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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2024-11-07 02:32:02 Chatlog
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[2024-11-07 02:33:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: BD
[2024-11-07 02:34:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: BD how fast is ur DL speed
[2024-11-07 02:34:42] _Brain Damage_: not much
[2024-11-07 02:34:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: i got 100 mbps connection
[2024-11-07 02:34:56] _Brain Damage_: it's still 3 or 4g+ maybe
[2024-11-07 02:35:14] -[HELLO]-Crash: you on mobile phone data connection??
[2024-11-07 02:35:15] _Brain Damage_: up to 100mb in perfect conditions
[2024-11-07 02:35:22] _Brain Damage_: usually lover than 10
[2024-11-07 02:35:24] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Howdy
[2024-11-07 02:35:35] _Brain Damage_: if I get 3mb/s it's great I think
[2024-11-07 02:35:37] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi
[2024-11-07 02:35:48] -[HELLO]-Crash: megabytes per secn?
[2024-11-07 02:35:52] -[HELLO]-Crash: or bits
[2024-11-07 02:36:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: i get 13 mega bytes per sec
[2024-11-07 02:36:21] _Brain Damage_: I'm not sure dude gotta check
[2024-11-07 02:36:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: k
[2024-11-07 02:36:33] _Brain Damage_: it's 4g max
[2024-11-07 02:37:08] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi jes
[2024-11-07 02:37:08] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hello ladies
[2024-11-07 02:37:10] _Brain Damage_: soemtimes very fast
[2024-11-07 02:37:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey crash
[2024-11-07 02:37:25] _Brain Damage_: up to 100mb/s I think
[2024-11-07 02:37:34] _Brain Damage_: usually much lower
[2024-11-07 02:37:35] _Brain Damage_: usually much lower
[2024-11-07 02:37:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: so u have laptop using ur phone
[2024-11-07 02:37:44] Mr. Fox: we just played nas
[2024-11-07 02:38:03] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Bummer
[2024-11-07 02:38:08] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: with this many people?
[2024-11-07 02:38:09] _Brain Damage_: no I got a home wifi using 4g
[2024-11-07 02:38:10] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lies...
[2024-11-07 02:38:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: we just had this weird thing happen in Australia
[2024-11-07 02:38:11] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lol
[2024-11-07 02:38:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok
[2024-11-07 02:38:24] Mr. Fox: we started nas with 8, ended with 4 or 5
[2024-11-07 02:38:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: here in Australia, our 3g network just got shut down
[2024-11-07 02:38:34] _Brain Damage_: it's wifi device with its own adaptor
[2024-11-07 02:38:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: so my phone stopped working today lol
[2024-11-07 02:38:52] _Brain Damage_: using 4g, I like the fact it's mobile..
[2024-11-07 02:38:54] _Brain Damage_: using 4g, I like the fact it's mobile..
[2024-11-07 02:39:07] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: server would be populated 24/7 is it was only NAS
[2024-11-07 02:39:19] _Brain Damage_: you 're playing through phone wifi?
[2024-11-07 02:39:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: no cable
[2024-11-07 02:39:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: YES IT WOULD
[2024-11-07 02:39:31] Mr. Fox: you get 100 mbp on 3g?
[2024-11-07 02:39:33] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Wasn't me.
[2024-11-07 02:39:57] _Brain Damage_: not sure it's wifi 6 maybe 4g+ in perfect condition let me chec
[2024-11-07 02:40:04] _Brain Damage_: gonna check it out guys
[2024-11-07 02:40:41] _Brain Damage_: it's not a small 4g device...
[2024-11-07 02:40:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: its like a little box
[2024-11-07 02:40:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok
[2024-11-07 02:41:00] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: mifi?
