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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - bocage_day3 - 2024-12-21 03:22:01 Chatlog
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[2024-12-21 03:22:58] -[HELLO]-Viper: Hello all
[2024-12-21 03:23:03] KillerKahn_Davey: Hello Viper
[2024-12-21 03:23:08] KillerKahn_Davey: Are you the Vindow Viper?
[2024-12-21 03:23:10] wildcard: hi
[2024-12-21 03:23:12] Godimir: try to send me a friend reqeust again now
[2024-12-21 03:23:13] _Roadie : holy COW! Viper?
[2024-12-21 03:23:13] Godimir: killer
[2024-12-21 03:23:22] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2024-12-21 03:23:23] Godimir: just stupid private block i had
[2024-12-21 03:23:23] Capt_Jack: ;p;w
[2024-12-21 03:23:23] KillerKahn_Davey: no, holy VIPER
[2024-12-21 03:23:27] spin: howdy everyone
[2024-12-21 03:23:29] Godimir: i did OFF it now
[2024-12-21 03:23:30] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hi all
[2024-12-21 03:23:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY
[2024-12-21 03:23:32] Peeper: hey spin
[2024-12-21 03:23:40] _Roadie : Hey Spin
[2024-12-21 03:23:41] -[HELLO]-Viper: i gotta get my joystick : (
[2024-12-21 03:23:46] KillerKahn_Davey: sent again
[2024-12-21 03:23:56] KillerKahn_Davey: what is best joystick to use and where best to buy it?
[2024-12-21 03:24:11] -[HELLO]-Viper: get a virpil or thrustmaster hotas
[2024-12-21 03:24:15] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: leave ur penis alone for now
[2024-12-21 03:24:16] NEW MAPLIST: extreme 3d pro
[2024-12-21 03:24:19] NEW MAPLIST: fuck no
[2024-12-21 03:24:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol fox
[2024-12-21 03:24:23] NEW MAPLIST: not for this game
[2024-12-21 03:24:26] -[HELLO]-Viper: lmaooo 3d pro
[2024-12-21 03:24:29] NEW MAPLIST: get somethng basic
[2024-12-21 03:24:35] -[HELLO]-Viper: true though
[2024-12-21 03:24:37] NEW MAPLIST: yours don't even work on here boi
[2024-12-21 03:24:37] Mr. Fox: 3d pro is the best
[2024-12-21 03:24:42] NEW MAPLIST: fr this game ye
[2024-12-21 03:24:46] NEW MAPLIST: or any old game
[2024-12-21 03:24:48] Godimir: nah dont see killer
[2024-12-21 03:24:49] spin: waiting for my new computer to show up...
[2024-12-21 03:24:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: i prefer 2d pros
[2024-12-21 03:24:53] -[HELLO]-Viper: we dont talk about it lol
[2024-12-21 03:24:56] NEW MAPLIST: new ones don't show
[2024-12-21 03:24:57] NEW MAPLIST: sadly
[2024-12-21 03:25:01] NEW MAPLIST: even tho they good
[2024-12-21 03:25:01] -[HELLO]-Viper: it sucks
[2024-12-21 03:25:16] -[HELLO]-Viper: Mine doesnt work and its pissin me off
[2024-12-21 03:25:16] Mr. Fox: no point in buying an expensive one for this game
[2024-12-21 03:25:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: hehe
[2024-12-21 03:25:18] NEW MAPLIST: alright crash
[2024-12-21 03:25:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: :D
[2024-12-21 03:25:23] NEW MAPLIST: that was massive gay
[2024-12-21 03:25:32] KillerKahn_Davey: lol i saw that
[2024-12-21 03:25:35] Mr. Fox: i buy 3Ds 2 or 3 at a time
[2024-12-21 03:25:36] -[HELLO]-Crash: thats not what u said last nite
[2024-12-21 03:25:45] NEW MAPLIST: crash
[2024-12-21 03:25:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2024-12-21 03:25:46] NEW MAPLIST: wtf
[2024-12-21 03:25:49] NEW MAPLIST: go away
[2024-12-21 03:25:50] -[HELLO]-Viper: Should I get my old 3d pro?
