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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_no_fly_zone - 2025-03-07 01:57:01 Chatlog
Players Clans Character-Types Weapons Vehicles Maps

[2025-03-07 01:59:42] _Roadie : is that how you have to kill a Harrier
[2025-03-07 02:01:36] RustyOG: lol
[2025-03-07 02:01:52] _Roadie : Drastic measures
[2025-03-07 02:03:08] RustyOG: oh this map was one of my favs
[2025-03-07 02:03:26] RustyOG: 64 people on thismap sessh
[2025-03-07 02:03:32] _Roadie : Mine too, IF I could fly )
[2025-03-07 02:03:47] jerkymeat: just gotta believe
[2025-03-07 02:03:55] _Roadie : lol
[2025-03-07 02:04:01] _Brain Damage_: hi all
[2025-03-07 02:04:17] _Roadie : I believe, I can fly a 182, 140 and that's about it.
[2025-03-07 02:04:42] jerkymeat: if you can't fly well, at least create chaos
[2025-03-07 02:04:50] _Roadie : Bingo!
[2025-03-07 02:05:11] _Brain Damage_: zl
[2025-03-07 02:06:16] _Brain Damage_: 7
[2025-03-07 02:06:24] _Brain Damage_: same map with new planes
[2025-03-07 02:06:26] _Brain Damage_: etc
[2025-03-07 02:06:40] RustyOG: what type of new planes
[2025-03-07 02:06:48] _Brain Damage_: f22, ka52, rafale etc
[2025-03-07 02:06:50] _Brain Damage_: a lot
[2025-03-07 02:06:53] RustyOG: oh snap
[2025-03-07 02:06:57] _Roadie : we don't know how many peeps have it downloaded and installed
[2025-03-07 02:07:01] _Brain Damage_: but u have to dld custom maps
[2025-03-07 02:07:11] RustyOG: I dont
[2025-03-07 02:07:25] _Brain Damage_: what are u waiting for ?
[2025-03-07 02:07:29] Brettanomyces: lets find out
[2025-03-07 02:07:33] _Roadie : Spring
[2025-03-07 02:07:59] RustyOG: lol
[2025-03-07 02:10:17] RustyOG: i need to download the map;s
[2025-03-07 02:10:35] _Roadie : we'll do it tomorrow night then
[2025-03-07 02:11:00] RustyOG: im just happy to even be plying DC again ive missed it
[2025-03-07 02:11:11] _Brain Damage_: wb!
[2025-03-07 02:11:14] _Roadie : isn't that weird
[2025-03-07 02:11:14] Brettanomyces: we play every nite
[2025-03-07 02:11:28] _Brain Damage_: also we have no jobs
[2025-03-07 02:11:29] wildcard: welcome back
[2025-03-07 02:11:40] RustyOG: ive been playig on moongamers which is how i found out bout thi
[2025-03-07 02:12:16] _Roadie : speak for yourself, I'm Retired...
[2025-03-07 02:12:47] _Brain Damage_: what was your old job? playing DC?
[2025-03-07 02:13:35] _Brain Damage_: ))
[2025-03-07 02:14:19] RustyOG: Last time i played tihsmap i was a freshman back in 07
[2025-03-07 02:14:35] _Roadie : had to put the brakes on didn't you )
[2025-03-07 02:15:45] Brettanomyces: toma
[2025-03-07 02:17:16] HookDump: u know bout to witness the strengh of street knowledge!!!
[2025-03-07 02:17:17] _Roadie : lkrealllllly
[2025-03-07 02:17:27] RustyOG: lol
[2025-03-07 02:17:30] HookDump: got me?
[2025-03-07 02:17:38] HookDump: who know that song
[2025-03-07 02:17:43] _Roadie : forgot that the edge of the runway was instant ka-boom
[2025-03-07 02:18:55] _Roadie : close
[2025-03-07 02:19:13] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: roadie did you get your package?
[2025-03-07 02:19:31] RustyOG: omg
[2025-03-07 02:19:51] _Roadie : :) haven't hike out to the MBox yet. too cold for my Respirator
[2025-03-07 02:20:02] Maconha: ono vote only
[2025-03-07 02:20:07] Maconha: one
[2025-03-07 02:20:35] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: no problem keep me posted
[2025-03-07 02:20:39] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: i work a 36 hour shift
[2025-03-07 02:20:47] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: 24 on ambulance and 12 on helicopter
[2025-03-07 02:20:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: ill be back in two days
[2025-03-07 02:21:09] Brettanomyces: para?