[2024-11-07 02:41:02] Mr. Fox: i was just talking about you ATF guys with Steve earlier
[2024-11-07 02:41:05] _Brain Damage_: it's a full size router with 4 ethernet connections
[2024-11-07 02:41:07] _Brain Damage_: it's a full size router with 4 ethernet connections
[2024-11-07 02:41:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok cool
[2024-11-07 02:41:21] _Brain Damage_: just not old ADSL, it's 4g
[2024-11-07 02:41:22] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: steve is the atf ambassator
[2024-11-07 02:41:22] _Brain Damage_: just not old ADSL, it's 4g
[2024-11-07 02:41:36] -[HELLO]-Crash: do u hav 5g in ur country
[2024-11-07 02:41:36] Mr. Fox: hes a good guy
[2024-11-07 02:41:40] Mr. Fox: funny as hell
[2024-11-07 02:41:47] _Brain Damage_: for better and safer connectin I'm using ethernet not wifi...
[2024-11-07 02:41:49] _Brain Damage_: at home
[2024-11-07 02:41:49] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO IS STEVE?
[2024-11-07 02:42:01] Mr. Fox: steve is steve?
[2024-11-07 02:42:07] _Brain Damage_: I dont wanna add more waves in my home
[2024-11-07 02:42:11] _Brain Damage_: electro waves
[2024-11-07 02:42:21] -[HELLO]-Crash: why not
[2024-11-07 02:43:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BOOM
[2024-11-07 02:43:54] -*boom*-: hiho
[2024-11-07 02:43:56] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi boom
[2024-11-07 02:44:04] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: **aim bot activated**
[2024-11-07 02:44:06] -*boom*-: hi ho
[2024-11-07 02:44:12] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-11-07 02:45:05] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-11-07 02:45:10] Mr. Fox: nice landing
[2024-11-07 02:45:13] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: lol wow
[2024-11-07 02:45:29] _Brain Damage_: k crash still there?
[2024-11-07 02:45:38] Mr. Fox: did you like my spawn truck trap?
[2024-11-07 02:45:44] -[HELLO]-Crash: yea
[2024-11-07 02:45:48] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Pretty lame.
[2024-11-07 02:45:51] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-07 02:45:58] Mr. Fox: you dont like to swim?
[2024-11-07 02:46:05] _Brain Damage_: I got supposedly up to 100 mbits
[2024-11-07 02:46:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok
[2024-11-07 02:46:23] _Brain Damage_: I tested in speed test got 84 score
[2024-11-07 02:46:34] _Brain Damage_: but only 1.8 upload
[2024-11-07 02:46:34] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i cant belive my kamala lost, i think we need a recount
[2024-11-07 02:46:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: it updated by steam just before
[2024-11-07 02:46:44] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-07 02:46:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: and it downloaded 64mb per sec
[2024-11-07 02:46:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: downloaded 20gb is 3.6 mins
[2024-11-07 02:47:02] _Brain Damage_: bits or bytes?
[2024-11-07 02:47:02] _Brain Damage_: bits or bytes?
[2024-11-07 02:47:07] -[HELLO]-Crash: byt
[2024-11-07 02:47:25] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: rofl fuck man
[2024-11-07 02:47:28] _Brain Damage_: download rate is usally bits...
[2024-11-07 02:47:29] _Brain Damage_: download rate is usally bits...
[2024-11-07 02:47:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: no but u can buy me dinner tho
[2024-11-07 02:47:52] _Brain Damage_: what kinda dinner?
[2024-11-07 02:47:56] -[HELLO]-Crash: thats why im surprised
[2024-11-07 02:48:03] -[HELLO]-Crash: so my connection is 100 mb/s
[2024-11-07 02:48:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: but steam downloaded ata
[2024-11-07 02:48:12] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-07 02:48:15] _Brain Damage_: give this boya RAMEN soup now MIJ !
[2024-11-07 02:48:22] -[HELLO]-Crash: at, like 560 mb/s
[2024-11-07 02:48:31] -[HELLO]-Crash: so im wondering if steam uses ftp
[2024-11-07 02:48:34] _Brain Damage_: optical?
[2024-11-07 02:48:34] _Brain Damage_: optical?
