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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2025-01-06 03:13:03 Chatlog
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[2025-01-06 03:13:55] Mr. Fox: hey yall
[2025-01-06 03:14:04] _Roadie : no more Yen - Yeah!
[2025-01-06 03:14:24] Mr. Fox: jester was catching up to me on gametracker
[2025-01-06 03:14:26] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-06 03:14:37] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: jester is #1
[2025-01-06 03:14:46] Mr. Fox: only for the last hour
[2025-01-06 03:14:47] _Roadie : sigh
[2025-01-06 03:14:51] :): das auto
[2025-01-06 03:14:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHY OR HOW AM I CHEATING
[2025-01-06 03:14:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: he's better than he pretens
[2025-01-06 03:15:00] -[HELLO]-Crash: cos jester is 24 yo old swede
[2025-01-06 03:15:03] Mr. Fox: lol no tcheating jest
[2025-01-06 03:15:13] -[HELLO]-Crash: soz
[2025-01-06 03:15:19] Deprecated666: np
[2025-01-06 03:15:20] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: I heard jester has an only fans
[2025-01-06 03:15:27] NEW MAPLIST: it's cheap!
[2025-01-06 03:15:37] _Roadie : and C64 is his only customer....
[2025-01-06 03:15:41] Mr. Fox: Crash is his only sub
[2025-01-06 03:15:42] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: worth every penny
[2025-01-06 03:15:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: he give airmiles
[2025-01-06 03:15:45] buck west: game never crashes
[2025-01-06 03:15:47] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: his feet are amazing
[2025-01-06 03:16:06] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: the wrinkles, the nail...oh god
[2025-01-06 03:16:10] _Roadie : lmao
[2025-01-06 03:16:14] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: we are talking about your only fans
[2025-01-06 03:16:16] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: I farted.
[2025-01-06 03:16:17] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: where you sell feet pics
[2025-01-06 03:16:42] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh lol
[2025-01-06 03:16:50] Deprecated666: :(
[2025-01-06 03:17:41] :): son of a winch
[2025-01-06 03:18:40] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: if it says 9 of 11,, ill die lol
[2025-01-06 03:19:01] NEW MAPLIST: ffs
[2025-01-06 03:20:34] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: bs
[2025-01-06 03:20:42] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Wasn't even inside the building.
[2025-01-06 03:20:49] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: you blow me up through the building?
[2025-01-06 03:21:04] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: some of these guys do have bendy bullets
[2025-01-06 03:21:06] _Roadie : yeppers (
[2025-01-06 03:21:12] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: shit dude sorry
[2025-01-06 03:21:14] NEW MAPLIST: 3rd tk
[2025-01-06 03:21:15] Peeper: well apparently you were close enough
[2025-01-06 03:21:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY PEEPS BUGHEAD
[2025-01-06 03:21:16] NEW MAPLIST: come on blue
[2025-01-06 03:21:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY FOX
[2025-01-06 03:21:27] Mr. Fox: HEY JESTER
[2025-01-06 03:21:30] Peeper: howdy
[2025-01-06 03:21:40] Mr. Fox: i forgot to say hi to jest in Caps
[2025-01-06 03:21:44] BF2025: bendy bullets lol
[2025-01-06 03:21:45] _Roadie : where are we going?
[2025-01-06 03:21:49] Mr. Fox: he cant see the small letters
[2025-01-06 03:21:57] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: very bendy bullets
[2025-01-06 03:21:58] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: rubber ones
[2025-01-06 03:22:06] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEHEHEHEHEHE
[2025-01-06 03:22:33] NEW MAPLIST: kiss
[2025-01-06 03:22:35] BF2025: lol
[2025-01-06 03:22:46] Brettanomyces: jester is our baby rein deer
[2025-01-06 03:23:05] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: !nextmap
[2025-01-06 03:23:39] buck west: i think i just got shot through the wqll
[2025-01-06 03:23:48] Mr. Fox: by 2025?
