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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_al_nas - 2025-01-02 02:51:02 Chatlog
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[2025-01-02 02:52:30] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: happy new years crash!
[2025-01-02 02:52:34] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: 2025!!!!
[2025-01-02 02:52:36] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi all
[2025-01-02 02:52:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: its the 3rd of jan here
[2025-01-02 02:52:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: almost
[2025-01-02 02:52:59] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Where the heck are you?
[2025-01-02 02:53:01] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: its not 2025 yet until 1 map of NAS
[2025-01-02 02:53:13] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: ftk!
[2025-01-02 02:53:55] -[HELLO]-Crash: wow lol
[2025-01-02 02:54:05] _Roadie : there goes the offensive line
[2025-01-02 02:54:08] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: strong flag pole
[2025-01-02 02:54:15] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol hi
[2025-01-02 02:54:20] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: WOOOLF happy new years!
[2025-01-02 02:54:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: humv back way
[2025-01-02 02:54:35] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: same to u
[2025-01-02 02:54:46] Hellraz0r: Fsigh
[2025-01-02 02:54:53] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: love those mines
[2025-01-02 02:54:59] Hellraz0r: me too...
[2025-01-02 02:56:12] Mr. Fox: apc to back of main
[2025-01-02 02:57:03] _Roadie : 8 & 1 ? something is wrong with the universe gang
[2025-01-02 02:58:04] Hellraz0r: boom
[2025-01-02 02:58:06] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: smfh
[2025-01-02 02:58:23] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: mr Boom tastic
[2025-01-02 02:58:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-02 02:58:31] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: it wasnt me
[2025-01-02 02:58:34] _Roadie : that was a three-fer
[2025-01-02 02:58:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ; )
[2025-01-02 02:58:53] NEW MAPLIST: yo
[2025-01-02 02:58:57] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: yo
[2025-01-02 02:59:19] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: crash is on roof
[2025-01-02 02:59:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: no
[2025-01-02 02:59:32] _Roadie : thx 64 for that report
[2025-01-02 02:59:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: im on crack tho
[2025-01-02 02:59:37] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2025-01-02 02:59:38] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: welcome
[2025-01-02 02:59:40] _Roadie : Crash? get off that ROOF now!
[2025-01-02 02:59:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: was never on it
[2025-01-02 02:59:47] Hellraz0r: man, mines are so 2024.
[2025-01-02 02:59:48] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: the roof is on fireeee
[2025-01-02 02:59:57] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: damn lag
[2025-01-02 03:00:05] _Roadie : shhh, they think you are...
[2025-01-02 03:00:06] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BANGO
[2025-01-02 03:00:10] NEW MAPLIST: hiya
[2025-01-02 03:00:16] Mr. Fox: BongBongWow
[2025-01-02 03:00:17] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: more NAS 2025
[2025-01-02 03:00:26] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: nas 24/7 2025
[2025-01-02 03:00:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SHIT SORRY
[2025-01-02 03:00:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: that was NAS ty
[2025-01-02 03:00:33] NEW MAPLIST: lol jester
[2025-01-02 03:00:35] NEW MAPLIST: all good
[2025-01-02 03:00:37] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: u can ride a camel
[2025-01-02 03:00:55] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Sniper dwn
[2025-01-02 03:00:56] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: molest it oo
[2025-01-02 03:01:05] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: like bill cosby
[2025-01-02 03:01:06] Hellraz0r: rude.
[2025-01-02 03:01:37] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: is it called a cosbey camel
[2025-01-02 03:01:47] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: children beware
[2025-01-02 03:02:02] -[HELLO]-Crash: no its Bechamel
[2025-01-02 03:02:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: cos my jokes are cheesy
[2025-01-02 03:02:33] :): lol
[2025-01-02 03:02:35] -*boom*-: down
[2025-01-02 03:02:41] -*boom*-: on back there
[2025-01-02 03:02:42] _Roadie : what is Bechamel?
[2025-01-02 03:03:05] -[HELLO]-Crash: a type of cheese sauche
[2025-01-02 03:03:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: sauce
[2025-01-02 03:03:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: hence my cheesy reference
[2025-01-02 03:03:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: ROAIDE look right
[2025-01-02 03:03:30] _Roadie : good for fondue by chance?
[2025-01-02 03:03:33] Hellraz0r: mild or tasty?
[2025-01-02 03:03:42] NEW MAPLIST: sry
[2025-01-02 03:03:48] -[HELLO]-Crash: great on lasagne
[2025-01-02 03:03:55] Snoot Boot: NP
[2025-01-02 03:03:56] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: spawn truck comin
[2025-01-02 03:03:59] _Roadie : give it up 64
[2025-01-02 03:04:25] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: never
[2025-01-02 03:04:32] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: nas 24/7 baby!!!
