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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - el_alamein - 2025-03-07 03:30:02 Chatlog
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[2025-03-07 03:30:55] Hellraz0r: oh yay the vote maps is back
[2025-03-07 03:31:03] -[HELLO]-Crash: it never went lol
[2025-03-07 03:31:08] -[HELLO]-Crash: i think u need re install
[2025-03-07 03:31:10] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-03-07 03:31:16] Hellraz0r: well it did for many people
[2025-03-07 03:31:21] -[HELLO]-Crash: 2
[2025-03-07 03:32:21] Tohsdaehmoob: team moob is gonna win this one
[2025-03-07 03:32:33] Hellraz0r: go check hanger lads
[2025-03-07 03:32:35] Tohsdaehmoob: mark my moob words
[2025-03-07 03:32:44] RustyOG: ns
[2025-03-07 03:32:46] Goosey: ta
[2025-03-07 03:33:03] Goosey: thats moobtastic
[2025-03-07 03:33:19] Goosey: wd
[2025-03-07 03:33:21] Peeper: gj
[2025-03-07 03:33:24] GOONiE: :)
[2025-03-07 03:34:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: aw jester
[2025-03-07 03:34:30] Ragnarok: Hi
[2025-03-07 03:34:33] Goosey: hey
[2025-03-07 03:34:37] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HEY RAG
[2025-03-07 03:34:38] HookDump: sry
[2025-03-07 03:35:04] Goosey: lol hell
[2025-03-07 03:35:06] T-Bar: np
[2025-03-07 03:35:16] Peeper: im in their sa
[2025-03-07 03:35:20] Hellraz0r: hehhe
[2025-03-07 03:36:34] -[HELLO]-Crash: aw
[2025-03-07 03:36:37] -[HELLO]-Crash: peekaboo
[2025-03-07 03:37:18] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NOPE
[2025-03-07 03:38:05] Snoot Boot: ns
[2025-03-07 03:38:10] HookDump: thx
[2025-03-07 03:39:02] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah Rusty!
[2025-03-07 03:39:13] RustyOG: ?
[2025-03-07 03:39:19] Tohsdaehmoob: i said OYEAH
[2025-03-07 03:39:51] RustyOG: you scared to go for the flag?
[2025-03-07 03:39:57] -[HELLO]-Koldie: n1
[2025-03-07 03:40:00] Goosey: ta
[2025-03-07 03:40:07] Tohsdaehmoob: i like killing you more than flags
[2025-03-07 03:40:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: u kill flags now?
[2025-03-07 03:40:49] RustyOG: i mean this is ctf not tdm so killing me wont help your team
[2025-03-07 03:41:05] Hellraz0r: ah ok
[2025-03-07 03:41:11] Peeper: lol
[2025-03-07 03:41:19] -[HELLO]-JESTER: HOW THE PHUCK?
[2025-03-07 03:41:21] Goosey: soz
[2025-03-07 03:42:41] Snoot Boot: lol
[2025-03-07 03:42:46] Snoot Boot: thought i was done for
[2025-03-07 03:42:48] HookDump: idk how i die
[2025-03-07 03:43:03] HookDump: ground wasnt even close
[2025-03-07 03:43:06] -[HELLO]-JESTER: PAINFULLY I HOPE
[2025-03-07 03:43:26] Goosey: lol jester
[2025-03-07 03:43:27] HookDump: ahahahahah noob
[2025-03-07 03:43:41] HookDump: ahaaha he stacked
[2025-03-07 03:43:44] HookDump: moob
[2025-03-07 03:44:27] Tohsdaehmoob: OYEAH CRAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[2025-03-07 03:44:30] Goosey: knife dat moob!
[2025-03-07 03:44:31] Peeper: GUTTED
[2025-03-07 03:44:38] -[HELLO]-Crash: u were saying
[2025-03-07 03:45:03] Goosey: bad rusty!
[2025-03-07 03:45:20] -[HELLO]-Crash: TOHS in hangar again
[2025-03-07 03:45:21] Tohsdaehmoob: Hoyeah CRASSSSSSSSSH
[2025-03-07 03:45:25] RustyOG: lol
[2025-03-07 03:45:28] -[HELLO]-Crash: poking ur corpse
[2025-03-07 03:46:09] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-03-07 03:46:26] |F|NIMITZ: we should bring a tank down here for moob
[2025-03-07 03:46:38] _Roadie : What did I miss?
[2025-03-07 03:46:48] -[HELLO]-Crash: me buying a new gpu
[2025-03-07 03:46:59] _Roadie : hehe -- cool!!!
[2025-03-07 03:47:15] -[HELLO]-Crash: yeah
[2025-03-07 03:47:29] -[HELLO]-JESTER: WHAT YOU GET
[2025-03-07 03:47:33] Goosey: moob free hangar
[2025-03-07 03:47:37] |F|NIMITZ: finally upgarde from the n6600gt?
