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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - battle_of_britain - 2025-01-07 03:22:02 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2025-01-07 03:23:09] -[HELLO]-Crash: here u go zanshin, apches galore
[2025-01-07 03:23:23] BF2025: zanshin u remember 21st SS and Day2 Freaks?
[2025-01-07 03:23:30] zanshin: yea
[2025-01-07 03:23:36] BF2025: the good ole days
[2025-01-07 03:23:40] zanshin: that y i ask for el ala day2
[2025-01-07 03:23:53] Deprecated666: nice
[2025-01-07 03:24:15] Peeper: one at flag
[2025-01-07 03:24:27] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: so stupud
[2025-01-07 03:24:57] Deadly Squirrel: oh ;ol srry
[2025-01-07 03:25:16] Deadly Squirrel: srry a bit confused
[2025-01-07 03:25:21] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: why HAVE AB INSTSKILL MAP?
[2025-01-07 03:25:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: a what
[2025-01-07 03:25:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 77777777777777777777777777777777
[2025-01-07 03:25:39] Deadly Squirrel: allied type chopper
[2025-01-07 03:26:03] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: U CANT EVEN SPAWN WITH OUT BEING KILLED?
[2025-01-07 03:26:15] BF2025: not at the para spawn...
[2025-01-07 03:26:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: 7777777777777777777777777777
[2025-01-07 03:26:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-07 03:26:49] _Roadie : let him land Jes.....
[2025-01-07 03:27:00] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OK
[2025-01-07 03:27:08] BF2025: stop before the hackusate you lol
[2025-01-07 03:27:11] Arbiter6452: Major Melon!
[2025-01-07 03:27:20] spin: sorry mojo
[2025-01-07 03:27:21] Deadly Squirrel: ill try map vote then im out for 25 mins
[2025-01-07 03:27:27] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: so much fun
[2025-01-07 03:27:34] _Roadie : after 22 years, spot it a mile away.
[2025-01-07 03:27:39] Arbiter6452: Major!
[2025-01-07 03:27:39] Deadly Squirrel: 8 7's needed
[2025-01-07 03:27:43] Arbiter6452: Major Melon!
[2025-01-07 03:27:47] BF2025: 22 yrs of playing like a nub
[2025-01-07 03:27:57] Deadly Squirrel: or its goodnight Roxanne
[2025-01-07 03:28:12] Deadly Squirrel: 2 more 7's
[2025-01-07 03:28:16] Arbiter6452: Can't believe Pepsi discontinued Major Melon Mtn Dew
[2025-01-07 03:28:16] Arbiter6452: Bastards......
[2025-01-07 03:28:24] Arbiter6452: ROFL
[2025-01-07 03:28:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: MACON
[2025-01-07 03:28:33] _Roadie : one on only warning BF - don't insult an Admin.
[2025-01-07 03:28:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: im gonna ram jester's shilka at their main
[2025-01-07 03:28:35] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: fuck thus
[2025-01-07 03:28:41] Deadly Squirrel: 10 of 12
[2025-01-07 03:28:51] Deadly Squirrel: 7
[2025-01-07 03:28:58] BF2025: then follow your own rules and stop hackusating
[2025-01-07 03:28:58] Arbiter6452: This is Arbiter........I am Major Melon Tonight
[2025-01-07 03:29:03] -[HELLO]-Crash: oops
[2025-01-07 03:29:05] Arbiter6452: Honoring my favorite dew of 2024
[2025-01-07 03:29:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi stoned melon
[2025-01-07 03:29:22] -[HELLO]-Crash: ?
[2025-01-07 03:29:33] Deadly Squirrel: nonconclusive im out not gonna spawn die a 15th time
[2025-01-07 03:29:33] Arbiter6452: Major Melon!!!!!! Eyes Red as Watermalon!
[2025-01-07 03:29:49] zanshin: spawn elsewhere
[2025-01-07 03:29:53] -[HELLO]-Crash: ns blain
[2025-01-07 03:29:59] _Roadie : and BB steps in...
[2025-01-07 03:30:35] Arbiter6452: Major Melon! drinking my last bottle....
