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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - stalingrad - 2025-02-02 18:29:02 Chatlog
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[2025-02-02 18:57:10] Rick Sanchez: sabia que vendrias jejejejeje
[2025-02-02 18:57:15] Trium-spain: sanchez and company
[2025-02-02 18:57:28] Trium-spain: que malo es conocerse
[2025-02-02 18:57:39] Rick Sanchez: sanchez e hijo
[2025-02-02 18:58:01] Trium-spain: porque sabias que vendria?
[2025-02-02 18:58:17] Rick Sanchez: es temprano
[2025-02-02 18:58:29] Trium-spain: estan todos en badewise
[2025-02-02 18:58:37] Trium-spain: server
[2025-02-02 18:58:40] Rick Sanchez: h yavan a venir
[2025-02-02 18:58:54] Trium-spain: si vienen?
[2025-02-02 18:59:07] Trium-spain: hi rr
[2025-02-02 18:59:12] ReakingRIngpiece: hi mate
[2025-02-02 18:59:14] Rick Sanchez: yo juego squad pero he venido esta semana a jugar dc
[2025-02-02 18:59:24] ReakingRIngpiece: change maps to a nas?
[2025-02-02 18:59:26] Rick Sanchez: holaa
[2025-02-02 18:59:27] ReakingRIngpiece: al nas?
[2025-02-02 18:59:28] Trium-spain: squad tenis?
[2025-02-02 18:59:33] ReakingRIngpiece: hi sanchez
[2025-02-02 18:59:47] Rick Sanchez: no SQUAD war game
[2025-02-02 18:59:59] Trium-spain: ah yo corro
[2025-02-02 19:00:06] Trium-spain: sooy runer
[2025-02-02 19:00:10] Rick Sanchez: blinko tambien se fue
[2025-02-02 19:00:26] Rick Sanchez: jugamose en ocasiones
[2025-02-02 19:01:09] Trium-spain: traiccion
[2025-02-02 19:01:31] Rick Sanchez: jueputa
[2025-02-02 19:01:42] ReakingRIngpiece: :(
[2025-02-02 19:02:02] Trium-spain: juez puta?
[2025-02-02 19:02:12] Trium-spain: buena profesion
[2025-02-02 19:03:00] Trium-spain: ayy casi
[2025-02-02 19:03:35] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2025-02-02 19:03:43] Trium-spain: sanchez call players
[2025-02-02 19:04:04] Rick Sanchez: ``
[2025-02-02 19:04:07] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2025-02-02 19:04:36] Trium-spain: rr terminator
[2025-02-02 19:04:41] ReakingRIngpiece: gs
[2025-02-02 19:04:56] Rick Sanchez: where is Mofo
[2025-02-02 19:05:02] ReakingRIngpiece: LOL
[2025-02-02 19:05:05] Trium-spain: sorry )
[2025-02-02 19:05:22] ReakingRIngpiece: np
[2025-02-02 19:06:24] Trium-spain: abuson
[2025-02-02 19:06:27] Rick Sanchez: 3fers
[2025-02-02 19:06:27] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2025-02-02 19:07:16] Trium-spain: wait
[2025-02-02 19:07:32] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2025-02-02 19:07:37] ReakingRIngpiece: brb
[2025-02-02 19:08:07] Rick Sanchez: he went to lick his wounds
[2025-02-02 19:09:52] Rick Sanchez: lol
[2025-02-02 19:09:55] Trium-spain: traiccion
[2025-02-02 19:10:22] Rick Sanchez: el toxico es rojo ahora
[2025-02-02 19:10:51] Trium-spain: toxico por?
[2025-02-02 19:11:15] Rick Sanchez: detox desintoxicado
[2025-02-02 19:12:30] Trium-spain: c4
[2025-02-02 19:12:38] Trium-spain: flag
[2025-02-02 19:13:03] Rick Sanchez: lol
[2025-02-02 19:13:12] Trium-spain: sacrificio por la patria
[2025-02-02 19:15:04] Trium-spain: c4 flag
[2025-02-02 19:15:42] Trium-spain: mine vehicule
[2025-02-02 19:16:43] Trium-spain: detox terminantor shuchanager
[2025-02-02 19:16:54] Trium-spain: alamein?
[2025-02-02 19:17:08] Rick Sanchez: this Detox is a shemale
[2025-02-02 19:17:21] Rick Sanchez: he is coming
[2025-02-02 19:17:28] Rick Sanchez: get the bradley
[2025-02-02 19:18:21] ReakingRIngpiece: :(
[2025-02-02 19:18:53] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2025-02-02 19:19:30] Trium-spain: rr avised mofo , wicard etc
[2025-02-02 19:19:51] ReakingRIngpiece: ja this server used to be full
[2025-02-02 19:20:03] Rick Sanchez: do you have them on discord
[2025-02-02 19:20:23] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2025-02-02 19:20:28] ReakingRIngpiece: spain goes puff lol
[2025-02-02 19:21:29] ReakingRIngpiece: :(
[2025-02-02 19:24:20] ReakingRIngpiece: lol
[2025-02-02 19:25:08] ReakingRIngpiece: :)
[2025-02-02 19:26:13] ReakingRIngpiece: lol

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