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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_twin_rivers - 2025-03-08 04:51:02 Chatlog
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[2025-03-08 04:51:45] -[HELLO]-JESTER: IM OUT GUYS
[2025-03-08 04:51:50] -[HELLO]-JESTER: NITE ALL
[2025-03-08 04:51:50] RustyOG: night
[2025-03-08 04:51:51] Snoot Boot: refill timeeee
[2025-03-08 04:51:53] _Roadie : Nite Jes
[2025-03-08 04:51:54] Capt_Jack: NITE
[2025-03-08 04:52:35] Graizer: hi all
[2025-03-08 04:52:38] Graizer: LAHEY
[2025-03-08 04:52:40] Graizer: kilgore
[2025-03-08 04:52:42] Jim Lahey: howdy
[2025-03-08 04:52:47] Graizer: biggggg yugely congregation on the voice chat
[2025-03-08 04:52:55] Graizer: I drove for 90 mins to be here tonight
[2025-03-08 04:52:58] Graizer: YOU WILL GET ON VC JIM
[2025-03-08 04:53:02] Graizer: kilgore requested too *
[2025-03-08 04:53:05] HookDump: okay its shit map
[2025-03-08 04:53:07] Graizer: there are chugs - cheers all
[2025-03-08 04:53:09] Jim Lahey: ok
[2025-03-08 04:53:10] HookDump: thing go to bed
[2025-03-08 04:53:11] Graizer: heya madmax!
[2025-03-08 04:53:11] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Im muted cuz im close to puking LOL
[2025-03-08 04:53:15] Jim Lahey: standby
[2025-03-08 04:53:19] Graizer: np whores
[2025-03-08 04:53:20] Jim Lahey: lol
[2025-03-08 04:53:22] HookDump: hey hey grazier
[2025-03-08 04:53:28] HookDump: chuggin soon?
[2025-03-08 04:53:33] Graizer: bless your many messages this week they kept me going
[2025-03-08 04:53:34] Graizer: during the grind :)
[2025-03-08 04:53:46] HookDump: bb all guys
[2025-03-08 04:53:50] HookDump: bed time coz shit map
[2025-03-08 04:53:54] HookDump: ggs
[2025-03-08 04:53:55] Graizer: jim lahey for president of the server
[2025-03-08 04:53:56] RustyOG: night
[2025-03-08 04:54:00] Graizer: we can rotate it :)
[2025-03-08 04:54:10] Graizer: night those who are leaving; sorry I worked too much
[2025-03-08 04:54:10] Kilgore: brb
[2025-03-08 04:54:24] Snoot Boot: where is VC?
[2025-03-08 04:54:29] Snoot Boot: discord?
[2025-03-08 04:54:50] Graizer: helllo bleeetzkreeg may i ask you a horney kwestion?
[2025-03-08 04:56:01] _Roadie : take off DENIED
[2025-03-08 04:56:24] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOL forklift
[2025-03-08 04:56:35] Snoot Boot: lol
[2025-03-08 04:56:48] Snoot Boot: not certified
[2025-03-08 04:57:02] _Roadie : !nextmap
[2025-03-08 04:57:15] _Roadie : what map next Gang?
[2025-03-08 04:57:18] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOL
[2025-03-08 04:57:39] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Turn Skolly UP in volume hahahahahahahaha
[2025-03-08 04:57:51] Big Chunguz: skoal is dumb
[2025-03-08 04:58:03] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: hahahahahahaha
[2025-03-08 04:58:12] RustyOG: !Nextmap
[2025-03-08 04:58:24] Big Chunguz: \m/
[2025-03-08 04:58:32] _Roadie : Which map next Gang?
[2025-03-08 05:00:01] Graizer: coming to visit
[2025-03-08 05:01:02] Deadly Squirrel: co-pilot panicked and bailed
[2025-03-08 05:01:14] Capt_Jack: ary
[2025-03-08 05:01:20] TreeHouse: np
[2025-03-08 05:01:31] RustyOG: i was due for that 1101011
[2025-03-08 05:01:44] CPAV: hahahw
[2025-03-08 05:01:59] Deadly Squirrel: nice shot
[2025-03-08 05:02:23] General Skoal: dammit max.
[2025-03-08 05:02:25] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: :D
[2025-03-08 05:02:42] _Roadie : fine Backup - thx
[2025-03-08 05:03:08] Big Chunguz: lol >.<
[2025-03-08 05:03:27] Snoot Boot: lol
[2025-03-08 05:03:34] Snoot Boot: 9
[2025-03-08 05:03:40] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Weird topic....