[2025-01-07 03:31:10] _Roadie : beats a flat bottle of Fanta orange
[2025-01-07 03:31:13] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: vagina juice?
[2025-01-07 03:31:22] Arbiter6452: drinking stoned for maximum taste!
[2025-01-07 03:31:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-01-07 03:31:34] Arbiter6452: My best bottle of Major Melon! best for last!
[2025-01-07 03:31:46] Peeper: my last vote
[2025-01-07 03:31:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: and the bottle has multiple uses ;)
[2025-01-07 03:31:52] Mr. Fox: someone go for the flag, ill swoop you
[2025-01-07 03:32:02] BF2025: ns
[2025-01-07 03:32:11] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: ill getem for y9ou mofo
[2025-01-07 03:32:46] _Roadie : nasty, rude Dep
[2025-01-07 03:33:04] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-07 03:33:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2025-01-07 03:33:29] Peeper: gonna head to EA . nite all
[2025-01-07 03:33:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: i killed shilka on repair bay, steal now
[2025-01-07 03:33:34] BF2025: lmao
[2025-01-07 03:33:34] -=BlaineBlitzer=-: w
[2025-01-07 03:33:39] Arbiter6452: I read this, No more Major Melon, Spark, or FrostBite
[2025-01-07 03:33:50] Arbiter6452: No more Voltage in drink machines
[2025-01-07 03:33:56] _Roadie : mudslide?
[2025-01-07 03:34:04] BF2025: he actually going to EA lmao
[2025-01-07 03:34:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: we've literally never had those drinks in australia ,ever
[2025-01-07 03:34:13] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-01-07 03:34:15] zanshin: ]
[2025-01-07 03:34:17] Arbiter6452: No more Nitro Pepsi
[2025-01-07 03:34:39] Arbiter6452: also no more 4th of July Summer Mtn Dews so bummed
[2025-01-07 03:34:52] Arbiter6452: what is happening????
[2025-01-07 03:34:58] Arbiter6452: whats left lol
[2025-01-07 03:35:01] _Roadie : there's Mudslides in AUS
[2025-01-07 03:35:10] Arbiter6452: we still have Code Red, Voltage, and Livewire
[2025-01-07 03:35:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: buy the last cans, and save them. sell em on ebay
[2025-01-07 03:35:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: years from now
[2025-01-07 03:35:11] Arbiter6452: Thank God
[2025-01-07 03:35:20] Arbiter6452: Nahhhh
[2025-01-07 03:35:21] Mr. Fox: code red is the best
[2025-01-07 03:35:29] BF2025: yea drink the red40
[2025-01-07 03:35:34] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: merlin, do you reqally have 37" penis?
[2025-01-07 03:35:56] Arbiter6452: ROFL
[2025-01-07 03:36:14] Arbiter6452: someone needs to cut open the melon with a shank.......
[2025-01-07 03:37:56] Mr. Fox: sry
[2025-01-07 03:38:00] BF2025: lol
[2025-01-07 03:38:12] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-07 03:38:19] BF2025: i just realized
[2025-01-07 03:38:21] Arbiter6452: how!??!?!? I was spinning
[2025-01-07 03:38:26] BF2025: how broke that axis bomber is
[2025-01-07 03:38:28] BF2025: on this map
[2025-01-07 03:38:39] Arbiter6452: now I am blueberry
[2025-01-07 03:38:44] -[HELLO]-Crash: i aimed for ur face
[2025-01-07 03:39:01] Arbiter6452: my face never moves....the only flaw
[2025-01-07 03:39:09] -[HELLO]-Crash: i was behind u
[2025-01-07 03:39:14] Arbiter6452: ROFL
[2025-01-07 03:39:54] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-01-07 03:40:00] wildcard: )
[2025-01-07 03:40:05] Arbiter6452: I thought I would miss Blue Pepsi but nahhh
[2025-01-07 03:40:20] Arbiter6452: I got sick of it, by the time I finished my last bottle
[2025-01-07 03:40:21] Arbiter6452: I stocked up
[2025-01-07 03:40:31] Arbiter6452: did the same with Pepsi Fire
[2025-01-07 03:40:35] Arbiter6452: don't miss that neither
[2025-01-07 03:40:51] Arbiter6452: theres always new stuff
[2025-01-07 03:40:51] zanshin: play iwo jima
[2025-01-07 03:40:59] _Roadie : Is Arb going on, & on & on about soda or am I stoned?
