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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - el_alamein - 2025-02-02 03:39:04 Chatlog
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[2025-02-02 03:41:36] _Roadie : denied
[2025-02-02 03:41:50] Goosey: on practice run;)
[2025-02-02 03:41:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: a
[2025-02-02 03:42:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: :D
[2025-02-02 03:43:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: :P
[2025-02-02 03:43:14] -[HELLO]-Crash: awww
[2025-02-02 03:43:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: we died of caffeine poisoning goose
[2025-02-02 03:43:42] Goosey: lol
[2025-02-02 03:43:56] Peeper: sorry
[2025-02-02 03:44:07] Peeper: in our hanger
[2025-02-02 03:44:13] Capt_Jack: down
[2025-02-02 03:44:13] Peeper: was
[2025-02-02 03:44:27] Goosey: somoene bomb roadie on pad
[2025-02-02 03:44:41] _Roadie : who da fug put capers in my tartar sauce??!!!!
[2025-02-02 03:44:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: JESTER in abrams
[2025-02-02 03:44:48] -[HELLO]-Crash: there now instead
[2025-02-02 03:44:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: sound like comedy caper
[2025-02-02 03:45:16] Killer_KahnDavey: what a dirty sanchez
[2025-02-02 03:45:33] Goosey: soz sanchez
[2025-02-02 03:45:37] sanchez: lol
[2025-02-02 03:45:41] sanchez: ftk
[2025-02-02 03:45:46] Goosey: ta
[2025-02-02 03:45:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: bad roadie
[2025-02-02 03:46:02] Killer_KahnDavey: help us obi wan kenobi\
[2025-02-02 03:46:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: woohoo
[2025-02-02 03:46:18] _Roadie : what did I do? I'm munching salmon
[2025-02-02 03:46:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: what a hurty danchez
[2025-02-02 03:46:38] sanchez: lol
[2025-02-02 03:46:38] Killer_KahnDavey: nice
[2025-02-02 03:46:40] Killer_KahnDavey: i got a kill
[2025-02-02 03:46:53] Killer_KahnDavey: winning
[2025-02-02 03:47:17] -[HELLO]-Crash: aw
[2025-02-02 03:47:18] _Roadie : I am trying to eat here!!!!
[2025-02-02 03:47:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: what a dirty Kanchez
[2025-02-02 03:47:29] Killer_KahnDavey: that's what she said
[2025-02-02 03:47:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: she was popular that nite
[2025-02-02 03:47:56] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Wassup yall
[2025-02-02 03:48:06] _Roadie : Horsey
[2025-02-02 03:48:08] Killer_KahnDavey: hi
[2025-02-02 03:48:09] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey hores
[2025-02-02 03:48:15] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Hiya!
[2025-02-02 03:48:35] GOONiE: name fits lol
[2025-02-02 03:49:25] Killer_KahnDavey: pow!
[2025-02-02 03:49:38] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Dammit, i thought they got rid of those stupid harriers
[2025-02-02 03:49:59] Goosey: fox would commit harikuri
[2025-02-02 03:50:26] _Roadie : you point is??? .....
[2025-02-02 03:50:39] -[HELLO]-Crash: he
[2025-02-02 03:50:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: he'd try to
[2025-02-02 03:50:56] -[HELLO]-Crash: and then only manage to commit hairy jim carey
[2025-02-02 03:51:13] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh damn ns almost got me
[2025-02-02 03:51:18] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-02-02 03:51:47] DEATH: howdy yall
[2025-02-02 03:51:54] Goosey: hi
[2025-02-02 03:51:58] Killer_KahnDavey: hello death my old friend
[2025-02-02 03:52:00] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey death
[2025-02-02 03:52:05] DEATH: lol
[2025-02-02 03:52:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: how long have known him
[2025-02-02 03:53:04] DEATH: we actually used to play in the same EA117 lobby
[2025-02-02 03:53:27] Goosey: oh a friendly fly buy!
