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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - guadalcanal - 2025-02-24 02:17:01 Chatlog
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[2025-02-24 02:17:42] _Brain Damage_: canal ctf?
[2025-02-24 02:17:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh good SA3
[2025-02-24 02:18:03] _Brain Damage_: kz
[2025-02-24 02:18:16] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: modded this today
[2025-02-24 02:18:20] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: might need tweaking
[2025-02-24 02:18:20] sanchez: Brain when was the last time you ate a chicks ass?
[2025-02-24 02:18:23] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: turbo helos
[2025-02-24 02:18:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: CTF guys not conq
[2025-02-24 02:18:32] -[HELLO]-Crash: with bubble.
[2025-02-24 02:18:32] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: and turbo tech/humvee
[2025-02-24 02:18:36] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: CTF
[2025-02-24 02:18:39] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: and theres ships
[2025-02-24 02:18:43] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: 4 ships for each team
[2025-02-24 02:19:04] sanchez: fish and ships
[2025-02-24 02:19:13] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2025-02-24 02:19:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: jeep flag
[2025-02-24 02:19:36] Brettanomyces: mines
[2025-02-24 02:19:43] jerkymeat: HE SUCKS THEIR LITTLE PE PEE COCKS
[2025-02-24 02:19:45] jerkymeat: FUCK BRAIN DAMGE
[2025-02-24 02:19:47] jerkymeat: AND FUCK THIS SERVER
[2025-02-24 02:19:52] jerkymeat: HAIL HITLER AND HEIL SATAN
[2025-02-24 02:19:53] Brettanomyces: kkkkkkkkkk
[2025-02-24 02:20:01] _Brain Damage_: why me?
[2025-02-24 02:20:02] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lord almighty
[2025-02-24 02:20:03] _Brain Damage_: lol
[2025-02-24 02:20:07] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol wth
[2025-02-24 02:20:08] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: that guy is something
[2025-02-24 02:20:09] sanchez: crazy guy, that was too much
[2025-02-24 02:20:09] -[HELLO]-Crash: ex girlfriend, BD?
[2025-02-24 02:20:11] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: whats wrong jerky?
[2025-02-24 02:20:18] _Brain Damage_: fake jerky
[2025-02-24 02:20:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: fake jerky not him
[2025-02-24 02:20:23] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: brain damage you use to be a priest?
[2025-02-24 02:20:25] papi: hello
[2025-02-24 02:20:26] _Brain Damage_: real one is great
[2025-02-24 02:20:27] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah it's ctroll
[2025-02-24 02:20:32] _Brain Damage_: lovely person
[2025-02-24 02:20:37] _Brain Damage_: elegant and polite
[2025-02-24 02:20:46] _Brain Damage_: unlike me
[2025-02-24 02:20:57] -[HELLO]-Koldie: lol
[2025-02-24 02:21:35] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: fox you like?
[2025-02-24 02:21:39] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: as a change up
[2025-02-24 02:21:44] Mr. Fox: needs harriers though
[2025-02-24 02:21:48] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: blue has them
[2025-02-24 02:21:50] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: on carrier
[2025-02-24 02:21:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: was waitin forw
[2025-02-24 02:21:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: u to say that
[2025-02-24 02:21:59] Mr. Fox: and red?
[2025-02-24 02:22:01] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: nah
[2025-02-24 02:22:04] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: red no get
[2025-02-24 02:22:08] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: only blue on carriers ;)
[2025-02-24 02:22:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: i meant that
[2025-02-24 02:22:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: all planned
[2025-02-24 02:22:23] Mr. Fox: lol
[2025-02-24 02:22:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: in advance
[2025-02-24 02:22:39] Mr. Fox: sly SOB
[2025-02-24 02:22:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: camper at mian
[2025-02-24 02:22:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: sht lol
[2025-02-24 02:23:04] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: like a fox?
[2025-02-24 02:23:07] Mr. Fox: ; )
[2025-02-24 02:23:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: tree 1 helo 0
[2025-02-24 02:23:18] _Brain Damage_: drunk pilot
[2025-02-24 02:23:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: hi bug
[2025-02-24 02:23:27] |F|NIMITZ: hey bangbang can I ask you a simple question lol
[2025-02-24 02:23:30] -[HELLO]-Koldie: hi bug
[2025-02-24 02:23:33] Peeper: howdy guys
[2025-02-24 02:23:34] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yessir
[2025-02-24 02:23:37] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: what ya got
[2025-02-24 02:23:38] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: hi
[2025-02-24 02:23:40] _Brain Damage_: let me ride i'm outta beers
[2025-02-24 02:23:40] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: nas is next bug head
[2025-02-24 02:23:45] _Brain Damage_: I cant be drunker
[2025-02-24 02:23:46] Peeper: great
[2025-02-24 02:23:55] |F|NIMITZ: do you know how to fix a sever from crashing with SA3?
[2025-02-24 02:23:57] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: peeper new mod here
[2025-02-24 02:24:01] sanchez: how about your liver man?