[2025-03-07 02:21:10] BATTLER: thx for TK
[2025-03-07 02:21:16] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: medic
[2025-03-07 02:21:28] _Roadie : 12 on Helo - be careful manO
[2025-03-07 02:21:32] Goosey: lol
[2025-03-07 02:21:43] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: will do , 1200 foot up only we dont usually go higher lol
[2025-03-07 02:21:50] Goosey: my monitor died
[2025-03-07 02:22:17] _Roadie : 1200' up?
[2025-03-07 02:22:31] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: 1200 foot up is usually where we fly
[2025-03-07 02:22:39] RustyOG: ns
[2025-03-07 02:22:49] _Roadie : arn't there hills higher than that in WVA????
[2025-03-07 02:23:01] BlinkofanEye: up
[2025-03-07 02:23:03] BlinkofanEye: sup
[2025-03-07 02:23:05] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: we usually go from wv to pittsburg, not much there
[2025-03-07 02:23:15] _Roadie : ah
[2025-03-07 02:23:17] Goosey: hi
[2025-03-07 02:23:25] RustyOG: lol
[2025-03-07 02:23:52] HookDump: sry
[2025-03-07 02:23:53] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: lol
[2025-03-07 02:23:56] Goosey: heh
[2025-03-07 02:23:57] RustyOG: he he
[2025-03-07 02:23:58] _Roadie : moar thyme?
[2025-03-07 02:24:00] HookDump: why fukn u goosey stole me kill
[2025-03-07 02:24:00] HookDump: my kill
[2025-03-07 02:24:16] Goosey: serious
[2025-03-07 02:24:19] BlinkofanEye: nice
[2025-03-07 02:24:19] RustyOG: me?
[2025-03-07 02:24:22] BlinkofanEye: comcastic
[2025-03-07 02:24:52] RustyOG: nooo
[2025-03-07 02:24:57] Brettanomyces: yyyyyyyyyyy
[2025-03-07 02:25:00] _Roadie : time to boot merv
[2025-03-07 02:25:35] _Roadie : so what are you play on?
[2025-03-07 02:25:44] Goosey: old monitor
[2025-03-07 02:25:54] BlinkofanEye: ;p;
[2025-03-07 02:25:55] RustyOG: crap
[2025-03-07 02:25:55] BlinkofanEye: damnit
[2025-03-07 02:25:57] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2025-03-07 02:25:57] BlinkofanEye: np
[2025-03-07 02:26:04] BlinkofanEye: check yur fire magggo!
[2025-03-07 02:26:06] RustyOG: my bad
[2025-03-07 02:26:07] BlinkofanEye: maggot!
[2025-03-07 02:26:09] BlinkofanEye: lol np
[2025-03-07 02:26:12] _Roadie : that is why I kept my two 27" when I got the curves
[2025-03-07 02:26:15] BlinkofanEye: phuck
[2025-03-07 02:26:23] BlinkofanEye: for porn?
[2025-03-07 02:26:26] _Roadie : watch the edge there Blink
[2025-03-07 02:26:34] BlinkofanEye: lol
[2025-03-07 02:26:39] _Roadie : I case the curves give out.
[2025-03-07 02:26:40] BlinkofanEye: is a curved monitor all that great?
[2025-03-07 02:26:50] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: they seem expensive
[2025-03-07 02:26:53] BlinkofanEye: my wifes curve only increase
[2025-03-07 02:26:57] BlinkofanEye: curves
[2025-03-07 02:27:00] BlinkofanEye: !nextmap
[2025-03-07 02:27:06] _Roadie : after my cataract surgery, I'd have to say yes...
[2025-03-07 02:27:19] _Roadie : Plus the realestate for CAD.
[2025-03-07 02:27:35] ATF_Commodore 64 ||: ns
[2025-03-07 02:27:55] _Roadie : had my hand in a bag of crackers...
[2025-03-07 02:28:01] BlinkofanEye: aw
[2025-03-07 02:28:02] BlinkofanEye: damn
[2025-03-07 02:28:07] Goosey: lol anarcho
[2025-03-07 02:28:09] wAGS: get off the buildiing buddy
[2025-03-07 02:28:10] BlinkofanEye: stop that raceil shit roadie
[2025-03-07 02:28:13] BlinkofanEye: racial
[2025-03-07 02:28:17] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HELLO LADIES
[2025-03-07 02:28:22] BlinkofanEye: h
[2025-03-07 02:28:23] Goosey: hi darling
[2025-03-07 02:28:24] BlinkofanEye: hi jest
[2025-03-07 02:28:25] BlinkofanEye: lol sorry
[2025-03-07 02:28:27] T-Bar: hell o
[2025-03-07 02:28:28] BlinkofanEye: typing
[2025-03-07 02:28:29] BlinkofanEye: ROFL
[2025-03-07 02:28:32] _Roadie : scared me

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