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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2025-02-20 02:50:02 Chatlog
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[2025-02-20 02:50:51] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: I'll b back
[2025-02-20 02:51:03] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: is tht a threat?
[2025-02-20 02:51:14] Mr. Fox: flag
[2025-02-20 02:51:17] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: YEAH practice mofo
[2025-02-20 02:51:25] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol fu
[2025-02-20 02:52:11] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hello stack
[2025-02-20 02:52:15] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: :P
[2025-02-20 02:52:15] -[HELLO]-Koldie: n1
[2025-02-20 02:53:41] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: lol
[2025-02-20 02:54:13] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-20 02:54:15] Mr. Fox: you scared me
[2025-02-20 02:54:20] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: jester u shoot then look
[2025-02-20 02:54:58] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SRY DOOM
[2025-02-20 02:55:09] Mr. Fox: falg
[2025-02-20 02:55:11] Mr. Fox: fla
[2025-02-20 02:55:14] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: sonofa
[2025-02-20 02:56:06] Peeper: nopr
[2025-02-20 02:56:14] Peeper: nope
[2025-02-20 02:56:53] Tohsdaehmoob: suck it
[2025-02-20 02:56:54] Doomgvy: boring guys! im just racing
[2025-02-20 02:56:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY MOOB
[2025-02-20 02:57:01] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah hiya!
[2025-02-20 02:57:06] -[HELLO]-Koldie: hey moob
[2025-02-20 02:57:09] Lt Col Bill Kilgore: are you starting your homo erotic shit already moob?
[2025-02-20 02:57:18] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: this is worst map
[2025-02-20 02:57:24] Tohsdaehmoob: no just killing Dilgores
[2025-02-20 02:57:31] Mr. Fox: better than nas
[2025-02-20 02:57:53] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: thats fighting words foxy
[2025-02-20 02:58:03] Mr. Fox: every map is better than nas
[2025-02-20 02:59:02] Tohsdaehmoob: ai ai ai
[2025-02-20 02:59:02] -[HELLO]-Koldie: ofc. Jester
[2025-02-20 02:59:12] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OFC ?
[2025-02-20 02:59:13] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Hi Death
[2025-02-20 02:59:16] DEATH: HOWDY
[2025-02-20 02:59:20] -[HELLO]-Koldie: ofcourse
[2025-02-20 02:59:27] -[HELLO]-JESTER: OH OK
[2025-02-20 02:59:55] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Auto switch
[2025-02-20 03:00:32] Tohsdaehmoob: d|ckhole
[2025-02-20 03:00:34] DEATH: bang, ban doomsguy
[2025-02-20 03:00:57] Hellraz0r: ouch
[2025-02-20 03:00:58] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-20 03:01:03] -[HELLO]-Koldie: lol
[2025-02-20 03:01:07] Mr. Fox: gspawn truck in alley?
[2025-02-20 03:01:09] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: :)
[2025-02-20 03:01:16] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Howdy
[2025-02-20 03:01:24] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Hey Monkey
[2025-02-20 03:01:31] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY MONKEY
[2025-02-20 03:01:37] Brettanomyces: oyeah
[2025-02-20 03:01:41] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Hi Clam
[2025-02-20 03:01:42] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-02-20 03:01:45] TheCalmingClam: hi
[2025-02-20 03:01:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY CLAM
[2025-02-20 03:01:59] TheCalmingClam: hi
[2025-02-20 03:02:01] Brettanomyces: who called clamideo?
[2025-02-20 03:02:05] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: jester clam helllllllo
[2025-02-20 03:02:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY COMMODORE
[2025-02-20 03:02:24] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: clam soup
[2025-02-20 03:02:25] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hope your doing well
[2025-02-20 03:02:26] TheCalmingClam: lol
[2025-02-20 03:02:33] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY DEATH
[2025-02-20 03:02:42] DEATH: hey J!
[2025-02-20 03:03:09] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Hey com
[2025-02-20 03:03:19] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: Koldie how ar you?
[2025-02-20 03:03:29] Mr. Fox: in alley
[2025-02-20 03:03:44] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-20 03:03:45] Kilgore: haha
[2025-02-20 03:04:27] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-20 03:04:28] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: 8
[2025-02-20 03:05:12] Tohsdaehmoob: OYEAHHHHHHHHHHH
[2025-02-20 03:05:12] Kilgore: ow
[2025-02-20 03:05:22] Kilgore: that was a good one moob
[2025-02-20 03:05:43] wildcard: how?
[2025-02-20 03:05:50] Kilgore: i was behind u
[2025-02-20 03:06:08] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: did he fart?
[2025-02-20 03:06:15] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: never trust a fart
[2025-02-20 03:06:15] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: sry
[2025-02-20 03:06:38] Mr. Fox: spawner out front
[2025-02-20 03:06:41] wildcard: nah
[2025-02-20 03:06:44] TheCalmingClam: yea
[2025-02-20 03:06:54] Kilgore: yeah
[2025-02-20 03:07:01] Kilgore: covered ur escape with smoke
[2025-02-20 03:07:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SRY
[2025-02-20 03:07:29] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: i covered his excape with cheese
[2025-02-20 03:07:35] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: !nextmap
[2025-02-20 03:07:51] Hellraz0r: sorry clam
[2025-02-20 03:07:58] TheCalmingClam: np
[2025-02-20 03:08:04] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Docks over el for sure lol
[2025-02-20 03:08:12] Hellraz0r: docks is good
[2025-02-20 03:08:14] Peeper: nopd
[2025-02-20 03:08:21] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY KILGORE
[2025-02-20 03:08:21] Kilgore: yeah el al sucks imo
[2025-02-20 03:08:25] TheCalmingClam: yea
[2025-02-20 03:08:26] Kilgore: hi
[2025-02-20 03:08:34] Hellraz0r: el al good too but not enough people i guess
[2025-02-20 03:08:35] TheCalmingClam: no 42 maps in DC
[2025-02-20 03:08:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: el nas rules el alamein sucks
[2025-02-20 03:08:41] Kilgore: right
[2025-02-20 03:08:49] Mr. Fox: no map called El Nas
[2025-02-20 03:08:54] Hellraz0r: el alanas?