[2024-12-21 03:25:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2024-12-21 03:25:54] _Roadie : So Crash, doesn't have to do with promoting. Dice did a poor
[2024-12-21 03:25:58] _Roadie : job on TDM
[2024-12-21 03:26:04] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 03:26:07] NEW MAPLIST: aight
[2024-12-21 03:26:09] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: im on my like 8th 3dpro
[2024-12-21 03:26:09] -[HELLO]-Crash: wow a hatrick on bang
[2024-12-21 03:26:10] NEW MAPLIST: ceash
[2024-12-21 03:26:12] Godimir: i didbt believe u on tdm
[2024-12-21 03:26:15] Godimir: on an anas
[2024-12-21 03:26:16] Mr. Fox: only 8??
[2024-12-21 03:26:18] Godimir: lmao
[2024-12-21 03:26:20] Godimir: always ctf
[2024-12-21 03:26:21] spin: i hate guided missles lol
[2024-12-21 03:26:34] Mr. Fox: ive gone through at least 40
[2024-12-21 03:26:37] -[HELLO]-Crash: bang is rusty
[2024-12-21 03:26:42] -[HELLO]-Crash: everyone pile on
[2024-12-21 03:26:44] NEW MAPLIST: watching fotball
[2024-12-21 03:26:50] Godimir: who plays?
[2024-12-21 03:26:56] NEW MAPLIST: ND and indiana
[2024-12-21 03:27:02] -[HELLO]-Crash: college?
[2024-12-21 03:27:03] NEW MAPLIST: indiana is a disgrace
[2024-12-21 03:27:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OH YEA WHOS WINNING
[2024-12-21 03:27:04] Godimir: gl both
[2024-12-21 03:27:16] NEW MAPLIST: my unranked rzorbacks would play better against ND lol
[2024-12-21 03:27:17] _Roadie : THAT is how the harrier should go down
[2024-12-21 03:27:19] NEW MAPLIST: and indiana is 10th LOL
[2024-12-21 03:27:21] NEW MAPLIST: my ASS
[2024-12-21 03:27:35] Capt_Jack: lolgf
[2024-12-21 03:27:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT IS SCORE?
[2024-12-21 03:27:43] NEW MAPLIST: 17=======
[2024-12-21 03:27:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: a fifty bag, jester
[2024-12-21 03:27:53] NEW MAPLIST: 10-3
[2024-12-21 03:27:56] NEW MAPLIST: 20-3*
[2024-12-21 03:27:58] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 17-0 ?
[2024-12-21 03:28:05] NEW MAPLIST: sry keyboard glitched
[2024-12-21 03:28:07] NEW MAPLIST: 20-3
[2024-12-21 03:28:18] Mr. Fox: lol keyboard glitched
[2024-12-21 03:28:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WOW OK INDIANA?
[2024-12-21 03:28:32] NEW MAPLIST: Norte Dame winning
[2024-12-21 03:28:32] -[HELLO]-Viper: Bruh
[2024-12-21 03:28:36] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-12-21 03:28:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OH OK
[2024-12-21 03:28:42] -[HELLO]-Viper: Flying wit kbm is hell
[2024-12-21 03:29:13] NEW MAPLIST: theres like 5 teams in it
[2024-12-21 03:29:14] _Roadie : It's easy as pie Viper
[2024-12-21 03:29:16] NEW MAPLIST: that shouldn't be lol
[2024-12-21 03:29:28] -[HELLO]-Viper: how is it easy? I must suck lol
[2024-12-21 03:29:28] NEW MAPLIST: bama ole miss, south carolina , miami
[2024-12-21 03:29:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: u watching the rose bowl?
[2024-12-21 03:29:31] Godimir: sllow go back
[2024-12-21 03:29:32] Godimir: slowlu
[2024-12-21 03:29:38] Godimir: noob
[2024-12-21 03:29:39] NEW MAPLIST: rose bowl next weekend
[2024-12-21 03:29:42] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:29:50] Godimir: oyeah!
