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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - dc_urban_siege - 2025-03-09 05:14:01 Chatlog
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[2025-03-09 05:14:53] CPAV: kilgore vc
[2025-03-09 05:14:53] Snoot Boot: crack open the fresh baileys!
[2025-03-09 05:14:59] Graizer: kilgore vc
[2025-03-09 05:15:01] Graizer: tohs vc
[2025-03-09 05:15:05] _Roadie : lol
[2025-03-09 05:15:08] Graizer: goosey log back in and vc
[2025-03-09 05:15:12] Graizer: roadie vc
[2025-03-09 05:15:15] _Roadie : Kahlua Mudslides
[2025-03-09 05:15:25] CPAV: SOUNDS LIKE DIARRHEA
[2025-03-09 05:15:44] _Roadie : nah, real good
[2025-03-09 05:15:50] CPAV: hehehhe
[2025-03-09 05:15:53] Graizer: maybe one day
[2025-03-09 05:15:58] Graizer: we
[2025-03-09 05:16:03] CPAV: its like dessert that gets you drunk
[2025-03-09 05:16:04] Graizer: 'are the brotherhood of the sane
[2025-03-09 05:16:05] Graizer: or BOTS
[2025-03-09 05:16:14] Snoot Boot: srry
[2025-03-09 05:16:19] _Roadie : with the damn Kahlua
[2025-03-09 05:16:24] CPAV: looool
[2025-03-09 05:16:25] Graizer: loooool
[2025-03-09 05:16:31] CPAV: u drinkin roadie?
[2025-03-09 05:16:36] Snoot Boot: gs mac
[2025-03-09 05:16:38] _Roadie : nah,
[2025-03-09 05:16:44] CPAV: awwww
[2025-03-09 05:16:52] Highway Man: brain damaged LOL xD
[2025-03-09 05:16:55] Graizer: maybe one day
[2025-03-09 05:16:56] Graizer: :)
[2025-03-09 05:17:02] CPAV: brain damage is a lush
[2025-03-09 05:17:07] CPAV: :)
[2025-03-09 05:17:11] Maconha: SRY
[2025-03-09 05:17:15] Kilgore: np
[2025-03-09 05:18:00] Highway Man: im just waiting to be killed by the 5 year old.
[2025-03-09 05:18:03] Highway Man: its bound to happen
[2025-03-09 05:18:08] Kilgore: its homo airlines
[2025-03-09 05:18:23] Sgt. Schultz: "little bastard shot me in the ass"
[2025-03-09 05:18:24] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah!
[2025-03-09 05:18:28] Highway Man: LOL
[2025-03-09 05:18:36] Big Chunguz: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit
[2025-03-09 05:18:42] Tohsdaehmoob: nice blazin' saddles reference
[2025-03-09 05:18:48] |F|Trench Toast: play chess.....screw
[2025-03-09 05:19:05] Deadly Squirrel: this is what it feels like
[2025-03-09 05:19:13] |F|NIMITZ: lets play chess
[2025-03-09 05:19:15] Snoot Boot: lol
[2025-03-09 05:19:17] Deadly Squirrel: to freefall from mars
[2025-03-09 05:19:22] Tohsdaehmoob: nice war games reference
[2025-03-09 05:19:31] Sgt. Schultz: the sherrif is near
[2025-03-09 05:19:36] Sgt. Schultz: sheriff*
[2025-03-09 05:19:37] Highway Man: aww chit
[2025-03-09 05:19:41] Highway Man: LMAO schultz
[2025-03-09 05:19:44] |F|NIMITZ: howard johnson is right
[2025-03-09 05:19:47] Jim Lahey: sry
[2025-03-09 05:19:48] Deadly Squirrel: what dang blang it?
[2025-03-09 05:19:50] Sgt. Schultz: ns
[2025-03-09 05:19:51] Tohsdaehmoob: lol
[2025-03-09 05:19:53] Sgt. Schultz: np
[2025-03-09 05:20:13] Deadly Squirrel: that there was authentic western gibberish
[2025-03-09 05:20:38] Snoot Boot: sorry
[2025-03-09 05:20:44] Deadly Squirrel: np
[2025-03-09 05:20:52] Highway Man: pretty sure i just burned up on re-entry
[2025-03-09 05:21:10] Sgt. Schultz: that's what hse said
[2025-03-09 05:21:12] Sgt. Schultz: she*
[2025-03-09 05:21:24] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-03-09 05:21:47] Highway Man: chungarze
[2025-03-09 05:22:29] |F|NIMITZ: want some more beans mr taggert?