[2025-02-20 03:09:03] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: what is a nas
[2025-02-20 03:09:04] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: al nas
[2025-02-20 03:09:08] Hellraz0r: oh shit
[2025-02-20 03:09:10] Hellraz0r: my bad
[2025-02-20 03:09:16] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: oh hi clam
[2025-02-20 03:09:18] TheCalmingClam: hi
[2025-02-20 03:09:22] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: buckshot to the nose for ya ;)
[2025-02-20 03:09:22] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Brb
[2025-02-20 03:09:54] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lol
[2025-02-20 03:09:55] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ass
[2025-02-20 03:10:00] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: penis
[2025-02-20 03:10:17] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmao
[2025-02-20 03:10:21] Kilgore: flag
[2025-02-20 03:10:23] DEATH: get the flag
[2025-02-20 03:10:40] Mr. Fox: sry
[2025-02-20 03:11:24] Mr. Fox: flag
[2025-02-20 03:12:18] Kilgore: l
[2025-02-20 03:12:20] Kilgore: lol
[2025-02-20 03:12:39] TheCalmingClam: saiga OP
[2025-02-20 03:12:40] |F|NIMITZ: dude wtf
[2025-02-20 03:12:42] TheCalmingClam: nerf
[2025-02-20 03:12:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY DEP 666
[2025-02-20 03:12:59] Deprecated666: hello
[2025-02-20 03:13:03] TheCalmingClam: sry
[2025-02-20 03:13:10] Hellraz0r: np
[2025-02-20 03:13:24] Mr. Fox: ns
[2025-02-20 03:13:28] wildcard: bs clam
[2025-02-20 03:13:31] Hellraz0r: fluke but ty lol
[2025-02-20 03:13:38] TheCalmingClam: nah wildcard
[2025-02-20 03:13:42] TheCalmingClam: you just can't shoot
[2025-02-20 03:13:51] TheCalmingClam: only shoot backs
[2025-02-20 03:14:10] wildcard: blahblah
[2025-02-20 03:14:14] Tohsdaehmoob: Hyou clam fucker
[2025-02-20 03:14:41] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: How you not die?
[2025-02-20 03:14:45] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: clam fucking sounds dangerous
[2025-02-20 03:14:50] TheCalmingClam: lol
[2025-02-20 03:14:56] Hellraz0r: allah had my back
[2025-02-20 03:15:11] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: damnit
[2025-02-20 03:15:12] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: sry
[2025-02-20 03:15:18] Tohsdaehmoob: GODDAMMIT U SLUT
[2025-02-20 03:15:27] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: hore
[2025-02-20 03:15:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-02-20 03:15:45] Peeper: sorry
[2025-02-20 03:15:47] Tohsdaehmoob: SUCK THAT, OYSTER
[2025-02-20 03:15:53] TheCalmingClam: noob tube
[2025-02-20 03:16:10] Tohsdaehmoob: cO-wHOORG
[2025-02-20 03:16:28] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah beeatches
[2025-02-20 03:17:10] Peeper: gja
[2025-02-20 03:17:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: GJ
[2025-02-20 03:17:19] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ty
[2025-02-20 03:17:36] TheCalmingClam: mines
[2025-02-20 03:17:43] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: ya think
[2025-02-20 03:17:44] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY PANIC
[2025-02-20 03:17:53] Tohsdaehmoob: FYI I MINED AND C4ED THE SHIT OUT OF OUR MAIN
[2025-02-20 03:18:04] Mr. Fox: alley
[2025-02-20 03:18:09] Tohsdaehmoob: BUYER BEWARE
[2025-02-20 03:18:22] Mr. Fox: flag
[2025-02-20 03:18:35] |F|NIMITZ: giant douche clam
[2025-02-20 03:18:40] Tohsdaehmoob: SUCK ON THAT
[2025-02-20 03:18:41] TheCalmingClam: get rekt idiot
[2025-02-20 03:18:47] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY INFINIMITZ
[2025-02-20 03:18:53] Peeper: moob..u moved yet?
[2025-02-20 03:19:07] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[2025-02-20 03:19:10] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: !nextmap
[2025-02-20 03:19:15] Tohsdaehmoob: I MOVED MY COG INTO YOUR MOM'S POOPCHUTE
[2025-02-20 03:19:16] |F|NIMITZ: hi
[2025-02-20 03:19:25] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: thats kinda got
[2025-02-20 03:19:26] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hot
[2025-02-20 03:19:35] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: smh
[2025-02-20 03:19:36] Kilgore: lo
[2025-02-20 03:19:43] Peeper: considering shes been dead for 12 years now...
[2025-02-20 03:19:52] -[HELLO]-LTShaun: sry
[2025-02-20 03:19:55] Tohsdaehmoob: THAT'S WHY SHE DIDN'T FIGHT
[2025-02-20 03:20:02] Peeper: more power to u
[2025-02-20 03:20:11] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: hi 666
[2025-02-20 03:20:12] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-02-20 03:20:14] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-02-20 03:20:17] TheCalmingClam: gg
[2025-02-20 03:20:17] Deprecated666: howdy Mofo
[2025-02-20 03:20:20] DEATH: GGs
[2025-02-20 03:20:28] Peeper: but...u didnt anwer my question
[2025-02-20 03:20:33] Kilgore: gg
[2025-02-20 03:20:35] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: 7

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