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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - midway - 2025-02-11 00:29:02 Chatlog
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[2025-02-11 00:34:47] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: hi
[2025-02-11 00:35:12] _Roadie : heyO - Where did you spawn? the bots aren't present...
[2025-02-11 00:35:27] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: destroyer
[2025-02-11 00:35:49] _Roadie : are the ret of the bots on ther with you?
[2025-02-11 00:36:04] _Brain Damage_: hi
[2025-02-11 00:36:21] _Roadie : hey
[2025-02-11 00:36:23] _Brain Damage_: wanna play this dudes?
[2025-02-11 00:36:30] _Brain Damage_: or just waiting?
[2025-02-11 00:36:43] _Roadie : test
[2025-02-11 00:36:46] _Brain Damage_: k
[2025-02-11 00:36:59] _Roadie : bots are not spawning....
[2025-02-11 00:37:12] _Brain Damage_: all good I'm listennning to 80's music <3
[2025-02-11 00:37:18] _Brain Damage_: I was BORN 75'
[2025-02-11 00:37:24] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: sorry im back
[2025-02-11 00:37:48] _Brain Damage_: I will never turn 50 so next year I'll stil be 49
[2025-02-11 00:37:54] _Brain Damage_: eternal 49er
[2025-02-11 00:37:59] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: noice
[2025-02-11 00:38:08] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : tjo hej
[2025-02-11 00:38:08] _Brain Damage_: I love 49ers baseball team
[2025-02-11 00:38:17] _Brain Damage_: guess what !
[2025-02-11 00:38:29] _Brain Damage_: I had basbekit at 14
[2025-02-11 00:38:31] _Roadie : that is Football BD
[2025-02-11 00:38:52] _Brain Damage_: base bat made of aluminim and bsaball glove from USA
[2025-02-11 00:39:11] _Brain Damage_: no talking about my 14 toys nt lying
[2025-02-11 00:39:16] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: lol thought I was blue
[2025-02-11 00:39:27] _Roadie : you're red.....
[2025-02-11 00:39:27] _Brain Damage_: and baseball
[2025-02-11 00:39:34] _Brain Damage_: real leather US one
[2025-02-11 00:39:49] _Brain Damage_: father brang me that from USA no lying
[2025-02-11 00:39:55] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : tja hello dud :)
[2025-02-11 00:40:08] _Roadie : there's no 49er's in baseball, aat least in the 65 years I've
[2025-02-11 00:40:34] _Brain Damage_: ok 49ers was random shit, I just wanna stick with
[2025-02-11 00:40:43] _Brain Damage_: 49 years old from now never 50
[2025-02-11 00:41:03] _Roadie : so San Fran 49er's Football.
[2025-02-11 00:41:04] _Brain Damage_: next year Ill turn 49 again
[2025-02-11 00:41:11] _Brain Damage_: k thanks ;)
[2025-02-11 00:41:20] _Roadie : sounds like a plan. this getting old sux
[2025-02-11 00:41:34] _Brain Damage_: understood lesson teacher I was retarded b4
[2025-02-11 00:41:40] _Brain Damage_: now Im MMMA FKIN genius
[2025-02-11 00:41:47] _Roadie : not trying to teach.
[2025-02-11 00:42:15] _Brain Damage_: baseball is funny but it can be dangerous lol
[2025-02-11 00:42:33] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : me foxes ar old to lo
[2025-02-11 00:42:34] _Brain Damage_: I know basic rules I played it few times in my life
[2025-02-11 00:42:48] Sgt. Schultz: baseball... been velly good to me
[2025-02-11 00:43:11] _Brain Damage_: very masculine sport kinda
[2025-02-11 00:43:15] _Roadie : three times I tried to take my boys to a Cubs game.
[2025-02-11 00:43:27] _Roadie : 10th row behind home
[2025-02-11 00:43:32] _Roadie : corp seats.
[2025-02-11 00:43:38] _Brain Damage_: and?
[2025-02-11 00:43:41] _Roadie : and three times it rained.
[2025-02-11 00:43:46] _Brain Damage_: ah bs
[2025-02-11 00:43:50] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2025-02-11 00:44:00] _Brain Damage_: you're a good papa roadie <3
[2025-02-11 00:44:07] _Brain Damage_: I love u
[2025-02-11 00:44:19] _Roadie : my youngest would NOT agree with you on that.
