Battlefield 1942 Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_basrahs_edge - 2024-10-05 00:24:01 Chatlog
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[2024-10-05 00:25:12] _Brain Damage_: hey kill
[2024-10-05 00:25:21] KillKillKill: yea?
[2024-10-05 00:25:22] _Brain Damage_: press ins and check maplist
[2024-10-05 00:25:44] KillKillKill: no mapvote activr
[2024-10-05 00:26:00] _Brain Damage_: yes sometimesq it's turn off
[2024-10-05 00:26:20] _Brain Damage_: we got tehran map lol
[2024-10-05 00:26:27] _Brain Damage_: tehran 2025 ROFL
[2024-10-05 00:26:34] KillKillKill: profetic
[2024-10-05 00:26:38] _Brain Damage_: yeah
[2024-10-05 00:26:49] _Brain Damage_: soon mosssad pager map ROLAMO
[2024-10-05 00:27:08] KillKillKill: oh well, if we ever get sent there, we know the place
[2024-10-05 00:27:30] KillKillKill: no suprise ambusch we wont know about
[2024-10-05 00:27:56] _Brain Damage_: server reaches +30 players sometimes +40
[2024-10-05 00:28:25] KillKillKill: nice, so thats where most of the USA went
[2024-10-05 00:28:36] _Brain Damage_: yes
[2024-10-05 00:28:36] KillKillKill: not alot of FHSW
[2024-10-05 00:28:49] _Brain Damage_: crazily they dont mix
[2024-10-05 00:28:59] _Brain Damage_: FH players are FH and Dc are DC lol
[2024-10-05 00:29:20] _Brain Damage_: FHSW cause this server has FH old school server !!
[2024-10-05 00:29:21] KillKillKill: too bad, same with Japanese server
[2024-10-05 00:29:28] _Brain Damage_: still running with events
[2024-10-05 00:29:45] _Brain Damage_: they still run FH server HELLO FH
[2024-10-05 00:29:54] KillKillKill: thats the old Pixel
[2024-10-05 00:30:02] KillKillKill: they went toHello
[2024-10-05 00:30:10] _Brain Damage_: I'm not sure
[2024-10-05 00:30:14] KillKillKill: I am sure
[2024-10-05 00:30:18] KillKillKill: I know
[2024-10-05 00:30:19] _Brain Damage_: k
[2024-10-05 00:30:27] _Brain Damage_: u like policy LOL
[2024-10-05 00:30:38] _Brain Damage_: I 'meant politics ROFLS
[2024-10-05 00:30:41] KillKillKill: good thing, the hacker really killed it
[2024-10-05 00:30:59] KillKillKill: password was the end, no new players
[2024-10-05 00:31:02] _Brain Damage_: blue?
[2024-10-05 00:31:12] _Brain Damage_: oh yeah that fkin bs troll
[2024-10-05 00:31:19] _Brain Damage_: I remember
[2024-10-05 00:31:32] KillKillKill: no idea, and no, I dont think Blue
[2024-10-05 00:31:47] _Brain Damage_: yes he killed FH server, that's true
[2024-10-05 00:31:58] _Brain Damage_: nvm blue is a friend
[2024-10-05 00:32:14] KillKillKill: I suspect he even made abot that logged in just to troll,
[2024-10-05 00:32:18] _Brain Damage_: bluemax I dont like how they treat him
[2024-10-05 00:32:27] _Brain Damage_: bluemax
[2024-10-05 00:32:34] KillKillKill: he wouldshow up fist minute when more then 2 ppl were on server
[2024-10-05 00:32:35] _Brain Damage_: I dont like how they treat him
[2024-10-05 00:32:40] KillKillKill: no matter hwat time of day
[2024-10-05 00:32:42] _Brain Damage_: whater he cheated or not
[2024-10-05 00:32:58] KillKillKill: kwho can have such amount of no life?
[2024-10-05 00:33:06] _Brain Damage_: yes kill I remember the troll constaltly switching teams
[2024-10-05 00:33:10] _Brain Damage_: and TK players
[2024-10-05 00:33:15] KillKillKill: who can have such amount of no life
[2024-10-05 00:33:26] _Brain Damage_: he was a syphillistic man for us
[2024-10-05 00:33:48] _Brain Damage_: I thought he was possibly a russian spy or so
[2024-10-05 00:33:54] _Brain Damage_: chinese anoying spy
[2024-10-05 00:34:02] KillKillKill: was so weird, as if ruiening server was only thing left for him
[2024-10-05 00:34:03] _Brain Damage_: I thought russian
[2024-10-05 00:34:04] KillKillKill: 24/7
[2024-10-05 00:34:36] _Brain Damage_: makes more sense if he was an actual spy paid for annoying the
[2024-10-05 00:34:36] _Brain Damage_: WEST
[2024-10-05 00:34:40] _Brain Damage_: dunno
[2024-10-05 00:34:46] KillKillKill: seen so many idiots since The Damned Priest server
[2024-10-05 00:35:01] _Brain Damage_: I played there OYEAAH
[2024-10-05 00:35:07] _Brain Damage_: old school
[2024-10-05 00:35:14] _Brain Damage_: FH server
[2024-10-05 00:35:15] KillKillKill: Old Rabbits neverdie
[2024-10-05 00:35:55] KillKillKill: te good old days with Le Colonel and Thomson
[2024-10-05 00:37:03] _Brain Damage_: well I knew so many players...
