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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_lostvillage - 2024-11-08 06:09:02 Chatlog
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[2024-11-08 06:09:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: im out guys
[2024-11-08 06:09:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NITE ALL
[2024-11-08 06:09:56] Mr. Fox: gnight jest
[2024-11-08 06:10:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: :)
[2024-11-08 06:11:49] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: red snoooze fest
[2024-11-08 06:12:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: :D
[2024-11-08 06:13:05] Graizer: crash youre like the kid whose birthday it is
[2024-11-08 06:13:06] dhs: i hear d u
[2024-11-08 06:13:10] Graizer: and everyone watches you play with your toys
[2024-11-08 06:13:20] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ?
[2024-11-08 06:13:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: hey grazy, its my birthday
[2024-11-08 06:13:28] Mr. Fox: kinky?
[2024-11-08 06:13:35] -[HELLO]-Crash: hey grazy, its my birthday
[2024-11-08 06:13:52] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: how old?
[2024-11-08 06:13:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: he meant toys as in , literal toys
[2024-11-08 06:13:59] Mr. Fox: graix rage?
[2024-11-08 06:13:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: not bedroom aids
[2024-11-08 06:14:04] Mr. Fox: o
[2024-11-08 06:14:09] Mr. Fox: the less fun kind
[2024-11-08 06:14:21] Mr. Fox: dead
[2024-11-08 06:14:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: where the heck is he goin
[2024-11-08 06:15:22] dhs: doh
[2024-11-08 06:15:41] -[HELLO]-Crash: dhs why didnt u cap
[2024-11-08 06:16:05] dhs: to get them mad
[2024-11-08 06:16:06] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-08 06:16:08] Storm_vrn: )
[2024-11-08 06:16:13] Mr. Fox: rude
[2024-11-08 06:16:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: lolz
[2024-11-08 06:16:30] Storm_vrn: n1
[2024-11-08 06:17:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: dhs cap
[2024-11-08 06:17:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: hurry
[2024-11-08 06:17:27] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-08 06:17:39] -[HELLO]-Crash: lolkarma
[2024-11-08 06:19:38] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: nitght boys, i up past bed time
[2024-11-08 06:19:44] Mr. Fox: gnight mofo
[2024-11-08 06:19:44] -[HELLO]-Crash: nie
[2024-11-08 06:19:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: nite
[2024-11-08 06:23:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2024-11-08 06:23:28] Storm_vrn: need to buy para
[2024-11-08 06:23:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: haha
[2024-11-08 06:24:29] dhs: damn cropse
[2024-11-08 06:24:55] -[HELLO]-Crash: drop me off at their main first
[2024-11-08 06:25:19] dhs: lol
[2024-11-08 06:26:38] dhs: lol
[2024-11-08 06:27:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok im out guys gnite
[2024-11-08 06:27:19] Mr. Fox: gniht C
[2024-11-08 06:27:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: cya tomoz nite , shud get 30 pps
[2024-11-08 06:27:32] dhs: 2
[2024-11-08 06:27:33] Storm_vrn: bb
[2024-11-08 06:28:31] dhs: finally
[2024-11-08 06:30:32] dhs: lol
[2024-11-08 06:30:38] Storm_vrn: )
[2024-11-08 06:31:31] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-11-08 06:31:36] Storm_vrn: )
[2024-11-08 06:32:14] Mr. Fox: lol

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