[2025-02-11 00:44:22] _Brain Damage_: brb last beer drop sniff booh
[2025-02-11 00:44:22] _Roadie : TY
[2025-02-11 00:46:00] _Brain Damage_: BACK
[2025-02-11 00:46:15] _Brain Damage_: I'm sorry I have A JOB
[2025-02-11 00:46:22] _Brain Damage_: BEER DUTY REFILL job
[2025-02-11 00:46:44] _Roadie : what do you mean - all I got here is cold coffee?
[2025-02-11 00:46:50] _Brain Damage_: I'm a selfmade man refill my own beers for myself
[2025-02-11 00:47:03] _Roadie : oh - I see how it is...
[2025-02-11 00:47:27] Sgt. Schultz: the japanese lost over 200 forklifts in the battle of midway
[2025-02-11 00:47:37] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : stop tarking ovetime !
[2025-02-11 00:47:38] _Brain Damage_: no lies I think, I sometimes have real genius ideas...
[2025-02-11 00:47:51] _Brain Damage_: JEALOUSY#reported
[2025-02-11 00:48:14] _Roadie : human in Helo
[2025-02-11 00:48:15] _Brain Damage_: listen to 80's n chill bro
[2025-02-11 00:48:17] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : stop traking
[2025-02-11 00:48:32] _Brain Damage_: tracking?
[2025-02-11 00:49:20] _Brain Damage_: stop talking humanly to humans? FK YA MF
[2025-02-11 00:49:39] _Brain Damage_: this made for relating peoples
[2025-02-11 00:49:45] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : NO TARGETTING just one player at all times
[2025-02-11 00:49:53] _Brain Damage_: supreme role of games is making people closer
[2025-02-11 00:50:07] Sgt. Schultz: everyone kill foxes
[2025-02-11 00:50:13] _Roadie : but you have a BULLSEYE pinned on your back....
[2025-02-11 00:50:17] _Brain Damage_: when u say stop talking chatting u kill the ESSENCE prickTARD
[2025-02-11 00:50:30] _Brain Damage_: PRICK TARD NOBEL PRIZE#2025
[2025-02-11 00:50:40] _Brain Damage_: he's tard
[2025-02-11 00:50:46] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : is about fair play
[2025-02-11 00:50:51] _Roadie : stop now BD. come on. I have had a very rough day.
[2025-02-11 00:51:05] _Brain Damage_: we all play and have fun
[2025-02-11 00:51:20] _Brain Damage_: I dont want the most points, only the mos fun
[2025-02-11 00:51:29] _Brain Damage_: that's why I play this from the beginning
[2025-02-11 00:51:55] _Brain Damage_: I will never convert my points since 2003 to bitpoints#PRICKTAR
[2025-02-11 00:52:06] _Roadie : Can I back stap Shaun?
[2025-02-11 00:52:40] _Brain Damage_: this game was made for CHATTIN, that was an objective !
[2025-02-11 00:52:47] _Brain Damage_: MADE IN SWEEDEN !
[2025-02-11 00:53:06] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : yes this game ar sweden
[2025-02-11 00:53:13] _Brain Damage_: it deserves a real peace prize for such a gr8 reason
[2025-02-11 00:53:19] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : i m from sweden
[2025-02-11 00:53:33] _Brain Damage_: why peace prize for war game u may ask?
[2025-02-11 00:54:03] _Brain Damage_: I was born 75
[2025-02-11 00:54:12] _Brain Damage_: I know my grand fathers gen
[2025-02-11 00:54:21] FOXES DJdatavirus627 : bf1942 med in norkping
[2025-02-11 00:54:32] _Brain Damage_: not only me but also u guys from all over the World
[2025-02-11 00:54:56] _Brain Damage_: our grand fathers fought in real WW2 somtimes and we all having
[2025-02-11 00:55:10] Sgt. Schultz: i think i prefer the vanilla midway to this
[2025-02-11 00:55:11] _Roadie : ow
[2025-02-11 00:55:13] _Brain Damage_: fun playing the same war :D so crazy so lovely
[2025-02-11 00:55:27] _Brain Damage_: unique and never phenomenon <3
[2025-02-11 00:55:28] _Roadie : this still needs some tweaking I think.
[2025-02-11 00:55:43] _Brain Damage_: PEACE PRIZE for WAR GAME PLS NOW !
[2025-02-11 00:55:46] _Roadie : I just loaded it up to see how it played with Bots. /me bored
[2025-02-11 00:55:50] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: need more aircraft
[2025-02-11 00:56:07] _Brain Damage_: WAR GAMES ARE WAYS OF PEACE <3
[2025-02-11 00:56:10] _Roadie : SA342G helo )

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