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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - bocage_day3 - 2025-03-02 05:02:01 Chatlog
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[2025-03-02 05:03:06] chuk evil sandwich guy: ty
[2025-03-02 05:03:24] DEATH: already full
[2025-03-02 05:03:34] |F|NIMITZ: sry
[2025-03-02 05:03:41] Snoot Boot: np
[2025-03-02 05:04:40] Snoot Boot: gs
[2025-03-02 05:04:55] |F|NIMITZ: clam quit
[2025-03-02 05:05:57] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: swapped
[2025-03-02 05:06:15] Tohsdaehmoob: you guys had enough yet?
[2025-03-02 05:06:32] |F|NIMITZ: first allied is sleeping now axis
[2025-03-02 05:06:49] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: moobies
[2025-03-02 05:06:56] _Roadie : whatcha talking about nimitz?
[2025-03-02 05:07:05] |F|NIMITZ: last round
[2025-03-02 05:07:05] Baguette Magique: damn xdd
[2025-03-02 05:07:12] :): OH YEAH
[2025-03-02 05:07:12] Random1967: sry
[2025-03-02 05:07:20] Baguette Magique: no prob hard landing
[2025-03-02 05:07:48] _Roadie : oops, switching from 342 to pigHind
[2025-03-02 05:07:50] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: sorry
[2025-03-02 05:07:56] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SRY
[2025-03-02 05:08:11] Baguette Magique: im dumb
[2025-03-02 05:08:19] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: nice
[2025-03-02 05:09:04] _Roadie : roger that
[2025-03-02 05:09:31] BlinkofanEye: vovk vshr
[2025-03-02 05:09:36] BlinkofanEye: cack cage
[2025-03-02 05:09:51] _Roadie : behave blink
[2025-03-02 05:09:56] BlinkofanEye: sup
[2025-03-02 05:10:04] _Roadie : you missed the NAS marathon
[2025-03-02 05:10:04] AnarchoCapitalist: bot hello desert combat must expulse, because is a bot
[2025-03-02 05:10:08] BlinkofanEye: oh well
[2025-03-02 05:10:09] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY BLINKO WHY SO LATE?
[2025-03-02 05:10:14] BlinkofanEye: was fixing my outboard and othe things
[2025-03-02 05:10:17] Random1967: fun
[2025-03-02 05:10:24] BlinkofanEye: carb was out and whole hosue smelled like as lol
[2025-03-02 05:10:32] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: dirty ears?
[2025-03-02 05:10:50] BlinkofanEye: puting in bigger jets
[2025-03-02 05:10:54] BlinkofanEye: but theyre on order
[2025-03-02 05:10:55] -[HELLO]-JESTER: DAMN YOU DHS
[2025-03-02 05:10:59] :): :)
[2025-03-02 05:11:00] _Roadie : there's a tree growing in my old boat...
[2025-03-02 05:11:05] BlinkofanEye: lol nice
[2025-03-02 05:11:14] _Roadie : as a matter of fact it came from Wisc
[2025-03-02 05:11:29] |F|NIMITZ: what did?
[2025-03-02 05:11:30] BlinkofanEye: the tree?
[2025-03-02 05:11:45] |F|NIMITZ: i live in WI
[2025-03-02 05:11:51] _Roadie : the boat
[2025-03-02 05:11:51] BlinkofanEye: where in WI nimitz
[2025-03-02 05:11:53] :): SNIPER ON BASE
[2025-03-02 05:11:54] BlinkofanEye: im near La crosse
[2025-03-02 05:11:59] |F|NIMITZ: outside Madison
[2025-03-02 05:12:04] BlinkofanEye: ah near me then
[2025-03-02 05:12:06] BlinkofanEye: hat town
[2025-03-02 05:12:07] BlinkofanEye: what
[2025-03-02 05:12:18] BlinkofanEye: baraboo?
[2025-03-02 05:12:26] DEATH: FFS, you bitcccch
[2025-03-02 05:12:27] |F|NIMITZ: yeah halfwat across state lol
[2025-03-02 05:12:53] BlinkofanEye: la crosse is near maddy
[2025-03-02 05:12:56] BlinkofanEye: just like 2 hours away
[2025-03-02 05:12:57] |F|NIMITZ: im 5 mintues from Madison
[2025-03-02 05:13:04] _Roadie : Alma!!!!!!!