[2025-02-02 03:53:44] Capt_Jack: sry
[2025-02-02 03:53:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: like a sale at coles
[2025-02-02 03:53:55] Killer_KahnDavey: lagged
[2025-02-02 03:53:56] _Roadie : Kohls?
[2025-02-02 03:53:58] Killer_KahnDavey: sok
[2025-02-02 03:54:02] -[HELLO]-Crash: u dont know coles
[2025-02-02 03:54:06] Killer_KahnDavey: Ah yes, my favorite store.
[2025-02-02 03:54:09] Killer_KahnDavey: Coles Law
[2025-02-02 03:54:18] Killer_KahnDavey: they sell lawyers' apparel
[2025-02-02 03:54:21] Killer_KahnDavey: and salads
[2025-02-02 03:54:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: no thats the spats store
[2025-02-02 03:54:46] Goosey: game crashed
[2025-02-02 03:54:48] _Roadie : woot what timing!!!!!
[2025-02-02 03:54:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: goosey do u play on wifi or eth
[2025-02-02 03:55:04] Goosey: eth
[2025-02-02 03:55:08] Killer_KahnDavey: i play on ethanol
[2025-02-02 03:55:20] DEATH: like e85?
[2025-02-02 03:55:20] Goosey: lol
[2025-02-02 03:55:29] -[HELLO]-Crash: is ethanol = anti freeze?
[2025-02-02 03:55:40] DEATH: if you want it to be
[2025-02-02 03:55:49] Killer_KahnDavey: no ethanol is alochol
[2025-02-02 03:55:54] Killer_KahnDavey: geez don't you guys learn anything in school
[2025-02-02 03:56:02] Killer_KahnDavey: i mean it will prevent things from freezing but it's not
[2025-02-02 03:56:07] Goosey: you went to school?
[2025-02-02 03:56:08] Killer_KahnDavey: a glycol
[2025-02-02 03:56:14] _Roadie : headshot\
[2025-02-02 03:56:26] sanchez: so sorry
[2025-02-02 03:56:31] Killer_KahnDavey: i even learned Gee from Haw
[2025-02-02 03:56:33] sanchez: stolen plane
[2025-02-02 03:56:37] Goosey: ll
[2025-02-02 03:56:39] Goosey: o
[2025-02-02 03:56:39] Killer_KahnDavey: my interwebz are junk this week
[2025-02-02 03:56:56] Killer_KahnDavey: how do i see my true 4-digit ping?
[2025-02-02 03:57:00] Killer_KahnDavey: i think i'm at 1020
[2025-02-02 03:57:12] Goosey: it is 1023
[2025-02-02 03:57:26] Goosey: u need more ethanol
[2025-02-02 03:57:30] _Roadie : ask crash or me to check
[2025-02-02 03:57:37] Killer_KahnDavey: how do you see what it is ?
[2025-02-02 03:57:39] -[HELLO]-Crash: check ur bank card, for ur ping number
[2025-02-02 03:57:46] _Roadie : I'm a hacker
[2025-02-02 03:57:49] DEATH: sorry crash
[2025-02-02 03:57:49] Killer_KahnDavey: all i can see with TAB is 102
[2025-02-02 03:57:50] Goosey: my tab viewing shows full ping
[2025-02-02 03:57:59] Goosey: u need the patch
[2025-02-02 03:58:00] -[HELLO]-Crash: well ping ding
[2025-02-02 03:58:06] _Roadie : shit --- 733ms
[2025-02-02 03:58:10] Killer_KahnDavey: mine has only ever shown 3 digits
[2025-02-02 03:58:13] Goosey: or Remote Manager
[2025-02-02 03:58:30] Goosey: download the BF version from Moon
[2025-02-02 03:58:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: roadie i chcked
[2025-02-02 03:58:38] Killer_KahnDavey: oh
[2025-02-02 03:58:38] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol IT WAS HUGE
[2025-02-02 03:58:42] _Roadie : reboot machine and modem KKD
[2025-02-02 03:58:43] Killer_KahnDavey: that's what she said!