[2025-02-24 02:24:09] Peeper: i see
[2025-02-24 02:24:11] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: is there bots in the map nimitz?
[2025-02-24 02:24:16] |F|NIMITZ: yes
[2025-02-24 02:24:17] -[HELLO]-Koldie: lol commodore
[2025-02-24 02:24:20] |F|NIMITZ: COOP
[2025-02-24 02:24:21] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: that'll do it
[2025-02-24 02:24:25] |F|NIMITZ: i see
[2025-02-24 02:24:36] |F|NIMITZ: that's what I thought
[2025-02-24 02:24:37] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i could give you the code to ban bots from entering vehicles
[2025-02-24 02:24:39] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: and put that on sa-3
[2025-02-24 02:24:39] |F|NIMITZ: thx
[2025-02-24 02:24:44] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: but i think bots + sa no good
[2025-02-24 02:24:50] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: always crashed
[2025-02-24 02:24:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: BMP C5
[2025-02-24 02:24:58] |F|NIMITZ: yeah I'll just code it out
[2025-02-24 02:25:03] _Brain Damage_: HAHAHA
[2025-02-24 02:25:03] |F|NIMITZ: thx man
[2025-02-24 02:25:14] Brettanomyces: sry
[2025-02-24 02:25:15] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah remove sa-3 and you should be good to go
[2025-02-24 02:25:16] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol wtg
[2025-02-24 02:25:17] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2025-02-24 02:25:45] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: bad lag
[2025-02-24 02:26:15] Mr. Fox: lmao
[2025-02-24 02:26:18] |F|NIMITZ: but you can tell the bots not to enter it? hmmm
[2025-02-24 02:26:24] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yes
[2025-02-24 02:26:39] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ai.setonlyfrhuman or somethig
[2025-02-24 02:26:42] Mr. Fox: lol it wouldnt let me in
[2025-02-24 02:26:47] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i can fid it msg me on discord
[2025-02-24 02:26:56] |F|NIMITZ: ok I'll look for it... thx
[2025-02-24 02:26:59] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: crash ya bastard
[2025-02-24 02:27:01] |F|NIMITZ: ok
[2025-02-24 02:27:03] -[HELLO]-Crash: got him
[2025-02-24 02:27:05] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: why sink my ship
[2025-02-24 02:27:17] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: also ships in this DO not respawn
[2025-02-24 02:27:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: i like booze, broads and ship sinkin
[2025-02-24 02:27:21] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: so you get 4 ships
[2025-02-24 02:27:22] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh
[2025-02-24 02:27:23] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: it was full of seamen
[2025-02-24 02:27:23] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: once they're gone
[2025-02-24 02:27:25] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: they're gone
[2025-02-24 02:27:26] Peeper: call out any armor or ships
[2025-02-24 02:28:31] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: we like the mod so far?
[2025-02-24 02:28:40] Baguette Magique: mode is fire
[2025-02-24 02:28:43] -[HELLO]-Crash: yeah
[2025-02-24 02:28:46] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yes
[2025-02-24 02:28:57] -[HELLO]-Koldie: thanks
[2025-02-24 02:28:59] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: granted NAS is better but this is cool too
[2025-02-24 02:29:07] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2025-02-24 02:29:10] -[HELLO]-Crash: hehe
[2025-02-24 02:29:12] -[HELLO]-Koldie: sorry
[2025-02-24 02:29:13] Peeper: i think good map
[2025-02-24 02:29:21] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: Should mod nas some more.
[2025-02-24 02:29:22] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: !Nextmap
[2025-02-24 02:29:27] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: nas is next
[2025-02-24 02:29:27] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: roadie grab ur helo
[2025-02-24 02:29:29] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i set
[2025-02-24 02:29:29] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: nas 4 ever
[2025-02-24 02:29:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: we played berlin last map
[2025-02-24 02:29:40] _Roadie : I sawit go by...
[2025-02-24 02:29:41] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: !nextmap
[2025-02-24 02:30:02] _Roadie : ah 342G hott Damm
[2025-02-24 02:30:08] _Brain Damage_: LOL brett RAGEd after me killed him
[2025-02-24 02:30:09] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah red gets that
[2025-02-24 02:30:11] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: but no harriers
[2025-02-24 02:30:16] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: so equals it out
[2025-02-24 02:30:19] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: load"$",8,1
[2025-02-24 02:30:29] _Brain Damage_: come back brett :D
[2025-02-24 02:30:33] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: im going to add turbo mini boats
[2025-02-24 02:30:36] -[HELLO]-Koldie: n1 Jack
[2025-02-24 02:30:37] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: and turbo PT boats from 1942
[2025-02-24 02:30:38] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: into this
[2025-02-24 02:30:40] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: as well
[2025-02-24 02:30:57] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: lmao
[2025-02-24 02:31:34] _Roadie : was that code for the Comm64 C64?
