Our Legends

Even before the time of HelloClan (the offical name) there were people all over that were in contact with eachother. What started as a foundation, was eventually built into what HelloClan is today. Here are some honorable mentions to past leaders, committed players and those that had an impact on us as a community. Re-built from our old site's list, this Legends page is the oldest to the newest entry.


Also known as: HELLO
The HelloClan founder.

Jelmer & Menno Prevoo

Also known as: Tankboy & GroundControl
Both Jelmer & Menno are among the earliest HelloClan members.

Joonathan-Emmanuel D'Amato Dugas

Also known as: RyanCooper
Retired old-school BFV member.


The leader of the <<[XxX]>>Clan, a clan that has been around since BFV was released. Jackhammer was the owner of <<[XxX]>>Mission Possible. The foundation for Hello members.

Jake Ridgley

Also known as: Jack O'Neil
Ex -[HELLO]-Sniper Leader, also one of the earliest members.


Oldschool [Sexy] Member. also joined -[HELLO]- for a short period of time.
Also joined -[HELLO]- for a short period of time.


Oldschool Bfv player.
Is known for [TBMG] & FR.

Komosa / Solitaire Wolf

A old «[XxX]»Legend, which was later promoted to being the «[XxX]»Leader.
He was greatly involved with -[HELLO]-.


A oldschool bfv player.

Albin Sällström

Also known as: Battle29, RazerBoy, Brazil Chacara.

Gerry Michael

Also known as: «ßÔß»FLÔWERPÔWER CL
An old school BFV player, trusted -[HELLO]- admin and friend to many. Gerry had sadly passed away on August 4th 2014. He had made his mark in BFV and his memory will always remain with us. May you be at peace Gerry.


Also known as: IceSkater
The -[HELLO]- Clan-leader for years. Shaun has put so much time and effort into HelloClan to keep it alive and to help it grow that nothing said here will do him justice. He was always around to help those that needed it.

Victor Granath

Also known as: MR HELLO, Jackpot
One of the earliest HelloClan members.

Sezar Altonchi

Also known as: Foxyeywing
One of the earliest HelloClan members. Retired from being the BFV Pilot Leader.

Travis Palmer

Also known as: Travco
Retired old-school BFV Pilot Leader.

Angus Copland

Also known as: Freshblood
Has been in BoB Clan as well as HelloClan.

Sebastian Laitinen

Also known as: Purplehaze
Retired BFV Sniper Leader, he was also one of our earliest bfv members.

Alexander Haje

Also known as: JamesRayn
A real oldschool BFV player, was a member of STB and SAS Clan.


Showtek was the littlebrother of Komosa, Aka: Solitaire Wolf.
He was a member of -[HELLO]-Clan for quite some time before he left.

Sebbe Gustafson

Also known as: B-Pack, Littlewing
Ex-Hello Member, a real oldschool bfv player.


Oldschool Competative bfv player.


Oldschool Competative bfv player.


Also known as: Cosmo / Cosmic Heeler
A committed BFV player on our server, as well as other's I'm sure. He was a good person at heart and you could always count on him to murder you in-game. Jerry sadly passed away on the 12/5/2016.

=KGC= Barfly

Also known as: That irritating fly on the wall!
Owned and ran by Barfly, through =KGC= and -[HELLO]-, BFV kept it's player base during the games most gruelling trials. Barfly is a good friend to -[HELLO]- and has always been an awesome person to play the game with..