[2025-01-07 03:41:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: we're modding iwo.
[2025-01-07 03:41:42] Arbiter6452: I am going on and on about soda and I AM stoned
[2025-01-07 03:42:07] _Roadie : lol
[2025-01-07 03:42:18] Arbiter6452: ROCKETS!
[2025-01-07 03:42:32] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-01-07 03:42:34] Arbiter6452: damn that looked cool, but didn't hit anyone.....
[2025-01-07 03:42:37] Deprecated666: n1
[2025-01-07 03:42:39] _Roadie : on the real stuff I hope. Delta8 sux
[2025-01-07 03:42:48] Arbiter6452: OHHHYEAH
[2025-01-07 03:42:51] zanshin: bring back dc.7
[2025-01-07 03:42:52] Mr. Fox: D8 isnt worth it
[2025-01-07 03:42:53] BF2025: its not the same
[2025-01-07 03:42:54] zanshin: )
[2025-01-07 03:42:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: ow
[2025-01-07 03:43:01] BF2025: yea zanshin .7 is superior on helos
[2025-01-07 03:43:04] BF2025: missles are differen
[2025-01-07 03:43:16] _Roadie : damn I wish I had that on video, that was an epic crash
[2025-01-07 03:43:25] BF2025: n1
[2025-01-07 03:43:30] Deprecated666: ty
[2025-01-07 03:43:39] BF2025: remember a video blah blah
[2025-01-07 03:43:46] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-01-07 03:43:49] zanshin: lol
[2025-01-07 03:43:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: its 2025 and im playing this on a 4k HDR screen 42"
[2025-01-07 03:43:58] -[HELLO]-Crash: life is good
[2025-01-07 03:44:24] Arbiter6452: Samsung odyssey G9 49 inch
[2025-01-07 03:44:44] Deprecated666: nice
[2025-01-07 03:44:48] BF2025: ty
[2025-01-07 03:45:13] Hawkeye: where is SPIN?
[2025-01-07 03:45:22] -[HELLO]-Crash: east of their main
[2025-01-07 03:45:28] BadAim: ROADIE
[2025-01-07 03:45:29] BF2025: ur good at helos dep
[2025-01-07 03:45:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: i think
[2025-01-07 03:45:39] Deprecated666: ty
[2025-01-07 03:45:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: ns deprec
[2025-01-07 03:45:54] BF2025: did u play in the helo servers back in the day?
[2025-01-07 03:46:12] Deprecated666: i did prefer helo maps
[2025-01-07 03:46:20] BF2025: i mean the helo only servers
[2025-01-07 03:46:25] Arbiter6452: dmn I crashed hard
[2025-01-07 03:46:42] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol spin
[2025-01-07 03:46:42] Deprecated666: i dont remember, lol
[2025-01-07 03:46:48] _Roadie : BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
[2025-01-07 03:46:48] BF2025: too high?
[2025-01-07 03:46:50] BF2025: or drunk?
[2025-01-07 03:46:58] Deprecated666: definitely high
[2025-01-07 03:47:00] BF2025: nice
[2025-01-07 03:47:03] Arbiter6452: IDK just crashed to desktop
[2025-01-07 03:47:07] Arbiter6452: but yes High
[2025-01-07 03:47:22] Arbiter6452: I don't say that on Moon though
[2025-01-07 03:47:26] Arbiter6452: different rules lol
[2025-01-07 03:47:31] Deprecated666: nice
[2025-01-07 03:47:36] zanshin: ]
[2025-01-07 03:47:39] BF2025: true
[2025-01-07 03:47:49] BF2025: mormons dont like drugs
[2025-01-07 03:48:04] Arbiter6452: I dont want a ban from the last active vanilla server no sir
[2025-01-07 03:48:13] BF2025: Simple
[2025-01-07 03:48:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi A
[2025-01-07 03:48:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: BA
[2025-01-07 03:48:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: vanilla?