[2024-12-21 03:29:53] Godimir: for sure
[2024-12-21 03:30:10] NEW MAPLIST: indiana has like 35 yards of offense in 3 quarters
[2024-12-21 03:30:10] NEW MAPLIST: lol
[2024-12-21 03:30:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2024-12-21 03:30:19] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 03:30:22] PresidentKamala: eat a deek
[2024-12-21 03:31:02] Capt_Jack: lol
[2024-12-21 03:31:06] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol tree
[2024-12-21 03:31:13] PresidentKamala: OYEAG
[2024-12-21 03:31:14] Mr. Fox: sry jack
[2024-12-21 03:31:14] -[HELLO]-Crash: f u moobs
[2024-12-21 03:31:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SUM BEECH
[2024-12-21 03:31:18] Capt_Jack: np
[2024-12-21 03:31:36] -[HELLO]-Crash: u far gone ice hole jester
[2024-12-21 03:31:40] KillerKahn_Davey: tank at our end of their airstrip, t72
[2024-12-21 03:31:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-12-21 03:31:58] -[HELLO]-Viper: bruh
[2024-12-21 03:32:03] KillerKahn_Davey: lol what
[2024-12-21 03:32:03] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: fargone ice hole?
[2024-12-21 03:32:04] KillerKahn_Davey: lag
[2024-12-21 03:32:11] _Roadie : sry peep
[2024-12-21 03:32:11] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: )
[2024-12-21 03:32:14] Peeper: np
[2024-12-21 03:32:14] Capt_Jack: lol
[2024-12-21 03:32:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: far gone ice hole
[2024-12-21 03:32:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SUM BEECH
[2024-12-21 03:32:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: = fkn a hole
[2024-12-21 03:32:22] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:32:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: polite version
[2024-12-21 03:32:35] KillerKahn_Davey: o i get it now
[2024-12-21 03:32:48] KillerKahn_Davey: gotcha
[2024-12-21 03:32:54] KillerKahn_Davey: wildo how much health you lose?
[2024-12-21 03:33:10] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:11] wildcard: half aa bar
[2024-12-21 03:33:11] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:13] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:14] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:15] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:16] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:17] PresidentKamala: KYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:18] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: fluke moobs
[2024-12-21 03:33:25] KillerKahn_Davey: noice lol
[2024-12-21 03:33:26] NEW MAPLIST: gay7
[2024-12-21 03:33:26] PresidentKamala: IYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:28] PresidentKamala: OYEAh
[2024-12-21 03:33:29] NEW MAPLIST: gay72
[2024-12-21 03:33:35] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:35] spin: sniper up
[2024-12-21 03:33:36] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:37] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:38] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:33:49] -[HELLO]-Viper: Game had a stoke back now
[2024-12-21 03:33:50] NEW MAPLIST: ill get snper
[2024-12-21 03:34:00] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:34:14] -[HELLO]-Crash: viper did u check out new 5.x cards
[2024-12-21 03:34:15] KillerKahn_Davey: strokeback mountain
[2024-12-21 03:34:19] Peeper: sniper out front
[2024-12-21 03:34:25] NEW MAPLIST: got him
[2024-12-21 03:34:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: RTX 5 series
[2024-12-21 03:34:34] KillerKahn_Davey: zook sniper out front
[2024-12-21 03:34:39] NEW MAPLIST: lol jack
[2024-12-21 03:34:39] -[HELLO]-Viper: i saw specs
[2024-12-21 03:34:40] Capt_Jack: wwlol
[2024-12-21 03:34:45] -[HELLO]-Viper: its so expensive
[2024-12-21 03:34:48] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT IS THAT CRASH?
[2024-12-21 03:34:51] Godimir: how much?
[2024-12-21 03:34:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: gpu
[2024-12-21 03:34:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-12-21 03:34:59] KillerKahn_Davey: lol
[2024-12-21 03:35:01] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OH
[2024-12-21 03:35:02] -[HELLO]-Viper: its a fucking joke
[2024-12-21 03:35:02] -[HELLO]-Crash: im probably gonna buy a 507 ti
[2024-12-21 03:35:05] -[HELLO]-Crash: 5070 ti
[2024-12-21 03:35:10] -[HELLO]-Viper: I need a new gpu for amra
[2024-12-21 03:35:18] KillerKahn_Davey: ur mom is gonna buy a 507 ti
[2024-12-21 03:35:26] KillerKahn_Davey: what is AMRA?
[2024-12-21 03:35:35] -[HELLO]-Viper: Realistic milsim
[2024-12-21 03:35:49] KillerKahn_Davey: sounds scary
[2024-12-21 03:35:56] -[HELLO]-Viper: it is dude
[2024-12-21 03:35:56] KillerKahn_Davey: go fight in Ukraine, super realistic
[2024-12-21 03:36:10] -[HELLO]-Viper: There is a ukraine vs russia server lol
[2024-12-21 03:36:20] KillerKahn_Davey: there is in the real world too
[2024-12-21 03:36:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: u mean arma?