[2025-03-02 05:13:07] BlinkofanEye: im 1.5 from mad
[2025-03-02 05:13:17] BlinkofanEye: viroqua
[2025-03-02 05:13:25] |F|NIMITZ: ew
[2025-03-02 05:13:28] |F|NIMITZ: lol jk
[2025-03-02 05:13:30] BlinkofanEye: jester you eat ass
[2025-03-02 05:13:43] BlinkofanEye: daily
[2025-03-02 05:13:44] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-03-02 05:14:10] |F|NIMITZ: Raodie what did you get from Wis? I missed it
[2025-03-02 05:14:18] BlinkofanEye: yer mum
[2025-03-02 05:14:22] |F|NIMITZ: lol
[2025-03-02 05:14:24] |F|NIMITZ: thx
[2025-03-02 05:14:48] _Roadie : I bought an old bowrider down here in TN that the dude hauled
[2025-03-02 05:14:51] _Roadie : down from Wisc.
[2025-03-02 05:15:01] |F|NIMITZ: nice
[2025-03-02 05:15:02] BlinkofanEye: fookig
[2025-03-02 05:15:03] BlinkofanEye: moob
[2025-03-02 05:15:09] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: u mean u
[2025-03-02 05:15:13] _Roadie : wore it out for three years.
[2025-03-02 05:15:35] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-03-02 05:15:38] Tohsdaehmoob: HELO!
[2025-03-02 05:16:02] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: co op?
[2025-03-02 05:16:11] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2025-03-02 05:16:12] _Roadie : needed seats, went to PullaPart, minivans... hehe
[2025-03-02 05:16:12] BlinkofanEye: rude
[2025-03-02 05:16:16] BlinkofanEye: coop lol
[2025-03-02 05:16:24] Snoot Boot: as hellw
[2025-03-02 05:16:31] BlinkofanEye: jester dont fux
[2025-03-02 05:16:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2025-03-02 05:16:51] BlinkofanEye: roadie i overheated my 2.5 suzuki a bunch
[2025-03-02 05:16:59] BlinkofanEye: so tearing it apart trying to get it back to life
[2025-03-02 05:17:07] BlinkofanEye: adjusted valves and gained 30 lbs
[2025-03-02 05:17:14] _Roadie : I can imagine.... 2.5 horsies
[2025-03-02 05:17:27] BlinkofanEye: naw its just fgor putting sailboat out of lift and into lake
[2025-03-02 05:17:30] BlinkofanEye: but our lake has tons of weeds
[2025-03-02 05:17:33] BlinkofanEye: and its air cooled
[2025-03-02 05:17:35] BlinkofanEye: i mean water
[2025-03-02 05:17:38] BlinkofanEye: facking pita
[2025-03-02 05:17:43] BlinkofanEye: shitty lake
[2025-03-02 05:17:54] _Roadie : boats are a pain in the ass
[2025-03-02 05:17:59] |F|NIMITZ: lol
[2025-03-02 05:18:14] _Roadie : I towed a dude in one time with a water jet engine.
[2025-03-02 05:18:16] BlinkofanEye: my boat is fine except its stringers are nonexistent lol
[2025-03-02 05:18:20] |F|NIMITZ: boats are awesome
[2025-03-02 05:18:24] _Roadie : he'd sucked an ice bag.
[2025-03-02 05:18:26] |F|NIMITZ: just dont ever own one
[2025-03-02 05:19:09] Sgt. Schultz: oops
[2025-03-02 05:19:11] BlinkofanEye: gook
[2025-03-02 05:19:12] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2025-03-02 05:19:13] _Roadie : who sings the song about just go out on a friends boat
[2025-03-02 05:19:15] BlinkofanEye: fook
[2025-03-02 05:19:30] |F|NIMITZ: Blinks mom
[2025-03-02 05:19:33] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2025-03-02 05:19:41] BlinkofanEye: thats how you mom joke
[2025-03-02 05:19:45] |F|NIMITZ: lol
[2025-03-02 05:19:48] BlinkofanEye: thats what am talkin about
[2025-03-02 05:20:11] BlinkofanEye: jesters gay
[2025-03-02 05:20:12] Baguette Magique: bruh
[2025-03-02 05:20:18] |F|NIMITZ: haha
[2025-03-02 05:20:23] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2025-03-02 05:20:33] :): SNIPER ONBASE++
[2025-03-02 05:20:37] DEATH: hunting down snipers tonight
[2025-03-02 05:20:42] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-03-02 05:21:50] |F|NIMITZ: roadie your boat motor sound like the Lada?