[2025-02-02 03:58:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: im not kidding
[2025-02-02 03:58:51] Killer_KahnDavey: nah it won't help
[2025-02-02 03:58:57] Killer_KahnDavey: my DSL lines are from 1981
[2025-02-02 03:58:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: that a the biggest ping ive evver seen
[2025-02-02 03:59:00] Goosey: your back to 80 now
[2025-02-02 03:59:06] Killer_KahnDavey: copper past Amish barns
[2025-02-02 03:59:07] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok ready for it?
[2025-02-02 03:59:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: your ping was 1043
[2025-02-02 03:59:13] Killer_KahnDavey: when it drizzles my internet is crap
[2025-02-02 03:59:16] Mr. Fox: hey yall
[2025-02-02 03:59:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: now its 73
[2025-02-02 03:59:30] Killer_KahnDavey: I tell CenturyLink/Brightspeed ISP and they're like
[2025-02-02 03:59:31] _Roadie : when it rains?
[2025-02-02 03:59:34] Killer_KahnDavey: "nah it's totally fine"
[2025-02-02 03:59:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: damn
[2025-02-02 03:59:42] Killer_KahnDavey: from Indian call center
[2025-02-02 03:59:53] -[HELLO]-Crash: im 100% serious, youre ping was just 1043
[2025-02-02 03:59:54] Killer_KahnDavey: yeah man your internet is fine when it rains?
[2025-02-02 04:00:04] Killer_KahnDavey: oh i'm serious that that's normal
[2025-02-02 04:00:12] Goosey: oh da symbol is here..
[2025-02-02 04:00:17] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-02-02 04:00:17] Killer_KahnDavey: It was 500-800 all night last night
[2025-02-02 04:00:18] Mr. Fox: GOOS!
[2025-02-02 04:00:24] Goosey: :D
[2025-02-02 04:00:26] _Roadie : when it rains it goes to hell?
[2025-02-02 04:00:30] Mr. Fox: lol sry C
[2025-02-02 04:00:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2025-02-02 04:00:32] -[HELLO]-Crash: me and goosey are in australia, we use the fibre optic cable
[2025-02-02 04:00:35] -[HELLO]-Crash: under pacific ocean
[2025-02-02 04:00:42] Killer_KahnDavey: yeah the telephone boxes are half open to the weather
[2025-02-02 04:00:49] Goosey: death to da sumbol!
[2025-02-02 04:00:54] Killer_KahnDavey: many have no cover
[2025-02-02 04:00:54] Goosey: and symbol
[2025-02-02 04:01:02] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-02 04:01:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: what type of net do you have dave
[2025-02-02 04:01:15] Killer_KahnDavey: only time i could get them to fix my DSL line was
[2025-02-02 04:01:18] Goosey: fishing
[2025-02-02 04:01:26] Capt_Jack: sry
[2025-02-02 04:01:28] Killer_KahnDavey: when a mower hit the box, and when like an Amish horse knocked
[2025-02-02 04:01:30] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey ye :)
[2025-02-02 04:01:30] Killer_KahnDavey: a box over a couple years ago
[2025-02-02 04:01:33] Goosey: np
[2025-02-02 04:01:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yen
[2025-02-02 04:01:43] sanchez: fish nets on his legs
[2025-02-02 04:01:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: so .. ahmish actually exist?
[2025-02-02 04:01:44] Killer_KahnDavey: i'm not making this up. I live like 6 miles outside of
[2025-02-02 04:01:50] Killer_KahnDavey: nearest town though so fiber is a long was off
[2025-02-02 04:01:53] _Roadie : there is going to be an underground COAX cable that is filling
[2025-02-02 04:01:56] _Roadie : with water
[2025-02-02 04:01:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: you live in P.A.?
