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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_weapon_bunkers - 2025-03-06 03:35:01 Chatlog
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[2025-03-06 03:37:23] Hellraz0r: watch out death
[2025-03-06 03:37:38] OWLCAT: what is that
[2025-03-06 03:38:01] Hellraz0r: destroyed a weapons bunker
[2025-03-06 03:38:11] -[HELLO]-Crash: it just comes back
[2025-03-06 03:38:16] TheCalmingClam: brb
[2025-03-06 03:38:25] Mr. Fox: sry
[2025-03-06 03:39:51] -[HELLO]-JESTER: how come this KEANE GUY DOESNT SHOW UP IN TEAM LIST
[2025-03-06 03:39:53] Peeper: gonna call it a night . no map vote.enough infantry for me
[2025-03-06 03:40:08] Mr. Fox: gnight buggo
[2025-03-06 03:40:14] Peeper: nite all
[2025-03-06 03:40:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: map vote is enabled
[2025-03-06 03:40:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NITE
[2025-03-06 03:40:34] Peeper: dont see it enabled
[2025-03-06 03:40:42] Mr. Fox: its broken
[2025-03-06 03:40:47] Mr. Fox: only vote berlin
[2025-03-06 03:40:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: theres a map vote right now going on
[2025-03-06 03:40:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: for berlin
[2025-03-06 03:40:54] Peeper: apparently
[2025-03-06 03:40:58] -[HELLO]-Crash: and now al nas
[2025-03-06 03:41:01] -[HELLO]-Crash: so no its working fine
[2025-03-06 03:41:11] Mr. Fox: i only see map ??
[2025-03-06 03:41:16] Peeper: same
[2025-03-06 03:41:16] Hellraz0r: not working for me just empty list and no map names when a vote
[2025-03-06 03:41:18] Hellraz0r: when a vote comes up
[2025-03-06 03:41:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: i see all of em
[2025-03-06 03:41:29] Hellraz0r: no map list or map name upon vote
[2025-03-06 03:41:30] Peeper: we dont
[2025-03-06 03:41:39] -[HELLO]-Crash: i print screened it, i can show u later
[2025-03-06 03:41:54] Mr. Fox: maybe because you have admin?
[2025-03-06 03:41:59] Hellraz0r: ok it works for you, well i can print screen mine and show u
[2025-03-06 03:42:00] -[HELLO]-Crash: maybe reinstall
[2025-03-06 03:42:01] TheCalmingClam: i see map list
[2025-03-06 03:42:03] Hellraz0r: it doesn't work for me
[2025-03-06 03:42:03] Peeper: problem is we cant see it NOW
[2025-03-06 03:42:15] Mr. Fox: it happens from time to time
[2025-03-06 03:42:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: its the game not the server
[2025-03-06 03:42:29] _Roadie : your insert KEY might be remapped
[2025-03-06 03:42:47] Peeper: easy fix...justchange it to a new map
[2025-03-06 03:42:56] Mr. Fox: road, can you see map vote list?
[2025-03-06 03:43:15] _Roadie : no because it is on Berlin
[2025-03-06 03:43:18] Peeper: no idea what map that is
[2025-03-06 03:43:29] Hellraz0r: "vote for map ?"
[2025-03-06 03:43:34] Mr. Fox: so only crash can see it?
[2025-03-06 03:43:40] TheCalmingClam: no
[2025-03-06 03:43:43] _Roadie : map "0" -- Berlin
[2025-03-06 03:43:44] TheCalmingClam: i can too
[2025-03-06 03:43:47] Peeper: apparently
[2025-03-06 03:43:53] Hellraz0r: looks like map 80 right
[2025-03-06 03:43:55] TheCalmingClam: open console and type "LM" to see a list of maps
[2025-03-06 03:44:01] TheCalmingClam: don't have to hit insert to see maps in rotation
[2025-03-06 03:44:35] _Roadie : nada clam, maybe becasue of vote in progress
[2025-03-06 03:44:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: i just msgd u in discord HR
[2025-03-06 03:45:10] TheCalmingClam: lol
[2025-03-06 03:45:12] OWLCAT: lol
[2025-03-06 03:45:14] HookDump: xd
[2025-03-06 03:45:16] OWLCAT: that was strange
[2025-03-06 03:45:19] TheCalmingClam: ya
[2025-03-06 03:45:22] OWLCAT: cant shoot through a table
[2025-03-06 03:45:31] HookDump: bug
[2025-03-06 03:45:33] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NOPE MOR CHAIR
[2025-03-06 03:45:49] Peeper: well...nite all
[2025-03-06 03:45:51] _Roadie : tables are solid objects don't cha know. Drives me crazy on NAS
[2025-03-06 03:46:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY NIMITZ
[2025-03-06 03:46:24] Snoot Boot: macona in tower by their flag
[2025-03-06 03:46:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: i edited them on my maps ;)
[2025-03-06 03:46:46] Mr. Fox: when are you going to add your maps C?