[2025-01-02 03:04:35] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2025-01-02 03:04:37] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: sry
[2025-01-02 03:04:39] Mr. Fox: np
[2025-01-02 03:04:39] :): thx
[2025-01-02 03:04:49] Hellraz0r: el alanas day 88
[2025-01-02 03:04:50] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: shot from aprtments
[2025-01-02 03:04:57] _Roadie : 64 bumped his head on the chicke coop doorway again
[2025-01-02 03:04:59] -*boom*-: doqwn
[2025-01-02 03:05:08] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: )
[2025-01-02 03:05:15] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: cluck cluck
[2025-01-02 03:05:15] Hellraz0r: mines are so 2024 man
[2025-01-02 03:05:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: JESTER stop perving at boys
[2025-01-02 03:05:18] Mr. Fox: fuk moonies
[2025-01-02 03:05:32] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: id pay good money for him to perv at me
[2025-01-02 03:05:36] Hellraz0r: as are rpgs :(
[2025-01-02 03:05:37] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: guess i am not pretty enough
[2025-01-02 03:05:45] NEW MAPLIST: gay4
[2025-01-02 03:06:15] Peeper: OSRR^
[2025-01-02 03:06:37] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-02 03:06:39] Hellraz0r: gj
[2025-01-02 03:06:40] Peeper: sorry
[2025-01-02 03:06:43] -*boom*-: np
[2025-01-02 03:06:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: no it was bad
[2025-01-02 03:06:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: ver
[2025-01-02 03:06:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: for our team
[2025-01-02 03:07:31] Peeper: this hind tit tastes great
[2025-01-02 03:07:56] _Roadie : ish valley? cq? OK who's still hungover from the eve?
[2025-01-02 03:07:56] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: wtf
[2025-01-02 03:08:08] NEW MAPLIST: my b roadz
[2025-01-02 03:08:08] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i stopped drinking in 2003
[2025-01-02 03:08:13] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: #10 tking on purpose.
[2025-01-02 03:08:24] Mr. Fox: the hangover is tht bad!?!
[2025-01-02 03:08:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: as in 8:03 pm?
[2025-01-02 03:08:29] _Roadie : WATER
[2025-01-02 03:08:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol nope
[2025-01-02 03:08:56] _Roadie : you were suppose to DIE inthe water HR 0
[2025-01-02 03:09:05] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: junior year college, stopped drinking the sauce
[2025-01-02 03:09:06] Mr. Fox: how drunk do you have to get for a 21 year hangover?
[2025-01-02 03:10:06] _Roadie : ................... I Did That!
[2025-01-02 03:10:17] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: FIRS CAP OF 2025
[2025-01-02 03:10:23] Mr. Fox: road on fire tonight
[2025-01-02 03:10:24] _Roadie : 2nd
[2025-01-02 03:10:37] NEW MAPLIST: alright
[2025-01-02 03:10:39] NEW MAPLIST: m16 time
[2025-01-02 03:10:44] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: u team killed , we took it back
[2025-01-02 03:10:47] NEW MAPLIST: red will feel the wrath
[2025-01-02 03:11:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: el
[2025-01-02 03:11:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: El Al is next anyway
[2025-01-02 03:13:24] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: (
[2025-01-02 03:13:46] NEW MAPLIST: move the truck
[2025-01-02 03:13:48] NEW MAPLIST: holy
[2025-01-02 03:13:49] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2025-01-02 03:14:00] NEW MAPLIST: there
[2025-01-02 03:14:32] NEW MAPLIST: muhaha
[2025-01-02 03:14:42] NEW MAPLIST: omg
[2025-01-02 03:14:43] NEW MAPLIST: boooo
[2025-01-02 03:14:51] Mr. Fox: lol HR
[2025-01-02 03:14:56] Mr. Fox: stuck?
[2025-01-02 03:15:12] -[HELLO]-JESTER: \SORRY SPIN
[2025-01-02 03:15:35] NEW MAPLIST: what a spwn
[2025-01-02 03:15:40] NEW MAPLIST: 4 second lol
[2025-01-02 03:15:58] spin: its fine
[2025-01-02 03:18:25] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: cant let roadie beat me
[2025-01-02 03:18:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: cant do it twice in a row
[2025-01-02 03:18:40] Hellraz0r: nah bugger that
[2025-01-02 03:19:01] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: berlin wouldnt be bad though
[2025-01-02 03:19:12] Hellraz0r: basrah nights
[2025-01-02 03:19:16] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yeh that stoo
[2025-01-02 03:19:23] :): !nextmap
[2025-01-02 03:19:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: RUDE?
[2025-01-02 03:19:34] Hellraz0r: dude, rude.
[2025-01-02 03:19:54] Hellraz0r: that too
[2025-01-02 03:19:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: ruder?
[2025-01-02 03:20:00] -[HELLO]-Crash: ep
[2025-01-02 03:20:00] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: they need to turn on KICK vote
[2025-01-02 03:20:03] Hellraz0r: almost the same
[2025-01-02 03:20:33] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol haha
[2025-01-02 03:20:35] Hellraz0r: sigh
[2025-01-02 03:20:45] :): in the river
[2025-01-02 03:20:56] :): on the baot
[2025-01-02 03:21:18] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: no ones voting for that one lol
[2025-01-02 03:21:20] Hellraz0r: sorry slick
[2025-01-02 03:21:27] Snoot Boot: np in way
[2025-01-02 03:21:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol bang
[2025-01-02 03:21:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: we win
[2025-01-02 03:21:35] NEW MAPLIST: i had no health

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