[2025-01-06 03:23:49] _Roadie : yeppers
[2025-01-06 03:23:49] buck west: cough cough
[2025-01-06 03:23:56] NEW MAPLIST: lol
[2025-01-06 03:23:59] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: they just declared a state of emergency
[2025-01-06 03:24:00] NEW MAPLIST: he is not cheating
[2025-01-06 03:24:04] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: for the storm already in my state
[2025-01-06 03:24:05] Mr. Fox: lol bang
[2025-01-06 03:24:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: where
[2025-01-06 03:24:08] buck west: u sure\
[2025-01-06 03:24:08] Mr. Fox: denial
[2025-01-06 03:24:16] BF2025: be safe
[2025-01-06 03:24:19] NEW MAPLIST: i killed him 22 times on nas
[2025-01-06 03:24:24] NEW MAPLIST: don't wanna hear it
[2025-01-06 03:24:24] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: west virginia
[2025-01-06 03:24:29] Mr. Fox: doesnt mean anything
[2025-01-06 03:24:33] _Roadie : I'm giving my BiL's both grief, they are getting nailed in MO
[2025-01-06 03:24:34] Brettanomyces: like the song
[2025-01-06 03:24:36] Capt_Jack: sry
[2025-01-06 03:24:44] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: gov jim justice activated the national guard
[2025-01-06 03:25:00] buck west: l ya well...he had it off then
[2025-01-06 03:25:06] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: apperently i still have to go to work....
[2025-01-06 03:25:10] _Roadie : wait? WVA has a governer?
[2025-01-06 03:25:22] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: we have a LT gov also
[2025-01-06 03:25:43] _Roadie : Nah... you're putting me on.....
[2025-01-06 03:25:46] Mr. Fox: WVA is a real place?!
[2025-01-06 03:25:58] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yes, WV where incest is best
[2025-01-06 03:26:05] -[HELLO]-Crash: its where the moon shines
[2025-01-06 03:26:12] _Roadie : Thought that was East TN?
[2025-01-06 03:26:17] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: moon shine is legal here now
[2025-01-06 03:26:18] Mr. Fox: i thought it was like atlantis
[2025-01-06 03:26:26] Brettanomyces: sry
[2025-01-06 03:26:30] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: but i cant marry my cousin, total BS
[2025-01-06 03:26:38] BF2025: why does a guy from colorado sing about WV
[2025-01-06 03:26:39] Mr. Fox: is he hot?
[2025-01-06 03:27:00] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i dunno?
[2025-01-06 03:27:13] Mr. Fox: lol that was sposed to be she not he
[2025-01-06 03:27:17] Mr. Fox: but he is funnier
[2025-01-06 03:27:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2025-01-06 03:27:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: WV the closer the kin the better the skin
[2025-01-06 03:28:08] -[HELLO]-Crash: sweet Jebus^
[2025-01-06 03:28:11] BF2025: i thought that was KY
[2025-01-06 03:28:12] _Roadie : never have heard that one.....
[2025-01-06 03:28:26] Mr. Fox: jebus had nothing to do with it
[2025-01-06 03:28:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: fox in middle intersection
[2025-01-06 03:28:52] -[HELLO]-Crash: 2nd levl
[2025-01-06 03:29:09] _Roadie : REAR!!!!
[2025-01-06 03:29:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: got him
[2025-01-06 03:29:34] _Roadie : three nads and nada
[2025-01-06 03:29:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: ur gonads are not explosive
[2025-01-06 03:30:10] _Roadie : SPIN!
[2025-01-06 03:30:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY WOLFY
[2025-01-06 03:30:17] spin: hi
[2025-01-06 03:30:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY MOFO
[2025-01-06 03:30:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY SPIN
[2025-01-06 03:30:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: jester you never get that excited when i come in
[2025-01-06 03:30:40] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: jelous
[2025-01-06 03:30:58] -[HELLO]-Crash: he even used cap letters
[2025-01-06 03:31:02] spin: howdy everyone
[2025-01-06 03:31:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-01-06 03:31:05] -[HELLO]-Crash: now thats respect
[2025-01-06 03:31:06] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yes he did
[2025-01-06 03:31:16] spin: he just likes a dying man
[2025-01-06 03:32:40] :): lol
[2025-01-06 03:32:51] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: bs
[2025-01-06 03:32:52] _Roadie : fish in a barrel
[2025-01-06 03:32:53] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-01-06 03:32:54] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i meant NS
[2025-01-06 03:32:57] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol ns
[2025-01-06 03:33:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: soz
[2025-01-06 03:33:25] Deprecated666: np
[2025-01-06 03:33:57] spin: sory
[2025-01-06 03:33:58] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: what the fk was that spin?
[2025-01-06 03:34:00] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: bullshit
[2025-01-06 03:34:08] -[HELLO]-Crash: n1 spin
[2025-01-06 03:34:16] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: killed teamate to get points?
