We're here with some news regarding our events, hosted servers & satellite games!
First & foremost, Battlefield Vietnam
This game...what can I say? It just keeps on pressing on! No matter how low things get for it, it just keeps on going and I don't have any better way to say it!
We've just completed an event for it, the aim of which was to try and fill our server up - just as we did back in 2021 where we managed 64/64 players! Unfortunately since we did perform a server move and not everyone updated their server lists, we didn't quite match our previous goal but we still had 56 players on at a point!
In our opinion though, it was a resounding success. Not only did our new server(s) perform well but we also managed to find some of our old players!
Thank you to everyone that was able to make it! Long live Battlefield Vietnam!

As we always said, we will be here for Battlefield Vietnam until it's day's are truly done! At this rate, that still isn't anytime soon!
Next up, Battlefield 1942
We're still going full steam ahead with establishing ourselves in the long standing (and very active) BF1942 community. We've made several friends along the way to help us grow and as a result our name is now respected among the community.
As a result of BangBangOw's hard work, coupled with our active 1942 staff, our Desert Combat server is starting to see regular numbers again (they hit a dip with our move unfortunately).
On that note, checkout our latest event for it >>

Checkout the full details by clicking here.
Following up, Apex Legends
One of our long standing satellite games, it needs a little bit of love. For our FPS shooter fans out there, we still have an active club in-game!
As I type this, a new season is literally on the horizon! Checkout the trailer for it and if you're keen on joining us for the new season, head over to our discord and grab the Apex Legends role!
Did I mention that Apex Legends is actually free to play? Yes there is a season pass, but you don't have to pay anything to try it out and continue enjoying it as a freebie!
Apex Legends: Resurrection launches in:
The new season is live!
Lastly, Halo Infinite (mulitplayer)
I think this poor game has had so much backlash, but it's coming right slowly but surely! As I type, the latest season is already in motion (released 20th June).
Similar to Apex, Halo's online multiplayer is free to play as well! You don't need to buy anything to get going and enjoy the fun of being a spartan!
To close off...
We are always open to suggestions of new games to try out and likewise we implore our community to be involved with our discussions over on our forum!
Thank you to all of our members, we really appreciate all the support that has been shown and we look forward to the future!