[2025-03-09 05:22:54] Highway Man: think i just passed the voyager
[2025-03-09 05:23:02] Player: adjust azimuth sweep angle, sweep elevation scan.
[2025-03-09 05:23:47] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-03-09 05:23:56] Deadly Squirrel: im busting a gut laughing... i just passed a poor soul who
[2025-03-09 05:23:57] Highway Man: you dip chit
[2025-03-09 05:24:02] _Brain Damage_: shit z
[2025-03-09 05:24:04] Highway Man: LOL
[2025-03-09 05:24:05] _Brain Damage_: sorry dude
[2025-03-09 05:24:08] Deadly Squirrel: opened his parachute waaaay too early
[2025-03-09 05:25:01] Highway Man: pretty sure i went back to the future from falling
[2025-03-09 05:25:09] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: :D
[2025-03-09 05:25:17] Tohsdaehmoob: nice job dildo
[2025-03-09 05:25:17] AnarchoCapitalist: sorry
[2025-03-09 05:25:27] Highway Man: ive been falling for 1 minute
[2025-03-09 05:25:42] Sgt. Schultz: did you find uranus?
[2025-03-09 05:25:43] Player: Nice kill. I see lots of little pieces down there
[2025-03-09 05:25:53] Highway Man: just saturn so far
[2025-03-09 05:26:05] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-03-09 05:26:40] Player: Crew, do not fire on the buildings i repeat do not fire on the
[2025-03-09 05:26:42] Melanin Blackson: fck u max and ur high altitude chopper
[2025-03-09 05:26:44] Player: buildings. Could be civilians in there
[2025-03-09 05:26:50] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah
[2025-03-09 05:27:00] Graizer: bs
[2025-03-09 05:27:04] Graizer: max = good pilot
[2025-03-09 05:27:08] Graizer: he is my fren
[2025-03-09 05:27:10] Highway Man: go up and tell him
[2025-03-09 05:27:10] Graizer: frenemy :)
[2025-03-09 05:27:11] Player: Roadie down
[2025-03-09 05:27:17] Graizer: best chew toy / jew toy
[2025-03-09 05:27:23] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: <3
[2025-03-09 05:27:27] Melanin Blackson: been falling for fcking 5 minutes fcking stupid max nigga
[2025-03-09 05:27:35] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LMFAO
[2025-03-09 05:27:39] CPAV: rofl mel
[2025-03-09 05:27:42] Kilgore: shhika
[2025-03-09 05:27:52] Tohsdaehmoob: too much melanin
[2025-03-09 05:27:53] Highway Man: LOL
[2025-03-09 05:27:54] Melanin Blackson: XD
[2025-03-09 05:27:57] _Roadie : Just learning how the chute works???
[2025-03-09 05:28:01] Graizer: little way to the ground
[2025-03-09 05:28:04] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOL!
[2025-03-09 05:28:06] Melanin Blackson: ok tohs u call me darkie all the time
[2025-03-09 05:28:10] Melanin Blackson: and thats more offensive
[2025-03-09 05:28:16] Highway Man: LMAO
[2025-03-09 05:28:23] Melanin Blackson: tohsgaefag
[2025-03-09 05:28:23] Player: phaggot down
[2025-03-09 05:28:23] CPAV: rofl mel
[2025-03-09 05:28:37] _Brain Damage_: !nextmap
[2025-03-09 05:29:26] Jim Lahey: niggas
[2025-03-09 05:29:30] Melanin Blackson: haha
[2025-03-09 05:29:33] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: niggas
[2025-03-09 05:29:51] Melanin Blackson: reporting all of u to liberal police
[2025-03-09 05:29:52] Jim Lahey: negros
[2025-03-09 05:29:52] Highway Man: is the sheriff coming?