[2024-12-21 03:36:28] -[HELLO]-Viper: arma 3 yeah
[2024-12-21 03:36:31] -[HELLO]-Viper: and reforger
[2024-12-21 03:36:37] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: well this is fun
[2024-12-21 03:36:43] PresidentKamala: hehe
[2024-12-21 03:36:47] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:37:08] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: BUCK mines
[2024-12-21 03:37:16] _Roadie : want an Apache? low miles?
[2024-12-21 03:37:19] KillerKahn_Davey: IS THAT A BEAR?
[2024-12-21 03:37:19] Mr. Fox: shit
[2024-12-21 03:37:20] Godimir: shit
[2024-12-21 03:37:21] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-12-21 03:37:25] Godimir: np
[2024-12-21 03:37:31] -[HELLO]-Crash: BRIDGE mined
[2024-12-21 03:37:43] -[HELLO]-Viper: my pc is lagging
[2024-12-21 03:37:43] KillerKahn_Davey: Nooooope, it's just Chuck Testa
[2024-12-21 03:37:54] Godimir: so killer back to topic
[2024-12-21 03:37:57] NEW MAPLIST: lmfao
[2024-12-21 03:37:59] Godimir: i still dont see ur rq
[2024-12-21 03:38:02] NEW MAPLIST: chuck testa commericals
[2024-12-21 03:38:02] KillerKahn_Davey: OH WOW IS THAT A TIGER ON YOUR PORCH?
[2024-12-21 03:38:04] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: just gonna hide from fox for 14 minutes and hope no more planes
[2024-12-21 03:38:04] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol nw
[2024-12-21 03:38:07] -[HELLO]-Crash: wtf
[2024-12-21 03:38:08] NEW MAPLIST: NOP
[2024-12-21 03:38:09] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 03:38:10] NEW MAPLIST: CHUCK
[2024-12-21 03:38:11] KillerKahn_Davey: nooop it's just chuck testa
[2024-12-21 03:38:11] Mr. Fox: damit
[2024-12-21 03:38:12] NEW MAPLIST: tetaaa
[2024-12-21 03:38:12] Peeper: lol
[2024-12-21 03:38:15] NEW MAPLIST: hahahahhaa
[2024-12-21 03:38:27] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ty crash
[2024-12-21 03:38:29] KillerKahn_Davey: i am not sure how to add you, `God
[2024-12-21 03:38:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ELON MUSK IS WORTH 40 BILLION WITH A B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-12-21 03:38:39] KillerKahn_Davey: i'm like an old geezer when it comes to Discord
[2024-12-21 03:38:50] KillerKahn_Davey: i have sent 4 invites to "madmax" but no response
[2024-12-21 03:38:58] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: night wolfs mom is a cook at eastings
[2024-12-21 03:39:08] Godimir: rude
[2024-12-21 03:39:17] Godimir: oh sry
[2024-12-21 03:39:20] Godimir: shit reso
[2024-12-21 03:39:24] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: your the cook mofo
[2024-12-21 03:39:27] Godimir: seemed u wrote cock*
[2024-12-21 03:39:39] -[HELLO]-Crash: as in chicken
[2024-12-21 03:39:49] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: no offence intnded
[2024-12-21 03:39:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: male chicken
[2024-12-21 03:40:00] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: i know
[2024-12-21 03:40:20] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: u love me night wolf
[2024-12-21 03:40:24] -[HELLO]-Viper: Can we do nas??
[2024-12-21 03:40:27] KillerKahn_Davey: OH GREAT
[2024-12-21 03:40:28] KillerKahn_Davey: lol
[2024-12-21 03:40:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: we just did nas
[2024-12-21 03:40:33] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sry
[2024-12-21 03:40:39] -[HELLO]-Viper: Shieet
[2024-12-21 03:40:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: damn u moobs!
[2024-12-21 03:41:08] KillerKahn_Davey: Godimir, invite me. I'm Killer_Kahn#6347
[2024-12-21 03:41:08] spin: gj
[2024-12-21 03:41:14] -[HELLO]-Viper: Can red side get a su27?
[2024-12-21 03:41:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: the sukhoi?
