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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - bocage_day3 - 2025-01-14 03:37:01 Chatlog
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[2025-01-14 03:38:40] -[HELLO]-JESTER: MINE THE ARMOR
[2025-01-14 03:38:41] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol soz
[2025-01-14 03:38:44] Hellraz0r: allg
[2025-01-14 03:38:50] Mr. Fox: pad is mined
[2025-01-14 03:39:13] Farmer Dave: np
[2025-01-14 03:39:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: raodie
[2025-01-14 03:39:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: how do we make the text in console bigger
[2025-01-14 03:39:41] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: tug it
[2025-01-14 03:39:50] _Roadie : in ~ you mean?
[2025-01-14 03:39:53] -[HELLO]-Crash: yep
[2025-01-14 03:40:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ALL ARMOR IS MINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2025-01-14 03:40:12] _Roadie : it is tied into the resolution you are running.
[2025-01-14 03:40:16] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i changed my font somw time ago
[2025-01-14 03:40:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh
[2025-01-14 03:40:22] -[HELLO]-JESTER: TOLD YA MOOB
[2025-01-14 03:40:40] _Roadie : I'm doing 1920x1440 right now and it is TINY
[2025-01-14 03:40:41] Tohsdaehmoob: what up? I just got here
[2025-01-14 03:40:48] Capt_Jack: sry
[2025-01-14 03:40:52] Mr. Fox: lol bug
[2025-01-14 03:40:57] Peeper: that was funny
[2025-01-14 03:41:04] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi tohs
[2025-01-14 03:41:07] Mr. Fox: are you on discord?
[2025-01-14 03:41:10] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: its so hard to read especially at high res
[2025-01-14 03:41:11] Peeper: no
[2025-01-14 03:41:11] Mr. Fox: ill send you the clip
[2025-01-14 03:41:22] -[HELLO]-Crash: what is
[2025-01-14 03:41:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: mofo
[2025-01-14 03:41:25] Mr. Fox: lol dam
[2025-01-14 03:41:30] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: the text
[2025-01-14 03:42:17] Peeper: need a few more players
[2025-01-14 03:42:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: our armor is mined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2025-01-14 03:42:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: is that why you SHOUT jester?
[2025-01-14 03:42:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: so u can see wha u write?
[2025-01-14 03:42:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: why?
[2025-01-14 03:42:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: nvm
[2025-01-14 03:43:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-14 03:43:02] -[HELLO]-JESTER: some of it is my eyes
[2025-01-14 03:43:10] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sry dave
[2025-01-14 03:43:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok
[2025-01-14 03:43:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: roadie im thinking teres something in videodefault.con etc
[2025-01-14 03:44:03] -[HELLO]-Crash: that can increase font size
[2025-01-14 03:44:09] _Roadie : let me check, I just switched back to 3440x1440 & it sux
[2025-01-14 03:44:09] Farmer Dave: no bars of health left
[2025-01-14 03:44:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: moob you idiot i told ya
[2025-01-14 03:44:59] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ur penis touched me Dave, not cool
[2025-01-14 03:45:07] Farmer Dave: sorry
[2025-01-14 03:45:15] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i forgive
[2025-01-14 03:45:15] Farmer Dave: here, let me wipe that off for ya
[2025-01-14 03:45:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: there's a no crossing swords policy here
[2025-01-14 03:45:20] Farmer Dave: lol
[2025-01-14 03:45:32] Farmer Dave: you know, I am not good at this game
[2025-01-14 03:45:32] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: )
[2025-01-14 03:45:34] -[HELLO]-JESTER: oops
[2025-01-14 03:45:35] -[HELLO]-Crash: JESTER!