[2025-01-06 03:34:18] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: horse sht
[2025-01-06 03:34:22] spin: sorry
[2025-01-06 03:34:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: not on purpose
[2025-01-06 03:34:31] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: bs
[2025-01-06 03:34:35] buck west: this guy is somethin else
[2025-01-06 03:34:44] _Roadie : yeppers
[2025-01-06 03:34:46] spin: no funky
[2025-01-06 03:34:46] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: 100% on purpose
[2025-01-06 03:34:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO?
[2025-01-06 03:34:52] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: oh come on
[2025-01-06 03:34:52] buck west: with a saiga from downtown
[2025-01-06 03:35:01] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: I'm lit up on the map and in front of you
[2025-01-06 03:35:03] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: showing I had flag.
[2025-01-06 03:35:10] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Was the only one around.
[2025-01-06 03:35:13] Mr. Fox: sry mate
[2025-01-06 03:35:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BF2025?
[2025-01-06 03:35:17] Peeper: no issye
[2025-01-06 03:35:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: u had 3 dudes on ur ass
[2025-01-06 03:35:19] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: no
[2025-01-06 03:35:21] -[HELLO]-Crash: and not in a good way
[2025-01-06 03:35:23] buck west: yes
[2025-01-06 03:35:28] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Really? and you didn't die?
[2025-01-06 03:35:40] -[HELLO]-JESTER: I KNOW BUCK
[2025-01-06 03:35:46] buck west: he is not as good as u think bang
[2025-01-06 03:35:50] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sry
[2025-01-06 03:35:51] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: and another tk :(
[2025-01-06 03:35:54] Mr. Fox: hes a hacker
[2025-01-06 03:36:03] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yes he is fox
[2025-01-06 03:36:03] Mr. Fox: hes banned from several big servers
[2025-01-06 03:36:07] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-01-06 03:36:09] -[HELLO]-JESTER: YES I THINK SP
[2025-01-06 03:36:11] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: np mofo
[2025-01-06 03:36:11] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: u were agressive
[2025-01-06 03:36:13] _Roadie : exploiter is such a kinder word.
[2025-01-06 03:36:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SO
[2025-01-06 03:36:24] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: I came around the corner. wasn't obvious like the other one.
[2025-01-06 03:36:29] Graizer: yeeehaw lets go israel
[2025-01-06 03:36:30] Mr. Fox: its not an exploit though
[2025-01-06 03:36:32] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: so i kiled him
[2025-01-06 03:36:35] Mr. Fox: hes just a hack
[2025-01-06 03:36:40] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: this isnt the gaza strip
[2025-01-06 03:36:47] Graizer: damn
[2025-01-06 03:36:49] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY CHUNGUZ
[2025-01-06 03:36:53] Big Chunguz: hey JESTER
[2025-01-06 03:36:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: got him
[2025-01-06 03:36:57] spin: FLAG JEEP
[2025-01-06 03:36:57] BF2025: hi chung
[2025-01-06 03:36:58] buck west: ya man..pretty obvious
[2025-01-06 03:37:01] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY GRAZIER
[2025-01-06 03:37:04] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ur mom had gaza strip
[2025-01-06 03:37:11] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BLITZ
[2025-01-06 03:37:13] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: sry
[2025-01-06 03:37:15] Deprecated666: np
[2025-01-06 03:37:20] BF2025: video wil be in discord tonight buck
[2025-01-06 03:37:23] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: two weeks of anti biotics and it went away
[2025-01-06 03:37:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY MACONHA
[2025-01-06 03:37:38] General Skoal: cmon and sing it folks M A G A
[2025-01-06 03:37:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY SKOAL
[2025-01-06 03:37:44] -[HELLO]-Crash: hehe
[2025-01-06 03:37:47] Graizer: wheres tohs
[2025-01-06 03:37:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: god damn skoal helllllllo
[2025-01-06 03:37:51] _Roadie : A video will make it all better....
[2025-01-06 03:37:52] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: grazier *S*
[2025-01-06 03:38:04] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: crash u see my complaint/
[2025-01-06 03:38:08] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ?
[2025-01-06 03:38:09] :): !nextmap
[2025-01-06 03:38:12] -[HELLO]-Crash: huh
[2025-01-06 03:38:13] Graizer: *S* Alcohol Tobacoo Firreaims
[2025-01-06 03:38:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: good cap
[2025-01-06 03:38:46] Big Chunguz: :)
[2025-01-06 03:38:49] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: 7!!!