[2024-12-21 03:41:34] -[HELLO]-Viper: Yep
[2024-12-21 03:41:47] KillerKahn_Davey: djam
[2024-12-21 03:41:48] -[HELLO]-Crash: hahah what a perfectly aimed bail
[2024-12-21 03:42:06] KillerKahn_Davey: Godimir, add me as Killer_Kahn#6347
[2024-12-21 03:42:24] Mr. Fox: lol ns
[2024-12-21 03:42:26] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-12-21 03:42:53] Godimir: wait
[2024-12-21 03:43:02] KillerKahn_Davey: sorry
[2024-12-21 03:43:07] _Roadie : oops
[2024-12-21 03:43:08] KillerKahn_Davey: my joystick isn't working
[2024-12-21 03:43:14] -[HELLO]-Viper: Same
[2024-12-21 03:43:23] _Roadie : balme it on the hardware, gotcha
[2024-12-21 03:43:26] -[HELLO]-Viper: Check binds and restart game ig
[2024-12-21 03:43:37] Mr. Fox: sry
[2024-12-21 03:43:40] Godimir: killer_kahn6347?
[2024-12-21 03:43:41] KillerKahn_Davey: yeah i should
[2024-12-21 03:43:43] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: np
[2024-12-21 03:43:47] -[HELLO]-Viper: my throttle doesnt work but the stick does for me
[2024-12-21 03:43:57] -[HELLO]-Viper: Pls vote yes
[2024-12-21 03:44:01] -[HELLO]-Viper: Nas pls
[2024-12-21 03:44:01] KillerKahn_Davey: kyeah It says "you were known originaly as Killer_Kahn#6347
[2024-12-21 03:44:11] _Roadie : ducky
[2024-12-21 03:44:12] PresidentKamala: my stick works, wanna jiggle it?
[2024-12-21 03:44:18] KillerKahn_Davey: sure bro
[2024-12-21 03:44:24] KillerKahn_Davey: just wash it first
[2024-12-21 03:44:39] Godimir: no too hard
[2024-12-21 03:44:46] PresidentKamala: no need, ur mom knows where it's been
[2024-12-21 03:44:51] Godimir: invite u me bette way
[2024-12-21 03:44:54] Godimir: max2220001
[2024-12-21 03:45:08] Godimir: max222001
[2024-12-21 03:45:33] _Roadie : Ducky Brand Jester
[2024-12-21 03:45:35] Godimir: bloody
[2024-12-21 03:45:38] KillerKahn_Davey: whew
[2024-12-21 03:45:45] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DUCKY?
[2024-12-21 03:45:51] Godimir: yep added
[2024-12-21 03:46:10] -[HELLO]-Viper: camper : /
[2024-12-21 03:46:11] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: i like the qwerty keyboard myself
[2024-12-21 03:46:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: i got a asus strix flare ii
[2024-12-21 03:46:23] Sgt. Schultz: sry
[2024-12-21 03:46:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: theyre about 200 usd jster
[2024-12-21 03:46:30] jerkymeat: hello old timers
[2024-12-21 03:46:30] Capt_Jack: np
[2024-12-21 03:46:30] -[HELLO]-Viper: Nice!
[2024-12-21 03:46:36] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ur ass is what?
[2024-12-21 03:46:42] KillerKahn_Davey: grass
[2024-12-21 03:47:11] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sht sry
[2024-12-21 03:47:13] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:47:20] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: added time?
[2024-12-21 03:47:29] -[HELLO]-Viper: uh oh..
[2024-12-21 03:47:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: hes dead anarcho
[2024-12-21 03:47:51] KillerKahn_Davey: OH NO ROADIE DON"T CRASH OR ITS YOUR HARDWARE
[2024-12-21 03:47:52] Godimir: ye thx
[2024-12-21 03:47:54] -[HELLO]-Viper: my mouse keeps turning off on this game
[2024-12-21 03:48:00] spin: flag
[2024-12-21 03:48:04] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 2FER
[2024-12-21 03:48:46] Godimir: idiot
[2024-12-21 03:48:49] Godimir: wildcard
[2024-12-21 03:49:03] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-12-21 03:49:41] _Roadie : oops, here I go again, ruining Spin's score
[2024-12-21 03:49:42] PresidentKamala: OYEAHHHHHHHHHH
[2024-12-21 03:49:45] Godimir: where u d1ck
[2024-12-21 03:49:52] Godimir: lets knife
[2024-12-21 03:49:54] wildcard: look out rimigod gonna getcha aggain
[2024-12-21 03:49:58] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2024-12-21 03:49:58] PresidentKamala: HOYEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[2024-12-21 03:50:06] KillerKahn_Davey: man
[2024-12-21 03:50:11] KillerKahn_Davey: if only my joystick works
[2024-12-21 03:50:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: hey moobs
[2024-12-21 03:50:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: want ur spleen back?
