After IceSkater and HTN have put hours and days into bringing everything back again, I'm glad to inform you that this process is finished for now. As you might see, we have a complete new design and a new structure. But step by step...

9th February 2023:
We experienced an outage, what we thought would be a simple fix. Oh boy were we in for a surprise. Because we hosted everything on the same machine, our website & gameservers were down all together.
10th February 2023:
We believed we were hacked, but we had contradicting statements. The host was not much help. By this stage, we were honestly panicking for our players sakes. With the host still not providing any clear answers as to why our machine was not starting, the owner of HelloClan & IceSkater discussed alternative options and set them in motion.
11th February 2023 (@05:30 GMT+2):
After much work, we cleared a VDS machine for our game servers alone. IceSkater set this up whilst deprived of sleep and pushed out a notice that our new Battlefield Vietnam server was live. Unfortunately it suffered from crashing which was fixed later.
11th February 2023 (@13:16 GMT+2):
With further work invested, IceSkater later pushed out the notice that our new Battlefield 1942 - Desert Combat server was live as well. Coupled with the return of our Discord bots that monitor game chat and our new gametracker server listings.
12th February 2023:
We had at least a temporary website, which contained the new IP's for our Battlefield 1942 and BFV gameservers. We backed up all of our data to ensure, we have no data loss.
15th February 2023:
We received an response of the support of our old server-host - after DAYS! Thank god we made the right decision to move to a new host.
22th February 2023:
After days of managing all the files, IceSkater started to design the new website. We were on track!
23th February 2023:
HTN imported all of our topics and threads of our old forum to the new one! Including all user-profiles.
26th February 2023:
IceSkater finished with the new design for now. On the same time, HTN could include the stats onto the new server. Everthing is ready, must and will be improved during the next weeks.
It may take some getting used to, but I promise that things are going to be much better and smoother from now on! Our game servers and website are now separate so we won't just disappear entirely anytime soon! Also we have support for the next YEARS. So hopefully, there won't be another big outage.
I truly appreciate all the patience that has been displayed with the teething issues and to all our loyal players, I appreciate each and every single one of you for sticking it out with us! Special thanks to IceSkater and HTN for bringing everything back up in very short time.
Because of the move, our servers have new IP addresses! For those that
are using the patched executables, you need only hit "Update" in your
game server browsers! If you don't have the patched execs, you can grab
them here on our new site under Files & Support!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask one of our Clan- Leaders (IceSkater, BangBangOW, HeiligWahrheit). They are here to help you.
Thank you once again for your patience and see you on the battlefield!
Important links
BF1942 Gametracker: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Our new forum: https://www.helloclan.eu/forum/
BFV stats: https://www.helloclan.eu/bfv/stats/
BF1942 stats: https://www.helloclan.eu/bf1942/stats/
Files, Guides and rules: https://www.helloclan.eu/files-guides/
Report a player (BFV): https://www.helloclan.eu/forum/form.php?formid=1
Report a player (BF1942): https://www.helloclan.eu/forum/form.php?formid=2
And now... let's bring the gaming back up again!
Your -[HELLO]-Clan Leadership