[2024-11-07 02:48:38] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: KAMALA 2024
[2024-11-07 02:49:02] _Brain Damage_: she was not prepared
[2024-11-07 02:49:14] _Brain Damage_: and biden was too slow on everything
[2024-11-07 02:49:17] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: she is number1
[2024-11-07 02:49:19] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: change my mind
[2024-11-07 02:49:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: BIDEN its time?
[2024-11-07 02:49:25] Mr. Fox: think we will see moob tonight?
[2024-11-07 02:49:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: get it
[2024-11-07 02:49:44] _Brain Damage_: she could could have ran for next election or further
[2024-11-07 02:49:47] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: trump # not my president
[2024-11-07 02:49:51] _Brain Damage_: she was obviosly not ready
[2024-11-07 02:49:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: hpefuly wont see manboobs 2nite
[2024-11-07 02:49:55] -[HELLO]-Crash: but the nte is yong
[2024-11-07 02:50:26] _Brain Damage_: FREAK
[2024-11-07 02:50:32] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: we need a re count she won
[2024-11-07 02:50:38] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-07 02:50:40] _Brain Damage_: undrunking is cheating !
[2024-11-07 02:50:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: I demand a RECOUNT
[2024-11-07 02:50:52] _Brain Damage_: I proclaimq
[2024-11-07 02:50:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: we all deserver higher pay
[2024-11-07 02:51:20] LT. Dangle: gay
[2024-11-07 02:51:22] LT. Dangle: swapn killed
[2024-11-07 02:51:25] LT. Dangle: puss
[2024-11-07 02:51:36] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: LT did you vote for kamala?
[2024-11-07 02:51:42] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY DANGLE
[2024-11-07 02:51:42] LT. Dangle: fuk no
[2024-11-07 02:51:45] LT. Dangle: fuk that wqh0re
[2024-11-07 02:51:47] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-07 02:51:53] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-11-07 02:52:07] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: she won, its a rigged election
[2024-11-07 02:52:21] -[HELLO]-Crash: i Voted communist
[2024-11-07 02:52:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: I DONT CARE
[2024-11-07 02:52:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: you vote for the orange man?
[2024-11-07 02:52:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: voted for Ho Chi Minh's grand daughter
[2024-11-07 02:52:39] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BIG DON WON
[2024-11-07 02:52:45] BadAim: hey guys
[2024-11-07 02:52:51] _Brain Damage_: hey BA
[2024-11-07 02:52:51] _Brain Damage_: hey BA
[2024-11-07 02:52:52] Mr. Fox: do you need a safe space?
[2024-11-07 02:53:01] -*boom*-: all good
[2024-11-07 02:53:04] _Brain Damage_:
[2024-11-07 02:53:08] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY BA
[2024-11-07 02:53:15] Mr. Fox: i miss myspace
[2024-11-07 02:53:18] BadAim: i got blown by jester
[2024-11-07 02:53:21] Mr. Fox: rating your friends
[2024-11-07 02:53:24] _Brain Damage_: I miss nothing
[2024-11-07 02:53:25] _Brain Damage_: I miss nothing
[2024-11-07 02:53:28] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: kamala bought mypsace
[2024-11-07 02:53:35] LT. Dangle: you got blown by a funny man
[2024-11-07 02:53:35] BadAim: why brain commenting twice?
[2024-11-07 02:53:41] _Brain Damage_: reptilians
[2024-11-07 02:54:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: damn
[2024-11-07 02:54:08] _Brain Damage_: cause sometimes my kb gets drunker than I' am
[2024-11-07 02:54:12] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SRY BOOM
[2024-11-07 02:54:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: soz
[2024-11-07 02:54:21] BadAim: every single death has been tk
[2024-11-07 02:54:23] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: !nextmap
[2024-11-07 02:54:28] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: kamala won demand a recount
[2024-11-07 02:54:30] -*boom*-: all good keep killing
[2024-11-07 02:54:38] -[HELLO]-Crash: did u vote v64
[2024-11-07 02:54:41] _Brain Damage_: I dont type x2 just a USB bug I think...
[2024-11-07 02:54:46] BadAim: im outta here now crash can get me
[2024-11-07 02:54:46] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yes for kamala and NAS

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