[2025-01-07 03:48:38] Arbiter6452: no mods
[2025-01-07 03:48:39] BF2025: vanilla means regular 42
[2025-01-07 03:48:42] Arbiter6452: original BF
[2025-01-07 03:48:48] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey ba
[2025-01-07 03:49:03] Hellraz0r: i prefer chocolate or hokey pokey
[2025-01-07 03:49:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY RAZOR
[2025-01-07 03:49:18] Hellraz0r: yo jester
[2025-01-07 03:49:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: take that jester
[2025-01-07 03:49:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-01-07 03:49:36] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-07 03:50:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BAILER AT FLAG
[2025-01-07 03:50:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-07 03:50:45] Arbiter6452: N1
[2025-01-07 03:51:07] Arbiter6452: falling deeper into my trance....
[2025-01-07 03:51:50] Arbiter6452: Major Melon is going down real good now
[2025-01-07 03:51:53] zanshin: now its tie
[2025-01-07 03:52:37] -[HELLO]-Crash: EL AL is next
[2025-01-07 03:52:38] Arbiter6452: who added time?
[2025-01-07 03:52:40] Arbiter6452: !nextmap
[2025-01-07 03:52:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: I did, tied game.
[2025-01-07 03:53:00] BF2025: TY
[2025-01-07 03:53:10] Arbiter6452: CTF this map is a stailmate
[2025-01-07 03:53:27] _Roadie : need a lot of coordination to cap on this level.
[2025-01-07 03:53:38] zanshin: i didnt know time was added
[2025-01-07 03:53:40] BF2025: yea its tough
[2025-01-07 03:53:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: i thought u asked for it zan
[2025-01-07 03:53:52] Hawkeye: lol
[2025-01-07 03:54:01] Tohsdaehmoob: i'll coordinate yo azz
[2025-01-07 03:54:03] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-01-07 03:54:06] BF2025: tohs
[2025-01-07 03:54:07] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi TOhs
[2025-01-07 03:54:17] BF2025: tohs did u join the infantry server the other day?
[2025-01-07 03:54:46] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-07 03:54:46] Tohsdaehmoob: oyah
[2025-01-07 03:54:52] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2025-01-07 03:55:05] AnarchoCapitalist: ?????
[2025-01-07 03:55:16] Arbiter6452: wait there s a para point
[2025-01-07 03:55:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: lolz
[2025-01-07 03:55:26] BF2025: close
[2025-01-07 03:55:28] Tohsdaehmoob: yup
[2025-01-07 03:55:31] Snoot Boot: hey jester
[2025-01-07 03:55:38] BF2025: howd u get the mod tohs
[2025-01-07 03:55:53] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-01-07 03:55:57] BF2025: lmao
[2025-01-07 03:55:59] Tohsdaehmoob: what mod
[2025-01-07 03:56:02] Arbiter6452: major melon is trying!!!!
[2025-01-07 03:56:14] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-07 03:56:22] Tohsdaehmoob: i'll mod yo mama
[2025-01-07 03:56:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: tkd myself again
[2025-01-07 03:56:28] BF2025: ok
[2025-01-07 03:56:30] BF2025: 18 just tking
[2025-01-07 03:56:39] -[HELLO]-Crash: ur too old for her moobs
[2025-01-07 03:56:49] BF2025: well she looked 18
[2025-01-07 03:56:52] Arbiter6452: ROFL
[2025-01-07 03:56:59] Tohsdaehmoob: lol
[2025-01-07 03:57:16] Tohsdaehmoob: i'mma certified cradle robber
[2025-01-07 03:57:21] Arbiter6452: MAJOR MELON!
[2025-01-07 03:57:43] Deprecated666: ns
[2025-01-07 03:57:49] zanshin: ty
[2025-01-07 03:57:53] Arbiter6452: Now I am red, Major Melon!
[2025-01-07 03:58:19] Arbiter6452: ROFL

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