EJSTER YOU SONOFA
[2024-09-17 02:45:49] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Aint even playing/
[2024-09-17 02:45:53] Muay Thai: ye i am
[2024-09-17 02:45:54] BlinkofanEye: its just bang afking
[2024-09-17 02:46:01] BlinkofanEye: or afgaying
[2024-09-17 02:46:09] Muay Thai: super bot i am
[2024-09-17 02:46:15] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Smh, unevens teams.
[2024-09-17 02:46:17] Brettanomyces: super nub u are
[2024-09-17 02:46:25] Hellraz0r: sorry half asleep
[2024-09-17 02:46:26] Hellraz0r: my bad
[2024-09-17 02:46:26] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: those dam mine
[2024-09-17 02:46:28] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: you lucky mfer
[2024-09-17 02:46:28] BlinkofanEye: yeah ive said it a million times funky
[2024-09-17 02:46:29] Sgt. Schultz: yw
[2024-09-17 02:46:29] Hellraz0r: lol
[2024-09-17 02:46:32] Muay Thai: ahahahaah
[2024-09-17 02:46:42] Muay Thai: shud be lol crash
[2024-09-17 02:46:49] -[HELL0]-Crash: huh
[2024-09-17 02:46:57] Muay Thai: uhm forget ....
[2024-09-17 02:47:03] Brettanomyces: lol blits
[2024-09-17 02:47:04] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-09-17 02:47:05] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: :)
[2024-09-17 02:47:08] Hellraz0r: ty
[2024-09-17 02:47:11] B L I T Z K R I E G: stuck the landing
[2024-09-17 02:47:25] BlinkofanEye: GAYUYYYYYYAYAYAY
[2024-09-17 02:47:25] -[HELL0]-Crash: 2 humvees inbound front gate
[2024-09-17 02:47:26] Brettanomyces: thts whta i called a stunt
[2024-09-17 02:47:28] Hellraz0r: LOL BLINK
[2024-09-17 02:47:58] BlinkofanEye: FACING
[2024-09-17 02:48:02] BlinkofanEye: SONOFA
[2024-09-17 02:48:06] Brettanomyces: killed by turd
[2024-09-17 02:48:13] B L I T Z K R I E G: God i hate PK spammes
[2024-09-17 02:48:22] -*boom*-: hard one
[2024-09-17 02:48:23] Muay Thai: how can i off blood patch here?
[2024-09-17 02:48:31] Muay Thai: can i do it by files?
[2024-09-17 02:48:31] BlinkofanEye: huh
[2024-09-17 02:48:39] Muay Thai: blood patch
[2024-09-17 02:48:43] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DO WHAT?
[2024-09-17 02:48:47] BlinkofanEye: pew pew
[2024-09-17 02:48:53] BlinkofanEye: he wants to take his tampon out he says
[2024-09-17 02:48:54] Muay Thai: turn off the blood patch
[2024-09-17 02:49:07] BlinkofanEye: see
[2024-09-17 02:49:37] BlinkofanEye: jester youre gayer than the average gbear
[2024-09-17 02:49:49] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: funky is an actual homosexual
[2024-09-17 02:50:04] Muay Thai: jester u can only prone or what?
[2024-09-17 02:50:12] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: )
[2024-09-17 02:50:14] Muay Thai: can u use wasd and walk?
[2024-09-17 02:50:19] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2024-09-17 02:50:24] BlinkofanEye: i gotta plan projects for tomrrow
[2024-09-17 02:50:28] BlinkofanEye: more fun than getting owned lol
[2024-09-17 02:50:31] BlinkofanEye: youve all broken me gj
[2024-09-17 02:50:41] -[HELL0]-Crash: pwnt again
[2024-09-17 02:50:41] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: N1 CRASH
[2024-09-17 02:50:47] Muay Thai: xD
[2024-09-17 02:50:53] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: get that cheater
[2024-09-17 02:51:06] Muay Thai: dont even play srsly vs y all
[2024-09-17 02:51:10] -[HELL0]-Crash: hes one insult away from bein kicked
[2024-09-17 02:51:30] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: remeber nanking!
[2024-09-17 02:51:40] Sgt. Schultz: kinda sus
[2024-09-17 02:51:45] Hellraz0r: muay thai can i be as cool as u bro
[2024-09-17 02:51:51] BlinkofanEye: ROFL
[2024-09-17 02:51:53] Hellraz0r: is that even possible
[2024-09-17 02:51:55] Muay Thai: cant
[2024-09-17 02:51:58] Hellraz0r: bugger
[2024-09-17 02:52:02] BlinkofanEye: youve already surpassed him hell
[2024-09-17 02:52:05] BlinkofanEye: you have to go back
[2024-09-17 02:52:15] Hellraz0r: SORRY CRASH
[2024-09-17 02:52:18] -[HELL0]-Crash: np
[2024-09-17 02:52:23] Muay Thai: which bug do i use?
[2024-09-17 02:52:26] BlinkofanEye: fackage
[2024-09-17 02:52:31] -[HELL0]-Crash: n1 team
[2024-09-17 02:52:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: anal sex
[2024-09-17 02:52:40] BlinkofanEye: is overated
[2024-09-17 02:52:40] Muay Thai: hahaha
[2024-09-17 02:52:58] Muay Thai: do u know guys a player named bf2024?