[2025-03-02 05:22:01] BlinkofanEye: fooking
[2025-03-02 05:22:03] _Roadie : you know we've been playing this a lot when we're
[2025-03-02 05:22:05] _Roadie : scoreless
[2025-03-02 05:22:07] BlinkofanEye: thinmintz owned
[2025-03-02 05:22:28] |F|NIMITZ: im not tryin at all
[2025-03-02 05:22:34] BlinkofanEye: neithers your mom
[2025-03-02 05:22:43] |F|NIMITZ: blink is distracting me
[2025-03-02 05:22:52] BlinkofanEye: your moms distractng me
[2025-03-02 05:23:17] |F|NIMITZ: you the one from WI?
[2025-03-02 05:23:22] :): OUR TANKS ARE MINED
[2025-03-02 05:23:27] BlinkofanEye: yup
[2025-03-02 05:23:35] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: ha
[2025-03-02 05:23:35] BlinkofanEye: u drunk?
[2025-03-02 05:23:46] BlinkofanEye: lolol
[2025-03-02 05:23:47] BlinkofanEye: HOW
[2025-03-02 05:24:32] BlinkofanEye: OW
[2025-03-02 05:24:33] |F|NIMITZ: ns
[2025-03-02 05:24:35] _Roadie : tee hee
[2025-03-02 05:24:40] BlinkofanEye: leave base
[2025-03-02 05:24:46] BlinkofanEye: dare ya
[2025-03-02 05:24:47] _Roadie : BH Amibot werking fine
[2025-03-02 05:24:51] BlinkofanEye: BH?
[2025-03-02 05:24:59] _Roadie : never I like it here.
[2025-03-02 05:25:03] _Roadie : blackhawk
[2025-03-02 05:25:15] BlinkofanEye: ow
[2025-03-02 05:25:21] _Roadie : I did leave earlier, I stopped the flag carrier.
[2025-03-02 05:25:24] |F|NIMITZ: oh sure pick on the fat kid
[2025-03-02 05:25:31] BlinkofanEye: fatty boombatty
[2025-03-02 05:25:35] BlinkofanEye: you must be fat being from wi
[2025-03-02 05:25:36] |F|NIMITZ: LMAO
[2025-03-02 05:25:37] _Roadie : Jester recovered it.
[2025-03-02 05:25:46] |F|NIMITZ: YUGE
[2025-03-02 05:25:47] _Roadie : Curds
[2025-03-02 05:25:50] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2025-03-02 05:25:57] BlinkofanEye: curs are fackin nuasty
[2025-03-02 05:25:59] BlinkofanEye: curds
[2025-03-02 05:26:08] BlinkofanEye: bonk
[2025-03-02 05:26:10] |F|NIMITZ: tim dillion voice A FATTY BOOM BATTY
[2025-03-02 05:26:10] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: ha
[2025-03-02 05:26:16] Baguette Magique: x)
[2025-03-02 05:26:20] BlinkofanEye: who
[2025-03-02 05:26:27] DEATH: y fkin mine our tank?
[2025-03-02 05:26:36] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: raggy hunt
[2025-03-02 05:26:41] |F|NIMITZ: look up tim dillion fatty boom batty
[2025-03-02 05:26:48] BlinkofanEye: in ass
[2025-03-02 05:26:56] BlinkofanEye: i am become phallc
[2025-03-02 05:26:59] BlinkofanEye: phallic
[2025-03-02 05:27:05] |F|NIMITZ: !nextmap
[2025-03-02 05:27:06] BlinkofanEye: killer of asses
[2025-03-02 05:27:11] BlinkofanEye: slick sniping
[2025-03-02 05:27:13] chuk evil sandwich guy: lol Blink
[2025-03-02 05:27:20] |F|NIMITZ: we should play bashra night
[2025-03-02 05:27:21] [G3TSOME] F_F_S: im out after this gga
[2025-03-02 05:27:22] :): BEACAUSE OF JESTER

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