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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_coastal_hammer - 2022-11-12 16:37:02 Chatlog
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[2022-11-12 16:40:39] Crash: :P
[2022-11-12 16:40:44] Goosey: bah!
[2022-11-12 16:41:52] Crash: :)
[2022-11-12 16:41:56] SCCCRT: nice lol
[2022-11-12 16:44:24] Butcher: whoo
[2022-11-12 16:44:37] Mozzi: ...
[2022-11-12 16:44:37] _Brain Damage_: sweet
[2022-11-12 16:45:08] Crash: shud have ducked
[2022-11-12 16:45:13] Mozzi: nice afk then -2 and 35 sec spawn
[2022-11-12 16:45:14] Goosey: heh
[2022-11-12 16:45:39] _Brain Damage_: u tk and never say sorry?
[2022-11-12 16:45:51] Crash: :P
[2022-11-12 16:45:53] Goosey: n1
[2022-11-12 16:45:55] Mozzi: u hit a friendly mine asshat
[2022-11-12 16:46:03] Mozzi: like u always do
[2022-11-12 16:46:12] _Brain Damage_: it was badly placed ass
[2022-11-12 16:46:17] Goosey: lol
[2022-11-12 16:46:27] Crash: on the ground?
[2022-11-12 16:46:32] Mozzi: you are the worst mine hitter ingame
[2022-11-12 16:46:32] _Brain Damage_: there are good and bad mines
[2022-11-12 16:46:35] Crash: yeah i usually put mine in trees
[2022-11-12 16:46:39] Mozzi: im sure its on purpose
[2022-11-12 16:46:44] _Brain Damage_: no, it was obrtructing exit
[2022-11-12 16:46:52] Mozzi: duh
[2022-11-12 16:47:02] Mozzi: only u hit it
[2022-11-12 16:47:09] Crash: i once obstructed a woman's entrance once
[2022-11-12 16:47:10] _Brain Damage_: why on purpose? I dont even know u as a player
[2022-11-12 16:47:10] Crash: she loved it
[2022-11-12 16:47:19] Mozzi: everyone else on team has a brain
[2022-11-12 16:47:46] Goosey: hug and play on:)
[2022-11-12 16:47:56] Crash: just no tongue please
[2022-11-12 16:48:01] _Brain Damage_: dont close the doords woth your stupid and stay polite
[2022-11-12 16:48:02] Goosey: heh
[2022-11-12 16:48:04] Crash: covid rules
[2022-11-12 16:48:37] Mozzi: read icon pay attention
[2022-11-12 16:48:39] Crash: ow
[2022-11-12 16:49:20] _Brain Damage_: I'm a team player mozzi, not a tard
[2022-11-12 16:49:30] _Brain Damage_: I'm here for fun, not confrontation
[2022-11-12 16:49:41] _Brain Damage_: everything else is bs
[2022-11-12 16:49:44] Mozzi: lies
[2022-11-12 16:49:50] Butcher: I'm here for the poontang
[2022-11-12 16:49:57] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2022-11-12 16:50:06] Goosey: crash is here for boobies
[2022-11-12 16:50:12] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: im here to hit mozzi mines
[2022-11-12 16:50:17] Crash: and thts not all
[2022-11-12 16:50:18] Mozzi: lol
[2022-11-12 16:50:30] Butcher: worthy causes both
[2022-11-12 16:50:33] Sand_Radish: aww
[2022-11-12 16:50:59] Sand_Radish: aww
[2022-11-12 16:51:27] Butcher: maniac
[2022-11-12 16:51:42] _Brain Damage_: u mean mozzi?
[2022-11-12 16:52:01] Butcher: no, whoever tk'ed me
[2022-11-12 16:52:15] _Brain Damage_: must be mozzi
[2022-11-12 16:52:23] Butcher: cant have been
[2022-11-12 16:52:24] Mozzi: im blue fool
[2022-11-12 16:52:35] Butcher: BD isn't good with colors
[2022-11-12 16:52:40] _Brain Damage_: as long as I know u, u still could
[2022-11-12 16:52:58] Crash: we love u both
[2022-11-12 16:53:00] _Brain Damage_: lol how u know
[2022-11-12 16:53:09] Crash: equally
[2022-11-12 16:53:11] _Brain Damage_: I love u too crash
[2022-11-12 16:53:16] Butcher: no, I have favorites
[2022-11-12 16:54:10] Crash: lol
[2022-11-12 16:54:19] Mozzi: )
[2022-11-12 16:54:26] Sand_Radish: aww
[2022-11-12 16:54:37] Crash: lol ur kidding
[2022-11-12 16:54:52] Goosey: merely tickled
[2022-11-12 16:55:14] _Brain Damage_: I put HIMARS on my DPV
[2022-11-12 16:55:26] Butcher: well done, those arent easy to mount
[2022-11-12 16:55:26] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: johnsonville sausage is the sponsor for the corn hole tournamen
[2022-11-12 16:55:44] Sand_Radish: aw
[2022-11-12 16:55:54] _Brain Damage_: wth is corn hole tourney,
[2022-11-12 16:55:54] Bordahal: sorry
[2022-11-12 16:55:54] Crash: lol
[2022-11-12 16:55:56] Mozzi: ftk
[2022-11-12 16:56:07] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: american game
[2022-11-12 16:56:19] _Brain Damage_: sounds gr8
[2022-11-12 16:56:20] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: throw bean bags
[2022-11-12 16:56:31] Mozzi: cornhole
[2022-11-12 16:56:39] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: used to mean but sex
[2022-11-12 16:56:40] _Brain Damage_: dude
[2022-11-12 16:56:47] Butcher: I am cornholio!
[2022-11-12 16:57:01] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: haha for got about him
[2022-11-12 16:57:44] Goosey: lovely on the beach
[2022-11-12 16:57:46] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: im surproced corn hole hasnt reached africa yet
[2022-11-12 16:58:34] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: they are interviewing the corn hole winners
[2022-11-12 16:58:43] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: dumb as a rock
[2022-11-12 16:58:43] Goosey: soz
[2022-11-12 16:58:53] Butcher: what does the winner get?
[2022-11-12 16:59:31] Mozzi: ns bitcher
[2022-11-12 16:59:35] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i dont know
[2022-11-12 16:59:52] Butcher: I sure know how to bitch
[2022-11-12 17:00:05] Mozzi: bitched me good
[2022-11-12 17:00:15] Butcher: price of poontang is too damn high
[2022-11-12 17:00:43] Sand_Radish: aww
[2022-11-12 17:00:57] Mozzi: were all outtan poon
[2022-11-12 17:01:13] Butcher: I need a bigger boat
[2022-11-12 17:01:42] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: im up to 0
[2022-11-12 17:01:53] _Brain Damage_: wd mf
[2022-11-12 17:02:21] Butcher: I wanted a boat though

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