[2025-02-02 04:02:00] Killer_KahnDavey: ways off*
[2025-02-02 04:02:07] Killer_KahnDavey: OH-IO
[2025-02-02 04:02:15] Killer_KahnDavey: Lots of Amish in Ohio
[2025-02-02 04:02:25] Killer_KahnDavey: i'm practically Amish... have 4 kids, and one on the way
[2025-02-02 04:02:31] -[HELLO]-Crash: they probably have better net than you do lol jks
[2025-02-02 04:02:42] -[HELLO]-Crash: thru their 18th century phones
[2025-02-02 04:02:46] Killer_KahnDavey: probably
[2025-02-02 04:03:00] Killer_KahnDavey: the jerks have cell phones they sneakily use in emergencies
[2025-02-02 04:03:06] -[HELLO]-JESTER: yall are fertile phucking machies
[2025-02-02 04:03:12] -[HELLO]-Crash: how sneaky
[2025-02-02 04:03:18] Killer_KahnDavey: like when a cow truck pulls into wrong driveway
[2025-02-02 04:03:31] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: fox is in
[2025-02-02 04:03:37] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: so i will play now
[2025-02-02 04:03:41] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-02 04:03:43] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: must kill
[2025-02-02 04:03:46] Mr. Fox: BONGBONGWOW
[2025-02-02 04:04:21] Goosey: n1 kahn
[2025-02-02 04:04:26] sanchez: BANG SAID i AM HERE FKRS
[2025-02-02 04:04:27] Killer_KahnDavey: lol thx
[2025-02-02 04:04:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: well he did take over half the world
[2025-02-02 04:04:43] Capt_Jack: behinfd factory
[2025-02-02 04:05:27] Goosey: mhh sliced jester
[2025-02-02 04:05:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-02-02 04:05:40] Killer_KahnDavey: \sa 3 up
[2025-02-02 04:05:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: hehe jack
[2025-02-02 04:05:48] Farmer Dave: !nextmap
[2025-02-02 04:06:25] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: oh
[2025-02-02 04:06:29] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: mouse stopped turboing
[2025-02-02 04:07:17] Killer_KahnDavey: he bailed from helo
[2025-02-02 04:07:19] Killer_KahnDavey: on top of tower
[2025-02-02 04:07:28] Killer_KahnDavey: guy RIGHT above you jack
[2025-02-02 04:07:28] Mr. Fox: More Time!!
[2025-02-02 04:07:29] Killer_KahnDavey: on roof
[2025-02-02 04:07:32] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: no
[2025-02-02 04:07:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DAM YOU
[2025-02-02 04:07:36] Mr. Fox: yes
[2025-02-02 04:07:39] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: only on good maps
[2025-02-02 04:07:44] Mr. Fox: you know you want to
[2025-02-02 04:07:50] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: like sea riggs ctf
[2025-02-02 04:07:54] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: boviosuly more time map
[2025-02-02 04:08:04] Killer_KahnDavey: boviosly
[2025-02-02 04:08:06] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT?
[2025-02-02 04:08:07] Killer_KahnDavey: cow related?
[2025-02-02 04:08:12] Goosey: moo
[2025-02-02 04:08:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2025-02-02 04:08:26] Killer_KahnDavey: moo indeed
[2025-02-02 04:08:48] Capt_Jack: tank pad
[2025-02-02 04:08:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: dude
[2025-02-02 04:09:00] Farmer Dave: gg
[2025-02-02 04:09:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: gg
[2025-02-02 04:09:01] Mr. Fox: lol sry davey
[2025-02-02 04:09:05] Killer_KahnDavey: so much airport rape
[2025-02-02 04:09:07] -[HELLO]-Crash: Or doe people want MORE TIME?
[2025-02-02 04:09:15] Killer_KahnDavey: you aren't sorry don't lie
[2025-02-02 04:09:22] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2025-02-02 04:09:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: ok thats a no
[2025-02-02 04:09:30] Goosey: haha
[2025-02-02 04:09:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: gg

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