[2024-09-17 02:53:05] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yes
[2024-09-17 02:53:11] -[HELL0]-Crash: crap soz nw
[2024-09-17 02:53:13] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: plays on moongay
[2024-09-17 02:53:13] BlinkofanEye: yeah hes extremely gay
[2024-09-17 02:53:26] Muay Thai: is he a chiter?
[2024-09-17 02:53:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BLINKO YOU GOT A NEW BABY YET?
[2024-09-17 02:53:36] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i think hes muslim
[2024-09-17 02:53:37] BlinkofanEye: no hes similar gayness to you muay
[2024-09-17 02:53:41] BlinkofanEye: no jester wife gave up
[2024-09-17 02:53:41] Muay Thai: lol caps
[2024-09-17 02:53:47] BlinkofanEye: taking time at home and letting it naturally come
[2024-09-17 02:53:47] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hes so muslim when he counts backwards from 10
[2024-09-17 02:53:49] Muay Thai: oh thx blink
[2024-09-17 02:53:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: he clears the room
[2024-09-17 02:53:59] Muay Thai: it must be best ranked from u
[2024-09-17 02:54:00] BlinkofanEye: ur welcome?
[2024-09-17 02:54:07] Muay Thai: lmao
[2024-09-17 02:54:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OH OK BLINKO
[2024-09-17 02:54:13] Muay Thai: is bf2024 a muslim>
[2024-09-17 02:54:14] Muay Thai: ?
[2024-09-17 02:54:19] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: a devout muslim
[2024-09-17 02:54:24] -[HELL0]-Crash: fark
[2024-09-17 02:54:32] Muay Thai: lolol
[2024-09-17 02:54:34] Muay Thai: didnt know it
[2024-09-17 02:54:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THATS YOU ISNT IT THAI
[2024-09-17 02:54:41] Muay Thai: i know this guy and texting with him
[2024-09-17 02:54:48] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-09-17 02:54:49] BlinkofanEye: damnit
[2024-09-17 02:54:52] Muay Thai: and still didnt know hes a myslim
[2024-09-17 02:55:11] Muay Thai: glad to hear it tbh
[2024-09-17 02:55:17] BlinkofanEye: lol wolf you ok
[2024-09-17 02:55:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: he prays to mecca and all that kind of shit
[2024-09-17 02:55:41] Muay Thai: hes unwell i think
[2024-09-17 02:55:43] -*boom*-: our flag
[2024-09-17 02:56:13] Muay Thai: oh oh is it a religol enmity?
[2024-09-17 02:56:16] Muay Thai: nice server lol
[2024-09-17 02:56:26] Muay Thai: religion*
[2024-09-17 02:56:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THAY ARENT YOU BF2024?
[2024-09-17 02:56:46] Muay Thai: hating by reason of a religion?
[2024-09-17 02:56:51] -[HELL0]-Crash: sounds like it
[2024-09-17 02:56:52] Muay Thai: nah man im not him
[2024-09-17 02:57:01] Muay Thai: his ping much lower
[2024-09-17 02:57:09] Muay Thai: im a redneck from russia
[2024-09-17 02:57:11] BlinkofanEye: english much worse
[2024-09-17 02:57:11] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hes more of a 7/11 than a 9/11 muslim
[2024-09-17 02:57:13] Muay Thai: nice to meet y all
[2024-09-17 02:57:19] Muay Thai: ofc much worse
[2024-09-17 02:57:20] Hellraz0r: vodniks on
[2024-09-17 02:57:22] Muay Thai: not my native lang
[2024-09-17 02:57:23] -[HELL0]-Crash: speak the language
[2024-09-17 02:57:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHT OTHER NAMES YOU GO BY?
[2024-09-17 02:57:25] Hellraz0r: buckys g
[2024-09-17 02:57:30] Muay Thai: vodniks lolol
[2024-09-17 02:57:35] Hellraz0r: hahahha
[2024-09-17 02:57:36] Muay Thai: how do u know it hell?
[2024-09-17 02:57:38] Muay Thai: hahahahahaaah
[2024-09-17 02:57:43] Hellraz0r: i had in china
[2024-09-17 02:57:43] Muay Thai: omg lol
[2024-09-17 02:57:48] Muay Thai: wow rly?
[2024-09-17 02:57:54] Hellraz0r: with my russian bro
[2024-09-17 02:58:04] Muay Thai: ye im under a bit vodnik rn plus beer
[2024-09-17 02:58:08] Muay Thai: nice nice
[2024-09-17 02:58:11] BlinkofanEye: bah jester you gaylord
[2024-09-17 02:58:11] Hellraz0r: niceee
[2024-09-17 02:58:15] -[HELL0]-Crash: so speak russian now, muay thai
[2024-09-17 02:58:17] BlinkofanEye: wtf is vodnik
[2024-09-17 02:58:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-09-17 02:58:27] Hellraz0r: its a bucky
[2024-09-17 02:58:28] Muay Thai: vodnik is kind of an apparatus to smoke weed
[2024-09-17 02:58:36] Hellraz0r: a home made gravity bong
[2024-09-17 02:58:37] Muay Thai: no you wont und me crash
[2024-09-17 02:58:41] BlinkofanEye: youre an aparatus to suck cock
[2024-09-17 02:58:47] -[HELL0]-Crash: lol sure
[2024-09-17 02:58:49] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO

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