[2025-03-08 05:04:19] RustyOG: lol\
[2025-03-08 05:04:21] Big Chunguz: *#^&#^&#$
[2025-03-08 05:04:26] _Roadie : :)
[2025-03-08 05:06:24] Deadly Squirrel: that wasn't part of the tour
[2025-03-08 05:07:58] Big Chunguz: O YEAH
[2025-03-08 05:08:25] Big Chunguz: sheeeeeeeeeeit
[2025-03-08 05:08:25] Jim Lahey: fak
[2025-03-08 05:08:36] Deadly Squirrel: i was only there to see the boat for sale...dont shoot
[2025-03-08 05:08:49] _Roadie : it sold already
[2025-03-08 05:08:50] RustyOG: okay we wont shoot
[2025-03-08 05:09:15] RustyOG: just have somegood aged bourbon for us not to shoot
[2025-03-08 05:09:44] RustyOG: !nextmap
[2025-03-08 05:09:52] Deadly Squirrel: lol blitz
[2025-03-08 05:09:55] CPAV: sry
[2025-03-08 05:09:59] Deadly Squirrel: dude wtf?
[2025-03-08 05:10:02] Snoot Boot: hes getting a ride..
[2025-03-08 05:10:08] CPAV: ii made fudge :(
[2025-03-08 05:10:17] _Roadie : what map desired next gang????
[2025-03-08 05:10:20] Graizer: geology rules
[2025-03-08 05:10:39] Graizer: we drilled a hole to 75 feet; put bentonite chips to 10 feet
[2025-03-08 05:10:39] Jim Lahey: playin with minerals
[2025-03-08 05:10:44] Graizer: about that (65 feet)
[2025-03-08 05:10:53] Graizer: sampled intentionally in a SANDY zone
[2025-03-08 05:10:59] Graizer: so that I could put water into SAND
[2025-03-08 05:11:00] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Guarantee Blitz just flipped his computer desk hahahahaha
[2025-03-08 05:11:05] Graizer: my job was measure how much water
[2025-03-08 05:11:06] Deadly Squirrel: i misse it
[2025-03-08 05:11:07] Snoot Boot: \
[2025-03-08 05:11:12] Graizer: blitz anger is bs tonight
[2025-03-08 05:11:21] Graizer: noticed in the car somethings going on with blitz
[2025-03-08 05:11:32] Graizer: everyone in bar n grill needs to increase friendliness by 600$
[2025-03-08 05:11:32] Graizer: %
[2025-03-08 05:11:33] Snoot Boot: gay thoughts
[2025-03-08 05:11:40] Graizer: Raven are you having gay thoughts sir?
[2025-03-08 05:11:47] Snoot Boot: well now i am
[2025-03-08 05:11:49] Graizer: come back and go by the name rinjob pls
[2025-03-08 05:11:56] Graizer: we're missing #OurRinjobs
[2025-03-08 05:12:06] Deadly Squirrel: now look at ya
[2025-03-08 05:12:09] Snoot Boot: bridge
[2025-03-08 05:12:10] Jim Lahey: everyone group hug
[2025-03-08 05:12:30] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOL
[2025-03-08 05:12:40] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Everyone group switchblade fight
[2025-03-08 05:12:45] _Roadie : sry
[2025-03-08 05:13:29] jerkymeat: sorry
[2025-03-08 05:13:30] _Roadie : ?????
[2025-03-08 05:13:34] Capt_Jack: np
[2025-03-08 05:13:36] _Roadie : what did I do?
[2025-03-08 05:13:43] jerkymeat: i flew above you
[2025-03-08 05:13:48] _Roadie : oh
[2025-03-08 05:13:51] Melanin Blackson: ah my fave African map, the TWIN NIGGAHS.... i mean river
[2025-03-08 05:14:04] Graizer: ns jack
[2025-03-08 05:14:05] B L I T Z K R I E G: hahahha Gayvarez
[2025-03-08 05:14:09] Graizer: so close
[2025-03-08 05:14:18] _Roadie : WHAT MAP DO YOU ALL WANT NEXT???
[2025-03-08 05:14:18] Melanin Blackson: XD
[2025-03-08 05:14:27] Graizer: today, we are all the enslaved.
[2025-03-08 05:14:35] Melanin Blackson: hahahah ffs GRAIZ
[2025-03-08 05:14:37] Graizer: let us stand with our fists full of chugs in the air
[2025-03-08 05:14:41] Melanin Blackson: ok im sorry pls forgive me 60%
[2025-03-08 05:14:47] Graizer: get to vc party now
[2025-03-08 05:14:48] Graizer: 18 ppl in here
[2025-03-08 05:14:52] Melanin Blackson: ok
[2025-03-08 05:15:00] Big Chunguz: roadie is such a faggot
[2025-03-08 05:15:04] Graizer: ask blitz if he likes you / let him judge you / then an invite
[2025-03-08 05:15:04] Graizer: all DC welcome
[2025-03-08 05:15:12] Big Chunguz: sup Mel
[2025-03-08 05:15:27] Melanin Blackson: sup chungus
[2025-03-08 05:15:34] _Roadie : Hey Chunguz?