[2024-12-21 03:50:22] PresidentKamala: Hthey make pills for that
[2024-12-21 03:51:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WE GOT 2 BANG AND ITS EARLY YAY
[2024-12-21 03:51:11] _Roadie : how the hell did I get HR
[2024-12-21 03:51:16] Hellraz0r: hax
[2024-12-21 03:51:27] -[HELLO]-Viper: the frogfoot is slow af dude
[2024-12-21 03:51:33] [EA117] Jolly: !nextmap
[2024-12-21 03:51:42] [EA117] Jolly: hi all
[2024-12-21 03:51:45] -[HELLO]-Viper: hello
[2024-12-21 03:51:50] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: hi
[2024-12-21 03:51:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY JOLLY MAN
[2024-12-21 03:51:55] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 03:51:59] Hellraz0r: gday
[2024-12-21 03:52:04] Hellraz0r: its lada time
[2024-12-21 03:52:07] [EA117] Jolly: how yall doin'?
[2024-12-21 03:52:14] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hi jolly
[2024-12-21 03:52:15] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: good u?
[2024-12-21 03:52:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: what a lada rudeness
[2024-12-21 03:52:21] Hellraz0r: ;)
[2024-12-21 03:52:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: FINE BUDDY
[2024-12-21 03:52:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY RAZOR
[2024-12-21 03:52:35] [EA117] Jolly: good good, wrist a little better.
[2024-12-21 03:52:38] Peeper: sniper in 6D by river
[2024-12-21 03:52:39] Hellraz0r: yo jester
[2024-12-21 03:52:44] Peeper: sorry
[2024-12-21 03:52:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 22 BANGO
[2024-12-21 03:52:46] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: np
[2024-12-21 03:52:52] -[HELLO]-Crash: hey hell
[2024-12-21 03:52:56] -[HELLO]-Crash: hey hell
[2024-12-21 03:53:02] -[HELLO]-Crash: is canterbury
[2024-12-21 03:53:06] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: jacking too much?
[2024-12-21 03:53:09] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 03:53:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: a kiwi company?
[2024-12-21 03:53:15] PresidentKamala: dont run from me, BOY
[2024-12-21 03:53:22] [EA117] Jolly: we should play your Bas Edge 0.7 sometime
[2024-12-21 03:53:40] Hellraz0r: the rugby clothing brand?
[2024-12-21 03:53:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: y
[2024-12-21 03:54:04] [EA117] Jolly: bas edge 0.7 is a great mod
[2024-12-21 03:54:13] PresidentKamala: oyeah
[2024-12-21 03:54:15] buck west: LO MOFO
[2024-12-21 03:54:33] Hellraz0r: yep nz brand
[2024-12-21 03:54:38] Hellraz0r: old as one
[2024-12-21 03:55:06] AnarchoCapitalist: sorry
[2024-12-21 03:55:29] Hellraz0r: santa claus is coming to town
[2024-12-21 03:55:30] Hellraz0r: damn
[2024-12-21 03:55:35] Mr. Fox: LOL
[2024-12-21 03:55:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: fark
[2024-12-21 03:55:41] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: loading anti buck
[2024-12-21 03:55:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: nice mine
[2024-12-21 03:56:32] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2024-12-21 03:56:38] -[HELLO]-Crash: wtf nice driving haha
[2024-12-21 03:56:41] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 03:56:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: uh oh
[2024-12-21 03:56:54] Sgt. Schultz: jesus h christ
[2024-12-21 03:56:58] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sry
[2024-12-21 03:57:02] -[HELLO]-Crash: haha
[2024-12-21 03:57:02] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 03:57:09] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol ur mad
[2024-12-21 03:57:12] Sgt. Schultz: it's ok, just getting tked a lot this game
[2024-12-21 03:57:17] Mr. Fox: taht was almost a good launch
[2024-12-21 03:58:12] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: one less wolf to worry about
[2024-12-21 03:58:15] TexMexBuddha: lol
[2024-12-21 03:58:17] [EA117] Jolly: !nextmap
[2024-12-21 03:58:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2024-12-21 03:58:56] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2024-12-21 03:59:09] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: fuc,i got cut from hell razor
