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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_weapon_bunkers - 2024-12-18 03:54:02 Chatlog
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[2024-12-18 03:54:53] Peeper: please vote
[2024-12-18 03:55:15] RONIN: i vote less drones:
[2024-12-18 03:55:23] OWLCAT: more submarines
[2024-12-18 03:55:31] PresidentKamala: I VOTED
[2024-12-18 03:55:55] PresidentKamala: and yet kamala lost
[2024-12-18 03:56:26] Peeper: think im done with infantry for the night
[2024-12-18 03:56:29] Peeper: nite all
[2024-12-18 03:56:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NITE
[2024-12-18 03:57:11] rousejob: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[2024-12-18 03:57:18] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-12-18 03:57:40] Kilgore: tim hortons!
[2024-12-18 03:57:44] OWLCAT: timbits!
[2024-12-18 03:57:50] OWLCAT: and a double double
[2024-12-18 03:57:55] RONIN: any real theory as to what these drones are??
[2024-12-18 03:57:59] Mr. Fox: ?
[2024-12-18 03:58:01] Maconha: sry man...
[2024-12-18 03:58:07] OWLCAT: i think its some govt. thing
[2024-12-18 03:58:11] PresidentKamala: they were over my town tonight
[2024-12-18 03:58:12] OWLCAT: that they dont want the public to know about
[2024-12-18 03:58:15] Kilgore: target practice for West Virginians
[2024-12-18 03:58:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHICH GOVT?
[2024-12-18 03:58:35] OWLCAT: us govt.
[2024-12-18 03:58:38] -*boom*-: just give them the figure
[2024-12-18 03:58:40] OWLCAT: they know what they are
[2024-12-18 03:58:47] OWLCAT: they just dont want to publicly say
[2024-12-18 03:58:54] RONIN: i heard these drones been around since Nov18th all over USA?
[2024-12-18 03:58:54] PresidentKamala: BOOYAH
[2024-12-18 03:59:08] OWLCAT: yes they even had them here in VA
[2024-12-18 03:59:18] OWLCAT: by langley air force base
[2024-12-18 03:59:22] RONIN: and they say some are manned?
[2024-12-18 03:59:31] OWLCAT: idk about that
[2024-12-18 03:59:54] RONIN: i watch Redacted on YouTube
[2024-12-18 03:59:56] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: you won't see them over TX....they'll shoot em down
[2024-12-18 04:00:25] RONIN: good USA news there
[2024-12-18 04:00:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT PART OF TX YOU AT?
[2024-12-18 04:00:44] PresidentKamala: the racist part
[2024-12-18 04:00:49] PresidentKamala: oh wait, that's all of TX
[2024-12-18 04:00:55] OWLCAT: was going to say
[2024-12-18 04:01:09] -*boom*-: well that all of it right
[2024-12-18 04:01:25] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: you sound so fcking ignorant when you say stuff like that moob
[2024-12-18 04:01:33] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: oh are
[2024-12-18 04:01:41] RONIN: some weird theory the Dems are trying to enact martial law
[2024-12-18 04:01:58] RONIN: so Trump cant get into office-idk crazy conspiracy theory
[2024-12-18 04:02:08] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: bet they fly mor of them around DC in mid January...
[2024-12-18 04:02:09] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-18 04:02:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: KILGORE WHAT PART OF TX?
[2024-12-18 04:02:11] PresidentKamala: fake news, Martial Law ain't until January
[2024-12-18 04:02:12] RONIN: and NORAD will take control
[2024-12-18 04:02:12] OWLCAT: well see how well that martial law went for south korea lol
[2024-12-18 04:02:17] Mr. Fox: how well do you think would work?
[2024-12-18 04:02:23] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: 'can't change president in the middle of an aliean invasion'
[2024-12-18 04:02:36] rousejob: this is good map in objective mode
[2024-12-18 04:02:53] rousejob: has anyone every done it?
[2024-12-18 04:02:56] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY SPIN
[2024-12-18 04:02:57] PresidentKamala: Kilgore lives west of Goobertown
[2024-12-18 04:03:05] RONIN: well that Operation Bluebeam thing is floating around too
[2024-12-18 04:03:14] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: ok...lagging too much still...i'm out
[2024-12-18 04:03:35] OWLCAT: the pm or whatever enacted it
[2024-12-18 04:03:48] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHY?
[2024-12-18 04:03:48] Mr. Fox: to try to hold onto power
[2024-12-18 04:04:01] OWLCAT: threat from north korea within inner party or something like th
[2024-12-18 04:04:02] OWLCAT: that
[2024-12-18 04:04:05] spin: flag
[2024-12-18 04:04:08] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WAS THERE A COUP?
[2024-12-18 04:04:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OK
[2024-12-18 04:04:42] Kilgore: yes, blue collar america overthrew the deep state
[2024-12-18 04:05:16] OWLCAT: lol..