[2025-03-09 05:29:57] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOL
[2025-03-09 05:30:03] Deadly Squirrel: i need a calendar and not a watch to time this freefall
[2025-03-09 05:30:08] Jim Lahey: well fak
[2025-03-09 05:30:21] Highway Man: im past 1 minutes free fall
[2025-03-09 05:30:27] Player: LOL highway man
[2025-03-09 05:30:39] Kilgore: stinger the chopper when you jump out
[2025-03-09 05:30:45] Kilgore: commit suicide and do it again
[2025-03-09 05:30:55] Deadly Squirrel: i believe i can flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[2025-03-09 05:30:56] Jim Lahey: so youve been getting high on the drugs?
[2025-03-09 05:31:07] Highway Man: 2 minute free fall
[2025-03-09 05:31:15] Jim Lahey: IM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[2025-03-09 05:31:18] Highway Man: no ground in sight
[2025-03-09 05:31:20] Jim Lahey: FREEE FALLING
[2025-03-09 05:31:21] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: LOLOLOLOL
[2025-03-09 05:31:24] Melanin Blackson: sorry everyone for racist comments
[2025-03-09 05:31:24] Kilgore: commit suicide then stinger when jump out
[2025-03-09 05:31:32] Graizer: maps are beautiful, skies are deep
[2025-03-09 05:31:34] Graizer: pretty cool
[2025-03-09 05:31:34] Highway Man: im fine with it
[2025-03-09 05:31:39] CPAV: melanin is super black
[2025-03-09 05:31:44] Graizer: nice up here in the clouds
[2025-03-09 05:31:47] Melanin Blackson: hhahaha fck u
[2025-03-09 05:31:51] Melanin Blackson: lol
[2025-03-09 05:32:00] Highway Man: whor3s is on cloud 18
[2025-03-09 05:32:09] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: ^
[2025-03-09 05:32:24] Tohsdaehmoob: oyeah biatchboy
[2025-03-09 05:32:30] Melanin Blackson: Tohs
[2025-03-09 05:32:33] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Awww, you fcker. ruining my fun
[2025-03-09 05:32:34] Highway Man: where'd our heli go?
[2025-03-09 05:32:43] Melanin Blackson: i love you bro
[2025-03-09 05:32:43] _Roadie : really
[2025-03-09 05:32:48] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: hahahahahahha
[2025-03-09 05:33:41] |F|NIMITZ: BOOYA BITCHTARD
[2025-03-09 05:33:43] Capt_Jack: gf
[2025-03-09 05:33:45] Highway Man: i bet i could shoot an rpg and pass it up
[2025-03-09 05:33:51] CPAV: yhahahhaha nimitz
[2025-03-09 05:34:11] Graizer: hey
[2025-03-09 05:34:15] Graizer: im in cockpit max
[2025-03-09 05:34:23] Jim Lahey: you should sit on an rpg
[2025-03-09 05:34:33] Graizer: hang with you for a while. like an inflight beverage?
[2025-03-09 05:34:36] Graizer: i can make u a sammich
[2025-03-09 05:35:22] baki: !nextmap
[2025-03-09 05:35:27] Melanin Blackson: guys we need to fight harder like how we fight innocen civilian
[2025-03-09 05:36:10] Melanin Blackson: ]sry
[2025-03-09 05:36:21] Jim Lahey: where are the innocent civillians to kill
[2025-03-09 05:36:44] Player: iraq 2003 roleplay
[2025-03-09 05:36:45] Jim Lahey: I yearn to commit war crimes
[2025-03-09 05:36:54] Melanin Blackson: they need to add ISIS map so we can go with the time
[2025-03-09 05:37:07] |F|NIMITZ: this is desert storm
[2025-03-09 05:37:12] |F|NIMITZ: '91
[2025-03-09 05:37:21] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: you can burn people to death in Wolfenstein
[2025-03-09 05:37:30] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: civilians
[2025-03-09 05:37:31] Deadly Squirrel: crushed a squirrels dream..... :(
[2025-03-09 05:37:49] Jim Lahey: YER MOOSTACHE IS IN VIOLATION
[2025-03-09 05:37:50] Tohsdaehmoob: OYEAh
[2025-03-09 05:38:05] Jim Lahey: PO LICE THAT MOOS TASH
[2025-03-09 05:39:21] Kilgore: gg
[2025-03-09 05:39:21] Tohsdaehmoob: SHULTZY
[2025-03-09 05:39:30] Sgt. Schultz: :O

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