[2025-03-08 05:16:12] Snoot Boot: no excessive gay thoughts
[2025-03-08 05:16:24] _Roadie : hey CHUNGZ???
[2025-03-08 05:16:37] Deadly Squirrel: remember the movie porklips now?
[2025-03-08 05:16:38] Melanin Blackson: muted btw but i fck with this vc
[2025-03-08 05:16:59] Graizer: kffs
[2025-03-08 05:17:06] Graizer: why you muted?
[2025-03-08 05:17:15] Graizer: what happened to bc?
[2025-03-08 05:17:18] Melanin Blackson: very loud lawn mower gutting crass
[2025-03-08 05:17:19] Graizer: kicked for what
[2025-03-08 05:17:21] Snoot Boot: sorry
[2025-03-08 05:17:22] Graizer: lol k
[2025-03-08 05:17:24] _Roadie : Raven, Why fly map do you want?
[2025-03-08 05:17:26] Melanin Blackson: grass*
[2025-03-08 05:17:32] Big Chunguz: bruh
[2025-03-08 05:17:34] Graizer: just wanna say CHUG my negroooooo
[2025-03-08 05:17:38] Melanin Blackson: XDD
[2025-03-08 05:17:40] Melanin Blackson: fck yea
[2025-03-08 05:17:50] Snoot Boot: im too drunk to fly
[2025-03-08 05:17:53] Goosey: hi plucKers!
[2025-03-08 05:17:55] Snoot Boot: whatever is next is cool
[2025-03-08 05:18:00] Deadly Squirrel: NAS... i din't thinak any of us have played it before
[2025-03-08 05:18:03] Graizer: goosey vc!
[2025-03-08 05:18:05] _Roadie : Name call the admin, and you're Gone Chungz... dumbass.
[2025-03-08 05:18:06] Snoot Boot: hey Goosey
[2025-03-08 05:18:08] Goosey: :D
[2025-03-08 05:18:11] Graizer: lets go buddy bar n grill
[2025-03-08 05:18:12] Kilgore: hi
[2025-03-08 05:18:14] Graizer: 9 ppl here
[2025-03-08 05:18:17] Goosey: lol wow
[2025-03-08 05:18:22] Graizer: jerkymeat you got discord?
[2025-03-08 05:18:31] Graizer: all u gonna get in here
[2025-03-08 05:18:36] Graizer: if u get discord get on lets go
[2025-03-08 05:18:39] Goosey: next mao
[2025-03-08 05:18:41] Goosey: map
[2025-03-08 05:18:43] Graizer: understod
[2025-03-08 05:18:45] Melanin Blackson: mao zi dong
[2025-03-08 05:18:46] Graizer: 3 mins to Goose
[2025-03-08 05:18:48] Snoot Boot: tempting
[2025-03-08 05:18:59] _Roadie : you understand that Chungz or does it pass thru your head
[2025-03-08 05:19:15] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: WHat are you talking about?
[2025-03-08 05:19:32] Deadly Squirrel: nooooooooooo
[2025-03-08 05:19:38] Big Chunguz: it happens
[2025-03-08 05:19:41] Deadly Squirrel: osrry
[2025-03-08 05:19:45] B L I T Z K R I E G: max faggot camper
[2025-03-08 05:19:46] Big Chunguz: I forgive
[2025-03-08 05:19:47] Jim Lahey: thats the way she goes
[2025-03-08 05:19:51] Snoot Boot: pluckaaaa
[2025-03-08 05:19:52] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Yessir
[2025-03-08 05:19:54] Goosey: heh
[2025-03-08 05:19:56] Deadly Squirrel: no brain fart i assumed
[2025-03-08 05:20:02] Deadly Squirrel: srry
[2025-03-08 05:20:04] Jim Lahey: fak
[2025-03-08 05:20:11] Melanin Blackson: BLITZKRIEG has dog chowmein for dinner
[2025-03-08 05:20:21] Jim Lahey: loooooooooool
[2025-03-08 05:20:31] Deadly Squirrel: i "would" have been the hero if u had been on OTHER team
[2025-03-08 05:20:32] Big Chunguz: sry goose
[2025-03-08 05:20:43] Goosey: all good, trying to slice on landing;)
[2025-03-08 05:21:11] Deadly Squirrel: np
[2025-03-08 05:21:11] Melanin Blackson: sry
[2025-03-08 05:21:32] Jim Lahey: fak
[2025-03-08 05:21:39] Deadly Squirrel: :45
[2025-03-08 05:21:43] Jim Lahey: !nextmap
[2025-03-08 05:21:48] Deadly Squirrel: !nextmap
[2025-03-08 05:21:50] Goosey: lol bl
[2025-03-08 05:22:08] TreeHouse: hi goosey
[2025-03-08 05:22:08] Capt_Jack: wwgg gnite
[2025-03-08 05:22:31] Goosey: hy mate

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