[2025-01-14 03:45:41] -[HELLO]-JESTER: sorry
[2025-01-14 03:45:42] Farmer Dave: but the guys that lay it are fun to be around
[2025-01-14 03:45:44] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ur fine
[2025-01-14 03:45:47] Farmer Dave: play it
[2025-01-14 03:45:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: im not very impresseder
[2025-01-14 03:45:59] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ong sry
[2025-01-14 03:46:12] wildcard: lol
[2025-01-14 03:46:42] -[HELLO]-Crash: soz tk
[2025-01-14 03:47:03] Lord Humphrey: fire and fury
[2025-01-14 03:47:14] Farmer Dave: jester, you may be mined
[2025-01-14 03:47:20] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: reds beatin on me
[2025-01-14 03:47:21] Lord Humphrey: american carnage
[2025-01-14 03:47:28] Farmer Dave: yes you are
[2025-01-14 03:48:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj
[2025-01-14 03:49:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2025-01-14 03:49:14] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: oh my
[2025-01-14 03:49:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-14 03:49:21] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 03:49:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SHI
[2025-01-14 03:49:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: Jester u were right
[2025-01-14 03:49:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT
[2025-01-14 03:49:38] -[HELLO]-Crash: fox and i shudnt be on the same side
[2025-01-14 03:49:44] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 03:49:53] Farmer Dave: blue tank on thier pad
[2025-01-14 03:49:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: crap
[2025-01-14 03:49:56] _Roadie : 2xFont supposedly affects the console font size.
[2025-01-14 03:49:57] Mr. Fox: ...
[2025-01-14 03:50:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol soz saw dpv
[2025-01-14 03:50:05] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 03:50:12] Mr. Fox: jester just tkd me too
[2025-01-14 03:50:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: 2x font?? where
[2025-01-14 03:50:33] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY GUYS
[2025-01-14 03:50:42] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lies
[2025-01-14 03:50:43] Mr. Fox: i think Foxes clan has the 2xfont DL on their site
[2025-01-14 03:50:59] _Roadie : did you ever add it to you config?
[2025-01-14 03:51:10] Mr. Fox: no
[2025-01-14 03:51:17] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: fox has a clan?
[2025-01-14 03:51:32] Farmer Dave: bradley on blue pad
[2025-01-14 03:51:56] Mr. Fox: there is a clan called FOXES
[2025-01-14 03:52:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SRY
[2025-01-14 03:52:06] Hellraz0r: np
[2025-01-14 03:52:20] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: surely any clan would detect his cheats
[2025-01-14 03:52:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHO?
[2025-01-14 03:52:34] Mr. Fox: im not part of their clan
[2025-01-14 03:52:43] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: symbol
[2025-01-14 03:52:54] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: prince
[2025-01-14 03:53:15] Farmer Dave: that car horn is amazing
[2025-01-14 03:53:19] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: we shall call him prince
[2025-01-14 03:53:26] Mr. Fox: ?
[2025-01-14 03:53:26] Farmer Dave: lol
[2025-01-14 03:53:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: prince what
[2025-01-14 03:53:30] _Roadie : It's Yen gang
[2025-01-14 03:53:35] _Roadie : not Prince
[2025-01-14 03:53:44] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: symbol prince
[2025-01-14 03:53:46] Mr. Fox: im confused
[2025-01-14 03:53:59] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: call symbol prince
[2025-01-14 03:54:09] Lord Humphrey: am prince
[2025-01-14 03:54:09] -[HELLO]-Crash: he has a yen for u fox
[2025-01-14 03:54:14] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 03:54:50] Mr. Fox: idk about prince, but sometimes Lord
[2025-01-14 03:54:51] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i banged fox when he was a chick
[2025-01-14 03:54:59] Mr. Fox: you wish
[2025-01-14 03:54:59] Lord Humphrey: am freddie and prince
[2025-01-14 03:55:21] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: u lived the titty play
[2025-01-14 03:56:03] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY SLICK
[2025-01-14 03:56:10] Farmer Dave: crash, tank behind you
[2025-01-14 03:56:11] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2025-01-14 03:56:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-14 03:56:25] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: think u said please purp my murp, if i recall
[2025-01-14 03:56:37] Mr. Fox: murp?
[2025-01-14 03:56:43] Mr. Fox: not nerp?
[2025-01-14 03:56:45] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: nurp
[2025-01-14 03:56:50] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 03:56:58] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: im not a typist
[2025-01-14 03:57:55] Hellraz0r: sorry bughead
[2025-01-14 03:57:57] Godimir:
[2025-01-14 03:57:57] Godimir: sry
[2025-01-14 03:58:00] Peeper: np
[2025-01-14 03:58:53] Peeper: map on...and see no reason to keep enduring this massa
[2025-01-14 03:58:55] Peeper: massacre
[2025-01-14 03:58:58] Tohsdaehmoob: OYEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[2025-01-14 03:59:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: RUDE!
