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Statistics HelloClan Ranking -[HELLO]- Desert Combat - liberation_of_caen - 2025-03-09 06:31:01 Chatlog
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[2025-03-09 06:33:30] B L I T Z K R I E G: Melanin jacks off to pics of his own ass
[2025-03-09 06:34:06] Melanin Blackson: BLITZKRIEG checks out his own ass in the mirror
[2025-03-09 06:34:32] CPAV: HE HAS TO MAKE sure you didnt hurt him back there
[2025-03-09 06:34:43] Melanin Blackson: Haha
[2025-03-09 06:35:59] rob: sry
[2025-03-09 06:36:52] B L I T Z K R I E G: wow rob what a phag
[2025-03-09 06:36:57] B L I T Z K R I E G: i hate land miners
[2025-03-09 06:36:58] Melanin Blackson: XD
[2025-03-09 06:37:18] sanchez: space miners are worst
[2025-03-09 06:37:28] rob: me too
[2025-03-09 06:37:58] Melanin Blackson: gj rob
[2025-03-09 06:38:04] Graizer: jim lahey still in voice?
[2025-03-09 06:38:09] Graizer: last beer in the house spotted
[2025-03-09 06:38:17] Graizer: hi
[2025-03-09 06:38:47] Big Chunguz: oof n1
[2025-03-09 06:41:53] rob: sry vul
[2025-03-09 06:41:57] Melanin Blackson: rob ur fcking landmines blocked us 3 flags
[2025-03-09 06:42:12] rob: ok, i see
[2025-03-09 06:42:14] Melanin Blackson: ok
[2025-03-09 06:42:18] Melanin Blackson: sorry but damn
[2025-03-09 06:42:36] rob: ok, no more
[2025-03-09 06:42:53] Melanin Blackson: no its ok just put it where enemy wont ee
[2025-03-09 06:43:04] rob: that was an old one
[2025-03-09 06:43:28] rob: ok
[2025-03-09 06:44:08] Vulkan: sorry
[2025-03-09 06:44:12] rob: ))
[2025-03-09 06:44:13] sanchez: give this nigas a flag
[2025-03-09 06:44:18] CPAV: loool
[2025-03-09 06:45:31] Big Chunguz: sorry
[2025-03-09 06:45:34] sanchez: lololol
[2025-03-09 06:45:44] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Filthy sanchez?
[2025-03-09 06:46:06] sanchez: whay hate me brothert
[2025-03-09 06:47:37] sanchez: die jussef
[2025-03-09 06:47:56] _Brain Damage_: salam aleykum abu sancho happy ramadan
[2025-03-09 06:47:57] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: B1tch ass Americans gurgling on their own blood. Stfu pu$$y
[2025-03-09 06:48:09] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Stupid ass death sound
[2025-03-09 06:48:29] Melanin Blackson: FC
[2025-03-09 06:48:30] Melanin Blackson: XD
[2025-03-09 06:49:42] Graizer: blitz u no hold still for brwojob
[2025-03-09 06:49:43] Graizer: ffs
[2025-03-09 06:50:06] Graizer: blitz war hungry
[2025-03-09 06:50:08] Graizer: stop for bj pls
[2025-03-09 06:50:20] Melanin Blackson: make peace with bj
[2025-03-09 06:50:29] Graizer: blitz unblowable
[2025-03-09 06:50:31] Graizer: :(*
[2025-03-09 06:50:38] Graizer: blue balls B L I T Z
[2025-03-09 06:50:54] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Yall driving me nuts with your cock, and circumsision shit.
[2025-03-09 06:50:55] Graizer: melanin go rooftops E2
[2025-03-09 06:51:04] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Had to take my meds to calm down hahahaha
[2025-03-09 06:51:06] Graizer: ik who cares
[2025-03-09 06:51:11] Graizer: no nam3
[2025-03-09 06:51:14] Graizer: np*
[2025-03-09 06:51:18] B L I T Z K R I E G: LMAO WH0RES
[2025-03-09 06:51:18] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: ^
[2025-03-09 06:51:19] Graizer: np nam3*
[2025-03-09 06:51:30] Graizer: thanks for not basing your life around phallus
[2025-03-09 06:51:34] _Brain Damage_: srry
[2025-03-09 06:51:44] Graizer: you a good frenemy
[2025-03-09 06:51:46] Graizer: chew toy ;)
[2025-03-09 06:52:32] Big Chunguz: nice Brain
[2025-03-09 06:54:22] _Brain Damage_: do u wear your both rolex
[2025-03-09 06:54:56] sanchez: I lost it last time I fisted Blackson
[2025-03-09 06:55:16] Melanin Blackson: ur gae bro
[2025-03-09 06:55:31] Melanin Blackson: Sanvhez its ok its 2025
[2025-03-09 06:56:07] Th3 WH0R3S W1tH n0 Nam3: Which fingers are less stinky. Picks ear with lesser of 2 evils
[2025-03-09 06:56:21] sanchez: I am Eritrean it is 3030 in our CalendaR
[2025-03-09 06:56:42] Melanin Blackson: lol blitz

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