[2025-01-06 03:38:51] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: it was a ticket, justing balls
[2025-01-06 03:39:04] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: maybe u couldnt see
[2025-01-06 03:39:11] Graizer: right
[2025-01-06 03:39:12] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i apoligize
[2025-01-06 03:39:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: havent been online until now
[2025-01-06 03:39:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: gpu crshing
[2025-01-06 03:39:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: ill look l8r
[2025-01-06 03:39:30] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i was just teasing
[2025-01-06 03:39:36] B L I T Z K R I E G: u run intel graphics crash?
[2025-01-06 03:39:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: u mean re: auto kick lol word list
[2025-01-06 03:39:57] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: what word is auto kick?
[2025-01-06 03:40:12] -[HELLO]-Crash: thers a list
[2025-01-06 03:40:20] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: no, i just called u a cunt for kiling me too much
[2025-01-06 03:40:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: crap soz chungus
[2025-01-06 03:40:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: LOL
[2025-01-06 03:40:30] spin: LOL
[2025-01-06 03:40:33] buck west: tell bang this hack has to go
[2025-01-06 03:40:38] buck west: im out..cya
[2025-01-06 03:40:41] -[HELLO]-Crash: mofo!
[2025-01-06 03:40:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-06 03:40:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: CYA ME TOO I THINK
[2025-01-06 03:41:03] Peeper: sorry
[2025-01-06 03:41:12] spin: OH WELL
[2025-01-06 03:41:15] B L I T Z K R I E G: unban maj mofo
[2025-01-06 03:41:15] Deprecated666: ouch
[2025-01-06 03:41:18] Peeper: if hes here next map Im out
[2025-01-06 03:41:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY SCHULTZY
[2025-01-06 03:41:24] Sgt. Schultz: hi
[2025-01-06 03:41:32] Big Chunguz: nice
[2025-01-06 03:41:34] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2025-01-06 03:41:43] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: big chunas went right up my rectum
[2025-01-06 03:41:54] _Roadie : he usually does....
[2025-01-06 03:41:56] B L I T Z K R I E G: no lube?
[2025-01-06 03:41:59] Big Chunguz: It's a Rambulance!
[2025-01-06 03:42:01] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: no lube,,,dry
[2025-01-06 03:42:03] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: SRY
[2025-01-06 03:42:05] Deprecated666: np
[2025-01-06 03:42:08] _Roadie : sand and vasaline
[2025-01-06 03:42:09] B L I T Z K R I E G: did u bite pillow?
[2025-01-06 03:42:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: mines!
[2025-01-06 03:42:17] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: cnt is a kicker
[2025-01-06 03:42:20] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: he said it was just the tip but it was a lie
[2025-01-06 03:42:21] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-06 03:42:23] Big Chunguz: sheeeeeeeeeeeit
[2025-01-06 03:42:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: i unbanned mofo
[2025-01-06 03:42:24] :): !nextmap
[2025-01-06 03:42:28] B L I T Z K R I E G: hahhahahah
[2025-01-06 03:42:29] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: 7!!!
[2025-01-06 03:42:30] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: !NEXTMAP
[2025-01-06 03:42:32] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh here he is
[2025-01-06 03:42:32] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Not el al
[2025-01-06 03:42:33] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ty crash
[2025-01-06 03:42:42] B L I T Z K R I E G: el al pls
[2025-01-06 03:42:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: 4th time in 24 hurs
[2025-01-06 03:42:48] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2025-01-06 03:42:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: everyone wil leave for AL alecarap
[2025-01-06 03:42:53] -[HELLO]-Crash: hours
[2025-01-06 03:42:57] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: potty mouth
[2025-01-06 03:43:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh crap
[2025-01-06 03:43:04] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Please no El Al
[2025-01-06 03:43:10] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: !nextmap
[2025-01-06 03:43:13] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i dont mean any harm
[2025-01-06 03:43:16] B L I T Z K R I E G: why the el al slander
[2025-01-06 03:43:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY
[2025-01-06 03:43:24] Mr. Fox: el al 24/7
[2025-01-06 03:43:28] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Wont stay for El Al lol
[2025-01-06 03:43:29] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: !nextmap
[2025-01-06 03:43:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: me either
[2025-01-06 03:43:34] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: GG and GN?
[2025-01-06 03:43:36] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: map blows

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