[2025-03-07 03:47:47] -[HELLO]-Crash: i got a 2060 oc now
[2025-03-07 03:47:55] -[HELLO]-Crash: i bought a RX 9070 XT OC
[2025-03-07 03:47:59] _Roadie : Geforce4 4600ti
[2025-03-07 03:48:03] sanchez: IS THIS server giving you connection problems
[2025-03-07 03:48:04] |F|NIMITZ: cool
[2025-03-07 03:48:10] |F|NIMITZ: bo
[2025-03-07 03:48:12] |F|NIMITZ: no
[2025-03-07 03:48:57] -[HELLO]-JESTER: COOL
[2025-03-07 03:49:05] Goosey: lol
[2025-03-07 03:49:05] -[HELLO]-Koldie: hahaha
[2025-03-07 03:50:02] Tohsdaehmoob: GOOOOSe
[2025-03-07 03:50:05] Goosey: :D
[2025-03-07 03:50:06] -[HELLO]-Koldie: n1
[2025-03-07 03:50:09] Peeper: ty
[2025-03-07 03:50:22] |F|NIMITZ: had to wait a year for EVGA 3060ti
[2025-03-07 03:50:32] |F|NIMITZ: maybe 2 years
[2025-03-07 03:50:46] -[HELLO]-Crash: why
[2025-03-07 03:51:05] |F|NIMITZ: none available
[2025-03-07 03:51:17] |F|NIMITZ: back during covid
[2025-03-07 03:51:55] -[HELLO]-Crash: oh right
[2025-03-07 03:51:58] |F|NIMITZ: i'll upgrade when it dies
[2025-03-07 03:52:02] Goosey: lol mooby
[2025-03-07 03:52:11] Tohsdaehmoob: damned smokestacks
[2025-03-07 03:52:12] |F|NIMITZ: 15 years from now
[2025-03-07 03:52:16] -[HELLO]-Crash: Tihs
[2025-03-07 03:52:18] -[HELLO]-Crash: TOHS
[2025-03-07 03:52:24] Tohsdaehmoob: yo
[2025-03-07 03:52:32] -[HELLO]-Crash: i need to tell ur someting important ASAP
[2025-03-07 03:52:42] -[HELLO]-Crash: watch out for those smoke stacks
[2025-03-07 03:52:45] Tohsdaehmoob: ok
[2025-03-07 03:52:49] |F|NIMITZ: LOL
[2025-03-07 03:53:06] Tohsdaehmoob: who's next?
[2025-03-07 03:53:10] Snoot Boot: you
[2025-03-07 03:53:16] Peeper: lol
[2025-03-07 03:53:23] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Heey Moon
[2025-03-07 03:53:29] RustyOG: ... lol
[2025-03-07 03:53:29] Goosey: lol sanchez
[2025-03-07 03:53:34] sanchez: sorry
[2025-03-07 03:53:36] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY RAZOR
[2025-03-07 03:53:42] T-Bar: mine
[2025-03-07 03:53:42] Hellraz0r: all good
[2025-03-07 03:53:51] sanchez: kso u drop bomb on our main
[2025-03-07 03:54:25] -[HELLO]-Koldie: Enemy Banana located
[2025-03-07 03:55:09] Peeper: ROFL
[2025-03-07 03:55:09] -[HELLO]-JESTER: SORRY AGAIN
[2025-03-07 03:55:10] Hellraz0r: LOL np again my bad
[2025-03-07 03:55:16] Peeper: TY JESTER
[2025-03-07 03:55:19] Hellraz0r: LOL
[2025-03-07 03:55:30] -[HELLO]-Crash: rude?
[2025-03-07 03:55:33] Hellraz0r: a tad
[2025-03-07 03:56:14] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-03-07 03:56:35] AnarchoCapitalist: en my plane
[2025-03-07 03:56:36] sanchez: fu jester
[2025-03-07 03:56:40] sanchez: lol
[2025-03-07 03:56:46] AnarchoCapitalist: stolen my plane
[2025-03-07 03:56:52] -[HELLO]-JESTER: LOL
[2025-03-07 03:57:02] Goosey: oof
[2025-03-07 03:57:05] DEATH: lol
[2025-03-07 03:57:06] -[HELLO]-Crash: lol
[2025-03-07 03:57:08] sanchez: luky i WAS OUT OF MISSILS
[2025-03-07 03:57:18] Goosey: inf?
[2025-03-07 03:57:50] Peeper: our a10 enemy
[2025-03-07 03:57:54] _Roadie : shot over my shoulder - woot
[2025-03-07 03:58:06] -[HELLO]-Koldie: brb
[2025-03-07 03:59:57] -[HELLO]-Crash: wow
[2025-03-07 03:59:58] Peeper: sorry
[2025-03-07 04:00:27] -[HELLO]-Crash: gg
[2025-03-07 04:00:28] Goosey: gg
[2025-03-07 04:00:30] Snoot Boot: OUR SA3
[2025-03-07 04:00:30] Hellraz0r: gg
[2025-03-07 04:00:32] -[HELLO]-Crash: !nextmap

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