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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - invasion_of_the_philippines - 2025-03-07 02:29:02 Chatlog
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[2025-03-07 02:29:49] BlinkofanEye: incel map
[2025-03-07 02:30:06] HookDump: shame me
[2025-03-07 02:30:06] BlinkofanEye: ns
[2025-03-07 02:30:16] HookDump: jester killed me
[2025-03-07 02:30:26] -[HELLO]-JESTER: lol
[2025-03-07 02:31:01] BlinkofanEye: fack
[2025-03-07 02:31:16] BlinkofanEye: i think im gonna squad tonight guys
[2025-03-07 02:31:20] BlinkofanEye: im burnt out from my car dying over and ove
[2025-03-07 02:31:38] HookDump: jester where u hide phucker
[2025-03-07 02:32:16] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ll
[2025-03-07 02:32:20] BlinkofanEye: r think i maybe have cracke d radiator
[2025-03-07 02:32:38] -[HELLO]-Crash: blink
[2025-03-07 02:32:41] -[HELLO]-Crash: I bought it
[2025-03-07 02:32:45] BlinkofanEye: xt?
[2025-03-07 02:32:52] -[HELLO]-Crash: 3000 mhz gpu
[2025-03-07 02:32:58] BlinkofanEye: howd you get one i thought they sell out quick
[2025-03-07 02:32:59] Goosey: mines clear
[2025-03-07 02:33:04] BlinkofanEye: why you need it for DC?
[2025-03-07 02:33:07] Brettanomyces: not all
[2025-03-07 02:33:11] Goosey: lol
[2025-03-07 02:33:23] -[HELLO]-Crash: XT OC
[2025-03-07 02:33:29] BlinkofanEye: for what tho?
[2025-03-07 02:33:41] -[HELLO]-Crash: for pretty pictures
[2025-03-07 02:33:49] BlinkofanEye: what game?
[2025-03-07 02:34:24] -[HELLO]-Crash: processing ur nude selfies
[2025-03-07 02:34:36] BlinkofanEye: jiggabits
[2025-03-07 02:34:37] BlinkofanEye: for fomo?
[2025-03-07 02:35:04] -[HELLO]-Crash: when im not here
[2025-03-07 02:35:05] -[HELLO]-Crash: i play others
[2025-03-07 02:35:07] BlinkofanEye: well congrats i get
[2025-03-07 02:35:09] BlinkofanEye: what you play
[2025-03-07 02:35:11] BlinkofanEye: i guess*
[2025-03-07 02:35:43] BlinkofanEye: lol ns
[2025-03-07 02:35:46] Goosey: ta
[2025-03-07 02:35:53] BlinkofanEye: what cpu you have crash
[2025-03-07 02:35:59] -[HELLO]-Crash: X3d
[2025-03-07 02:36:03] BlinkofanEye: which
[2025-03-07 02:36:05] BlinkofanEye: 7800?
[2025-03-07 02:36:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: ryz 7
[2025-03-07 02:36:24] DEATH: howdy!
[2025-03-07 02:36:53] BlinkofanEye: fack
[2025-03-07 02:36:59] BlinkofanEye: u should try squad crash
[2025-03-07 02:37:05] BlinkofanEye: ur computer could run it well
[2025-03-07 02:37:18] Goosey: hey kil
[2025-03-07 02:37:21] Kilgore: hi
[2025-03-07 02:37:42] Goosey: cyclone coming to brisbane tonght
[2025-03-07 02:37:44] T-Bar: hey
[2025-03-07 02:37:45] -[HELLO]-JESTER: hey roadie
[2025-03-07 02:37:51] BlinkofanEye: im gonna do a round of squad tonight
[2025-03-07 02:38:21] wildcard: max aimbots
[2025-03-07 02:38:29] HookDump: hard sucker camper wildcard
[2025-03-07 02:38:43] BlinkofanEye: cya later guys
[2025-03-07 02:38:47] RustyOG: see ya
[2025-03-07 02:38:52] RustyOG: havea good night
[2025-03-07 02:38:57] wAGS: aaaaaaaaaaaa
[2025-03-07 02:39:03] Brettanomyces: FFS SOMEONE KILL CRASHY!!
