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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_basrahs_edge - 2025-02-14 01:56:01 Chatlog
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[2025-02-14 01:57:42] Micron: ouch
[2025-02-14 01:57:48] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2025-02-14 01:59:25] Mr. Fox: ns
[2025-02-14 01:59:28] Micron: thsx
[2025-02-14 01:59:31] Micron: you too
[2025-02-14 02:03:11] Mr. Fox: !nextmap
[2025-02-14 02:12:31] Micron: NS
[2025-02-14 02:12:35] Mr. Fox: ty
[2025-02-14 02:12:51] _Brain Damage_: fk dudes
[2025-02-14 02:12:56] _Brain Damage_: again outa beers
[2025-02-14 02:13:03] _Brain Damage_: just drank my last drop
[2025-02-14 02:13:05] Mr. Fox: you are always out of beer
[2025-02-14 02:13:26] Micron: Sound like you got a drinking problem...out of beer
[2025-02-14 02:13:35] _Brain Damage_: You always join past 3 aM in AFRINCa
[2025-02-14 02:13:48] Deprecated666: switch to weed, grow it, and you wont run out :)
[2025-02-14 02:13:57] Mr. Fox: ^^
[2025-02-14 02:14:07] _Brain Damage_: what u want me to drink ? tea? tisane?
[2025-02-14 02:14:13] -[HELLO]-Desert Combat: lol b
[2025-02-14 02:14:14] -[HELLO]-Desert Combat: bd
[2025-02-14 02:14:17] Deprecated666: lol
[2025-02-14 02:14:22] Lord Humphrey: i am the peddler of smeth
[2025-02-14 02:14:25] Lord Humphrey: i eat the ass
[2025-02-14 02:14:33] _Brain Damage_: I smoke HASH not WEED, SACRILDGE
[2025-02-14 02:14:40] _Brain Damage_: HERESY
[2025-02-14 02:14:43] HookDump: i smoke hash too
[2025-02-14 02:14:50] HookDump: but some months weed also
[2025-02-14 02:14:54] HookDump: i switching
[2025-02-14 02:15:01] _Brain Damage_: wich hash morocan or afhagn?
[2025-02-14 02:15:02] HookDump: hash too heavy for me
[2025-02-14 02:15:03] HookDump: wanna weed
[2025-02-14 02:15:11] Lord Humphrey: name 6 famous peddlers of smeth
[2025-02-14 02:15:12] HookDump: morocan
[2025-02-14 02:15:24] _Brain Damage_: Hash not too heavy u dose i bad little boy
[2025-02-14 02:15:36] -[HELLO]-Desert Combat: !nextmp
[2025-02-14 02:15:41] -[HELLO]-Desert Combat: !nextmap
[2025-02-14 02:15:44] _Brain Damage_: hash is concentrated, if it's havy u roll bad
[2025-02-14 02:15:45] HookDump: i some 3-4 blumps
[2025-02-14 02:15:47] HookDump: and u?
[2025-02-14 02:16:07] HookDump: size like nail of little finger
[2025-02-14 02:16:09] _Brain Damage_: I smoke natural hash less than 5% thc that's imprtant
[2025-02-14 02:16:18] _Brain Damage_: half of that
[2025-02-14 02:16:29] Lord Humphrey: 5% not enough
[2025-02-14 02:16:31] HookDump: i smoke natural also
[2025-02-14 02:16:41] Mr. Fox: flower should be 25-35%
[2025-02-14 02:16:43] _Brain Damage_: 1/4 small nail finger is ok
[2025-02-14 02:16:48] HookDump: euro hash
[2025-02-14 02:16:54] HookDump: no lol
[2025-02-14 02:16:55] Mr. Fox: concentrates - 80+
[2025-02-14 02:17:01] HookDump: whole nail of little finger
[2025-02-14 02:17:03] HookDump: and 4 blumps
[2025-02-14 02:17:05] HookDump: 3-4
[2025-02-14 02:17:06] _Brain Damage_: concentrated hash tastes like shit
[2025-02-14 02:17:15] _Brain Damage_: and has bad effects
[2025-02-14 02:17:18] Mr. Fox: not if you get good stuff
[2025-02-14 02:17:20] Mr. Fox: no butane shit
[2025-02-14 02:17:21] HookDump: yes
[2025-02-14 02:17:21] _Brain Damage_: I like soft things
[2025-02-14 02:17:25] HookDump: spice kinda
[2025-02-14 02:17:27] _Brain Damage_: everything under 5%
[2025-02-14 02:17:36] HookDump: ive smoked black mamba hash one 2 years ago
[2025-02-14 02:17:40] Mr. Fox: Pure Gold tastes amazing
[2025-02-14 02:17:42] HookDump: was like play game effect lol
[2025-02-14 02:17:43] _Brain Damage_: beers too, I hate +5% alc beers
[2025-02-14 02:17:50] Deprecated666: ice water or dry sift is good
[2025-02-14 02:17:53] Mr. Fox: 5% beer is fine
[2025-02-14 02:18:01] _Brain Damage_: my own rules I'm 49 and happy with them for now
[2025-02-14 02:18:04] Mr. Fox: ice water bubble
[2025-02-14 02:18:27] _Brain Damage_: I hate 5.5% beers by example, not lying, they taste bad have ba
[2025-02-14 02:18:34] _Brain Damage_: bad effect on me
[2025-02-14 02:18:43] _Brain Damage_: I hate them +5% beers
[2025-02-14 02:18:52] _Brain Damage_: my max is 5 none more
[2025-02-14 02:18:57] Mr. Fox: one of my faves is 8.7%
[2025-02-14 02:19:10] HookDump: iso hash
[2025-02-14 02:19:15] _Brain Damage_: ok but how many u drink?
[2025-02-14 02:19:18] HookDump: my max is 4
[2025-02-14 02:19:22] Mr. Fox: depends
[2025-02-14 02:19:25] HookDump: i dtink a very little
[2025-02-14 02:19:31] _Brain Damage_: Liters?
[2025-02-14 02:19:33] HookDump: and beers usually
[2025-02-14 02:19:39] Mr. Fox: liters?
[2025-02-14 02:19:40] HookDump: cognac and whiskey usually
[2025-02-14 02:19:46] Mr. Fox: about 1-1.5
[2025-02-14 02:19:54] _Brain Damage_: liter = 2pints
[2025-02-14 02:20:17] HookDump: 10-15
[2025-02-14 02:20:26] Deprecated666: its raining grenades
[2025-02-14 02:20:30] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-14 02:20:31] HookDump: 10-15 wineglasses for 50 ml
[2025-02-14 02:20:46] HookDump: i jate wine
[2025-02-14 02:20:49] _Brain Damage_: WHAT?
[2025-02-14 02:20:53] HookDump: my dad making homemade whine
[2025-02-14 02:20:57] HookDump: but its too harrsh lol
[2025-02-14 02:21:01] _Brain Damage_: how many wine bottlesN
[2025-02-14 02:21:11] HookDump: ah bottles u ask

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