Battlefield 1942 Stats

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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - berlin - 2025-03-03 05:21:01 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2025-03-03 05:21:48] RustyOG: im geting iff for the night going to watch some amazon prime
[2025-03-03 05:21:59] RustyOG: looking forward to making new memories playing my fav game
[2025-03-03 05:22:05] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: goodnight man!
[2025-03-03 05:22:08] Goosey: cya
[2025-03-03 05:22:09] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: join our discord
[2025-03-03 05:22:11] RustyOG: night everyone
[2025-03-03 05:22:14] Hellraz0r: cya rusty welcome back
[2025-03-03 05:22:16] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: if you have discord
[2025-03-03 05:22:23] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: and forum :)
[2025-03-03 05:22:27] RustyOG: im that carwhore on discord someone responded to my comment
[2025-03-03 05:22:38] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: okay so I did help you
[2025-03-03 05:22:41] RustyOG: about joining the server
[2025-03-03 05:22:42] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: good to see you in!!
[2025-03-03 05:22:43] RustyOG: yup
[2025-03-03 05:22:47] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: glad it worked :)
[2025-03-03 05:22:48] RustyOG: night everyone
[2025-03-03 05:22:50] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: night man
[2025-03-03 05:23:00] Goosey: lies!
[2025-03-03 05:23:06] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: yeah that was bs
[2025-03-03 05:23:11] Goosey: lolz
[2025-03-03 05:24:02] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: double kill
[2025-03-03 05:24:06] Goosey: :D
[2025-03-03 05:24:15] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: aight gotta sleeeepz
[2025-03-03 05:24:20] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: last kill
[2025-03-03 05:24:20] Hellraz0r: NFZ plz
[2025-03-03 05:24:21] Goosey: cya
[2025-03-03 05:24:22] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: xoxoxoxo
[2025-03-03 05:24:29] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: i'll set it next razor
[2025-03-03 05:24:35] Hellraz0r: ty
[2025-03-03 05:24:49] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: !nextmap
[2025-03-03 05:25:05] -[HELLO]-BangBangOw: tis set
[2025-03-03 05:25:12] Hellraz0r: chur
[2025-03-03 05:26:03] |F|NIMITZ: around back
[2025-03-03 05:26:40] |F|NIMITZ: LOL
[2025-03-03 05:26:59] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i messed that up
[2025-03-03 05:27:02] -[=A=]-: we could use some bots sometimes
[2025-03-03 05:27:19] Hellraz0r: BUGGERRRRR
[2025-03-03 05:27:35] |F|NIMITZ: you lucked into that one lol
[2025-03-03 05:27:38] Goosey: lol
[2025-03-03 05:27:40] DEATH: sory gos
[2025-03-03 05:27:42] Goosey: np
[2025-03-03 05:28:12] |F|NIMITZ: milk truck go boom
[2025-03-03 05:28:32] Goosey: lol
[2025-03-03 05:28:32] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: rofl
[2025-03-03 05:29:17] |F|NIMITZ: great job blue
[2025-03-03 05:29:19] |F|NIMITZ: lol
[2025-03-03 05:30:04] AnarchoCapitalist: 3 vs 5
[2025-03-03 05:30:17] |F|NIMITZ: we can do it
[2025-03-03 05:30:24] |F|NIMITZ: we got dhs
[2025-03-03 05:31:16] Goosey: wd
[2025-03-03 05:31:35] Goosey: rofl
[2025-03-03 05:31:37] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: damn lol
[2025-03-03 05:31:43] |F|NIMITZ: that was insane
[2025-03-03 05:32:03] Hellraz0r: LOL
[2025-03-03 05:32:06] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: allah akbar
[2025-03-03 05:32:48] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: getting our asses beat to fuck
[2025-03-03 05:32:51] Goosey: haha
[2025-03-03 05:32:55] DEATH: LOL
[2025-03-03 05:32:56] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2025-03-03 05:33:40] |F|NIMITZ: LMAO
[2025-03-03 05:34:16] Goosey: oh
[2025-03-03 05:34:20] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: dhs makes me dizzy
[2025-03-03 05:34:21] Hellraz0r: allg
[2025-03-03 05:35:01] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: TK dhs
[2025-03-03 05:35:14] Goosey: flag
[2025-03-03 05:36:12] Mustafa_crimea: h1 allw
[2025-03-03 05:37:16] Goosey: hah
[2025-03-03 05:37:18] |F|NIMITZ: lol
[2025-03-03 05:38:16] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: thats bullshit
[2025-03-03 05:39:57] Hellraz0r: we did nas
[2025-03-03 05:40:18] |F|NIMITZ: stop voting it's never going to work
[2025-03-03 05:40:33] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: yeh its all stupid maps too
[2025-03-03 05:40:36] Mustafa_crimea: sory
[2025-03-03 05:40:45] Hellraz0r: lets try that new nfz.. bunch of new stuff
[2025-03-03 05:41:20] -[=A=]-: im for it
[2025-03-03 05:41:57] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: last map was really gay
[2025-03-03 05:42:04] -[=A=]-: i agree
[2025-03-03 05:42:24] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: dhs is bad player
[2025-03-03 05:42:43] |F|NIMITZ: how dare you talk bad of dhs
[2025-03-03 05:43:01] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hes horrible, my dead mom could play better than him
[2025-03-03 05:43:46] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: he TK's like there not tommorow
[2025-03-03 05:43:58] |F|NIMITZ: we love dhs
[2025-03-03 05:44:21] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i love the devil too but that dont mean i like him
[2025-03-03 05:44:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: hes a DEI player
[2025-03-03 05:44:47] |F|NIMITZ: lol
[2025-03-03 05:45:11] -[=A=]-: that was retarded of me
[2025-03-03 05:45:22] _Brain Damage_:
[2025-03-03 05:46:00] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: gg im goi g to bed
[2025-03-03 05:46:16] _Brain Damage_: 7
[2025-03-03 05:46:19] Hellraz0r: 8
[2025-03-03 05:46:30] _Brain Damage_: !nextmap
[2025-03-03 05:46:32] Hellraz0r: new map new planes new stuff next

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