[2024-10-05 00:38:20] KillKillKill: yea, would be nice to have a yearly FH reunion
[2024-10-05 00:38:45] _Brain Damage_: if u like pure FH just add HELLO/FH to favs
[2024-10-05 00:39:03] _Brain Damage_: they play weekly coops and sometimes big events like GC
[2024-10-05 00:39:23] _Brain Damage_: for some maps FH is far better
[2024-10-05 00:39:37] KillKillKill: nah, try getting old players back, mailing all who ever
[2024-10-05 00:39:37] _Brain Damage_: like rage at Carentan or Pegasus bridge
[2024-10-05 00:39:50] KillKillKill: registrerd with an ivite for FH, and link to files
[2024-10-05 00:39:52] KillKillKill: registrerd with an ivite for FH, and link to files
[2024-10-05 00:40:09] KillKillKill: try to get old players back
[2024-10-05 00:40:13] _Brain Damage_: then? where will u play?
[2024-10-05 00:40:30] KillKillKill: oh, this goes for all servers
[2024-10-05 00:41:09] KillKillKill: reinvite the playerbase, use email and discord
[2024-10-05 00:41:10] _Brain Damage_: I know how to promote this again bro
[2024-10-05 00:41:20] _Brain Damage_: nah I have a better idea
[2024-10-05 00:41:22] KillKillKill: just 1 reunion event as escuse
[2024-10-05 00:41:44] _Brain Damage_: add me on discord if u want to know more about my plan
[2024-10-05 00:41:51] _Brain Damage_: I need a team
[2024-10-05 00:42:12] _Brain Damage_: I got a plan for hugely repopulatiing all BF mods forever
[2024-10-05 00:42:25] _Brain Damage_: Rafal agreed my plan, he said : do it !
[2024-10-05 00:43:00] KillKillKill: Same idea here, the few ppl who still play 1942(mods) better un
[2024-10-05 00:43:02] KillKillKill: Same idea here, the few ppl who still play 1942(mods) better un
[2024-10-05 00:43:03] KillKillKill: unite
[2024-10-05 00:43:14] KillKillKill: and promote
[2024-10-05 00:43:27] _Brain Damage_: my plan cannot FAIL, it will repop all mods forever !
[2024-10-05 00:43:28] KillKillKill: sell it like its the best new religion
[2024-10-05 00:43:42] KillKillKill: nice, I want pirates
[2024-10-05 00:43:43] KillKillKill: nice, I want pirates
[2024-10-05 00:43:46] _Brain Damage_: I need collaborators
[2024-10-05 00:44:00] _Brain Damage_: they run pirate event HERE ROFL kill
[2024-10-05 00:44:07] KillKillKill: I'm Dutch, we're good at collaborating
[2024-10-05 00:44:12] _Brain Damage_: u are in the perfect place right moment
[2024-10-05 00:44:30] _Brain Damage_: this DC servers runs Pirates EVent
[2024-10-05 00:44:47] _Brain Damage_: yes they mix DC with few piarates events...
[2024-10-05 00:44:48] The Wellerman: !nextmap
[2024-10-05 00:44:51] _Brain Damage_: HERE !!!
[2024-10-05 00:44:59] KillKillKill: in that case I'd like a deads up next time
[2024-10-05 00:45:00] KillKillKill: in that case I'd like a deads up next time
[2024-10-05 00:45:24] KillKillKill: ehh, heads up
[2024-10-05 00:45:29] _Brain Damage_: I think they run one PFP event per month or so...
[2024-10-05 00:45:36] _Brain Damage_: with +20 +30 players
[2024-10-05 00:45:48] KillKillKill: oh, ok, I can check that
[2024-10-05 00:45:52] _Brain Damage_: mostly saturday's I think... just check their website
[2024-10-05 00:45:55] _Brain Damage_: all infos there
[2024-10-05 00:47:42] _Brain Damage_: NJET
[2024-10-05 00:47:53] _Brain Damage_: stealing is bad :P
[2024-10-05 00:49:33] KillKillKill: these bots are just too dumb, 1942 needs AI
[2024-10-05 00:49:34] KillKillKill: these bots are just too dumb, 1942 needs AI
[2024-10-05 00:49:55] _Brain Damage_: u can order them to move ;) it works
[2024-10-05 00:50:05] _Brain Damage_: u know that trick?
[2024-10-05 00:50:08] KillKillKill: seen toasters smarter ten these bots
[2024-10-05 00:51:38] _Brain Damage_: are u from Weller?
[2024-10-05 00:51:42] KillKillKill: a crap, a smart bot
[2024-10-05 00:51:54] The Wellerman: Nay
[2024-10-05 00:52:00] _Brain Damage_: k
[2024-10-05 00:52:12] _Brain Damage_: nay is ukrainian lol
[2024-10-05 00:52:25] The Wellerman: and Korean
[2024-10-05 00:52:36] _Brain Damage_: u're not korean
[2024-10-05 00:52:52] The Wellerman: you literally wouldn'tknow lol, but I'm not
[2024-10-05 00:52:53] _Brain Damage_: you're a a wellerman from wellerland
[2024-10-05 00:53:02] The Wellerman: roll tide
[2024-10-05 00:53:16] _Brain Damage_: I know cause your ping is not korean 100% sorry
[2024-10-05 00:53:38] _Brain Damage_: I literally know 100% u arent
[2024-10-05 00:53:42] The Wellerman: Could literally still Korean, I have Korean friends at work
[2024-10-05 00:53:53] The Wellerman: They are 100% korean, live in us
[2024-10-05 00:54:00] _Brain Damage_: wait gonna check your IP
[2024-10-05 00:54:05] _Brain Damage_: ;)

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