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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2025-01-11 02:39:01 Chatlog
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[2025-01-11 02:39:57] Mr. Fox: i just burned the shit outta my thumb
[2025-01-11 02:40:00] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol oops
[2025-01-11 02:40:05] -[HELLO]-Crash: huh what
[2025-01-11 02:40:09] Mr. Fox: jump out too fast?
[2025-01-11 02:40:15] Deadly Squirrel: i think my last death won the game for allies
[2025-01-11 02:40:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: fired too soon
[2025-01-11 02:40:22] Mr. Fox: oo lol
[2025-01-11 02:40:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: thubm
[2025-01-11 02:40:31] -[HELLO]-Crash: thumb?
[2025-01-11 02:40:42] Mr. Fox: i was pulling bread out of the oven
[2025-01-11 02:40:48] [HELLO]General Titus: Hey Crash
[2025-01-11 02:40:52] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi
[2025-01-11 02:40:58] Mr. Fox: and touched the top of my 500 degree dutch oven
[2025-01-11 02:41:34] Farmer Dave: oh no
[2025-01-11 02:41:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi schultz
[2025-01-11 02:41:48] Sgt. Schultz: hey
[2025-01-11 02:42:00] Deadly Squirrel: mine
[2025-01-11 02:42:07] Deadly Squirrel: truck has mine
[2025-01-11 02:42:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: did u need ur thumb to play
[2025-01-11 02:42:25] Mr. Fox: just to hold the mouse
[2025-01-11 02:42:33] Farmer Dave: ahh
[2025-01-11 02:42:43] Farmer Dave: thier spawn is in the builing by the river
[2025-01-11 02:42:56] Mr. Fox: ns
[2025-01-11 02:43:05] Farmer Dave: lucky on my part
[2025-01-11 02:43:06] Farmer Dave: thanks
[2025-01-11 02:43:18] _Brain Damage_: hi all
[2025-01-11 02:43:22] Sgt. Schultz: hi
[2025-01-11 02:43:22] Farmer Dave: flag
[2025-01-11 02:43:23] Mr. Fox: still counts
[2025-01-11 02:43:38] Sgt. Schultz: brain, you really won that tobruk game!
[2025-01-11 02:43:50] _Brain Damage_: thanks man <3
[2025-01-11 02:44:10] _Brain Damage_: strategically yes, but i didnt see the points count
[2025-01-11 02:44:16] _Brain Damage_: my team lost on points
[2025-01-11 02:46:47] _Brain Damage_: I didnt believe myself when I challenged them all
[2025-01-11 02:46:49] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-11 02:46:55] _Brain Damage_: I was really joking shutls
[2025-01-11 02:47:17] Sgt. Schultz: me too lol
[2025-01-11 02:47:26] _Brain Damage_: like bring it all 3vs1 not afraid that was all jokes
[2025-01-11 02:47:43] _Brain Damage_: not really challenging
[2025-01-11 02:48:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: n1 dave
[2025-01-11 02:48:41] _Brain Damage_: hi WC
[2025-01-11 02:48:49] wildcard: hey bd
[2025-01-11 02:49:01] _Brain Damage_: ^
[2025-01-11 02:49:10] _Brain Damage_: I got one more beer dude
[2025-01-11 02:49:12] _Brain Damage_: dudes
[2025-01-11 02:49:21] _Brain Damage_: dunno if I should open it
[2025-01-11 02:49:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: ive drunk beer once in like 3 years
[2025-01-11 02:49:31] Capt_Jack: sry
[2025-01-11 02:49:33] Deadly Squirrel: eeks srry
[2025-01-11 02:49:48] _Brain Damage_: and crash.... still drunk?
[2025-01-11 02:49:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: 3 yrs later ??