[2025-03-07 02:39:03] -[HELLO]-Crash: soz
[2025-03-07 02:39:10] HookDump: didnt enuf this
[2025-03-07 02:39:22] RustyOG: !Nextmap
[2025-03-07 02:39:26] wAGS: next person to grab flag get to the boats
[2025-03-07 02:40:14] Highway Man: YO
[2025-03-07 02:41:17] HookDump: xDDDDDDDDDDDD
[2025-03-07 02:41:20] Highway Man: YES!
[2025-03-07 02:42:38] Goosey: lol
[2025-03-07 02:42:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SRY
[2025-03-07 02:42:41] Kilgore: ha np
[2025-03-07 02:43:02] Goosey: he deserved it jester;)
[2025-03-07 02:43:23] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-03-07 02:43:43] wAGS: machona wth
[2025-03-07 02:44:52] wildcard: crash are you an admin anymore?
[2025-03-07 02:44:59] _Roadie : NO
[2025-03-07 02:45:10] _Roadie : (hehe)
[2025-03-07 02:45:25] wildcard: is madmax an admin?
[2025-03-07 02:45:49] -[HELLO]-Crash: damn tree
[2025-03-07 02:46:46] Highway Man: YES!
[2025-03-07 02:47:33] _Roadie : Jester!
[2025-03-07 02:47:38] -[HELLO]-JESTER: YEA
[2025-03-07 02:49:00] T-Bar: ha
[2025-03-07 02:50:26] Goosey: hehe
[2025-03-07 02:50:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: ASS
[2025-03-07 02:50:54] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh yeah
[2025-03-07 02:52:44] Goosey: oof
[2025-03-07 02:52:54] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THIS IS BULL, SHIT
[2025-03-07 02:53:02] Goosey: LoL
[2025-03-07 02:53:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-03-07 02:53:23] _Roadie : I don't think we need the Chute spawns....
[2025-03-07 02:53:24] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THIS MAD MAX PHUCKER
[2025-03-07 02:53:25] -[HELLO]-Crash: jeste !lang
[2025-03-07 02:53:41] Highway Man: they make for skeet shooting kind of....
[2025-03-07 02:54:35] Goosey: oops
[2025-03-07 02:54:44] _Roadie : yeah for sure...
[2025-03-07 02:54:45] _Roadie : yeah for sure...
[2025-03-07 02:54:50] -[HELLO]-Crash: 2fer!
[2025-03-07 02:54:50] Baguette Magique: damnnn
[2025-03-07 02:55:04] -[HELLO]-Crash: 9070 XT OC vibes
[2025-03-07 02:56:17] Goosey: hey Raven!
[2025-03-07 02:56:32] Snoot Boot: hey :D
[2025-03-07 02:56:37] Highway Man: awww crap
[2025-03-07 02:56:40] -[HELLO]-N|ght-wo|f: lol
[2025-03-07 02:56:50] Baguette Magique: ns
[2025-03-07 02:57:06] Goosey: ta
[2025-03-07 02:57:11] HookDump: fukn laggin
[2025-03-07 02:57:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: THIS MAD MAX PHUCKER IS 1 SHOT 1 KILL
[2025-03-07 02:57:26] HookDump: lmao
[2025-03-07 02:57:36] Highway Man: he hasnt faced me yet :P
[2025-03-07 02:57:38] HookDump: u too jester
[2025-03-07 02:57:39] Goosey: no thats 1sk
[2025-03-07 02:58:40] Baguette Magique: gay
[2025-03-07 02:58:40] Goosey: ns
[2025-03-07 02:58:41] Highway Man: GOTCHA
[2025-03-07 02:58:52] HookDump: thx
[2025-03-07 02:59:26] Highway Man: doofus
[2025-03-07 02:59:33] Goosey: gg

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