[2025-02-24 02:31:54] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: that code lists everything on the disk
[2025-02-24 02:31:57] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: then to type LIT
[2025-02-24 02:31:59] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: LIST
[2025-02-24 02:32:04] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: thats to bringup the flashing curser
[2025-02-24 02:32:12] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: load"*",8 loads the first program on the disk
[2025-02-24 02:32:48] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: baggette, that was almost a toranto landing
[2025-02-24 02:32:49] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: tape is a bit different just type LOAD
[2025-02-24 02:32:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: l
[2025-02-24 02:32:54] Baguette Magique: xDD
[2025-02-24 02:33:10] Baguette Magique: noooo high landing
[2025-02-24 02:33:24] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: omg what
[2025-02-24 02:33:25] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: WAHAT
[2025-02-24 02:33:34] Baguette Magique: sniper at spawn
[2025-02-24 02:33:38] _Roadie : I was laying on the deck
[2025-02-24 02:33:42] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: LOL
[2025-02-24 02:33:43] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ffs
[2025-02-24 02:34:03] -[HELLO]-Crash: were u on the poop deck
[2025-02-24 02:34:13] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: behind ou PAPI
[2025-02-24 02:34:14] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: behind you
[2025-02-24 02:34:16] _Brain Damage_: communist leaders watches
[2025-02-24 02:34:18] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: stinks down there
[2025-02-24 02:34:26] Baguette Magique: :'(
[2025-02-24 02:34:30] Peeper: lol
[2025-02-24 02:35:00] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: where is battleship
[2025-02-24 02:35:05] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-02-24 02:35:11] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: ?
[2025-02-24 02:35:12] -[HELLO]-Koldie: in the water
[2025-02-24 02:35:17] _Roadie : any damage crash
[2025-02-24 02:35:17] -[HELLO]-Koldie: ;)
[2025-02-24 02:35:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: AA gun on battleship
[2025-02-24 02:35:20] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: 2 min warning then a good map
[2025-02-24 02:35:38] Capt_Jack: saved ypu monkey
[2025-02-24 02:35:45] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: ty
[2025-02-24 02:35:53] _Roadie : any damage after all the tank hits Crash?
[2025-02-24 02:35:58] _Brain Damage_: c
[2025-02-24 02:36:02] -[HELLO]-Crash: 2%
[2025-02-24 02:36:02] Peeper: hi
[2025-02-24 02:36:14] -[HELLO]-Crash: Im the HMS Invincible
[2025-02-24 02:36:16] _Roadie : left? or after 30 rounds?
[2025-02-24 02:36:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: its a secret
[2025-02-24 02:36:24] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: USS Trump
[2025-02-24 02:36:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: military secret
[2025-02-24 02:36:31] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-02-24 02:36:35] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: )
[2025-02-24 02:36:46] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HELLO LADIES
[2025-02-24 02:36:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: see? loose lips..
[2025-02-24 02:36:54] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: tenaming the gulf again
[2025-02-24 02:36:57] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hellllllo the real jester
[2025-02-24 02:36:59] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: renaming
[2025-02-24 02:37:09] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-02-24 02:37:09] _Roadie : Gulf of Alabama
[2025-02-24 02:37:16] [-UG-] Maj. MoFo: gulf of Trump
[2025-02-24 02:37:20] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: added more time total BS
[2025-02-24 02:37:21] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Heyhey Jeater
[2025-02-24 02:37:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: we gotta stop meeting like that
[2025-02-24 02:37:36] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: yes
[2025-02-24 02:37:42] Peeper: lol
[2025-02-24 02:37:45] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: you taking damage bug
[2025-02-24 02:37:45] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: ?
[2025-02-24 02:37:47] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: at all
[2025-02-24 02:37:50] Peeper: yes
[2025-02-24 02:37:53] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: oh okay good
[2025-02-24 02:38:13] _Roadie : sh*t I didn't notice it was CTF....
[2025-02-24 02:38:16] -[HELLO]-Koldie: n1
[2025-02-24 02:38:21] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i think this was a fun way to add ships
[2025-02-24 02:38:23] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: we never play with ships
[2025-02-24 02:38:29] Peeper: yes
[2025-02-24 02:38:33] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: something new for everyone
[2025-02-24 02:38:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: nas doesnt have ships
[2025-02-24 02:38:36] _Roadie : For sure +1 with the ships
[2025-02-24 02:38:38] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: with still tubo helos and such
[2025-02-24 02:38:38] -[HELLO]-Crash: !nextmap
[2025-02-24 02:38:45] ATF_FunkyMonkey I: You should put one there though
[2025-02-24 02:38:49] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: maybe ill remod it so ships respawn
[2025-02-24 02:38:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: All of you Forgot Battleship has AA guns lol
[2025-02-24 02:39:02] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: AA is expensive to use
[2025-02-24 02:39:19] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: so i'll do turbo daihastu and lcvp
[2025-02-24 02:39:20] -[HELLO]-Koldie: GG
[2025-02-24 02:39:22] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: and add PT boats
[2025-02-24 02:39:22] _Roadie : this will make a good replacement for El Al
[2025-02-24 02:39:24] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: turbo
[2025-02-24 02:39:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: just dont drink, so u never have to join AA
[2025-02-24 02:39:33] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THIS IS NICE

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