[2025-01-11 02:50:03] _Brain Damage_: yes :)
[2025-01-11 02:50:06] _Brain Damage_: jokz
[2025-01-11 02:50:07] -[HELLO]-Crash: :) no
[2025-01-11 02:50:13] _Brain Damage_:
[2025-01-11 02:50:22] Farmer Dave: flag
[2025-01-11 02:50:25] Sgt. Schultz: no bars lol
[2025-01-11 02:50:42] Deadly Squirrel: i saw u....u were getting back up
[2025-01-11 02:51:44] _Brain Damage_: lolol
[2025-01-11 02:52:12] _Brain Damage_: I bought a
[2025-01-11 02:52:31] -[HELLO]-Crash: sh soz
[2025-01-11 02:52:33] _Brain Damage_: 33 CL san Miguel while I thought it was a coronna beer
[2025-01-11 02:52:37] Farmer Dave: lol
[2025-01-11 02:52:40] Farmer Dave: mp
[2025-01-11 02:52:45] Capt_Jack: gj
[2025-01-11 02:52:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: damn
[2025-01-11 02:52:45] _Brain Damage_: I like fresh light corona beer sometimes
[2025-01-11 02:52:46] Mr. Fox: team relay
[2025-01-11 02:52:48] -[HELLO]-Crash: my fault
[2025-01-11 02:52:50] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-01-11 02:52:58] -[HELLO]-Crash: El Al is next
[2025-01-11 02:53:06] Mr. Fox: ^wasnt me
[2025-01-11 02:53:20] Sgt. Schultz: musta be wildcard, he left
[2025-01-11 02:53:29] Mr. Fox: he does love El Al
[2025-01-11 02:53:38] Deadly Squirrel: fight back ! dont wimp out w/votemap
[2025-01-11 02:53:43] screaming eagle: sorry
[2025-01-11 02:54:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: dammit
[2025-01-11 02:54:18] Deadly Squirrel: thats one way
[2025-01-11 02:54:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: dont tell me spawned in that jeep
[2025-01-11 02:54:36] Mr. Fox: sry
[2025-01-11 02:54:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: fox did u put something on ur thumb
[2025-01-11 02:54:46] _Brain Damage_: it"s toyota hiliux
[2025-01-11 02:54:58] Mr. Fox: no
[2025-01-11 02:56:09] _Brain Damage_: GJ
[2025-01-11 02:56:44] Sgt. Schultz: rage quit
[2025-01-11 02:56:49] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-11 02:57:01] _Brain Damage_: dudes today, I bought a vinegar called De Nigris
[2025-01-11 02:57:12] Mr. Fox: balsamic
[2025-01-11 02:57:14] _Brain Damage_: De Nigris Vinegar Brand ROLD
[2025-01-11 02:57:18] Mr. Fox: ive heard its good
[2025-01-11 02:57:19] _Brain Damage_: nah ciadr
[2025-01-11 02:57:38] _Brain Damage_: yes smells so like real apples not lying
[2025-01-11 02:57:49] _Brain Damage_: almost like fresh apples for now
[2025-01-11 02:58:20] _Brain Damage_: I like vinegars with sweet fragrance for vinaigrette
[2025-01-11 02:58:32] Deadly Squirrel: eeks
[2025-01-11 02:58:39] Deadly Squirrel: sruu
[2025-01-11 02:58:43] Deadly Squirrel: sry
[2025-01-11 02:58:44] _Brain Damage_: the nam's just odd
[2025-01-11 02:58:50] _Brain Damage_: nigris lol
[2025-01-11 02:58:53] Peeper: i see our old friend is back
[2025-01-11 02:58:58] Mr. Fox: yup
[2025-01-11 02:59:45] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-11 02:59:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: so k
[2025-01-11 02:59:52] -[HELLO]-Crash: soz tk
[2025-01-11 03:00:10] Deadly Squirrel: ns
[2025-01-11 03:00:13] BF2025: ty
[2025-01-11 03:00:30] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2025-01-11 03:00:33] _Brain Damage_: bs
[2025-01-11 03:00:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-11 03:00:42] Deadly Squirrel: you dont need to do that again