[2025-03-06 03:46:54] TheCalmingClam: dogshit autobalance
[2025-03-06 03:47:20] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY LAHEY
[2025-03-06 03:47:28] Jim Lahey: hello
[2025-03-06 03:47:32] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY LEFT DEAD
[2025-03-06 03:47:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yah 2fer
[2025-03-06 03:48:04] Jim Lahey: :)
[2025-03-06 03:49:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: LOL
[2025-03-06 03:49:55] OWLCAT: nice cap
[2025-03-06 03:50:01] _Roadie : just what does it take to capture a flag -eh
[2025-03-06 03:50:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: well im partial to scotch
[2025-03-06 03:51:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey coke
[2025-03-06 03:52:00] -[HELLO]-Crash: boom
[2025-03-06 03:52:05] Sorrowful Rice: slice!
[2025-03-06 03:52:35] Hellraz0r: CERTIFIED
[2025-03-06 03:53:32] Cokakola: lol
[2025-03-06 03:53:51] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-03-06 03:53:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: gj
[2025-03-06 03:53:55] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-03-06 03:53:58] _Roadie : gn, Crash will be here to take care of all of your admin desire
[2025-03-06 03:54:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh gr8
[2025-03-06 03:54:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: nite
[2025-03-06 03:54:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: FLAG
[2025-03-06 03:54:46] TheCalmingClam: this map kinda sux for spawn camping lol
[2025-03-06 03:54:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey shultzy
[2025-03-06 03:55:12] HookDump: all dc mod is about lying camping
[2025-03-06 03:55:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: sCORE WRONG WAYYYY
[2025-03-06 03:55:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: SCORE
[2025-03-06 03:55:19] TheCalmingClam: yeah kinda lame
[2025-03-06 03:55:19] -[HELLO]-Crash: dude
[2025-03-06 03:55:24] TheCalmingClam: guns are unbalanced too
[2025-03-06 03:55:26] Sorrowful Rice: need free cam enable to search for these worthless snipers
[2025-03-06 03:55:27] HookDump: agree
[2025-03-06 03:55:33] TheCalmingClam: lol
[2025-03-06 03:56:12] Capt_Jack: lol
[2025-03-06 03:56:26] -[HELLO]-Crash: fer
[2025-03-06 03:56:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: 2fer
[2025-03-06 03:56:32] TheCalmingClam: rpg too strong against inf too
[2025-03-06 03:56:38] Maconha: lol
[2025-03-06 03:56:55] -[HELLO]-Crash: yeah tey got more powerful since ww2
[2025-03-06 03:57:10] TheCalmingClam: rather play balanced game than realistic
[2025-03-06 03:57:33] -[HELLO]-Crash: u want RPG to be same power as ww2 zook:
[2025-03-06 03:57:35] -[HELLO]-Crash: ?
[2025-03-06 03:57:38] TheCalmingClam: ya
[2025-03-06 03:57:47] DEATH: flag
[2025-03-06 03:58:02] TheCalmingClam: if you want realism then they should disable medpacks
[2025-03-06 03:58:18] HookDump: xD
[2025-03-06 03:58:24] HookDump: i dont know why i took it
[2025-03-06 03:58:57] OWLCAT: bed time soon
[2025-03-06 03:59:08] -[HELLO]-JESTER: me too
[2025-03-06 03:59:36] DEATH: behind our base
[2025-03-06 04:00:33] Left4Dead: how do you get outside the compound
[2025-03-06 04:00:53] Hellraz0r: over here
[2025-03-06 04:02:22] Player: machonda using auto aim?
[2025-03-06 04:03:07] -[HELLO]-JESTER: im out guys
[2025-03-06 04:03:13] Hellraz0r: cya jester
[2025-03-06 04:03:14] OWLCAT: later
[2025-03-06 04:03:15] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NITE ALL
[2025-03-06 04:03:17] Mr. Fox: gnight jest
[2025-03-06 04:03:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: YEP
[2025-03-06 04:03:35] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-03-06 04:03:40] -[HELLO]-Crash: damn kiwis
[2025-03-06 04:03:44] Hellraz0r: LOL
[2025-03-06 04:03:45] -[HELLO]-Crash: driving on the left side of the road
[2025-03-06 04:03:49] OWLCAT: lol
[2025-03-06 04:03:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: :D
[2025-03-06 04:03:52] Hellraz0r: ;)
[2025-03-06 04:03:58] Jim Lahey: lol
[2025-03-06 04:04:21] DEATH: sorry
[2025-03-06 04:04:49] Jim Lahey: ada hoowa
[2025-03-06 04:05:13] -[HELLO]-Crash: anyone want MORE TIME like 10 mins
[2025-03-06 04:05:19] TheCalmingClam: no
[2025-03-06 04:05:24] Snoot Boot: nope
[2025-03-06 04:05:28] Sorrowful Rice: negative
[2025-03-06 04:05:29] OWLCAT: no
[2025-03-06 04:05:34] OWLCAT: im out after this
[2025-03-06 04:05:35] TheCalmingClam: gg
[2025-03-06 04:05:38] OWLCAT: sleepy time
[2025-03-06 04:05:41] OWLCAT: for the hootie
[2025-03-06 04:06:04] OWLCAT: lol rice
[2025-03-06 04:06:08] Sorrowful Rice: :D
[2025-03-06 04:06:09] TheCalmingClam: axis 300 kills allies 200
[2025-03-06 04:06:11] TheCalmingClam: got crushed

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