[2024-12-21 03:59:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-12-21 03:59:17] Hellraz0r: almost
[2024-12-21 04:00:05] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BANZAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-12-21 04:00:12] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: good 1
[2024-12-21 04:00:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: :)
[2024-12-21 04:00:29] PresidentKamala: beeeeeeitch
[2024-12-21 04:00:31] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: pee break
[2024-12-21 04:01:04] -[HELLO]-Crash: if it stil tied with 1 minute t go
[2024-12-21 04:01:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: 5mins
[2024-12-21 04:01:16] buck west: LOL
[2024-12-21 04:01:17] gunbunny: sorry
[2024-12-21 04:01:25] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BANZAI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2024-12-21 04:02:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: loil
[2024-12-21 04:02:16] _Roadie : Hey Raven
[2024-12-21 04:02:17] Melanin Blackson: hi all nooobs
[2024-12-21 04:02:24] Godimir: 5000 teamkills again on me
[2024-12-21 04:02:25] Godimir: guys
[2024-12-21 04:02:26] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY
[2024-12-21 04:02:31] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol sry
[2024-12-21 04:02:32] buck west: lol
[2024-12-21 04:02:35] buck west: 5001
[2024-12-21 04:02:38] Sgt. Schultz: #MeToo
[2024-12-21 04:02:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: tied game, added 5
[2024-12-21 04:02:52] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: the wolf wa here
[2024-12-21 04:03:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: which wolf
[2024-12-21 04:03:03] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: yup mofo
[2024-12-21 04:03:08] [EA117] Jolly: i woud vote running next
[2024-12-21 04:03:10] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: nighty
[2024-12-21 04:03:27] [EA117] Jolly: bas edge 0.7 ctf should be in rotation :)
[2024-12-21 04:03:42] _Roadie : wait your turn Fox
[2024-12-21 04:03:53] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 04:04:09] Hellraz0r: hey im driving here
[2024-12-21 04:04:13] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: needed to sacrifice someone to be sure he was ded
[2024-12-21 04:04:21] -[HELLO]-Crash: u have to admit that looked pretty cool
[2024-12-21 04:04:41] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: schultz hates me now
[2024-12-21 04:04:46] Melanin Blackson: bro im an island boaaii
[2024-12-21 04:04:48] -[HELLO]-Crash: who doesnt
[2024-12-21 04:04:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: jks
[2024-12-21 04:04:57] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2024-12-21 04:04:59] Melanin Blackson: sorry
[2024-12-21 04:05:00] Melanin Blackson: bula
[2024-12-21 04:05:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2024-12-21 04:05:08] Peeper: sa HOT
[2024-12-21 04:05:16] Mr. Fox: lol
[2024-12-21 04:05:17] Capt_Jack: lol
[2024-12-21 04:05:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: ABRAMS INBOUND, OUR FRONT GATE
[2024-12-21 04:05:38] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: im the scurge of DC
[2024-12-21 04:05:43] gunbunny: lol
[2024-12-21 04:05:50] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2024-12-21 04:05:51] jerkymeat: sorry
[2024-12-21 04:05:54] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: np
[2024-12-21 04:05:59] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ty JM
[2024-12-21 04:06:00] [EA117] knatyknits: shit sry
[2024-12-21 04:06:01] PresidentKamala: MUHAHAHAHHAHHHAHA
[2024-12-21 04:06:14] PresidentKamala: WORLD'S BEST SNIPER
[2024-12-21 04:06:16] PresidentKamala: OYEAH
[2024-12-21 04:06:21] Godimir: fk
[2024-12-21 04:06:27] Godimir: accidently pressd 7
[2024-12-21 04:06:29] Godimir: no no
[2024-12-21 04:06:36] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: nice score mooba
[2024-12-21 04:06:43] Mr. Fox: ns
[2024-12-21 04:06:45] Snoot Boot: ty
[2024-12-21 04:07:25] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: and i accidententky inserted

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