[2025-01-11 03:01:31] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-11 03:01:34] Sgt. Schultz: lol
[2025-01-11 03:01:40] Sgt. Schultz: saw you go in there
[2025-01-11 03:01:44] -[HELLO]-Crash: yah
[2025-01-11 03:01:52] Deadly Squirrel: ouch
[2025-01-11 03:02:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: hey eagle
[2025-01-11 03:02:06] screaming eagle: yo
[2025-01-11 03:02:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: good to see u here
[2025-01-11 03:02:18] screaming eagle: ty
[2025-01-11 03:02:23] screaming eagle: glad to be her
[2025-01-11 03:02:28] _Brain Damage_: dudes we are not structured they are structured
[2025-01-11 03:03:10] Capt_Jack: n1
[2025-01-11 03:03:39] -[HELLO]-Crash: uh
[2025-01-11 03:03:44] -[HELLO]-Crash: sht
[2025-01-11 03:03:45] Sgt. Schultz: :O
[2025-01-11 03:03:46] _Brain Damage_: fkin zombie
[2025-01-11 03:03:50] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-01-11 03:03:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: soz lol saw the us helmet
[2025-01-11 03:03:53] _Brain Damage_: xD
[2025-01-11 03:03:58] Sgt. Schultz: oh yeah, sry
[2025-01-11 03:03:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi NW
[2025-01-11 03:04:10] Capt_Jack: alley
[2025-01-11 03:04:18] _Brain Damage_: u cost me 54+ rounds
[2025-01-11 03:04:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: do the new people want 10 more mins at this map?
[2025-01-11 03:04:30] Mr. Fox: alley down
[2025-01-11 03:04:35] Mr. Fox: no
[2025-01-11 03:04:36] BF2025: SURE
[2025-01-11 03:04:37] Peeper: no
[2025-01-11 03:04:39] BF2025: ca[s
[2025-01-11 03:04:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: ur not new lol
[2025-01-11 03:04:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: so far
[2025-01-11 03:04:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: 1
[2025-01-11 03:04:50] BF2025: newly connected
[2025-01-11 03:04:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: yeah ur the 1
[2025-01-11 03:05:06] _Brain Damage_: add vinegar to oil and make vinaigraitte map
[2025-01-11 03:05:10] _Brain Damage_: for me :)z
[2025-01-11 03:05:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: u and ur vinegar
[2025-01-11 03:05:25] Sgt. Schultz: man, they blew up the crib!
[2025-01-11 03:05:26] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HELLO LADIES
[2025-01-11 03:05:27] _Brain Damage_: De NIGGARIS
[2025-01-11 03:05:35] Mr. Fox: HEY JESTER
[2025-01-11 03:05:35] _Brain Damage_: VINEGAARIS
[2025-01-11 03:05:40] Sgt. Schultz: niggardly
[2025-01-11 03:05:51] [HELLO]General Titus: Sry eagle, I'm not targetting you, I just happen to see you.
[2025-01-11 03:06:10] Sgt. Schultz: OYEAH
[2025-01-11 03:06:13] screaming eagle: lol ok
[2025-01-11 03:06:13] -[HELLO]-Crash: !nextmap
[2025-01-11 03:06:37] _Brain Damage_: DeNigris KHan
[2025-01-11 03:06:47] _Brain Damage_: Gringris Khan
[2025-01-11 03:07:12] Deadly Squirrel: hes trying to turn his truck into a boat
[2025-01-11 03:07:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY TITUS
[2025-01-11 03:07:21] Sgt. Schultz: gangrenous khan
[2025-01-11 03:07:22] _Brain Damage_: dudes ! GET DRUNK ! NOW
[2025-01-11 03:07:27] _Brain Damage_: yeah
[2025-01-11 03:07:29] [HELLO]General Titus: Hey Jester!
[2025-01-11 03:09:06] _Brain Damage_: hi crue
[2025-01-11 03:09:19] Peeper: wow....

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