[2024-12-18 04:05:19] OWLCAT: damnit
[2024-12-18 04:05:20] RONIN: lol ftk
[2024-12-18 04:06:01] RONIN: so maybe Deep state high tech drones
[2024-12-18 04:06:06] OWLCAT: maybe
[2024-12-18 04:06:21] OWLCAT: maybe canadian spy drones
[2024-12-18 04:06:21] RONIN: they tried to say some radioactive thing was missing
[2024-12-18 04:06:32] RONIN: nah Can got shit
[2024-12-18 04:07:02] RONIN: but the chain of command on that stuff is hard to go missing
[2024-12-18 04:07:08] OWLCAT: yeah
[2024-12-18 04:07:41] Mr. Fox: 2 moob bodies floating to heavon
[2024-12-18 04:07:49] Mr. Fox: just for god to smack them back down to hell
[2024-12-18 04:07:58] OWLCAT: lool
[2024-12-18 04:07:59] RONIN: spoked me osrry
[2024-12-18 04:08:00] OWLCAT: ftk
[2024-12-18 04:08:03] OWLCAT: you good
[2024-12-18 04:08:26] RONIN: humans-MONSTER!-just shoot!:P
[2024-12-18 04:08:45] Mr. Fox: bad jester
[2024-12-18 04:09:24] OWLCAT: berlin? lol
[2024-12-18 04:09:38] RONIN: they say some drones look like ORBS though
[2024-12-18 04:09:51] RONIN: orbs are alien shit idk
[2024-12-18 04:09:56] OWLCAT: right
[2024-12-18 04:10:15] OWLCAT: sorry
[2024-12-18 04:10:22] PresidentKamala: sigh
[2024-12-18 04:10:23] OWLCAT: i tried to swerve
[2024-12-18 04:10:36] RONIN: saw one photo of a blackhawk helo and some alien lookin craft
[2024-12-18 04:10:49] RONIN: too easy for bs to show up
[2024-12-18 04:11:17] Kilgore: someone should ask alex jones, he'll know
[2024-12-18 04:11:22] OWLCAT: would be cool if it was aliens tho
[2024-12-18 04:11:30] OWLCAT: would keep things interesting lol
[2024-12-18 04:12:01] RONIN: ya but the FAA lights are weird-they either really smart to
[2024-12-18 04:12:04] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-18 04:12:07] Kilgore: oyeah
[2024-12-18 04:12:20] RONIN: camoflauge as lights-or
[2024-12-18 04:12:59] RONIN: maybe partnership between aliens and deep state
[2024-12-18 04:13:01] RONIN: its possible
[2024-12-18 04:13:04] PresidentKamala: SUCKY SANTA
[2024-12-18 04:13:23] Mr. Fox: lol moob rage
[2024-12-18 04:13:36] RONIN: i mean-there are the greys-and the tall whites
[2024-12-18 04:14:00] RONIN: that supposedly have relations with US Military
[2024-12-18 04:14:04] OWLCAT: what you mean by that
[2024-12-18 04:14:08] OWLCAT: greys and tall whites
[2024-12-18 04:14:27] RONIN: well-Operation Greada-Eisenhower 1954
[2024-12-18 04:14:37] RONIN: is the agreement with the greys
[2024-12-18 04:15:07] RONIN: and Walking with the Tall Whites-documentary tells of the tall
[2024-12-18 04:15:08] RONIN: whites
[2024-12-18 04:15:22] OWLCAT: ill have to look into that
[2024-12-18 04:15:37] Mr. Fox: im tall and white...
[2024-12-18 04:15:37] OWLCAT: will do that at work tomorrow
[2024-12-18 04:15:41] OWLCAT: cause we aint doing shit
[2024-12-18 04:15:43] Mr. Fox: am i an alien???
[2024-12-18 04:15:55] OWLCAT: yes
[2024-12-18 04:15:58] Mr. Fox: SHIT
[2024-12-18 04:16:07] OWLCAT: take me to your leader
[2024-12-18 04:16:09] RONIN: OC-i watch all alien documentaries:P
[2024-12-18 04:16:18] BlinkofanEye: santa youre dead
[2024-12-18 04:16:29] Mr. Fox: leaders name is Trump
[2024-12-18 04:16:51] Mr. Fox: hes also tall(ish) and white(ish)
[2024-12-18 04:16:57] RONIN: ARV=Alien reverse engineered technology-since Roswell
[2024-12-18 04:17:14] Sgt. Schultz: OYEAH
[2024-12-18 04:17:18] spin: flag
[2024-12-18 04:17:33] BlinkofanEye: kill facking santa
[2024-12-18 04:17:44] -*boom*-: our flag
[2024-12-18 04:17:51] RONIN: best documentary is called-Unacknowledged-to get into it
[2024-12-18 04:18:11] OWLCAT: i will watch that tomorrow at work
[2024-12-18 04:18:38] OWLCAT: lol boom
[2024-12-18 04:18:40] BlinkofanEye: rofl
[2024-12-18 04:18:43] BlinkofanEye: sexy youre gay
[2024-12-18 04:18:56] Mr. Fox: fish meet barrel
[2024-12-18 04:19:07] BlinkofanEye: gay meet sexy
[2024-12-18 04:19:28] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2024-12-18 04:19:40] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: )
[2024-12-18 04:19:43] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-18 04:19:54] B L I T Z K R I E G: !nextmap

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