[2025-01-14 03:59:23] Hellraz0r: hehehe
[2025-01-14 03:59:25] Tohsdaehmoob: HOYEAHHHH
[2025-01-14 04:00:41] Godimir: fk sry
[2025-01-14 04:01:36] Tohsdaehmoob: you WANTED TO VISIT?
[2025-01-14 04:01:42] Peeper: i surrender....nite all
[2025-01-14 04:02:34] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 04:02:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: w
[2025-01-14 04:02:51] Godimir: shit dude
[2025-01-14 04:02:53] Godimir: srey
[2025-01-14 04:02:59] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: k
[2025-01-14 04:02:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok i swapped
[2025-01-14 04:03:04] -[HELLO]-Crash: wantd to kill moobs anyway
[2025-01-14 04:03:06] Mr. Fox: should i get pissed of with you?
[2025-01-14 04:03:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: then auto;d back
[2025-01-14 04:03:15] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: night dudes
[2025-01-14 04:03:15] Hellraz0r: sorry crash
[2025-01-14 04:03:28] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NITE
[2025-01-14 04:03:35] Mr. Fox: gnight mofo
[2025-01-14 04:03:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: n1 jester
[2025-01-14 04:03:49] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i gpt a job
[2025-01-14 04:03:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: :)
[2025-01-14 04:03:55] -[HELLO]-Crash: RUDE but effective
[2025-01-14 04:04:25] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY ANARCHO
[2025-01-14 04:04:37] Mr. Fox: lol ty jack
[2025-01-14 04:04:43] Mr. Fox: too long of a walk
[2025-01-14 04:04:48] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-01-14 04:06:04] -[HELLO]-Crash: anyone wanna do a pirate map next?
[2025-01-14 04:06:26] Snoot Boot: NAS
[2025-01-14 04:06:31] Hellraz0r: fk nas
[2025-01-14 04:07:08] Hellraz0r: tobruk DC
[2025-01-14 04:07:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: thats a good map
[2025-01-14 04:07:41] Mr. Fox: a10 up
[2025-01-14 04:07:43] Snoot Boot: BERLIN
[2025-01-14 04:07:48] Hellraz0r: ive never seen it being played here
[2025-01-14 04:08:06] Tohsdaehmoob: AHAHA
[2025-01-14 04:10:14] _Roadie : I done did that wrong
[2025-01-14 04:10:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: rofl
[2025-01-14 04:12:20] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-01-14 04:12:40] Snoot Boot: G1
[2025-01-14 04:13:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: ;ol
[2025-01-14 04:13:22] -[HELLO]-Crash: roadie did u wanna spwa
[2025-01-14 04:13:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: swap
[2025-01-14 04:13:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: AAWWWW JACK :(
[2025-01-14 04:13:58] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-01-14 04:14:03] _Roadie : this will bring down the RED side for sure!!!
[2025-01-14 04:14:08] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 04:14:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-01-14 04:14:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok
[2025-01-14 04:15:30] Tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH
[2025-01-14 04:15:53] Farmer Dave: nice shot Crash
[2025-01-14 04:15:55] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 04:15:57] Mr. Fox: close
[2025-01-14 04:15:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: t
[2025-01-14 04:16:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: ty
[2025-01-14 04:16:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: aw
[2025-01-14 04:16:35] Hellraz0r: sorry anarcha
[2025-01-14 04:16:41] -[HELLO]-Crash: jeeeez what a traitor
[2025-01-14 04:16:44] AnarchoCapitalist: np
[2025-01-14 04:17:15] Tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH I HELPED
[2025-01-14 04:17:38] _Roadie : return stealer? that's helping??
[2025-01-14 04:18:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-01-14 04:18:08] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-01-14 04:18:11] Mr. Fox: what happened?
[2025-01-14 04:18:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: whoops
[2025-01-14 04:18:21] -[HELLO]-Crash: the scientific anser
[2025-01-14 04:18:22] -[HELLO]-Crash: wud be
[2025-01-14 04:18:26] Mr. Fox: did you hot the ground?
[2025-01-14 04:18:29] Farmer Dave: gg
[2025-01-14 04:18:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: that i fkd up
[2025-01-14 04:18:32] Farmer Dave: !nextmap
[2025-01-14 04:18:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: OH YEAH

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